MORNING ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1913 I Goldbricked. Rags the Alley Worker An' den I traded me good rough eatin' route fer one dat backed up to a big boardln' house an' a hotel. Napoleon the House Dog That seems like good business, my friend. Rags But it was a vegetarian board in' house and de hotel was a sanitari um. Chicago News. LOCAL BMCrS J. P. Short, of Fairfield, was in the city .Wednesday visiting friends. A rare family treat by the Roney Boys, 3; 30 and 8 p. m. Shively's hall Arthur Gleason was In the city for several days the latter part of the week. The opportunity to hear Roney's Boys will not likely ever he had again in Oregon City. Dr. A. L. Pearson, of Seattle, was in the city Wednesday visiting friend3. Miss Bunny Ownsby has accepted a position with the Western Stock Journal. People present 3:30 matinee invar iably are on hand again in the even ing to hear Roney's Boys. J. L. Valley and wife, of Astoria, were in this city Wednesday and Thursday looking over the country near this city. John Ovall, of Portland, was in this city again Thursday, attending to business affairs. Keep Roney's Boys in mind for 3:30 p. m. and 8 p. m., Mfcty 16th, Shively's hall. L. V. Mkimpower, a prominent farm er from Stone, was in the city Wed nesday and Thursday. Boys! you're It 3:30 and 8 p .m., Mdy 16th, at Shively's hall. Every body says the boys are all right. Ths Derthic club will meet at the home of Mrs. Charles Caufield Fri day afternoon, May 16. Boys will be boys, but you never saw boys like Roney's Boys. They perform 3:30 and 8 p. m. Shively's hall. May 16th. T. S. Halland, of Tacoma, was in the city a few days last week attend ing to business affairs. Let your boy hear Roney's Boys, 3:30 and 8 p. m. Shively's hall, May 16th. - J. M. McMurren, a Portland busi ness man, was in the city Tuesday at tending to business duties. We buy and sell for cash. A quick dime beats a lazy quarter. Denver Market Co., Cornelius & Mashk, butchers. Mrs. Nellie Fry, of Portland, was in this city yesterday as the guest of her sister. Mrs. Grant Dimick. Miss Winifred Barstow, of Salem, has returned to her home after visit ing friends in this city for several days. You would gladly pay a dollar to hear Roney's Boys in New York or San Francisco. At Shively's hall, May 16th, 3:30 and 8 p. m. for 15c, 25c and 50c. J. E. Hedges has gone to Enter prise, Willowa county, for a few days. He will transact legal business in the Eastern Oregon city. Hear Roney's wonderful Boys, Shively's hall 3:30 and 8 p. m., May 16th. "Bud" Kelley, son of Mir. and Mrs. Charles Kelley, of this city, was tak en to St. Vincent's hospital, in Port land, Tuesday, where he was operat ed upon for appendicitis. Dr. Strick land of this city was one of the physi cians. If Conkey's White Diarrhea Remedy doesn't cure this disease in your lit tle chicks,-we will refund your money. Isn't that .-a fair offer? Oregon Com mission Co. If you miss 3:30 matinee be sure and come at 8 p. m. Shively's hall, May 16th, and hear Roney's Boys. Mrs. Viola Godfrey has returned from a several days' visit in Corval lis, where she was the guest of her son, Gaylord, who is a junior at the Oregon Agricultural college. Mrs Godfrey witnessed the inspection' of the cadets. Clean-up inside, purify your blood, clear the completxion, redden the lips brighten the eyes take Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea you need it now to drive winter's impurities and germs from your system, a thoro blood purifier and Spring tonic, 35c Tea or Tablets. Jones Drug Co. Summer School Stenography and Bookkeeping Opens June 16, at Oregon City, Oregon . - rtrar Months Jl jjr- us -explain the Jiows'' and "whys" everything you "' wish to know. This class is now being organized. If you appreciate your opportunities you will write for information tgday. Commercial Expert Com pany, 1526 Oatman St, Port-land. RASTUS LOSES HIS 171 TPElill A M The GIL ANID) Tomorrow WHAT SOME NEWSPAPERS SAY OF "RONEY'S BOYS" New Orleans Democrat Deserves the reputation it claims that of be ing the best traveling organization of its kind in the country. Tacoma (Wash.) News. Of "Ro ney's Boys" it is hardly possible to say too much. The admirable train ing, perfect method and rare control of juvenile voices reveal the hand -of a master. In nothing else was it so clearly proven as in the concerted work that Manager Henry B. Roney is past master of his art. Moberly (Mo.) Democrat Not since the foundations of Moberly were laid have our people had such a musical treat from a musical stand point. Such singing has never before been heard here, and the audience was enraptured. Chicago Four Hundred "Roney's Boys" achieved phenomenial success at the auditorium and created a furore such as has rarely been wit nessed in the concert room. People lost their decorum and applaued like wild. The boys are all trained to the top notch of artistic perfection, and therein Mr. Roney has set a pace which is a hopeless one for his imita tors. No such singing of boys was ever heard in this or any other coun try. ' Richmond (Va.) News "Roney's j Boys" captured the. hearts of Rich mond. Such continued and sponta neous applause is rarely heard in the concert hall, because the company far exceeded expectations. "Roney's Boys'" exquisite singing and playing probably excelled in , artistic finish and intelligent interpretation any performances ever heard by little peo ple in these parts. Their elegant cos tumes and trim military uniforms, their artless, unconscious and high bred manners, coupled with winning I smiles, all completed a stage picture that did the heart good. LEGAL NOTICES Notice to Property Owners on Six teenth Street. To Leona and Henry Guedon, T. F. and Nellie O'Neil, Thomas Mulligan, John P. Turner, August Wilson, Mrs. G. Chute, Rennie J. and Ethel J. Younger, John W. Loder, E. M. Howell, Louis Wicklund, Madge Brightbill, Herman Lenzler, C. H. Willoughby, Frank M. Warren, Jr.. Casper Weismandle, - E. Merresse, R. H. Blossom, Claudia Hart, John Finucane, Mary Hanlon, C. H. Dye, Trustee, Louise Pursifull, Isaac and Louise Pursifull. You and each of you are hereby ! notified that the undersigned have been appointed by the City Council j of Oregon City, Oregon, as apprais ers of the property hereinafter de scribed lying on Sixteenth Street, Oregcn City, Oregon, from the South side of Jackson Street to the South side of Division Street and that the undersigned will meet at the intersection of Jackson and Six teenth Streets on the 26th day of May, 1913, at 9:45 o'clock, A. M., for the purpose of viewing said property for the purpose of esti mating the value thereof, this value to be used as a basis upon which to estimate the proportion of the improvement of said Sixteenth Street as the same is now being improved. That W. A. White, John Bittner, and George Randall were hereto fore appointed to make this ap praisement and they with the City Engineer c.onstitute a committee for that purpose. The property upon which the val ue is to be fixed and the owners thereof are as follows: Lot 1, Block 149, Oregon City, Oregon, Leona and Henry Guedon. Lot 2, Block 149, Oregon City, Oregon, Leona and Henry Guedon. A tract of land: Beginning on the Southerly line of 16th Street, Oregon City, Clack amas County, Oregon, at a point 30 feet easterly from the northeast corner of Block 173 Oregon City, running thence easterly along the Southerly, line of Sixteenth Street 150 feet, thence Southerly and at right angles to said line 100 feet, thence westerly and parallel to said line 150 feet, thence Northerly 100 feet to the place of beginning. T. F. and NELLIE M. O'NEIL. A tract of land: Beginning on the Southerly line of 16th Street, Oregon City, Clack amas County, Oregon, at a point 180 feet easterly from the north east corner of Block 173, Oregon City, running thence easterly along the southerly line of Sixteenth Street 125 feet, thence Southerly at right angles to said line 100 feet, thence westerly and parallel to said line 125 feet, thence Northerly 100 feet to the place of beginning. THOMAS MULLIGAN. ' A tract of land: Beginning on the Southerly line of 16th Street, Oregon City, Clack amas County, Oregon, at a point " 330 feet easterly from the North east 'corner of Block 173, Oregon City, running thence easterly along the southerly line of Sixteenth Street 100 feet, thence Southerly at right angle to said line 100 feet, thence westerly and parallel to said line 100 feet, thence Northerly 100 feet to the place of beginning. JOHN P. TURNER. A tract of land: ' Beginning on the Southerly line - 9? 15tk Street, Oregon City, Clack amas County, Oregon, at a poms 430 feet easterly from the North east corner of Block 173, Oregon City, running thence easterly along the southerly line of Sixteenth Street 50 feet, thence Southerly at right angles to said line 100 feet, thence westerly and parallel to said line 50 feet, thence Northerly 100 feet to the place of beginning. AUGUST WILSON. -Lot 1,-Block 173, Oregon City, Oregon, Mrs. G. Chute. 2. Block 173. n Oregon, Mrs. G. Chute. Lot 7, Block 173, Oregon City. Oregon, Mrs. G. Chute. Lot 8, Block 173, Oregon City, Oregon, Mrs. G. Chute., A tract of land : Beginning on the Southerly line . of 16th Street, Oregon City, Clack amas County, Oregon, at a point 480 feet easterly from the North east corner of Block 173, Oregon City, running thence easterly along FS1 A Rip-Roaring Comedy that will please all the children who attend. the southerly line of Sixteenth ' Street 50 feet, thence southerly and at right angles to said line 100 feet, thence westerly and parallel to said line 50 feet, thence Northerly 100 feet to the place of beginning. BENN1E J. & ETHEL J. YOUNGER A tract of land : Beginning on the Southerly line of 16th Street, Oregon City, Clack amas County, Oregon, at a point 560 feet easterly from the North east corner of Block 173, Oregon City, running thence easterly along the southerly line of Sixteenth Stjeet 100 feet, thence southerly and at right angles 100 feet, thence westerly and parallel to said line 100 feet, thence northerly 100 feet to the place of beginning. ' JOHN W. LODER : . A tract of land: ' Beginning on the Southerly line of 16th Street, .Oregon City, Clack amas County, Oregon, at a point 660 feet easterly from the North east corner of Block 173, Oregon City, running thence easterly along the Southerly line of Sixteenth Street 100 feet, thence Southerly " and at right angles to said line 100 feet, thence Westerly and parallel to said line 100 feet, thence North erly 100 feet to the plac9 of begin ning. E. M. HOWELL. A tract of land:- Beginning on the Southerly line of 16th Street, Oregon City, Clack amas County, Oregon, at a point 790 feet easterly from the North east corner of Block 173, Oregon City, running thence Easterly along the Southerly line of Sixteenth Street 50 feet, thence Southerly and at right angles to said line 100 feet, thence Westerly and parallel to said line 50 feet, thence Northerly 100 feet to the place of beginning. LOUIS WICKLUND. A tract of land: Beginning on the Southerly line of 16th Street, Oregon City, Clack amas County, Oregon, at a point 840 feet easterly from the North east corner of Block 173, Oregon City, running thence easterly along the Southerly line of Sixteenth Street, 150 feet, thence Southerly and at right angles to said line 100 feet, thence Westerly and parallel to said line 150 feet, thence north erly 100 feet to the "place of begin ning. MADGE BRIGHTBILL. A tract of land: Beginning on the Southerly line of 16th Street, Oregon City, Clack amas County, Oregon, at a point 1020 feet Easterly from the North east corner of Block 173, Oregon City, running thence Easterly on the Southerly line of Sixteenth Street, 100 feet, thence Southerly and at right angles to said line 100 feet, thence Westerly and parallel totsaid line 100 feet; thence North erly 100 feet to the place of begin ning. E. M. HOWELL. A tract of land: Beginning on the Southerly line of 16th Street, Oregon City, Clack amas County, Oregon, at a point .1120 feet Easterly from the North east corner of Block 173, Oregon City, running thence easterly on the Southerly line of. Sixteenth Street, 100 feet, thence Southerly and at right angles to said line 100 feet, -thence Westerly and parrallel to said line 100 feet, thence Norther ly 100 feet to the place of begin ning. HERMAN LENZLER A tract of land: . Beginning on the Southerly line of 16th Street, Oregon City, Clack amas County, Oregon, at a point 1220 feet Easterly from the North east corner of Block .173, Oregon City, running thence Easterly on the Southerly line of Sixteenth Street 50 feet, thence Southerly and at right angles 100 feet, thence Westerly and parallel to said line 50 feet, thence Northerly 100 feet -to the place of beginning. J. W. LODER. A tract of land: Beginning on the Southerly line of 16th Street, Oregon City, Clack amas County, Oregon, at a point 1270 feet Easterly from the North east corner of Block 173, Oregon City, running thence easterly to Di vision Street, thence Southerly and at right angles to said line 80 feet, thence Westerly and parallel to said line to a point opposite to the be ginning point, thence northerly to the place of beginning. C. H. WILLOUGHBY. ' ' A tract of land: -?. Beginning in a line at' right angles to the Southerly line of Sixteenth Street and 80 feet Southerly there from at a point 1270 feet Easterly from the Northeast corner of Block 173, Oregon City, running thence Easterly and parallel to Sixteenth Street 41 1-2 feet, thence southerly at right angles 20 feet, Westerly and parallel to Sixteenth Street, 41 1-2 feet, thence southerly to the place of beginning. J. W. LODER. Lot 4, Block 8, Park Addition to Oregon City, Oregon, Frank M. Warren, Jr. Lot 5, 'Block 8, Park Addition to Oregon City, Oregon, Frank M. Warren, Jr. Lot 6, Block 8, Park Addition to Oregon City, Oregon, Frank M. Warren, Jr. Lot 7, Block 8, Park Addition to Oregon City, Oregon, Frank M. Warren, Jr. - Lot 4, Block 9, Park Addition, to Oregon ZHjr Oregon, Casper Weis mandle. r" . Lot 5, Block 9, Park Addition to Oregon City, Oregon, E. Meresse. Lot 6, Block 9, Park Addition to Oregon City, Oregon, R. H. Blossom. Lot 7, Block 9, Park Addition to Oregon City, Oregon, R. H. Blos som. Lot 4, Block 17, Park Addition to Oregon City, Oregon, Claudia Hart. Lot 5, Block 17, Park AiM1H". 1 uigon Jity, Oregon, Claudia Hart. Lot 6, Block 17, Park Addition to Oregon City, Oregon John Finu cane. Lot 7, Block 17, Park Addition to Oregon City, Oregon John Finu cane. A tract of land : Beginning at the Southwest corn er of Block "A" Buena Vista Addi tion to Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, thence Easterly along the Northerly line of Six teenth Street, Oregon City, 100 feet thence Northerly and at right angles to said line, 100 feet, thence West erly and parallel to said line 100 feet to the place of beginning. MARY HANLON. A tract of land: Beginning at a point 100 feet - Easterly from the Southwest corn er of Block "A" Buena Vista Addi tion to Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, thence Easterly along the Northerly line of Six teenth Street, Oregon City 100 feet, thence Northerly and at right angles to said line 100 feet, thence Wester- . ly.and parallel to said line 100 feet, thence Southerly 100 fet to the place j of beginning. . MAIiY HANLON. A tract of land: Beginning at a point -230 feet Easterly from the Southwest corn er of Block "A" Buena Vista Addi tion to Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, Easterly along the Northerly line of Sixteenth Street, Oregon City, running thence East erly 100 feet, thence Northerly and at right angles to said line 100 feet, thence westerly and parallel to said line 100 feet, thence Southerly 100 feet to the place of beginning. C. H. DYE, Trustee. A tract of land: Beginning at a point 460 feet Easterly from the Southwest corn er of Block "A" Buena Vista Addi tion to Oregon City, Clackamas County Oregon, Easterly along the . Northerly line of Sixteenth Street, Oregon City, running thence Easter ly 100 feet, thence Northerly and at right angles to said line 100 feet, thence Westerly and parallel to said line 100 feet, thence Southerly 100 feet to "the place of beginning. C.: H. DYE, Trustee. A tract of land: Beginning at a pofnt 560 feet easterly from the Southwest corn er of Block "A" Buena Vista Addi tion to. Oregon City; Clackamas County, Oregon, Easterly along the Northerly line of Sixteenth Street, Oregon City, thence Easterly 100 feet, thenc Northerly and at right angle to said line, 100 feet, thence Westerly and parallel to said line 100 feet, thence southerly 100 feet to the place of beginning. JOHN W. LODER. A tract of land: Beginning at a point 690 .. feet Easterly from the Southwest corn er of Block "A" Buena Vista -Addition to Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, Easterly along the Northerly line of Sixteenth Street, Oregon City, thence Easterly 50 feet thence Northerly and at right angles to said line,' 100 feet, thence West erly and parallel to said line 50 feet, thence Southerly 100 feet to the place of beginning. C. H. DYE, Trustee A tract of land: Beginning at a point 740 feet Easterly from the Southwest corn er of Block . "A" Buena Vista Addi tion to Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, Easterly along the Northerly line of Sixteenth Street, Oregon City, thence Easterly 50 feet, thence Northerly and at right angles 100 feet, thence Westerly and parallel to said line 50 feet, thence Southerly 100 feet to the place of beginning. LOUISE PURSIFULL. . A tract of land: - ' ' . Beginning at a point 790 feet from the Southwest corner of Block "A" Buena Vista Addition to Ore gon' City, Clackamas County, Ore gon, Easterly along the Northerly line of Sixteenth Street, Oregon City, Easterly 50 feet, thence North erly and at right angles to said line 100 feet, thence Westerly and para llel to said line 50 feet, thence. Southerly 100 feet to the place of beginning. . ISAAC AND LOUISE PURSIFULL. A tract of land: Beginning at a point on the east erly line of Division Street, Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon," thence Northerly at right angles to Sixteenth Street 100 feet, thence Easterly parallel with Sixteenth Street to the Westerly projection of Division Street, thence Southerly along the Westerly ' projection of Division Street, thence Westerly to - the place of beginning. C. H. DYE, Trustee. W. A. WHITE, JOHN BITTNER, GEORGE RANDALL, Committee. C. S. NOBLE, City Engineer. Si Sallow skin, blotches, dull, watery eyes, eruptions and skin blemishes due to inaction of the liver and bowels, cause more discontent to women than anything else don't suf fer try Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea regulates the stomach and bowels, purfies the blood, clears the completxion. 35c Tea or Tablets. Jones Drug Co. I Portland Railway, Light & Power Company Beaver Building, Main Street Unqualifiedly the Best LEDGER : The De Luxe Steel Back New improved C U RVE D Tl N G ET allows the covers to drop back on the desk wiuiout tnrowing the leaves into a curved position. Sizes 8 1-4 to 20 inches Oregon City enterprise Headquarters for Loose Leaf Systems Presto Music Journal, Chicago The most remarkable ovation that the walls of the auditorium have known in many a day was that accorded "Roney's Boys." "their singing was a revelation. Advertisements in The Enterprise brings results. The Superiority of ElectricToast to the charred, or brittle, or soggy kind made in the tedious old-fashioned way, is relatively the same as the superiority ci grilled steak to tried steak. For one-tenth , cf a cent a slice the General Electric Radiant Toaster makes Perfect Toast faster than you can eat it. It is Perfect Toast because the radiant heat forces the necessary chemical change in the bread. This insures delicious golden Toast that fairly melts in your mouth. Ycu can operate the General Electric Radiant Toaster on the finest damask table cloth. Its neat porcelain base and cheerful glowing coils add grace and charm to any table. This little toaster is on display at our store in the Bea ver Building on Main Street FabstsuKay specific ' Does the work. You all fro A A know it. Price -. . by reputation. i FOR SALE BY JONES DRUG COMPANY 5s 35 1