r 7, ? J V MORNING ENTERPRISE, SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1913 Taking s Risk. Vincent Emerson and I flipped cents to see which would pay his party call on you tonight. Beatrice How romantic! And you won? Vincent Erna I lost Chicago News LOCAL 5RICrS Allen Jones, of Portland, was in the city Thursday visiting friends. Miss Flo Beckwith, of Salem, -has been in the city several days visiting friends. A. J. Bell, manager of the Bell the atre, is confined to his home with the measles. Miss Mary Brown has been in the pity' several days attending to busi ness affairs. J. T. Teirrel, of Portland, was a business visitor in the city the latter part of the week. Floyd Beck, of San Francisco, is in the city for a few days attending to business affairs. Merril Grant, a student of the Jef ferson high school in Portland, was in the city Friday visiting friends. Earnest Ginther, of Schubel, was in the- city Friday to deliver a two-year-old horse to Frank Schoenborn. Mrs. J. Wallace, of Lebanon, is in Parkplace spending a couple of weeks her daughter, Mrs. George Washburn. There 'will be a special meeting of the Masonic lodge Saturday evening to confer the first degree upon a can didate. David Hawkins, of the Blumauer Frank company, was in the city Fri day transacting business and visiting friends. We buy and sell for cash. A quick dime beats a lazy quarter. Denver Market Co., Cornelius & Mashk, butchers. Work on the new home of J- E. Hedges, Sixth and John Adams Sts., is proceeding rapidly. The founda tions and part of the basement have been completed. Born, to the wife of E. H. Redd ' away, of Brentwood, Portland, a son on Miy 15. Mrs. Reddaway was form erly Miss Catherine Warnock of this city. This is Mr. and Mrs. Redd away's second son. Mrs. J. P. Lovitt was taken to Portland Friday evening and placed in St. Vincent's hospital. M)rs. Lov itt has been in poor health for some time but her condition was not re garded as serious until Friday. Dr. C, H. Maissner is attending. The Pacific Highway Garage re ceived six Ford automobiles in Fri day. This is the third carload of Fords to be delivered in this city this year. Nothing reflects - the growth and increased wealth of Oregon City and Clackamas county as does the great number of automobiles sojd. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Surfus and little son, from Indiana, are in this city visiting their cousins, Mrs. S. M. Sur fus and family. Mr. and Mrs. Surfus and son spent, the winter in Los Angeles and will visit in Bristow, Iowa, and Denver, Colorado, before re turning to their Indiana home. Members of the United Artisans are to give an entertainment in Woodmen's hall Thursday night, May 22. Local and Portland talent will appear, following which the floor will be cleared for dancing. There will be a small admission charge to cover expenses. The Knights and Ladies of Security are planning upon giving another one of their social evenings on May 19, in Woodmen's hall. Members and their friends are cordially invited to attend There will be a short program, to be followed by music and dancing. After that refreshments will be serv ed. If Conkey's White Diarrhea Remedy doesn't cure this disease in your lit tle chicks, we will refund your money. Isn't that a fair offer? Oregon Com mission Co. EXPENDITURES OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY FOR THE MONTH OF MAY IN ROAD FUND (Continued from Page 2) District No. 22. R. W. Zimmerman C6.00 G. Loveland 30.00 G. Hoover 8.00 V. Berg 44.00 E. Pratt 32.00 D. Hepler 3.00 V. Skinner 50.00 A. H. Sage 4.00 F. Bachert . . . ... 20.00 A. Howard 8.00 E. Judy ..I 18.00 L. Parmenter 13.50 A. Ausove ' 13.00 F. Burdix 1.00 C. Potwin 24.00 G. Watts ; 1.00 S. H. France 28.00 A. Bachert 29.00 W. A. Winder 36.50 C. J. Gardner . . . .". ............ . Canby Hardware Co. Erickson & Wrolstead ....... A. Lias District No. 24. Wm. Kuhnke ............. Earnest Stewe John Gailer Philip Mohr Chas.,Harnack Fritz Stagman . '. Arthur Harnack Herman Kuhnke ..." Earnest Thel ......... . . ...... Fred Mohr George Sether W. H. Cochran v? Carl Sether G. Pottratz J. J. Kramer -. Geo. Brocket Leonard Askin C.T3. Hilton Morritz Myers C. E. Mitts Louis Yoder . -. Jim Dozier District No. 25. John Graves A. D. Gribble Ensley Gribble Ralph Gribble John Winegar John Heinz John Walch . Leonard Walch Phil Graves Ed Graves District No. 26 D. H. Ramsby Thomas MEller S. A. Cordill J. V. Harless W. W. Everhart Solon Echerd C. Ritter t F. Coleman J. H. Abbott Robbins Bros District No. 27 J. C. Marquam L. N. Jones ...... J. H. Barth John Ring District No. 28 A. Mather T Ferman Co Ernest Lehman Geo. Cuss Zeb Bowman Joe Frolick Sam Lowe Frank Sherman John Wilhoit Nick Sabe Frank Kokle N. B. Wade Clarence Vorheis Charles Slaughter Lorrie Lehman James Wilson C. H. Green Leslie Shank Perry Vorheis L. D. Shank District No. 29 W. A. Rogers M. E. Haley W. Sporalsky O. B. Taylor S. L. Prahl ., .-. Joe Resch District No. 30 Glenmorrie Quarry Co. ... G. E. Cline Geo. B. Rate & Co. Oswego Lumber Co G. E. Cline J. K. Worthington O. C. Whitten E. F. Whitten Ed Wanker District No. 31 L. Schaber E. Athey R. Bushbaum C. C. Schroeder H. A. Baker A. H. Schatz A. Gebhardt H. Gebhardt A. H. Borland J. Bushbaum R. DeNeui W. Z. Simmons Wilson & Cooke W. J. Powell District No. 33 M. Butler , R. S. Thomas John Kegins J. A. Reid District No. 34 C. Zimmerman -. E. liedeman F. Sinclair O. Tonkin E. Gross G. Gross C. Christensen C. Pendo 1.70 .40 85.63 11.25 .. 1.00 4.00 5.00 8.00 4.00 7.00 -4.00 1.80 8.00 . 4.00 4.00 2.00 12.00 2.09 4.00 5.00 2.00 '7.50 3.00 25.25 - 4.00 4.00 14.00 4.00 9.00 9.00 . 3.00 20.00 10.00 10.00 1.00 31.00 19.50 15.00 12.00 28.00 11.25 9.00 3.00 4.00 3.00 9.35 3.25 9.00 5.00 1.00 9.40 7.25 63.00 7.00 7.50 7.50 6.00 4.00 12.00 26.00 16.00 15.00 6.00 ' 6.00 3.00 15.00 15.00 23.00 6.00 35.00 ' 77.50 28.00 39.00 8.00 8.00 10.35 29.20 2.75 " 15.80 27.00 34.00 18.75 20.00 20.00 20.00 J. Yonker W. Kaiser F. Schauber L, Schauber ........ G. Schnooer C. Parker D. Colsom ; Pope & Company Wilson & Cooke Scripture & Beauliau 44.00 67.50 44.00 115.00 2.50 4.15 14.50 .65 109.75 5.75 Beall Company 3.75 California Trojan Powder Co.. . 65.00 Owen G Thomas . : 3.60 j District No. 35 J. C. Hessel 21.00 Hood & Hutchins ... 2.68 Harvey Schneider ........... 6.00 Victor Hengstler 9.50 Philip Bates . ... 4.50 Wm. Booth 41.10 . t District No. 36 - K. Gregerson 6.20 L. Jacobs ; 1.00 Ed Worndahl 20.00 R. F. Watts 13.00 Grover Pomeroy ............. 8.00 John MteKinzie 20.00 C. Garinger 10.00 L. Rail 23.00 District No. 37 C. W. Kruse .... 50.37 .1. J. Krause 44.88 C. Legler 28.87 P. A. Anderson 20.50 Wm. Sewell . .. 23.00 Western Clay Co. ..y 26.25 Geo. B. Rate & Co 2.25 Western Clay Co. ' 29.70 Western Clay Co. 19.43 District No. 38 J. Wallace 5.25 J. Baunigartner .". 35.03 P. W. Rathbone 2.25 J. W. Holmes 11.50 (oozsut? aha rn-n?? It WILL NOT If yoo tK KRAUSE-'iS HEADACHE CAPSULES Thev will cure unr kind of Headache, no I matter what the cause. Perfectly Harmless. Pric 25 Conta K6KHAILICETTICF6. C&.DeaMoines.Ia.J FOR SALE BY i Howell . Harbes . Melvin . Melvin . Lawrence Sims D. G. H. O. J. S. W. Hiatt E. Bradorf N . . A. Shepard . ... . R. Parker . E. Rickson . . . E. Reims W. Scott ..... N. Melvin J. Edmonds . . . S. Ross L. Bacon . . . . L. Lightbody . . J. Zimmerman W. McNeil ... J. Miller ...... J. Shaw H. Elliott J. Lites A. Gross T. Johnson . . . THE JONES DRUG CO. We have a large stock of these remedies, just fresh from the laboratory. 1 OaH-ia I KJlbJC ... ...... I D. Colson i W. Dent ......... I L. Day K. Schrackenback E. Seely 'B. Hill J. Schauber 6.00 6.00 6.00 12.00 1.00 4.00 2.00 1.0Q 2.00 30.00 49.00 5.45 6.05 2.00 1.00 .1.00 . 5.00 2.50 78.75 " 56.88 81.35 10.00 39.75 56.50 49.75 38.25 14.00 48.00 10.00 39.75 45.00 11.00 23.75 46.00 8.00 8.00 ; 8.00 9.00 14.50 12.00 18.00 24.00 9.00 2.75 83.00 74.00 74.00 66.00 49.00 6.00 .45.00 51.00 49.00 59.00 51.00 2C.50 23.50 24.50 11.50 Herbert Holmes -10.64 District No. 40 California Trojan Powder Co.. . 70.00 Grover Judd 10.50 W. H. Stone .................. 13.25 C. O. Davis 26.25 ! Floyd Davis 29.00 G. A. Stone 6.00 Wiley F. Douglass 9.00 P. Douglass 9.00 C. L. Mathis 10.00 District No. 41 H. H. Udell 13.00 Joseph De Shazer 13.00 Gay lord Keith 2.00 John Bews ..." 2.00 Harold Miller . "2.00 C. A. Keithe 16.60 District No. 42 O. Giger 14.00 A. Loe 22.00 A. Loe 2.00 A. G. Yoder 6.00 A. Taylor 14.00 Austin Taylor 12.00 Otto Owens ...... 2.00 M. Roberts 3.00 W. Dale ' 2.00 H. Jackson 10.00 Mr. Mitchell 8.00 J. W. Watson 18.75 '' .. - District No. 43 The Giant Powder Co. 33.00 J. P. Strahl 5.00 Roy Douglass 6.00 Lester Rivers 5.00 Wm. Huggins 4.00 Frank Fuchs 4.00 James Rivers 1.00 A. D. Burnett 7.50 P. R. L. & P. Co 1.85 District No. 44 W. R. Osburn , 2.00 Chas. Rider 1 5.00 District No. 45 Walter Cox 22.00 Otis Vallen 8.00 John Scott 8.00 Ernest Vallen i8.00 Matt Jagmin 8.00 Amos Vallen 4.00 C. A. Bengli District No. 54 R. F. Watts , .... Jack Watts 1. . . . . a C. C. Wiser '', D. D. Hostetler Wm. Fleegle . . . . ' O. Mahler ........ .' , Clyde Kunze ; Linn Calvin Jens Sorensen Theo Thyker J. L. Stanton W. F. Stanton Baline Clavin- V. G. Clavin Bud Kent K. Gregerson Grover Kunze A, S. Kent .... W. Bond J. Fisher T. Graham , W. G. Wolf T. Leffler Simon Roth .............. P. H. Kliewer Oliver Yoder District No. 55 Creason Mill Co H. H. Mattoon E. Ficken C. Jubb A. H. Meyer James Craft 7 L. L. Manlove District No. 56 W. J. Wilson & Co ....... District No. 57 S. N. Struhbar L. M. Moshberger Otto Blxel Fred Sailer Geo. Sawtell O. Klyo , .". A. F. Eyman Wm. H. Stuwe ' E. Burkholder A. L. Widstrand W. H. Franklin Oscar Franklin Aug. Rothenberg P. T. Smith ..; C. F. Stutz Ed Moshberger Wm. H. Stuewe , . . Poison Implement Co. District No, The Barton Lumber Co. Paul Kliem B. F. King J. C. Miller J. Wymore . .' Carl Mumpower T. Brown Ed Cox D. L. Davis : . Ed Griffin C. Cristensen ....... S. H. Lyons 58 . 7.50 4.00 2.00 4.00 6.50 28.00 42.00 48.00 20.0) 26.50 50.50 62.50 65.50 .35.00 33.25 33.00 27.25 9.00 1.00 8.00 8.00 20.00 22.50 15.50 12.00 5.50 10.50 18.00 54.00 8.00 22.00 18.00 18.00 11.00 15.50 10.00 1.35 3.50 20.00 20.10 19.25 4.00 48.75 19.45 3.50. 4.00 '4.00 38.50 22.50 5.00 17.00 2.60 27.50 50.40 3.85 12.00 40.00 4.00 4.00 36.00 18.00 10.J0 10.00 9.50 10.00 Beall & Company Standard Oil Co. Williams . Bros. . . W. H. Wettlaufer R. Haag L. Grace . . . . P. F. Putz A. F. Buche ... ..1775.05 7.92 1.45 8.00 4.00 4.00 -.4.00 2.00 J. Putz 5.60 P. Schiewe 1.00 "Vv, Thompson 22.00 R.r Thompson 7.00 C. Thompson 4.00 J. Eggerman 2.00 J. Bushbaum 15.00 (Continued on page 4) Pabst'sOkay Specific Doe the work. You al lto A A know it, by reputation. Price FOR SALE BY JONES DRUG COMPANY 'C GENERAL ROAD FUND Wilson & Cooke 35.50 W. J. Wilson & Co,...- 15.50 Coast Culvert & Flume Co. ... 98.30 Buffalo Steam Roller 21.46 George Lammers :. ........... 25.81 John Heft 25.20 Wilson & Cooke '1.50 R. B. Beatie 30.57 Coast Culvert & Flume Co, ... 2.45 Clarence Simmons 25.00 Joe Powers 4.00 F. B. Brown 4.00 F. A. Wilson 4.00 Rev. J. M. Park 6.00 Estacada Mercantile Co 1.91 Jesse Cox 22.50 District No. 46 California Trojan Powder Co.. . 23.50 Irwin Hauk 1.00 Orvel Watts 2.00 Emerson Watts 2.50 -Melvin Leach 2.50 D. H. Watts 8.25 J. J. Hajttan 8.00 D. H. Watts 5.00 District No. 47 J. C. Mlumpower 2.00 H. Carmikal 7.00 Ira Hart 12.00 E. E. Roethe 37.50 O. P. Roethe 50.00 L. Vettotoe 10.00 District No. 9 Delft Creek Lumber Co 20.83 McCurdy Lumber & Hardware Co 109.88 F. H. Davis 12.00 E. T. Davis 4.50 Tom Carter 6.50 A. J. Irvin 29.50 Frank Sanford 4.50 G. T. Hunt 60.50 Otis Wagner 8.00 Ben T. Rawlins 33.00 Paul Sauer 3.00 H. H. Anders .-. . . 20.00 Geo. Hathaway 19.00 Norman Elling 10.00 H. O. Sanford 24.00 G. H. Sanford 22.00 District No. 50 J. W. Townsend 20.00 F. M. Townsend 12.50 Charles Ehlers 8.00 District No. 51 A. L. Heacock 16.25 Will Terrin , 18.00 Edd Terrin ,.. 16.00 Aug Wedin 16.00 Aug Samuelson . . .' 16.00 Earnest Johnson 16.00 The Superiority of ElectricToast to the charred, or brittle, or soggy kind made in the tedious old-fashioned way, is relatively the same as the superiority cf grilled steak to fried steak. For one-tenth of a - cent a slice the General Electric. Radiant Toaster makes Perfect Toast faster than you can cat it. It is Perfect Toast because the radiant heat forces the necessary chemical change in the bread. This insures delicious golden Toast that fairly melts in your mouth. You can operate the General Electric Radiant Toaster on the finest damask table cloth. Its neat porcelain base and cheerful glowing coils add grace and charm to any table. This little toaster is on display at our store in the Bea ver Building on Main Street. Portland Railway, Light & Power Company V Beaver Building, Main Street - Eugene Taylor Guss Lingle Fred Hoffmeister John Terrin . . 5.00 District-No. 53 George Palmer ... 8.00 Charles Palmer 8.00 Walter Rowell 8.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 Unqualifiedly the Best lebge: R The De Luxe Steel Back New improved CURVED HINGE allows the covers to drop back on the desk without throwing the leaves into a curved position. " ' ' Sizes 8 1-4 to 20 inches OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE Headquarters for Loose Leaf Systems yd- 25.50 ' A. Neuenschwander 1.00