V J MR. HENRY PECK AND HIS FAMILY AFFAIRS V . tvs woe txe at 1 I Strain 'wwr.Ko ioe.e ta uttle uy WoNT i I sxsvie fake I I I M I - ' r t f-JM I I : l "p ' '; - ' ' ' - 1 1 MORNING ENTERPRISE OREGON CITY, OREGON. E. E. Bredle. Editor and Publisher. "Entered aa secvnd-class matter Jan nary 9, 1911, at the past office at Oregon City, Oregon, under the Aet of March S, 1879." TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Tear, by mall $3.00 Six Months, by mall 1.50 Four Months, by mall 1.00 Per Week, by oarrler 10 CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER May 16 In American History. 1801 W. H.. Seward, statesman, secre . tary of state under Lincoln, bosn: died 1S72. 1824 Ijvi I. Morton, vice president under Harrison, born at Shoreham, Vt. 18(i3-Federal ric tory over the Con federate defender of Viekstmrn. at Chauipiou's Hill. Miss., tlie heaviest battle of the campaign. Over 5.1KX) men fell. ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. Evening star: Saturn. 'Morning stars: Mercury, Jupiter, Mars, Venus. Constellation Virgo spans the southern and southeastern sky, with the first magnitude star. Spica. well above the horizon about 8:30 p m. VALIANT THREE Less than a week SHOW DIVISION after the filing of their report on the matter of charges filed against the county court, Messrs. M. J. Brown, R. Schue bel and S. L. Casto seem to have lost that tie of brotherhood that bound them so closely together in the com mon cause of "frame-up" and dis gruntled spleen. Particularly is Mr. Brown getting tired of the voluminous rampage against county officials, and already is he showing signs of "'craw fishing." The ether day in conversation with H. L. Hull, commander of Meade Post, G. A. R. a conversation'- in which Sheriff E. T. Mass also took a part this same Brown expressed his real opinions of the agitation so care fully fostered against Judge Beatie and the county commissioners. "I wish I hadn't gone into the blame thing," said Brown. "But now that I am in it, I suppose I've got to stick." And with these sentiments Brown is sticking. It must be pleasant to be a psuedo-reformer, and be forced to half-heartedly plug along' at the bidding of some guilding hand. The cat that was forced to drag chest nuts out of the fire for the monkey doubtless wished it "hadn't gone in to the blame thing," too; but a stronger force kept it busy at its un pleasant task. Thus squirming unpleasantly in the grip of some stronger power. Brown is doing his level best to exhibit an enthusiasm in the "frame-up," and is making a mighty poor job of it. His heart isn't in it, and he is beginning American No velists Afraid They Don't Know Enough By SAMUEL HOPKINS ADAMS. Novelist UR writers have learned HANDY, as the Yankees say. They are craftsmen. They know their trade, and when they begin to apply their tech nical knowledge to big things we will have American novels that will be as good as our short stories are now. If the men now liv ing don't do it then the MEN WHO" COME AFTER THEM WILL DO IT. I BELIEVE WE ARE AFRAID AFRAID THAT WE OONT KNOW ENOUGH. THE FIELD IS SO VAST AND THE MATERIAL SO SCAT- INTO .TUC . MAM s-m. .. '. ' '' i Yon see, we are living closer to our materials than did the novelist? of the past days. We are nearer the remote social factors than tin great English novelists were. They wrote of what they heard, and wi have such facilities that to keep our consciences right WE MUS I WRITE ONLY OF WHAT WE SEE. And that's h good thing to do. One of the worst things that :i happen is the formation of a "literary class" the class of writers wli. tbink they are writing about things when they are really only WRIT "ENG ABOUT THE SHADOW OF THINGS. The writer of t day has probably a wider circle of acquaintances than any writers ii history (unless we except the ancient Greeks), and it takes a pretty brash person to sit down and write a novel about a thing that he does not know thoroughly. Falls View Addition Lots $25 and up, on easy pay ments. These lots are sightly and can not be duplicated any where in a city of this size. Dillman&Howland Opposite Court House to see the rank injustice of the thing. So, when he is forced to publish the report of the "committee of three," he breaks into it to expose its weak nesses and fallacies in the following words: "In fairness to all, the Courier wishes to interrupt the report at this point to say that since the report was made several taxpayers have reported to this office that Mr. Lazelle's dis trict had received practically all of its one-third of the tax; that he has no just cause for complaint as to the rest of the money, and that the bal ance is being held up because the tax payers of the other parts of the dis trict want it held up. Tfie committee had not time to investigate this mat ter and many other like complaints, further than the official records bore them out Editor." "The committee had not time to investigate this matter and many oth er like complaints." What an admis sion! The committee of three had not time to investigate "many other like complaints." ' Of course, they had no time, those who participate in a "frame-up" seldom have time for anything else. But the report sub mitted to the Live Wires by Messrs. Eby and Loder shows .that the com mittee had time to investigate some complaints that it found groundless and finding them groundless, the val iant trio selected to head the "frame up" had not even the manhood and courage to say that some of the com plaints were groundless. It is too bad for the sake of the "frame-up" that Brown wished he "hadn't gone into the blame thing," and then let this wish inadvertently force him to make ' the admission "the committee had not time .to in vestigate this matter and many other like complaints." LOOK TO TODAY. Know thou, my heart, if thou art not happy today thou shalt never be happy. Today it is given thee to be patient, unselfish, purposeful; to be strong, eager and to work mightily. !f thou doest these things, and doest them with a grateful heert. thou shalt be as happy as it is g:ven man to be on earth. Havergal. how to use their tools. They are nanuuT- VIOOU"" MEN - H KBIT ATE TO PLUNGE I I Ordinance No. lj nrTTim fin cnrr? a m ' r .. . ..Tr'-mktmsmi L 1' ' -' Do you know what we need in booming this townl WE NEED STEAM We should organize all the men into a GREAT ENGINE OF PROGRESS and then get enough steam In our boilers to make the thing go The locomotive has transformed the world, nas peopled the wilderness, built great cities, carried civilization to the ends or the. earth, made trail boom all around the planet. It has done these things because It has POWER, because It MOVES U Is an tron and steel harness placed on the force of steam It Is organized to go in definite directions and perform definite tasks. We need to HARNESS HUMAN STEAM, to give it the same definite di rectJons and tasks to perform. To build a human engine that will pull this town up the road of progress we must all work together. We must organize so that each man will have his allotted part of the load; then we must get up the steam of energy, puil open the throttle and move things. Toot-toot! AH aboard the boosting train! Now. all together! Pull for new people, new business: Pull For a Bigger Wants, For Sale, Etc Notices' under these classified headings will De inserted at one cent a word, first Insertion, half a cent additional inser tions. One inch card, $2 per month; half inch card. ( 4 lines), $1 per month. Cash must accompany order unless one has an open account with the paper. No financial responsibility for errors; where errors occur free corrected notice will be printed for patron. Minimum charge 16c. Anyone that is tnt of employment and feels he cannot afford to ad vertise for work, can have the use of our want columns free of charge. ' This places no obligation of any sort on you, we simply wish to be of assistance to any worthy person. HOW would you like , to talk with 1400 people about tiat bargain you have in Real Estate. Use the Enter prise. WOOD AND COAL. COAL COAL The famous (King) coal from Utah, free delivery. Telephone your or der to A 56 or Main 14, Oregon City Ice Works, 12th and Main Streets. ORKGON CITY WOOD AND rUBL CO., F. M. Blukm. Wooa and coal delivered to all parts of the city SAWING A WSCIALTT. Phone your orde-s. - Pacific . 1371, Home B 1J0 FOR SALE FOR SALE Good 'as new Esty organ. Call E. P. Elliott, 7th and Main St. FOR SALE Gray team, well match ed, weight 2909 lbs. Home phone Beaver Creek, C. F. Weismandel, Oregon City, Route No. 3. FOR SALE 23 -.White Wyandotte hens and 65 young chickens, 30 of them 6 weeks old. Inquire 199 18th street, city. FOR SALE A Good Bargain For Cash 5-room house and 3 lots, good well, big barn, chicken "hou.se en- ' closed with wire netting. City wa ter attached. Call and see this place; it is sure a good bargain. 17th and Harrison St., telephone Main 3594. FOR SALE OR RENT 5-room house at Gladstone on county road, facing Clackamas river, 2 blocks from Arl ington station; rent 8.00; sale ...... uii application to Win. Beard, xiv-e., uregon City. FOR RENT FOR RENT House in Parkplace. next to Grange hall,- near Baby home, would make a fine .. general store; has fine room on second story, building about 30x50. Sej E. P. Elliott & Son. FOR RENT Furnished bed room, with bath ; lady preferred. Phone Main 2651. FOR RENT 50 acres,- Alvin Clark old home. Eagle Creek, very cheap if taken now. Main 4823, Portland, or R. F. D. No. 2, Box 265, Hills adle, Ore. . " . MISCELLANEOUS GIRL WANTED for general house work;, good salary. Main 1501. . , and Better Town BOARDERS Wanted men ' desiring board and room in quiet home. Call at 616 Ealeventh street, two and one-half blocks from Main St. WANTED A few horses or cows to pasture; good grass and plenty of water. 2 miles south of Oregon City. Phone, Farmers 228, A. H. Harvey. WANTED 2 men or women to board and room. Apply 1311 Main St., or Telephone Main 1551. WANTED Honey bees in any kind of stands, will pay $1.00 per stand and call and get them anywhere within 20 miles of Canby. Address M. J. Lee, . Canby, Ore. BIDS FOR WOOD Bids will be re ceived by the trustees of the Elks Loge, No. 1189, for 60 cords of No. 1, sound, first growth fir wood; no objections to rought wood; delivery to be made by August 1st. Address all bids to E. J. NOBLE, secretary. By order of the Board of Trustees. J. F. RISLEY, Chairman. WOMAN, aged 38, with girl aged 7, wishes position as housekeeper- for batchelor or widower living in the country. Thoroughly respectable and -capable. Wages reasonable. Address Mrs. Clara Crawford, care Enterprise. WANTED Convalescent or invalid to nurse at my own home; best of care and a good home. Mrs. L. Paul, 122 Center St. THE SPIRELLA CORSET The best made to measure corset, un equaled for style and comfort, au official guarantee with each corset ' will be pleased to call and tak your measure. Mrs.. Adalyn Davis, Corsetiere. Phone 3552, Room 4 Willamette Blag. GARDNER AND FLORIST. . CHARLES M. MOFFITT Gardner and Florist, planting, prun ing and fertilizing. Alexander Apart ments, West Side, Phone Main 3093. MOLES! MOLES! MOLES The easi est method- of destroying moles without the use of drugs, or traps. Absolutely nothing to buy. Send 25 cents in coin for full information. G. A. YOUNG, Sumner, Iowa, Box 11 MONEY TO LOAN c have 51,000 to loan at 7 Deri .-out interest or first mortgage. E. P. Elliott & Son. MONEY TO LOAN on good security $3,500.00 in $500.00 to $700.00 loans. Dillman & Howland. NOTICES ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been duly appoint ed administrator of the estate of John Arquette, deceased, and any and all persons having c'aims against the said estate must pre sent them to the undersigned at Colton, Oregon, duly verified with in six months from the date of this notice. - Dated April 23rd, A. D. 1913. " JOSEPH ARQUETTE," Administrator, DIMICK & DIMICK, - Attorney for Administrator. An Ordinance for making an. improve ment at Fourth Street, Oregon City, Oregon, from the Bluff 190 feet West of the West line of High Street, Easterly to the West line of Mon roe Street. Oregon City does ordain as fol Section 1. The proposed improve- j ment of Fourth Street, Oregon City, Oregon, from the Bluff 190 West of the West line of High Street to the , West line of Monroe Street accord-1 ' ing to the plans and specifications on file in the office of the City Re-1 corder of said Oregon City and ap proved by Resolution adopted Ap ril 23rd, 1913, which said plans, spe cifications are referred to and made a part of this Ordinance; The improvement shall be con structed as follows: he street shall be brought to sub-grade" the full width theerof. On the road-bed ma cadam shall be placed not less than six (0) inches thick at the curbs and not less than nine (9) inches thick at the center of the street and when completed the road-bed shall be brought to grade specified in Or dinance passed by the City Coun cil on the 23rd day of April, 1913. The street shall be properly pro--vided with drains, catch-basins, and gutters necessary to preserve the grade, embankment and surface of the street and to provide all proper drainage. Sidewalks shall be of concrete except where upon applica . tion to the. City Council owners are permitted to have wood walks laid. All sidewalks shall be six feet wide and laid to the property line. Curbs shall be placed on each side of ths Macadamized portion of the street. Crosswalks shall be six feet wide and not less than three inches thick and all of said improvement shall be made according to the plans and specifications filed Feb. 6th, 1913, and approved by resolution adopt ed April 23rd, 1913. Section 2. The Improvement shall be classed "Macadam" and shall be maintained by Oregon City for the full period of ten years from the date of the acceptance thereof by the Council. Section 3. The Recorder is here by authorized to advertise for and receive proposals for said improve ment but the City reserves the right to rejuect any and all bids therefor, and the Mayor and Recorder shall enter into a. contract or contracts with each person, firm or corpora tion to whom the contract or con tracts are let by the City Council of Oregon City for the improvement or parts thereof as specified by this ordinance. Section 4. Each contract ' shall contain a stipulation to the effect that where the cost of the improve ment under the provisions of the contract shall exceed one-half the value of the property assessed for the cost of the improvement, that 'the excess of said cost of the im provement over the said one-half value of the property assessed for the improvement, that the said ex cess shall be paid to the contractor by Oregon City out of the General Fund of Oregon City and that as to the balance, each person, firm or , corporation to whom said contract or contracts are let, shall look for the payment only to the sum as sessed upofl the property liable to pay for said improvement and col lected and paid into the Treasury of Oregon City for , such purposes and they shall not hold Oregon City by any legal process or otherwise liable to pay the said sum out of any other fund. Section 5. Whereas the condition of said street is and was dangerous to the health- and safety of the pub lic and its immediate improvement is necessary for the immediate pre servation of the health and safety of the public, in the judgment of the Council of Oregon City an emergency exists; therefore this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its ap proval by the Mayor. Read first time and ordered pub lished at a special meeting of the City Council of Oregon City held on the 14th day of May, 1913. L. STIPP, Recorder. Ordinance No. An Ordinance adopting the survey, report and plat of the street to and from the public elevator between Sixth and Seventh Streets, filed by the City Engineer. Oregon City does ordain as fol lows: Sec. 1. Whereas, the Coun" expedient to lay out a street on the bluff between swth I ana beventh Street, to connect the same with the public elevator, and that heretofore the City Engineer was, by resolution, directed to make a survey of the said street, and a plat of the same and to file a writ ten report containing a full and complete description, of the same and 'the boundaries thereof, and of the portions of each lot and tract of land to be appropriated therefor, and Whereas, the City Engineer did on the 26th day of April, 1913, file with the Recorder of Oregon City, Oregon, a survey and plat and the following report of the said street, to-wit: "April 26, 1913. "Description of property neces sary for tUA construction of a street from proposed Elevator to be op ened between 7th and 6th Streets. All that property lying between and west of the following described line and the bluff lying in Lots 1, By Gross ELECTRICAL WORK Contracts, Wiring and Fixtures WE DO IT Miller-Parker .Co. 2, 3 and 4, Block 34, Oregon City, Oregon. Beginning at a point two (2) feet southerly from the NE corner of Lot 1, Block 34, and on the property line of High Street, thence 5 feet on a line 45 degrees to the right from High Street to the B.C. of a curve having a radius of 331.1 feet, thence on said curve 245.2 feet, more or less to the E. C. (said curve to have a central angle of 42 degrees, 36 minutes) thence on the tangent to said curve at said E. C. 48 feet more or less to the north line of Sixth Street, at a point 10.1 feet from the west line of High Street. Respectfully submitted, CHAS. S. NOBLE, City Engineer. Per. G. C. YALE." And. Whereas, said survey, plat and report is sufficient, the same is hereby adopted. Sec. 2. Owing to the conditions of the streets in Oregon City, it is necessary for the immediate pre servation of health and safety that the proposed street to the public elevator be immediately opened and that this ordinance should take ef fect immediately, an emergency is therefore' declared to exist, and this . ordinance is to become of force and effect immediately upon its approv al by the Mayor. Read first time and ordered pub lished the 14th day of May, 1913. L. STIPP, Recorder. Notice for Bids. Notice is hereby given' that sealed " bids for furnishing all labor and ma terial for the construction of con crete sidewalks and curbs on Sev enth Street, Oregon City, Oregon, alongside of the City Park, between John Adams and Jefferson Streeets, will be received by .the Recorder of Oregon City, until 4 o'clock, P. M. of Monday, Wlay 26th, 1913. Plans and specification containing further information will be furnished upon 'application to the City Recorder. Each bid must be accompanied by & certified check equal to a sum of five per cent of the total amount of the bid, which sum will be sub ject to forfeiture to Oregon City in case of the failure of the success ful bidder to enter into a written contract with Oregon City and fur nish the required bonds for said work, if called upon so to do, with in the time specified for same. Proposals must be made upon blanks furnished by Oregon City. The right to reject any and all bids or to accept the bid consider ed most favorable to Oregon City is hereby reserved to Oregon City. Each proposal must state the time required for the completion of the entire work and said construction work must be done in accordance with "the Ordinances of Oregon City and the Chrater theerof and the plans and specifications governing such work. This notice is published pursuant to an order of the City Council of Oregon City. L. STIPP, Recorder. Notice to Property Owners on Jack son Street To Anna Barbara Ginther, H. E. Noble, H. S. and Charlotte Clyde, Bertha Surface, Pauline Schwartz. H. E. Cross, "W. S. Hair, W. S. U'Rren, trustee, The Bank of Ore gon City, F. C. and L. Freese, A. J. Wilson, W. T. Whitlock, Alex Simmons, Mrs. Clara Chute. You and each of you is hereby no tified that the undersigned have been appointed by the city council of Oregon City, Oregon, as ap praisers of the property hereinaf ter described, lying on Jackson street, from the north side of 12th street to the south side of Six teenth street and that the under Figures do not lie. Open an account with our bank and let us do your bookkeeping. You will always "know how you stand." The Bank of Oregon City OLMST BANK IN CLAOKAMM 4MTTY D. C. LATOUR13TTE, President. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OFOREON CITY, OREGON r CAPrrAL $ve.oo Transacts a General Banking Business. - . Open from 1 A. M. to 9 P. M HENRYJR5AY5 signed will meet at the intersection of 16th and Jackson streets on the 2bin :tay cf May, 1913, at 9 o'clock a. m. for the purpose of viewing said property for the purpose of es timating the value thereof, this value to be used as a basis upon which to estimate the proportion of the improvement of said Jackson street as the same is now being im proved. . That W. A. White, John Bittner and George Randall were heretofore appointed to make this appraise ment and they, with the city engi neer, constitute a committee for that purpose. The property upon which the value is to be fixed and the owners there of are as follows: Lot 1, Block 149, Oregon City. Oregon, Anna Barbara Ginther. Lot 2, Block 149, Oregon City. Oregon, Anna Barbara Ginther. Lot 3, Block 149, Oregon City, Oregon, H. E. Noble. Lot 4, Block 149, Oregon City, Oregon, H. E. Noble. Lot 1, Block 150, Oregon City, Oregon, H. S. and Charlotte Clyde. Lot 2, Block 150, Oregon City, Oregon, H. S. and Charlotte Clyde. Lot 3, Block 150, Oregon City, Oregon, Bertha Surface. Lot 4, Block 150, Oregon City, Oregon, Pauline Schwartz. Oregon, H. E. Cross. Lot 2, Block 151, Oregon City. Oregon, H. E. Cross. Lot 3, Block 151, Oregon City, Oregon, S. W. Hair. Lot 4, Block 151, Oregon City, Oregon. W. S. Hair. Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Block 152, Ore gon City, Oregon, Oregon City. Lots 5, 6, 7 and .8, Block 170, Ore gon City, Oregon, W. S. U'Ren, trustee. , Lot 5, TJlock 171, Oregon . City, Oregon v Bank of Oregon City. Lot 6, Block 171, Oregon City, Oregon, Bank of Oregon City, Ore gon. Lot 7, Block 171, Oregon City, Oregon, Bank of Oregon City. Lot 8, Block 171, Oregon City, Oregon, Bank of Oregon City. Lot- B. Tflnrk 172 Oroe-nn Citv Oregon, F. C. and L. Freese. Lot 6, Block 172, Oregon City, . Oregon, F. C. and L. Freese. , Lot 7, Block 172, Oregon City. Oregon, A. J. Wilson. Lot 8, Block 172, Oregon City, Oregon, A. J. Wilson. Lot 5, Block 173, Oregon City, Oregon. W. T. Whitlock. Lot 6, Block 173, Oregon City. Oregon, Alex Simmons. Lot 7, Block 173, Oregon City. Oregon, Mrs. Clara Chute. Lot 8, Block 173, Oregon City, Oregon, Mrs. Clara Chute. W. A. WHITE, JOHN BITTNER, GEORGE RANDALL, - Committee. C. S. NOBLE, City Engineer. Ordinance No. An Ordinance appropriating $225.0'V to the Cataract Hose Company. Oregon City does ordain as fol lows: Section 1. There is hereby ap propriated out of the general fund of Oregon City, Oregon, the sum , of $225.00 or so much thereof as may be necessary to fit up the rooms of the Cataract . Hose Com pany and to furnish the said rooms, and the City Recorder is hereby authorized to draw a warrant for said amount. Read first time and ordered pub lished, at a special meeting of the City Council to be held on the 14th day of May, 1913. L. STIPP, Recorder Boost your home town by reading your home paper. F. J. MEYER, Cashier.