4 MORNING ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JUNE 6. 1913. Entire Dress Stock at MARVELOUS REDUCTIONS .Over 200 of the seasons latest and best style dresses divided into three immense lots and marked at prices that you cannot possibly ONE HUNDRED WOMEN'S TAILORED SUITS TO BE CLOSED OUT AT EXTRAORDINARY REDUCTIONS Our Stock of ready-made wear is remarkably free from "old timers." You feel safe in choosing here, knowingiull well, the styles are new and selected with care, We are going to dispose of 100 suits the next 7 days. ALL ALTERATIONS FREE and done by Mr. Wm. McLarty, Oregon City's best tailor. We sell stylish suits at less than Portland Prices. Lot 1 Women's $1500 and $16.50 Suits Late Spring Styles Fancy mixtures in plain tailored and Norfolk effects. Plain serges all satin lined and made in the stylish length coats and plain skirts. THE PARTING PRICE, Any Suit, $10 Double Green Stamps on all suit purchases. Lot 2 $25.00 Suits at A truly sensational and unprecedented offering. 50 very handsome suits taken from regular stock that include some of the most distinctive models shown for 1913 season. Original prices $22.50 to $27.50. ALL ON SALE DURING THIS MC EfA GREAT EVENT AT, THE SUIT $l0.0U tor J WOOL DRESSES $10.00 and $11.50 Dresses go at $5.45 BECOMING AND WONDERFULLY ATTRAC TIVE one-piece dresses in French and English serges and wool eponge in a variety of novelty effects, made in the newest snappy styles and suitable for house n J rj and outdoor wear, your unrestricted choice at J) .40 $3.95 LOT 2 LINEN DRESSES Ratine and Linen Crash Dresses, $7.50 values at For vacation days these will surely appeal to every wo man who views them. They are the last word in de sign and worth just double this price, collars are trimmed with silk and fancy buttons, skirts are trimmed to match the waists. All colors and sizes at 3.95 LOT 3 WASH DRESSES Consists of 100 fresh and dainty wash dresses, new ar rivals now 'shown for the first time. All made with the high waist line, high or low collars with half or three quarter sleeves. Neat patterns in dark and light colors, regular and $Z.Z5 dresses on sale at 1.25 Kiddies Rompers 9c Play Suits for little tots well made of ginghams and chambrays. Practical garments that solve the "wash-day" problem. All sizes to 6 years on sale during the next 7 days at each .... . . 1 9c VP Royal Worcester Corsets 1 QJ )RCESTFJ) K-KUSIABu ; " We are sole agents for this popular brand and are meeting with universal success in their sale. We feature 6 styles in the best $1.50 models of Royal Worcester, a design for every figure, and a new pair for every pair proving unsatisfactory. All styles and sizes on special sale at . . " ' . . . . $ t NEW BALKAN BLOUSES Balkan, Middy and Norfolk designs in heavy Galatea blouses navy, copen and scarlet trimmed. The styles are absolutely the latest, colors are fast. Every size in the big lot go on sale at each . . $ 1 .09 Children's Black Sateen Bloomers . 35c Practical little undergarments for summer play days; all sizes from 4 to 14 years, well made of excellent quality materials. The regular selling price is 50c each. As a special we offer all sizes at . ... 35c Kayser's "Wonderfoot" Stockings Sold in leading Portland Stores at $1.50 Pair, on Sale Kayser's celebrated silk hosiery on sale at a hitherto unheard-of price. ; The extra heavy all-silk stocking that Portland stores feature at $1.50 a pair; black and white only. All sizes on sale, pair . . 89c NEW BULGARIAN WAISTS . 95c 50 dozen of the season's very best desigus in lingerie waists; fine lawns and mulls, that sell regularly at $1.50 and $1.75 each, plain trimmed styles and some with the popular vari-colored Bulgarian trims. Every size on sale at . . . V 95c Curtains and Draperies Lace Curtains 50c Pair 50 pair of plain white or ecru Notting ham lace curtains in neat designs, good widths and 2 yards long; regular price 98c a pair." For Bargain Days, any style, 50c Pr. Reg. 25c Curtain Scrims 15c Yd. Plain colors or fancy flowered and con ventional designs in white or cream grounds, full widths and a big variety of handsome patterns at . . 1 c Yd. Here's an Unusual Sale of Dolls $1.50 to $2.75 Dolls Go at 75 C Each Unusual is the word. An traastf at time of the year to have a Doll Sale and .equally un usual prices attached. A German manufac turer's sample line of dressed dolls that will sell from $2.00 to $3.00 each around the holidays. BUT ONE OF A KIND AT EAH - 75c GIRLS' SUMMER HATS . 25c New shapes in straw braids, and chip styles, alll sizes and styles, over 20 styles to choose from, two entire factory sample lines, and values that range from 50c to 85c. Any hat in the great lot . ... . 25c DOMESTICS Bed Sheets 37c Twenty doz. 72x90 bleached bed sheets, good quality muslin, free from starch, a well-made sheet at cost of material. Regular price 50c. On sale at . ... . . . 37c ASole BonTbn Agents CjCORSETSP MAIL ORDERS FILLED Subject to stock on hand only. If we substitute an article that proves unsatisfactory you are at liberty to return it. I - . Large Huck Towels 8c Generous sized bleached Huck towels with plain or colored borders, good weights that sell regularly at 12c each. WASH GOODS First Quality Dress Ginghams 10c yd. The celebrated "Red Seal" Dress Ginghams in all colors and patterns, stripes, checks and plain cloths, a score of patterns to choose from, the Yard Qc Kindergarten Cloth at 18c Yd. Kindergarten Cloth is impervious to sun and suds, the most practical iabric made for boys suits and childrens dresses. A hand some range of patterns in light and dark colors. 50 dozen on sale at Each 8c JXJUSTO REDUCING .CORSETS 18c yard r 9 EGON CITY'S BUSIEST STORE Garden Hats for Men and Women IGc JAPANESE GARDEN HATS of fine oriental straw, light as a feather and an ideal sun pro tection during the hot summer days. Pick 'em out, as many as you wish . . . Qc Fancy Wash Fabrics A new shipment of the popular "Plisse" materials, cotton crepe effects in white, pink, blue and lavender, ideal hot weather fabrics, easily washed and never ironed. We have all colors . . 1 9c Yd. SILK MARQUISETTES, RATINES r ft A AND ENGLISH VOILES AT III. Shrewd shoppers who observe inform us that our line of wash goods excel anything ever shown in this town. We have gath ered a big assortment of 75c and 85c wash materials for the big sale days reduced to the Yard ... . . . 5Qc Sole OOYAJL Ants fWORCESTER Agents XcORSETS MAIL ORDERS FILLED Subject to stock on hand only. If we substitute an article that proves unsatisfactory you are at liberty to return it V J