MORNING ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 1913. nsaf ional Sale COME TO OUR STORE because they have learned we do not try to get all we can out of seasonable staples. We aim for a short price, a short profit, and thereby shorten the the stay of any piece of goods in our store. So Wise Shoppers trade with us, for they know we move our goods fast, which always means new goods, low prices. Men's Dress Shirts 20 dozen Men's Light and Dark Colored Percale Dress Shirts made to wear with white collar, neat serviceable patterns, fast colors and perfect fitting J all sizes . ... . JJj This Coupon 3 " j' 1 1 HI rut Out SI ffTT Stamps Given with Each ONE DOLLAR PURCHASE NOT GOOD AFTER H TTTNF. 14th' $mk w here Do Yon Buy Your Shoe Leather? Are you perfectly satisfied with the fit, style and price? We have the best shoes on earth this is not a secret for most everybody knows it; we even put it into the papers and it sounds so good and rings so true that we tell it to every customer who wants the best for her money. We do not sell shoes that are made for bargain tables, but we sell a grade of shoes that are made for their wearing qualities that have the reputation of the mak er and the store back of them. We fit Men, Ladies, Misses and Children at popular prices. Try one pair, you will become a steady customer. HALLMARK JHlR.Ti You've a certain sense of sat isfaction when you're getting into a HALLMARK Shirt. You know you're going to look and feel well. At the prices : $1.00, $1.50 and upward HALLMARK SHIRTS represent better value in Quality, Styles, Fit and Wearability than any shirts ever before. To see them is to buy. I Z I p? fM1 p""- S3 'Ot. "4. " 1 " 1 V .Av;, -5 ' 3 v i Puritan Undermuslins 'TPHE dainty laces and embroid eries on our Puritan Under muslins are more beautiful and durable than you have ever before seen on undermuslins at so low a price. The high types of laces and embroideries are characteristic of the thorough goodness of Puritan Undermuslins in every way. In every branch of merchandise there is one great line that is recognized everywhere as the standard for high quality Puritan stands for that line in undermuslins. If ,5. -T 3 Hi -f LITTLE i Ms s ss NOTIONS Darning Cotton 45 yard spool 1c Common Pins the package 1c Hair Pins Reg. 10c Pkg. 4c Brass Safety Pins all sizes, package 2c Large Hair Nets with elastic 2c Canvas Gloves for the garden 5c iris he esses tor ose Show Regular $1.50 and $2.00 Dresses c Every 'littleTgirl' in. Clackamas County will have the opportunity to be well dressed for Rose Festival at a very little cost. We have filled on one of our large aisle tables an al most endless assort ment of white and col ored one and two piece dresses that are the top notch word in style and make, over 50 doz, dresses in this immense lot and every, wanted style and size is here, in many cases the price asked is less than cost of material all styles 95c 10 d OZeil BRASSIERES all sizes, perfect fitting, at each .... . . . AOKj- 10 dozen teic" !!?; over NIGHT GOWNS in plain or embroidered yokes on CCp sale at .... . . OJt dAj dozen DRAWERS in the new tight knee knicker bocker style, regular 65c A'Xr quality . . . . . . T:5vy Embroideries and Laces Wide flouncing and ruff lings in cambric and nainsook ma terials, blind and op en work designs, regular 19c and 25c embroideries 1 A for the yard IvL VAL LACES A vast assortment of dainty VAL LACES, thousands of yards of regular 5c qualities, yard f Trade lSuk Double your satisfaction in your shoes get the exact style you want and have it absolutely comfortable The closer fit, the smart lines, the wonderful comfort, make the Red Cross Shoe the most satisfactory shoe you can buy. Women everywhere are wearing it. Come in and try on this new model ' . . Its short ' vamp will make your foot look trimmer, neater, smaller. High'Shos $4, $4.50 and $5. Oxfords $3.50 and $4. mm !M&m5i3M The H BRESSWMDff' Copyright 1909, C. E, Zimmerman-Co. 22 ome iUressmaicer will find in our store all the goods down to a bit of stay tape or a patent button hole, and no matter whether your pur chase be large or small our clerks are here to give you every possible advantage of their knowledge and assistance. In FACT they are here to SERVE YOU RATHER THAN SELL YOU IT WILL PAY YOU Well to Choose ? Shoes Now Lowest level prices on the newest summer boots, pumps and oxfords. White Nubucks' Velvet Suedes' White Canvas New Russets Patent and Colts Dull Gunmetals An Endless Assortment at the -pair $3.52 PRICES GOOD June 7 to June 14 0 ity's Busiest Stor PRICES GOOD ONLY June 7 to June 14