Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, May 23, 1913, Image 4

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Mesdames H. V. Adix and Anna
Morton visited friends in Portland
A. E. Sparks was on the sick list
last week. He has been having con
siderable trouble with the finger he
cut with an axe eome time ago, while
chopping kindling wood.
W. Givins spent the latter part of
last week up in the mountains, fish
ing and hunting.
A. Demoy very creditably occupied
the pulpit at the Christian church
Sunday evening, in the absence of the
pastor, W. Givins.
Mr. and Mrs. J. McCurdy entertain
ed the duplicate whist club Monday
evening. After the usual number of
games, a most delicious lunch was
served and a general good time was
Dr. Adix went to Portland Saturday
afternoon, returning Sunday accom
panied by Mrs. Adix, who went to the
ity early Saturday morning.
The local lodge of Odd Fellows are
to have a banquet Saturday night.
Mrs. W. R. Reed, Mrs. A. E. Sparks
and Mrs. Reech visited friends at
Watson last Thursday, the two form
er returning the same day. Mrs.
Reech went on to Oregon City and
from there will go to her home in
Fort Dodge, Iowa.
The Civic Improvement Club of this
place held their regular meeting at
the town hall Wednesday afternoon.
The committees on the entertainment
reported and all business pertaining
to that entertainment was settled.
The various committees on Clean-up
day also reported and new commit
tees were appointed to carry out the
same. It was decided to have anoth
er entertainment to raise money to
improve the streets, and the various
committees were appointed. This en
tertainment will be given by all home
people about the first week in June.
Plans were again discussed for -thn
Fourth of July celebration, which this
society will undoubtedly have in
charge. A number were in attend
ance at this meeting and two new
members were enrolled.
J. S. McCurdy and wife have moved
into the home of their son, J. Mc
Curdy, in the east part of town.
. An assault and battery case was
brought before Judge Givens last
Wednesday. One, Fred Mullenberger,
plead guilty and was fine $10 and
costs. The asault was made upon
Chester Rice Tuesday evening.
Contractor Lindsey commenced
work on the Bartlett residence last
Miss Eunice Richards, of Portland,
was the guest of Miss Rachel Reed
a couple of days the latter part of
last week.
Commencement exercises of the Es
tacada school commenced last Friday
afternoon with a joint literary pro
gram of the Adelphic and Websterian
societies. A number of eighth grade
graduates from the eastern end of
Clackamas county and a number of
parents and friends were in attend
ance. The program was very nicely
carried out. The class day exercises
will be held next Friday night, the
baccalaureate sermon will be preach
ed by Rev. Browne Sunday evening,
May 25th, at the M. E. Church. Tues
day, May 27th, the eighth grade pu
pils will hold their graduating exer
cises and the final commencement ex
ercises will be held May 28.
The Maccabees, of Portland, were
on hand Sunday to play ball, and an
attempt was made to do so, although
the ground was in very bad shape and
it rained most of the time throughout
the game. The Portland boys were
too fast for the Estacada ball tossers,
not allowing the latter to get but
three scores.
A company of soldiers arrived in
Estacada Monday evening and camp
ed for the night, leaving early next
morning for the mountains south to
hunt a location for an artillery range.
There were seventeen men and as
many horses and mules to convey the
men and their tents and supplies.
Miss Mabel Fanning enjoyed a visit
with an uncle from Vancouver last
A family by the name of Dillon, who
recently became inhabitants of Esta
cada, are building a new house on
their ranch in Garfield township and
will move there in a short time.
A new car for J. W. Reed's garage
arrived last week.
A large number of Estacada people
attended a concert at Springwater
Tuesday evening. The evening was
perfeet, th9 crowd jolly and the mu
sic grand.
On account of the rains Saturday
and Sunday, and everything being in
such a bad condition for clean-up day
Mfonday, the work was postponed un
Money Back From Huntley Bros. If
Catarrhal Misery Does Not
" Leave You
Try the sure way. Breathe Booth's
HYOMEI over the sore, germ infect
ed membrane, kill the germs and heal
the sore spots.
Use the little inhaler that comes
with each $1.00 outfit five times
through the day. At night use the
vapor breathing treatment as direct
Booth's HYOMEI does not contain
any harmful drug. It is Australian
Eucalyptus combined with, effective
Listerian antiseptics.
When the bottle of HYOMEI that
comes with your outfit is gone you
can get another for 50 cents. Just
breathe it no stomach dosing.
Are Safe and Reliable.
E" Perfectly Harmless
Tba Ladies'
Purely Vee-
lamei never
PRICE $1.00
Seat postpaid on receipt of
price. Money refunded if not as we
jay. Booklet gent tree.
Vin de Cinchona Co.. Des Moines, iowa
Take adantage of our new Parcel Post
and order a bottle of us today
Beaver Bldg., Oregon City, Ore.
til Tuesday. Prof. Ford with his large
force of school boys and girls had
charge of the affairs and with the as
sistance of nearly everybody in town,
a great improvement was made in
the looks of our little city. The Civ
ic club ladies furnished a most sub
stantial lunch at four o'clock and a
general good time was had. '
Mrs. Ladd, of Portland, is here a
guest at the Adix home.
Jerry Jones and Art Perry joined
the company of foresters Tuesday.
Charlie Linn, who has been working
in a logging camp at Sandy, injured
his knee in some manner and came
home Wednesday for medical atten
tion. - .
Mrs. Elizabeth Evans and son, Mil
ton, were Portland visitors Saturday.
Attorney Devore transacted busi
ness at the county seat Monday.
George Morrow and family, from
Omaha, visited at the A. E. Sparks
home Sunday. Mrs. Morrow is Mr.
Sparks' niece.
Dr. Stiner is improving ms property
on Broadway by the liberal use of
paint. "
Married, in Portland Saturday, M'ay
17, J. A. Tucker and Miss Freda Sag-
ner, both of Estacada.
Owen Smith went to Medford Mon
day to attend Odd Fellows Grand
Lodge, as a delegate from this place.
Mrs. Yonce was the Rebekah delegate.
J. C. Ecker, of Winside, Neb., joined
his family at this place last Satur
day. Mr. Ecker is an old newspaper
man and is hunting a location in tne
west, not for the newspaper business,
however. He is the father of Mrs.
Boyle, of the Estacada Progress.
Tom Morton left on Tuesday to
take a position as fire guard. His du
ties will take him up in the moun
tains forty miles from home.
Mr. and M!rs. Dittebrandt, of Port
land, visited at the home of the lat
ter's sisters, Mrs. Bartlett, a couple
of days last week.
About fifteen young men of the Es
tacada High School were summoned
before the school board last Friday,
on complaint of one of the High
School girls. It seems that the boys
took great delight in "teasing" the
young lady mentioned, much to her
dislike and mortification. One young
man was .expelled but afterwards th-3
Board reconsidered the matter and
allowed him to return to schaol. It
seems that there were others impli
cated and di about as much "teasing"
as the young man expelled. The
whole affair is to be regretted, com
ing as it did just at the close of the
school year.
Another week has been ushered in
by golden sunlight, following days of
heavy rain, but though the weather
is almost an exact reproduction of
what we had a week ago, not so the
great world of vegetation. That has
advanced beyond belief, and can only
be verified by seeing. The grain is
higher and thicker, the apple and
other blossoms have fallen and been
replaced by embryo fruit. The rose
buds have doubled in size and long
rows of vegetables are peeping above
the ground, even the humble spud,
undaunted by the fact that tons of its
predecessors are still lying unsold,
is bravely lifting its dark green leaves
to the sun. But the Oregon ranch
man affords no exception to the max
im. "Hope springs eternal in the hu
man breast," and as many acres of
potatoes are being planted as ever.
Wm. Barth and Cis Grimm are haul
ing timber for the new house, which
Mr. Barth is planning to commence
in the approaching June.
Sol Struhbar has completed the in
ternal arrangement of his new barn
by buying a new automobile. Geo.
Walsh is putting the finishing coat of
paint on the said barn.
Mrs. A. B. Baldwin enjoyed a very
pleasant visit from Mrs. Chris Nofzi
ger and her two little sons on Tues
day afternoon.
The Macksburg Juniors, a good ball
team, averaging in age about fifteen
years, would like to arrange games
with any teams of their own class.
Rufus Kraxberger is manager. Ad
dress, Aurora R. F. D. No. 1, telephone
Canby Mutual.
The Macksburg Beavers defeated
the Eldorado team on the local
grounds Sunday, score 5 to 2. The
game was much closer than is indi
cated by the score, as it was a tie,
2 to 2, from the 2nd to the 9th inning
Sid. Smith was in the box for the
visitors and pitched a fine game, hold
ing the strong batters to five hits.
Billy Reyonlds, for Macksburg, pitch
ed a star game, and also fielded his
position in a sensational manner.
The Macksburg Juniors went to Mr
lalla on Sunday and played a com
posite team of Molalla Blues, Grays
and Stars. The game resulted 8 ti
9 in favor of Molalla. The Macks
burg Stars had "a game scheduled
with Aurora for Sunday but the Au
rora team failed to put in an appear
ance. This is the team that Macks
burg defeated a week ago Sunday, 15
to 13.
The many friends of Marshall
Scramlin will be sorry to learn that
his house was destroyed by fire last
Saturday and that he was unable to
save anything except his base ball
suit that he was wearing at the time.
Andy Gribble is suffering from a
severe abscess on his face.
Mr. and Mrs Sol Struhbar took a
trip to Canby on Monday in their new
Mr. Struhbar brought Mtr. Baldwin
out to his ranch house in his auto on
Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. Cline nas rented his farm to
Mr. Laduke and moved his family to
Mrs. Berkley's mother, of Oak
Grove, is making her an extended vis
it. Miss Rose Spiger has accepted a
position, in the Oregon City Enter
prise bindery.
An automobile, coming from Cor
vallis, had the misfortune to jump in
one of the mud holes in front of Geo.
Lazelle's place and break an axle.
The driver wanted to know what
county this was, he said "You have
good roads."
Mr. Schmeicdeke, of Portland, but
formerly of this place, was a guest
of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Harvey Sun
day. "Walter Bullard lately from the east
is visiting with his sister, Mrs. T.
M. J. Lazelle attended the booster
meeting at Miolalla Tuesday evening
and was one of the prominent speak
ers. L. E. Bentley was called to Mar
quam Wednesday on account of his
mother's death. He has a wide cir
cle of friends here who sympathize
with him in his sad bereavement.
Geo. Lazelle was in Woodburn Sun
day visiting with friends.
Miss Alta Ramsby .and her pupils
cleaned the school yard Tuesday,
which adds much to its appearance.
A delightful surprise was given
Mrs. Thomas Kelland at her home
Saturday afternoon by a number of
her friends. A luncheon of cake and
coffee was served the guests. All went
home declaring that they1 had a very
pleasant time.
C. E. Barber, of Portland, Is spend
ing a few days on his ranch.
Pearl Oldham, of White Salmon, is
visiting at Oscar Grigsby's this week.
C. W. Howard, of Portland, Sun
dayed at Sandy.
Albert Jones, of Pleasant Home,
was in town Saturday.
Casper Junker has given his resi
dence a fresh coat of paint.
Mrs. J. H. Pomeroy has returned
from a visit in Portland.
W. J. Wirtz Sundayed at Gresham.
Ed. Bruns is in Chicago and expects
to return to Sandy in June.
Casper Junker, and Doctor Baren
drick are owners of new automobiles.
The ordinance regarding livestock
running at large in the village is be
ing quite vigorously enforced.
The Sandy Mercantile Co. have put
in a stock of shelf hardware.
The plank roads leading to Sandy
are again in very poor condition.
At the regular semi-weekly meet
ing of the Woman's Club of Sandy,
last Thursday the following officers
were elected for the ensuing club
year, Mrs. Blanche R. Shelby re-elected
President; Mrs. Alica Scales, Vice-'
President; Mrs. Emma Thomas, Sec
retary and Miss Hazel Mitts, Treas
urer. Miss Wanda Hoffman and Miss
Isabel Gray entertained. Mrs. W. H.
Barendrick's sister, Miss Ella Roy,
of Portland was present and sang sev
eral selections. The next, regular
meeting will be held at the home of
Mrs. Earle Bosholm.
Rev. E. M. Smith, of the M. E.
church, preached before a large audi
ence here Sunday, both morning and
evening. His subject in the morning
was taken from Isaiah 40-31. In the
evening it was the third command
ment, Exodus 20-7. Miss Roy was so
loist in the morning.
R. S. Smith, delegate of the Forest
ers of America, of Sandy attended the
convention of tne Grand Court of the
order in Portland Tuesday.
The Sandy school will give an en
tertainment and basket social at the
band hall Saturday evening, May 24.
A special feature will be a three act
farce, entitled, "The Heavenly Twins."
The social is given for the benefit of
the school and the fair that is to be
given here October 3rd and 4th.
Dr. W. H. Barendrick, Casper Junk
er anl A. L. Deaton, havs each pur
chased new automobiles.
Mrs. W. H. Barendrick and little
daughters, Ruth and Grace and Mts.
P. C. Purcell are spending the week
in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Hayes, of Oklahoma,
are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jesse. Mlrs.
Hayes is a niece of Mr. Jesse's. Mr.
Hayes like the climates and country
and declares he will never return to
the East to live. Willis Young, of
Portland, is also visiting his uncle,
Mr. Jesse.
Miss Millie Berguson, of Portland,
was home on a visit Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Veteto have a new
baby at their house. This is one of
Roosevelt's families, this being the
15th child born to Mr. and Mfrs. Ve
teto. Mrs. O. G. Tull went to Portland
Abey Widows sprained his ankle
at school one day last week. Harold
Sage and Elmer Irwin, "got the
whellbarrow Cy" and took him home.
Walter Howe was home from Port
land a couple of days.
Harold Clancy, of Portland, visited
his brother Sunday.
We hear that W. B. Tull will sail
for Europe in September. We wish
we might, go with you, but may you
enjoy the well-earned trip.
Will Nason has accepted a position
in Oregon City, where they will re
side. We are pleased to learn .that
Vera will locate so near us.
The Nazarines have painted their
church, which makes a decided im
provement in the building.
Mrs. VanWinkle "is having her
house painted; which, improves the
looks of the place very much.
J. A. Andrews left Monday for Yam
hill County to look after his interests
in a timber claim.
No more need for the spring poet.
The weather is too nice to spoil it
reading poetry.
Chris Milem has put a cement curb
around his lot in the public cemetery
and otherwise improved the ground.
Others have been doing much towards
improving the silent city.
Mrs. Gage, accompanied by her eld
est daughter, Mrs. Ella Sweek, also
daughter-in-law, Mrs. Henry Gage,
both of Burns, Oregon, arrived home
from a trip to Albany, Corvallis and
Eugene, and while gone attended
State Grange, and spent a very en
joyable week. They report crops up
the valley as looking very backward
and feel the tall grass and waving
grain of old Clackamas far ahead of
any they saw.
John Gage, of St Helens, Oregon,
is visiting at his parents here, while
laid up with an injury to his hand.
Mrs. Nemec, also Mrs. Hohlswath,
of Green Point, was making calls the
forepart of the week. Mrs. Nemec
is enjoying better health than for
some time.
B. F. Weddle is hauling loose tim
othy hay to Oswego.
Road work is steadily going on.
The work being done is principally
rocking and made very permanent.
Gus Gebhardt is having his resi
dence repainted.
Wm. Schatz has been cultivating
and restaking his grapes.
Dick Oldenstadt has about wore his
hogs out, trying to use up his im
mense potato crop.
C. W. Larson has been improving
his door yard by spading and rear
ranging the shrubbery.
Mrs. Walter Mead and her two lit
tle girls, Lucy and Alberta, are vis
iting with Jier parents, Mr. and Mrs
Braker this week.
Roy Gregory and wife, from Port
land, spent Sunday with their par
ents. Miss Stroup is still sick, but is able
to be about the house.
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory gave a party
to the young people Saturday night.
The evening was spent in dancing.
At 12 o'clock supper was served by
Mrs. Gregory.
Mrs. Braker and Mrs. Mfead called
on Mrs. Hugh Jones Friday.
John Githens has a crew of men
working on the new road between
Heiple's and Taylor's. ' .
Edgar Heiple lost a valuable horse
last Tuesday.
Mrs. Hal Gordon and Mabel and
Sarah Roe were the guests of Mrs.
John Githens Tuesday.
Miss Hazel Githens was an Esta
cada visitor Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Morrow, of
Omaha, Nebraska, were visiting rela
tives here. Mrs. Morrow is a sister
of Chas. Sparks. They expect to lo
cate in Portland. -
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Gibson and Ed
ith Chapman were the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. John Githens one day last
A number of people of this neigh
borhood attended the picnic and dance
givenr by the Eagle Grange and re
ported a fine time.
Mr. and Mirs. Chas. Sparks attend
ed a musical entertainment at Spring-
water Tuesday night.
Miss Emma Dowty and George
Douglas were the guests of the form
er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dow
ty Sunday.
William Githens of Canby, was vis
iting his parents last Tuesday.
Hal Gordon and George Devore pur
chased Mr. Butler's interest in the
Clackamas River Sawmillipg Com
pany. Wm. Kaake and, Clyde Havens are
engaged in tearing up the Estacada
Bank B. S. railroad.'
Mrs. H. Barton and son Elgin, have
been visiting in Portland during the
past week. Elgin intends to go to
work in Portland soon.
Roy Nendel spent the week-end
with Roy Baker.
R. W. Graham went to Portland on
A number of delegates from Wilson
ville attended the Reed Conference
.last week, and report a very enjoy-
bl-e and profitable time.
Chas. Epler and son Glenn visited
relatives and friends in our village
last week.
The motor races were postponed un
til next Sunday, and a large crowd
is expected.
Another of the splendid lectures
provided by the Parent-Teachers' As
sociation was given last Friday night,
in the school house.
A showing of oil has caused some
little excitement in the Corral Creek
district this week.
Mrs. H. D. Aden is happy in the
possession of a driving horse.
Wilson ville public school is plan
ning a picnic at the close of school.
Pupils are still waiting to hear from
their 8th grade examinations.
Mrs. Curran, one of the county su
pervisors, was the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. Aubrey Wood, on Saturday and
H. D. Aden and Dora Seely were
delegates to the Epworth League con
vention held at Newberg last week.
Mrs. Thompson and family visited
Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Wood on Sat
urday, and attended the school so
Despite the pouring rain, a large
crowd attended the social given at
Corral Creek school on Saturday eve
ning, Mby 17th. Mrs. Curran, one of
the county s able school supervisors
gave an address on "Light and Venti
lation," and a splendid program was
given by the students of the district,
and friends from Wilsonville and
Hood View. The baskets were auc
tioned off by Ed Baker, one of the trus
tees of the district, and the sum of
$56.65 was realized, which will be
used for the improvement of the
L"- - - : " nr-. :: ..--r.:-r :I3
IVlen's 31 Suits Only & 6.SO
IVfen's SIS Suits Only SIO.SO
Men,s $20 Suits Only 314.30
IVlen's 323 Suits Only 31S.30
Boys' $2.50 Knicker Suits $1.50
Boys' $2.95 Knicker Suits $1.90
Boys' $3.95 Knicker Suits $2.50
Boys' $5.00 Knicker Suits $3.50
All Shoes, Furnishings and Underwear Reduced
Sale at
87-89 Third St.
The Ladies' Aid Society are going
to give an entertainment and ice
cream social at the hall Friday eve
ning, May 23rd. The Marquam band
will furnish the music.
Mrs. M. J. Stockwell is having an
other house built on her property in
town, to be occupied by Mr. and Mrs.
J. C. Marquam.
Mrs. J. H. Boldon received a tele
gram last Friday from Illinois tell
Unqualifiedly the Best
The De Luxe Steel Back
New improved CURVED HINGE
allows the covers to drop back on the desk
without throwing the leaves into a curved
Sizes 8 1-4 to 20 inches
Headquarters for
Loose Leaf Systems
ing the .news of her brother's death.
She left for Portland the same even
ing accompanied by her mothr.
Mr. and Mrs. Weddel left for Illi
nois last week. Mr. Weddel is to
engage in blacksmithing. Mrs. Wed
del has been, assisting her sister.
Miss Bertha Miller in the Marquam
telephone office.
J. Mi Larkins, of Oregoa City," was
visiting his brother, I. D. Larkins,
last Saturday and Sunday.
George Newsome, of Glad Tidings.
Sale at
87-89 Third St.
was in town last Saturday. ' .
better known as the Jordon ranch was !
through here Monday buying cows and 1
stock cattle. ,
C. P. Thomas lost a valuable mare '
last week from the effects- of a snag. t
Frank Erickson and P. A. Marquam
are putting up Mrs. Stockwell's build- ;
ing. -
Mr. Ackerson, . of Dono Marion
County, is spending a few days with
his daughter. Mrs. Hattie Myers.