MORNING ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1913 MORNING ENTERPRISE OREGON CITY, OREGON. E. E. Brodls. Editor and Publisher. "Entered aa second-class matter Jan nary , 1M1, at the past office at Oregon City, Oregan. under the Aet of March S. 179." TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. One Year, by mail 3.09 Six Months, by mail 1.60 Four Manths, by mail 1.00 Per Week, by carrier 10 CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER DISPOSITION. A cheerful, gerval, serene spirit is the source of a'l that is noble and goo. Wha'ever is accomplished of th? greatest and the noblest sort flows from such a sunshiny dispo sition. Petty gloomy, brooding souls, that on'y morn the past and dread the future, are not capable of seizing upon the holiest and grand est moments of life. Schiller. ONE REASON County School Su THEY DONfT perintendent T. J. Gary was asked the other day why school children did not spell better. He said they did that investigations had shown that the youngsters of to day spelled much better than did the lads and lassies of several years ago. This answer not being particularly il luminating as to the line of inquiry that was started, his interrogator framed his query In another way. "Why do the school children of to day spell average, everyday words so miserably?" And to this Mr. Gary made answer that it was because they were taught to spell a large number of words that they would seldom- have occasion to use. The chil dren, he said, were drilled in the spelling of scientific terms, in words that one seldom finds outside of the higher classics, and in "trick words." But such words as "though," "thorough," "through," and a host of simple words that are used in every day life they are not drilled in, and therefor their struggles with them are weird and wonderful to behold. Mr. Gary, naturally, did not care to criticize the state board that outlines the course of study in spelling, and that fixes the lists of words that shall be taught in spelling. It is not his place to do this, perhaps. But it seems it ought to be somebody's place to jar the educational leaders of tie state so that it will be impossible for a boy or girl who is a student at the state university to write such a sen tence as: "It was there duty to get ehe sleeted stock over the counties line." Yet this was written by a uni versity senior recently who was strug gling mightily to express the thought more clearly carried by "It was their duty to get the selected stock over the county's line." There is some thing wrong with a school system that permits boys and girls to attain the age of university schooling, and that teaches them everything under the sun but "the three Rs." The cause for the trouble ought to be lo cated, and the trouble itself ought to be remedied, and remedied at once. A QUESTION Every now and then OF VERACITY something bobs up that casts discredit upon the North west, and when the matter is run down it is found that some too ardent booster has been exaggerating facts, and that some over-keen Easterner has nailed the lie, and has therefor concluded that all news of the North west is of the same calibre. There are two cures for this sort of thing: one is to "tame down" all boosting news so that the Northwest will un derstate its resources, and the other is to tell the East some of the weird yet apparently impossible truths about this section of the country, and to convince them that they are true. Once they learn that the apparently impossible is really true, they will be apt to believe everything. For in- Indians Resent Being Called the "Vanishing Race By Dr. FRANK G. SPECK, Professor of Anthropology at the University of Pennsylvania HE AMERICAN PEOPLE SEEM TO TAKE KEEN DELIGHT IN SENTIMENTALLY BEMOANING THE "POOR INDIAN" AND BEWAILING THE FACT THAT HIS DAYS ARE NUMBERED. THE ENTIRE NATION IS POSSESSED OF THE IDEA THAT THE INDIANS ARE VANISHING, WHEREAS NOTHING COULD BE MORE UNTRUE. Numerically the Indians are increasing each year and are now be ginning to feel their own strength. The only reason why people consider that the Indians are decreas ing in numbers is because they no longer see them in paint and feath ers. Indians are changing their customs, dress and mode of life aa they are BECOMING MOKE AND MORE PERMEATED WITH WHITE CIVILIZATION. Generally speaking, the Indians today all dress as we do. " It would be just as incorrect for the Indians to call us vanishing because we are not attired in the clothes worn fifty or seventy-five years ago. Nowadays one may pass Indians in the streets of our cities every day and never know it. THE INDIANS THEMSELVES GREATLY RESENT BEING CALLED A "VANISHING RACE" AND CONSIDER THE NAME AN AFFRONT TO THEIR NATIONAL STAMINA. HOME A good home, especially in the summer time, makes the whole family happy. If you saw the fine green lawn with roses ready to bloom you would say "This is where I spend my vacation." Only 4 blocks from head of 7th street steps. 5 room modern home, with sleep ing porch. Wood shed; fine garden with onions almost ready to eat. $1259.00, $250.00 cash, balance on 3 years' time or monthly payments. Dillman&Howland stance, if the East was finally con vinced that on the Oregon coast it is possible to break out solid rock from the sea-cliffs and find living shell-fish imbedded in the material as is a fact it might be easier to get them to believe the somewhat less surprising statement that four and sometimes five crops of alfalfa can be harvested in one year from the same field. Or if the East was once definitely made to understand that the velocity of the Nisqually river in Box Canyon was so great that the stream actually "runs up hill" for a part of its way Jo the sea, it might be more simple to get them to believe that salmon leap over waterfalls, and that land is often sold for more than $2,000 an acre, and is worth it. Heart to Heart Talks By JAMES A. EDGERTON KEEP STEP After all. we are soldiers. But we are soldiers of life, not of death. We are soldiers to help each other, not destroy each other to build, not tear down. We are soldiers of peace, not of war. Yet we must fight fight against ig norance, fight against laziness, fight against inefficiency, fight against spe cial interests that put themselves be fore the public weal. The first requisite of soldiers is to keep step. They must learn to march and to march together. Individualism finds its highest ex pression in co-operation. Tramp, tramp, tramp, the boys are marching marching where? To a bet ter civilization. We keep step with others who are going in that direction keep step with progress, keep step with man. We are an army with banners. On these standards are blazoned mottoes: "Efficiency," "Elimination of Waste," "Scientific Farming," "Conservation," "Organized Industry." "Up to date Methods." One man makes a shoe tongue, an other an upper, a third cuts the tops, a fourth the sole, a fifth the heel, an other stitches, and so on till they make a perfect shoe. Each knows his work, goes at full speed and makes no false moves Thus they work in perfect harmony. They keep step. One plays ' the cornet, another the trombone, a third the clarinet, a fourth the violin, another the viol, and still another the drum. Each does his part in perfect time and tune with the oth ers The result is music, and all because they keep step. One gathers the news, another edits, a third writes editorialsa fourth base ball, another solicits advertising, an other looks after the circulation, others run the type setting machines and the presses The output Is the newspaper. The men who make It keep step. It is so all through our life. Each has his special work, his place in the line, but he keeps step with the others. Thus the armies of industry march forward. And- The man who loses step must fall out of the ranks. Nothing helps ones health more than a thoro, cleansing purifying Remedy each Spring. You ought to cleanse your-, stomach and bowels, purify your blood, tone up the sys tem take Hollister's Rocky Moun tain Tea. 35c Tea or Tablets. Jones Drug Co. "BT IBRARIES ARE STRONG IN THE PAST, BUT WEAK IN 1 THE NOW. The library can tell you about emigration from Cain's flight to "the land of Nod on the east of Eden," but can it give Taft's message vetoing the immigration bill because of the literacy clause ? A library can give you all about some things, but can it give you all about everything up to TODAY i Until it does this it cannot affect the publicity movement or serve ammunition to the firing line. I notice a decidedly "literary" tendency among librarians, and a very natural tendency it is. When reference is made in conversation or in public meetings to the business side of life and the" library's rela tion to it some eager friend of culture usually goes through the appro priate incantations, CALLS UP THE GHOST OF THE CLAS SICS and in their name exhorts his fellows not to forget that, after all, the world is MADE GOOD BY DOING GOOD and that the soul is more than bread and butter and that "the light that never was on sea or land" is more important than a good supply at a fair price of electric current. I have no particular objections to this method of justifying one's conservatism, of making still more comfortable one's comfortable ad justment to things as they are. I WILL SAY, HOWEVER, THAT I SHOULD NOT BE VERY SORRY IF I MISSED, IN A DISCUSSION OF A PRESENTATION OF THE UTILITARIAN WORK WHICH AWAITS ALL LIBRARIES, ALLUSIONS TO SPIRITUALITY, VITALITYCULTURE, BREADTH, LITERATURE OF POWER AND OTHER THINGS FAMILIAR TO THOSE WHO DEAL IN FLAPDOODLE. ' Wants, For Sale, Etc Notices tinder these classified headings will be inserted at one cent a word, first Insertion, half a usent additional inser tions. One inch card, $2 per month; half inch card, ( 4 lines), $1 per month. Cash must accompany order unless one has an open account with the paper. No financial responsibility for errors; where errors occur free corrected notice will be printed for patron. Minimum charge 15c. WOOD AND COAL. COAL COAL The famous (King) coal from Utah, free delivery. Telephone your or der to A 56 or Main 14, Oregon City Ice Works, 12th and Main Streets. OREGON CITY WOOD AND FUEL CO , F. M. Blukia. Wood ant eoJ delivered to all parts of ths eity 8AWTNO A SPECIALTY. Pfcon your orders. Pacific 1371, Home B 11 FOR 8ALE FOR SALE Scotch Collie pups. Ad dress R. Keil, New Era, Oregon. FOR SALE Good as new Esty organ. Call E. P. Elliott, 7th and Main St. FOR SALE A Good Bargain For Cash 5-room house and 3 lots, good well, big barn, chicken house en closed with wire netting. City wa ter attached. Call and see this Place; it is sure a goed bargain. 17th and Harrison St., telephone Main 3594. FOR SALE OR RENT 5-room house at Gladstone on county road facing Clackamas river, 2 blocks from Arl ington station; rent $8.00; sale terms on application to Wm. Beard, 1002 Molalla Ave., Oregon City. FOR SALE OR RENT A four-room house at Jenning's Lodge, furnish ed or unfurnished. For terms and price call Black 597 or see E. A. Sanders, Jenning.s Lodge. FOR SALE Double surrey, $65.00, or will trade for good cow. Inquire this office. FOR SALE 6-room bungalow, Dutch kitchen, lights; lot 70x100, drilled well; also adjoining acre. Phone Oak Grove, Red. 754 or B. E. Bruechert, Jenning's Lodge. FOR RENT FOR RENT House in Parkplace, next to Grange hall, near Baby home, would make a fine general store; has fine room on second story, building about 30x50. See E. P. Elliott & Son. FOR RENT Furnished sleeping room for working man; reasonable. Phone Main 24. FOR RENT One 6-room modern cot tage on Taylor street, between 8th and 9th. Apply to George Randall, corner 5th and Jefferson Sts. MISCELLANEOUS TEAMSTER WANTED Telephone Main 2793. - GIRL" WANTED for general house work; good salary. Main 1501. WANTED Honey bees in any kind of stands, will pay $1.90 per stand and call and get them anywhere within 20 miles of Canby. Address M. J. Lee, Canby, Ore. BIDS FOR WOOD Bids will be re ceived hy the trustees of the Elks Loge, No. 1189, for 60 cords of No. 1, sound, first growth fir wood; no objections to rought wood; delivery to be made by August 1st. Address all bids to E. J. NOBLE, secretary. By order of the Board of Trustees. J. F. RISLEY, Chairman. r; Libraries Weak In the Work of the Present By TALCOTT WILLIAMS. Columbia University Professor GOOD STEADY middle-aged man and wife want work on farm at once; lady good cook no children. Ad dress R. R. No. 2, box 170, Oregon City, Oregon. WANTED is men or women to board and room. Apply 1311 Main St., or Telephone Main 1551., WOMAN, aged 38, with girl aged 7, wishes position as housekeeper for batchelor or widower living in the country. Thoroughly respectable and capable. Wages reasonable. Address Mrs. Clara Crawford, care Enterprise. WANTED Convalescent 0r invalid to nurse at my own home; best of care and a good home. Mrs L. Paul, 122 Center St. MONEY TO LOAN WE HAVE $1,000 to loan at 7 per cent interest or first mortgage. E. P. Elliott & Son. THE SPIRELLA CORSET The best made to measure corset, tin equaled for style and comfort, an official guarantee with each corset will be pleased to call and take your measure. Mrs. Adalyn Davis, Corsetiere. Phone 3552, Room 4 Willamette Bldg. NOTICES ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been duly appoint ed administrator of the estate of John Arquette, deceased, and any and all persons having claims against the said estate must pre sent them to the undersigned at Colton, Oregon, duly verified with in six months from the date of this notice. , Dated April 23rd, A. D. 1913. JOSEPH ARQUETTE, Administrator, DIMICK & DIMICK, Attorney for Administrator. ORDINANCE NO. . An Ordinance establishing the grade of Division street, Oregon City, Oregon, from the east line of Mo lalla avenue to the intersection of Ninth and Division streets. Oregon City does ordain as fol lows: Section 1. The grade of Division street Oregon City, Oregon, from the east line of Molalla avenue to the intersection of Ninth and Divi sion streets be and the same here by is established as follows: Commencing at the east side of Molalla avenue on the south ' line of Division street at an elevation of 385.5 feet and on the north ilne of Division street at on elevation of 382.5 feet. Thence on a descending grade east 250 feet at an elevation of 380 , feet ; thence on a descending grade to the west side of Warren street at an elevation of 376 feet; thence on a descending grade to the east side of Warren street at an eleva tion of 375 feet. Thence on a descending grade to the west side of Eluria street at an elevation of 363 feet; thence on a descending grade to the east side of Eluria street at an elevation of 362 feet. Thence on a descending grade to the intersection of Ninth and" Divi sion streets "at an elevation of 347 feet. Read first time and ordered pub lished at a special meeting of the city council held on the 21st day of May, 1913. L. STIPP, Recorder. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the City Council of Ore gon City, Clackamas county, Ore gon, deem it expedient to change the grade of Center street, Oregon City, from the north line of Ninth street to the south line of Tenth street in said city, therefore -Be it Resolved, that the said city ' council intends to change the grade of Center stret, Oregon City from the north line of Ninth street to the south line of Tenth street from its present established grade to the following established grade, to wit: Commencing at the north side of Ninth street on the west line of Center street at an elevation of 214 feet, thence on a descending grade to the south side of Tenth street on the west line of Center street at an elevation of 199.6 feet Commencing again at the north side of 9th street and on the east line of Center street at an eleva tion of 214 feet; thence on a de scending grade to the south side of Tenth street on the east line ot Center street at an elevation of 197.6 feet. Read, adopted and ordered published at a special meeting of the City council held on trie 21st day of May, 1913. L. STIPP, Recorder. Notice to Property Owners on Six teenth Street. To Leona and Henry Guedon, T. F. and Nellie O'Neil, Thomas Mulligan, . John P. Turner, . August Wilson, Mrs. G. Chute, Rennie J. and Ethel J. Younger, John W. Loder, E. M. -Howell, Louis Wicklund, Madge Brightbill, Herman Lenzler, C. H. Willoughby, Frank M. Warren, Jr.. Casper Weismandle, E. Merresse, R. H. Blossom, Claudia Hart, John Finucane, Mary Hanlon, C. H. Dye. Trustee, Louise Pursifull, Isaac and Louise Pursifull. You and each of you are hereby notified that the undersigned have been appointed by the City Council of Oregon City, Oregon, as apprais ers of the property hereinafter de scribed lying on Sixteenth Street, Oregon City, Oregon, from the South side of Jackson Street to the South side of Division street and that the undersigned will meet at the intersection of Jackson and Six teenth Streets on the 26th day of May, 1913, at 9:45 o'clock, A. M., for the purpose of viewing said property for the purpose of esti mating the value thereof, this value to be used as a basis upon which to estimate the proportion of the improvement of said Sixteenth Street as the same is now being improved. That W. A. White, John Bittner, and George Randall were hereto fore appointed to make this ap praisement and they with the City Engineer constitute a committee for that purpose. The property upon which the val ue is to be fixed and the owners thereof are as follows: Lot 1, Block 149, Oregon City, Oregon, Leona and Henry Guedon. Lot 2, Block 149, Oregon City, Oregon, Leona and Henry Guedon. A tract of land: Beginning on the Southerly line of 16th Street, Oregon City, Clack amas County, Oregon, at a point 30 feet easterly from the northeast corner of Block 173 Oregon City, running thence easterly along the Southerly line ot Sixteenth Street 150 feet, thence Southerly and at right angles to said line 100 feet, thence westerly and parallel to said line 150 feet, thence Northerly 100 feet to the place of beginning. T. F. and NELLIE M. O'NEIL. ' A tract of land: Beginning on the Southerly line of 16th Street, Oregon City, Clack amas County, Oregon, at a point 180 feet easterly from the north east corner of Block 173, Oregon City, running thence easterly along the southerly line of Sixteenth Street 125 feet, thendte Southerly at right angles to said line 100 feet, thence westerly and parallel to said line 125 feet, thence Northerly 100 feet to the place of beginning, THOMAS MULLIGAN. A tract of land: Beginning on the Southerly line of 16th Street, Oregon City, Clack amas County, Oregon, at a point 330 feet easterly from the North east corner of Block 173, Oregon City, running thence easterly along the southerly line of Sixteenth Street 100 feet, thence Southerly at right angle to said line 100 feet, thence westerly and parallel to said line 100 feet, thence Northerly 100 feet to the place of beginning. JOHN P. TURNER. A tract of land: Beginning on the Southerly line of 16th Street, Oregon City, Clack amas County, Oregon, at a point 430 feet easterly from the North east corner of Block 173, Oregon City, running thence easterly along the southerly line of Sixteenth Street 50 feet, thence Southerly at right angles to said line 100 feet, thence westerly and parallel to said line 50 feet, thence Northerly 100 feet to the place of beginning. AUGUST WILSON. Lot 1, Block 173, .Oregon City, Oregon, Mrs. G. Chute. Lot 2, Block 173, Oregon City, Oregon, Mrs. G. Chute. Lot 7, Block 173, Oregon City. Oregon, Mrs. G. Chute. Lot 8, Block 173, Oregon City, Oregon, Mrs. G. Chute. A tract of land: Beginning on the Southerly line of 16th Street, Oregon City, Clack amas County, Oregon, at a point 480 feet easterly from tha North- east corner of Block 173, Oregon City, running thence easterly along the southerly line of Sixteenth Street 50 feet, thence southerly and at right angles to said line 100 feet, thence westerly and parallel to said line 50 feet, thence Northerly 100 feet to the place of beginning. BENN1E J. & ETHEL J. YOUNGER A tract of land: Beginning on the Southerly line . of 16th Street, Oregon City, Clack amas County, Oregon, at a point . 560 feet easterly from the North east corner of Block 173, Oregon City, running thence easterly along the southerly line of Sixteenth Street 100 feet, thence southerly and at right angles 100 feet, thence westerly and parallel to said line 100 feet, thence northerly 100 feet to the place of beginning. JOHN W. LODER A tract of land: Beginning on the Southerly line St 16th Street, Oregon City, Clack amas County, Oregon, at a point 660 feet easterly from the North east corner of Block 173, Oregon City, running thence easterly along the Southerly line of Sixteenth Street 100 feet, thence Southerly and at right angles to said line 100 feet, thence Westerly and parallel to said line 100 feet, thence North erly 100 feet to the plac9 of begin ning. -E. M. HOWELL. A tract of land: Beginning on the Southerly line of 16th Street, Oregon City, Clack amas County, Oregon, at a point 790 feet easterly from the North east corner of Block 173, Oregon City, running thence Easterly along the . Southerly line of Sixteenth Street 50 feet, thence Southerly and at right angles to said line 100 feet, "thence Westerjy and parallel to said line 50 feet, thence Northerly 100 ELECTRICAL WORK Contracts, Wiring and Fixtures WE DO IT Miller-lParker Co, feet to the place of beginning. LOUIS WICKLUND. A tract of land: Beginning on the Southerly line of 16th Street, Oregon City, Clack amas County, Oregon, at a point 840 feet easterly from the North east corner of Block 173, Oregon City, running thence easterly along . I the Southerly line of Sixteenth btreet, 150 feet, thence Southerly and at right angles to said line 100 feet, thence Westerly and parallel to said line 150 feet, thence north erly 100 feet to the place of begin ning. MADGE BRIGHTBILL. A tract of land: . Beginning on the Southerly line of 16th Street, Oregon City, Clack amas County, Oregon, at a point 1020 feet Easterly from the North east corner of Block 173, Oregon City, running thence Easterly on the Southerly line of Sixteenth Street, 100 feet, thence Southerly and at right angles to said line 100 feet, thejice Westerly and parallel to said line 100 feet; thence North erly 100 feet to the place of begin ning. E. M. HOWELL. A tract of land: Beginning on the Southerly line of 16th Street, Oregon City, Clack amas County, Oregon, . at a point 1120 feet Easterly from the North east corner of Block 173, Oregon City, running thence easterly on the Southerly line of Sixteenth Street, 100 feet, thence Southerly and at right angles to said line 100 feet, thence Westerly and parrallel to said line 100 feet, thence Norther ly 100 feet to the place of begin ning. . HERMAN LENZLER A tract of land: Beginning on the Southerly line of 16th Street, Oregon City, Clack amas County, Oregon, at a point 1220 feet Easterly from the North east corner of Block 173, Oregon City, running thence Easterly on the Southerly line .' of Sixteenth Street 50 feet, thence Southerly and at right angles 100 feet, thence Westerly and parallel to said line 50 feet, thence Northerly 100 feet to the place of beginning. J. W. LODER. A tract of land: Beginning on the Southerly line of 16th Street, Oregon City, Clack amas County, Oregon, at a point . 1270 feet Easterly from the North east corner of Block 173, Oregon City, running thence easterly to Di vision Street, thence Southerly and at right angles to said line 80 feet, thence Westerly and parallel to said line to a point opposite to the be ginning point, thence northerly to the place of beginning. C. H. WILLOUGHBY A tract of land: Beginning in a line at right angles . to the Southerly line of Sixteenth Street and 80 feet Southerly there from at a point 1270 feet Easterly from the Northeast corner of Block 173, Oregon City, running thence Easterly and parallel to Sixteenth Street 41 1-2 feet, thence southerly at right angles 20 feet, Westerly and parallel to Sixteenth Street, 41 1-2 feet, thence southerly to the place of beginning. J. W. LODER. Lot 4, Block 8, Park Addition . to Oregon City, Oregon, Frank M. Warren, Jr. Lot 5, Block 8, Park Addition to Oregon City, Oregon, Frank M. Warren, Jr. Lot 6, Block 8, Park Addition to Oregon City, Oregon, Frank M.' Warren, Jr. Lot 7, Block 8, Park Addition to Oregon City, Oregon, Frank M. v Warren, Jr. Lot 4, Block 9, Park Addition to Oregon City, Oregon, Casper Weis mandle. Lot 5, Block 9, Park Addition to Oregon City, Oregon, E. Meresse. Lot 6, Block 9, Park Addition to Oregon City, Oregon, R. H. Blossom. Lot 7, Block 9, Park Addition to Oregon City,' Oregon, R. H. Blos som. Lot 4, Block 17, Park Addition to Oregon City, Oregon, Claudia Hart. Lot 5, Block 17, Park Addition to Oregon City, Oregon, Claudia Hart. . Lot 6, Block 17, Park Addition to Oregon City, Oregon John Finu cane. Lot 7, Block 17, Park Addition to Oregon City, Oregon John Finu cane. A tract of land: - Beginning at the Southwest corn er of Block "A" Buena Vista Addi tion to Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, thence Easterly along the Northerly line of Six teenth Street, Oregon City, 100 feet . thence Northerly and at right angles to said line, 100 feet, thence West erly and parallel to said line 100 feet to the place of beginning. MARY HANLON. A tract of land: Beginning at a point 100 feet Easterly from the Southwest corn er of Block "A" Buena Vista Addi tion to Oregon City, Clackamas . County, Oregon, thence Easterly along the Northerly line of Six teenth Street, Oregon-City 100 feet, thence Northerly and at right angles to said line 100 feet, thence Wester ly and parallel to said line 100 feet, thence Southerly 100 fet to the place of beginning." The young man who has a surplus re maining from week to week out of his income is a profit-maker, and is bound to succeed. . -- The Bank of Oregon City OLDEST BANK IN CLACKAMAS COUNTY D. C. LATOURETTE, President. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OPOREGON CITY, OREGON CAPITAL $50,009.00 Transacts a General Banking Business. Open from A. M. to 9 P. M MARY HANLON. A tract of land: Beginning at a point 233 feet Easterly from the Southwest corn er of Block "A" Buena Vista Addi tion to Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, Easterly along the Northerly line of Sixteenth Street, Oregon City, running thence East erly 100 feet, thence Northerly and at right angles to said line 100 feet," thence westerly and parallel to said line 100 feet, thence Southerly 100 feet to the place of beginning. C. H. DYE, Trustee. A tract of land: Beginning at a point 460 feet Easterly from the Southwest corn er of Block "A" Buena Vista Addi tion to Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, Easterly along the Northerly line of Sixteenth Street, Oregon City, running thence Easter ly 100 feet, thence Northerly nt at rignt angles to said line 100 feet, thence Westerly and parallel to said line 100 feet, thence Southerly 100 feet to the place of beginning. C. H. DYE, Trustee. A tract of land: Beginning at a point 560 feet easterly from the Southwest corn er of Block "A" Buena Vista Addi tion to Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, Easterly along the Northerly line of Sixteenth Street, Oregon City, thence Easterly 100 9. . I TlT . " 1 .1 : . J. angle to said line 100 feet, thence Westerly and parallel to said line 100 feet, thence southerly 100 feet to the place of beginning. JOHN W. LODER. A tract of land: Beginning at a point 690 feet Easterly from the Southwest corn er of Block "A" Buena Vista Addi tion to Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, Easterly along the Northerly line of Sixteenth Street, Oregon City, thence Easterly 50 feet thence Northerly and at right angles to said line, 100 feet, thence West erly and parallel to said line 50 feet, thence Southerly 100 feet to the place of beginning. C. H. DYE, Trustee A tract of land: Beginning at a point 740 feet Easterly from the Southwest corn er of Block "A" Buena Vista Addi " tion to Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, Easterly along the Northerly line of Sixteenth Street, Oregon City, thence Easterly 50 feet, thence Northerly and at right angles 100 feet, thence Westerly and parallel to said line 50 feet, thence Southerly 100 feet to the place of beginning. LOUISE PURSIFULL. A tract of land: Beginning at a point 790 feet from the Southwest corner of Block "A" Buena Vista Addition to Ore gon City, Clackamas County, Ore gon, Easterly along the Northerly line of Sixteenth Street, Oregon City, Easterly 50 feet,, thence North erly and at right angles to said line 100 feet, thence Westerly and para llel to said line 50 feet, thence Southerly 100 feet to the place of beginning. ISAAC AND LOUISE PURSIFULL. A tract of land: Beginning at a point on the east erly line of Division Street, Oregon City, Clackamas - County, Oregon, thence Northerly at right angles to Sixteenth Street 100 feet, thence Easterly parallel with Sixteenth Street to the Westerly projection of Division Street, thence Southerly along the Westerly projection of Division Street, thence Westerly to the place Of beginning. C. H. DYE, Trustee. W. A. WHITE, JOHN BITTNER, GEORGE RANDALL, Committee. C. S. NOBLE, City Engineer. Notice for Bids. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids for furnishing all labor and ma terial for the construction of con crete sidewalks and curbs on Sev enth Street, Oregon City, Oregon, alongside of the City Park, between John Adams and Jefferson Streeets, will be received by the Recorder of Oregon City, until 4 o'clock, P. M. of Monday, May 26th, 1913. Plans and specification containing further information will be furnished upon application to the City Recorder. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check equal to a sum of ' five per cent of the total amount of the bid, which sum will be sub ject to forfeiture to Oregon City in case of the failure of the success ful bidder to enter into a. written contract with Oregon City and fur- nish the required bonds for said work, if called upon so, to do, with-, in the time specified for same. Proposals must be made upon blanks furnished by Oregon City. The right to reject any and all bids or to accept the bid consider ed most favorable to . Oregon City is hereby reserved to Oregon City. Each proposal must state the time required for the completion of the entire work and said construction worlr must he firm in accordance with the Ordinances of Oregon City and the Chrater theerof and the plans and specifications governing sucn wurtt. This notice is published pursuant to an order of the City Council of Oregon City. - . L. STIPP, Recorder. F. J. MEYER, Cashier.