Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, May 13, 1913, Image 2

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$ coot- were smhgA hav&to tve. vt up! M m J WSM f OH you eats.this Mere: fl lpri kc-Mss-nc science f
ftPER,TOR5 fe MY WORK- - tfl - . faF FROMTHE SKY INTO MY JsT II A "NKSfrlvtNfr-
t H Ow iS " WRJR, ' '
i i"" "'" ' " """" ' "" ' " " ' i
E. E. Brodle, Editor and Publisher.
"Entered as second-clam matter Jan
uary S, 1911, at the post office at Oregon
City, Oregon, under the Aet of Maroh
, 1879."
One Tear, by mall $3.00
Six Months, by mall 1.50
Four Months, by mail 1.00
Per Week, by Barrier 10
May 13 In American History.
18G1 Great Britain issued proclama
tion of neutrality in American civil
18G2 President IJnrolu proclaimed the
captured sen ports of Beaufort. NX'.;
fort Ko.viii. S. t. and New Orleans
opeu to ( lie world's commerce, ter
niinafiiitf the war tiloi-kade
1910 The riiitcd States government
asked permission of Culm to raise
the battleship Maine, wrecked in
Elavana harbor Feb. 15. 1.HUK
Evening star: Saturn. Morning
stars: Mercury, Jupiter. Mars. Venus.
The Pleiades just setting about 9 p. m.t
due northeast belong to constellation
Taurus, part of which has passed be
low the horizon.
WRONG AS TO Speaking before the
CLACKASAS conference on the con
servation of human life, at the Reed
Institute, Professor E. P. Cubberly,
of department of education at Ice
land Stanford university, expressed
the opinion that school districts
ought to be eliminated, and the coun
ty made the unit of control of rural
schools. Prof. Cubberly also sug
gested that the small school house
should be abolished, and educational
work concentrated in larger unites.
This may be so in California, but
it is not so in Oregon, and least of
all is it so in Clackamas county. The
6tate law here provides that when
ever there is sufficient demand,
school districts can unite and estab
lish a union high school, and thus
fulfill the need for higher education
near to and accessible to the rural
communities. Clackamas county has
several examples of such rural high
schools, all of which are 'doing a
great work. As to the small schools
they have proved a blessing to the
children of this county, enabling
many to get an education who other
wise would be barred from early
training utterly, or else be forced to
leave their homes and go away to
school at the' very age when home
life is most necessary for them.
ONE MAN'S Thomas G. Farrel, can
OPINIONS ner of salmon that is
to say a man who is heavily interest
ed in a canning establishment
writes a letter to The Oregonian in
which he declares that commercial
fishing on the Willamette ' is "one of
the greatest crimes against conser
vation." There are many residents
of this city who believe the same
thing, and who say it in private con
versation. But these men do not
come out, as does Mr. Farrell, and
say it publically. Most of the local
people who are opposed to commer
cial fishing, and who want the river
"closed," are members of the Clack
amas County Rod & Gun club, and if
they really feel this way about it, it
seems to The Enterprise that it
Extravagance In Household
Raises Living Cost
T is disastrous to try to meet
ing the mother to work. Her wage can never make up what
There are three points in household management which
seem to me to be weak in all classes. The first of these is the matter of
selection and substitution. Largely because of ignorance of food val
ues certain articles of diet are CONSIDERED IXDISPENSABLK
whatever their price. ; .
There are few if any articles of food for which SUBSTITUTES
cannot be found.
; The cost of living is kept up, to a degree at least, by IGNO
the Keller can put off on the buyr underweight and adulterations.
. : :
Falls View
Lots $25 and up, on easy pay
ments. These lots are sightly
and can not be duplicated any
where in a city of this size.
Opposite Court House
should be the action or the club to
declare itself officially against com
mercial fishing.
In speaking of the evils of com
mercial fishing, Mr. Farrel has the
following to say:
"In the Willamette river very early
in the spring the Chinook salmon
gather in their efforts to surmount
the falls and gain their spawning
grounds on the upper reacjes of the
river and its tributaries. These fish
are the very cream of the cream of
salmon They are the earliest run of
this royal fish. If eggs are desired
from which the hatcheries may pro
pagate salmon it is from these fish
they should be taken. The first sal
mon that come in from the ocean
are always Jhe best.
"Two days after I visited the falls
the market fishermen with their nets
were turned loose on this horde of
fish the fish of all fish wanted for
propagation. Prior thereto on the
rocks and even on the walls of the
pulp mills were the location num
bers for the set nets which on May
1 would be spread. Through the
pools and reaches below the falls
would sweep the gill nets. I think I
can say without fear of contradiction
that in one night the nets would
take more fish than would all the
anglers combined during, an entire
season. In four or five days the larg
er part of this army of salmon are
taken and fishing with angling de
vices or nets is practically at an end.
May 2, the gasoline tender from the
canning establishment in which I
am owner, gathered at Oregon City
over 20,000 pounds, of these grand
fish but a portion of the night catch
Yes, on my own boat. The fish are
being caught and will be sold and I
may as well have them, but the. tak
ing of any salmon other than with a
hook and line, between the falls and
the Clackamas Rapids is, to my mind,
a crying shame and something that
we will all rue some day."
A Woman's "No."
"What's The matter?"
"She has rejected me again. She
says this is final."
"Did she say how final?" inquired
the older and more experienced man.
Washington Herald. ' .
Bridwell About All In.
AI Bridwell is experiencing trouble
in getting int'b condition, and Man
ager Evers has practically abandoned
hope of the veteran being able to fill
Tinker's ol.l place at short Corriden
seems to be the boy
Borton Showing Up Well.
Babe Burton's batting has improved
so much this year that Jimmy Callahan
says the powerful fledgling has a death
grapple on the Chicago White Sox first
base job.
extravagance in the home by send
How to
Did yon ever realize that the greatest kicker in the world Is a jackass) j
Did it ever dawn on you that this U Just as tree of THE TWO LEGGED
KICKER as of the four legged one?
For example, who could be a more perfect jackass than the man who kicks
about bis own town 7
The ass kicks because be Is built that way. and the man kicks because be
Is built the same way.
The ass usually Has something to kick at but the mao often kicks abont
nothing at alt.
Get out of the kicking habit and be a booster.
It pays pays the individual and pays the community.
Wouldn't you rather live in a GOOD town than a POOR one?
All right then; help to make your town a good one.
Talk It up. arouse the town spirit GET EVERYBODY TO BOOSTING.
Anybody can kick, but it takes a good man to boost.
Be a good citizen! Get the habit: -
A Bleak Country, the Very Spirit of
Which Is Restlessness.
Beyond the forests of Siberia lies the
barren center of the Asiatic continent
that inhospitable, desolate land of
nakedness, the haunt of roaming nom
ads, a region of bitter winds and hos
tile climate. In the very heart of the
greatest continent, in that part of the
earth's surface which Is farthest re
moved from the sea, lies the lone, bleak
land of Mongolia.
In all its immense area there are but
few towns where men live settled lives,
and it possesses but a scanty popula
tion, while because by its very position
it is cut off from the softening influence
of the sea it presents a dreary aspect
of windy wastes, endless steppes and
Wild and wide is Mongolia, stretch
ing as it does for 2,000 miles in the
savage splendor of limitless expanse.
Man cannot rest in such a country not
live a sedentary life. It has been the
birthplace of the greatest migrations
the world has ever seen. Restless
movement, in fact, is the very spirit
of Mongolia.
What history this land could tell ii
only its deserts could speak and its
mountains bear witness! Here rode
Genghis, the Mongol Alexander, the
most ruthless and inhuman destroyer
the world has experienced. On these
wide plateaus wandered'those Mongol
herdsmen who fed their flocks and
moved their camps with complete con
tent and splendid isolation until at last
the wanderlust came over them and
they burst out from their fastness tc
overrun the world. Wide World Mag
azine. Wants, For Sale, Etc
Notices under these classified headings
will De inserted at one cent a word, first
insertion, half a cent additional inser
tions. One inch card, $2 per month; half
inch card. ( 4 lines), Jl per month.
Cash must accompany order unless one
has an open account with the paper. No
financial responsibility for errors; where
errors occur free corrected notice will be
printed for patron. Miniriium charge 15c.
HOW would you like to talk with
1400 people about that bargain you
have in Real Estate. Use the Enter
The famous - (King) coal from Utah,
free delivery. Telephone your or
der to A 56 Or Main 14, Oregon City
' Ice Works, 12th and Main Streets.
CO., F. M. Blunm. Wood and eoaj
' delivered to all parts of the city
your orde-B. Pacific 1371, Home
8 1J0
FOR SALE Good as new Esty organ.
Call E. P. Elliott, 7th and Main St.
FOR SALE By owner About 1 1-3
acres, 6-room house, good well,
lights, beam ceiled and plastered,
full basement, Dutch kitchen; easy
payments, $2,650. Bessie E. Bruecl
ent, Jenning's Lodge.
Serve Turkey
FOR SALE Gray team, well match
ed, weight 2900 lbs. Home phone
Beaver Creek, C. F. Weismandel,
Oregon City, Route No. 3.
FOR SALE At Clackamas Heights,
4-room house and one acre, well
improved; no reasonable offer re
fused. Apply owner, C. . Hinman,
Oregon City, Route No. 6.
FOR SALE A Good Bargain For
Cash 5-room house and 3 lots, good
well, big barn, chicken house en
closed with wire netting. City wa
ter attached. Call and see this
place; it is sure a good bargain.
17th and Harrison St., telephone
Main 3594.
FOR RENT House in Parkplace.
next to Grange hall, near Baby
home, would make a fine general
store; has fine room on second
"story, building about 30x50. See E.
P. Elliott & Son.
FOR RENT Nice furnished house
keeping rooms for rent. Phone
Main 1292 or A253
GOOD PASTURE for rent, Henry El
liott, Westside, Pacific phone Farm
ers 7x1. Charman & Co., city drug
store will answer inquiries.
WANTED Girl , for general house
work. Call J. C. Bridges, 7th and
VanBuren Sts.
GIRL WANTED for general house
work; good salary. Main 1501.
WANTED The use of a horse and
buggy for its keep, or will pay a
small amount in cash and keep;
does r.ot need to be much of a rig,
but will have the best of care and
light UBe. Addres, "B" care Enter
prise. WANTED A few horses or cows to
pasture; good grass and plenty of
water, 2 miles south of Oregon
City. Phone, Farmers 228, A. H.
WANTED 2 men or women to board
and room". Apply 1311 Main St., or
Telephone Main 1551.
WANTED Honey bees in any kind
of stands, will pay $1.00 per stand
and call and get them anywhere
within 20 miles of Canby. Address
M. J. Lee, Canby, Ore.
BIDS FOR WOOD Bids will be re
ceived by the trustees of the Elks
Loge, No. 1189, for 60 cords of No.
1, ound, first growth fir wood; no
objections to rought wood; delivery
to be made by August 1st. Address
all bids to E. J. NOBLE, secretary.
By order of the Board of Trustees.
J. F. RISLEY, Chairman.
WOMAN, aged 38, with girl aged 7,
wishes position as housekeeper for
batchelor or widower living in the
country. Thoroughly respectable
and capable. Wages reasonable.
Address Mrs. Clara Crawford, care
WANTED Convalescent 0r invalid to
nurse at my own liome; -best of !
care and a good home. Mrs. L. Paul,
122 Center St
By Scoop
The best made to measure corset, un-
eual4 for style aad comfort, an
official guaraatee with each corset
will be pleased to call and take
your measure. Mrs. Adalya Davis,
Corsetlere. Phone 3552, Room 4
" Willamette Blg.
Gardner and Florist, planting, prun
ing and fertilizing. Alexander Apart
ments, West Side, Phone Main 3093.
est method of destroying moles
without the use of drugs, or traps.
Absolutely nothing to buy. Send 25
cents in coin for full information.
G. A. YOUNG, Sumner, Iowa, Box 11
WE HAVE $1,000 to loan at 7 per
cent interest or first mortgage.
P. Elliott & Son.
MONEY" TO LOAN on good security
$3,500.00 in $500.00 to $700.00
loans. Dillman & Howland.
Notice is hereby given that bids' will
be received by the county clerk of
Clackamas county, Oregon, not
later than June 16th, 1913, at 5
o'clock p. m., for the construction
of a bridge, in accordance with
plans and specifications now on
file in the office of said clerk across
a creek on the Oatfield road a
short distance north of Evergreen
station. All of said . bids must be
accompanied by certified check for
5 per cent of the amount of the
bid and shall be marked "bids for
construction of a bridge" and the
right is reserved by the county
court to reject any or all bids so
County Clerk.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County:
Sue M. Spalding, Plaintiff,
"Harry F. Spalding, Defendant.
To Harry F. Spalding, the above
named defendant:
In the name of the state of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed
against you in the above entitled
suit on or before the 25th day of
June, 1913, and if you fail to appear
and answer for want thereof the
plaintiff will apply to the court for
the relief prayed for in her said
complaint, to-wit: For a decree of
this court dissolving the marriage
contract now existing between
plaintiff and defendant, and for
such other and further as to the
court may seem meet and equitable.
This summons is published by order
of the Hon. J. M. Campbell, judge
of the Circuit Court of the state of
Oregon for the fifth judicial dis
trict, made and entered on the 9th
day of May, 1913, and the time pre
scribed for the publication of this
summons is six weeks, beginning
on the 13th day of May, 1913, and
ending with the issue of June 24th,
1913. "
Attorney for Plaintiff.
301 Railway Exchange Bldg., Port
land, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Nellie Bertrand, Plaintiff,
Arthur Bertrand, Defendant.
To Arthur Bertrand, the above
named defendant.
In the name of the State of Ore
, gon you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint fil
ed against you in the above en
titled court and cause on or before
the 27th day of May, 1913,
said date being six weeks after
the first publication of this sum
mons. If you fail to appear and an
. swer, plaintiff will apply to the
.Court for the relief prayed for in
her complaint, which is for a de
cree dissolving the marriage be
tween you and the plaintiff and for
a decree of divorce and for such
other relief as may seem meet and
tlve weeks by order of Hon. J. U.
equitable and for costs.
This summons is served upon you
by being published for six consecu
Campbell, judge of the above nam
ed Court dated April 14, 1913. The
first publication of this summons
is made on the loth day of April,
Attorney for plaintiff.
the Circuit Court of the State of
x -
Oregon for the County of Clacka
mas; Edith Mitchell, Plaintiff,
James Mitchell, Defendant.
To James Mitchell, the above
named defendant:
In the name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
against you in the above named suit,
on or before the 27th day of May,
1913, said date being the expiration
of six full weeks from the first pub
lication of this summons, and if
you fail to so appear and answer
said complaint, for want thereof the
plaintiff will apply to the Court for
the' relief prayed for in her com
plaint, to-wit:
Contracts, Wiring and Fixtures
JYIiller-IParkier Co.
For a decree dissolving the bonds
of matrimony and marriage con
tract heretofore and now existing
between the plaintiff and defendant
and for the care, custody and con
trol of Malcolm Lyon Mitchell, min
or child of plaintiff and defendant
herein, and for such other and fur
ther relief as to the Court may
seem just and equitable in the
This summons is published by
order of the Hon. R. B. Beatie,
Judge of the County Court of the
State of Oregon, for the County of
Clackamas, which said order was
made and entered on April 14th,
1913. Date of first publication of
this summons is April 15th, 1913,
and the date of the last publica
tion thereof is May 27th, 1913, which
publication shall be made once a
week for six consecutive weeks aft
er the first publication of said sum
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Harriett O'Connell, Plaintiff,
James F. O'Connell, Defendant.
To James F. O'Connell, Defen
dant. In the name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint fil
ed against you in the above entit
led suit on or before the 27th day
of May, 1913, and if you fail to ap
pear and answer said complaint on
or before .said date which is six
weeks from the date of the first
publication of this summons, the
plaintiff will apply to the court
for the relief demanded in said
complaint, to-wit: for a decree of
This summons is served upon you
by publication once a week for six
consecutive weeks in the Morning
Enterprise, by order of the Honor
able J. U. Campbell, judge of the
above entitled court made and en
tered in said suit on the 10th day
of April, 1913.
Date of first publication April 15,
Date of last publication May 27th,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Ciurcuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County- of Clacka
mas. Mabel Lynn, Plaintiff,
Charles Lynn, Defendant.
To Charles Lynn, the above nam
ed defendant:
"In the name of the State of Ore
gon: You are hereby commanded,
summoned and. required to be and
appear and answer the complaint
of the plaintiff in the above entit
led suit now on file with the Clerk
of the above entitled Court on or
before the last day of the time pre
scribed in the order for the publi
cation of this summons, which or
der is hereinafter referred to, to
wit: on or before the 27th day of
May, A. D. 1913, and you are here
by notified that if you fail so to
appear and answer the said com
plaint as herein required, for want
thereof the plaintiff will apply to
the above entitled- Court for the
relief as prayed for in her complaint,
to-wit: For a decree of the above
entitled Court cancelling, annull
ing and dissolving the marriage
contract and bonds of matrimony
existing between' the plaintiff and
the defendant and forever divorc
ing her from the defendant; that
the plaintiff be awarded the care,
custody and control of Vida Mar
garet Lynn, during the minority of
said minor.
The time to stow away money is in your earning
days. The place to stow it away is in our bank.
The Bank of Oregon City
D. C. LATOURETTE, President. ( F. J. MEYER, CaBhier.
CAPITAL $50,000.00 .
Transacta a General Banking Business. Open from A. M. to 9 P. M.
This summons is served upon you
by publication thereof by order of
the Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of
the above entitled Court, made
herein on the 11th day of April,
1913, directing publication thereof
once a week for six consecutive
and successive weeks, in the Morn
ing Enterprise, a daily newspaper
of general circulation, published and
printed daily except Mondays In
Oregon City, Clackamas County,
Oregon, beginning with the issue
of said newepaper of date the 15th
day of April, 1913, and ending with
the issue of date the '27th day of
May, 1913.
.Date of first publication hereof
is April 15th, 1913.
Attorneys for plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Isabelle Bigham, Plaintiff,
vs. ....
Henry Bigham, Defendant.
To Henry Bigham, the above
named defendant:
In the name of the State of Ore
gon,, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint fil
ed against you in the above entitled
suit, on or before the last day of
the time prescribed in the Order
' for publication of this summons,
to-wit: on or before the 12th day of
May, 1913, said day being the ex
piration of six weeks from the first
publication of this notice; and if
you fail to 'appear and answer, for
want thereof the plaintiff herein
will apply. to the said court for the
relief prayed for in the said com
plaint, to-wit: that the bonds of
matrimony heretofore existing be
tween yourself and plaintiff herein,
be dissolved and forever annulled,
and for such other and further re
lief as to the court may seem just
and equitable.
This summons is published by
the order of the Hon. R. B. Beatie,
Judge of the County Court for
Clackamas County, Oregon, made
March, 31st, 1913. By said order
it was directed that this summons
be published In the Morning En
terprise once in each week, for six
successive weeks and the date of
. the first publication thereof is April
1, 1913, the date named in said or
der for the said first publication.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
" Summons.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Mary Blanch Harris, Plaintiff,
Harry Harris, Defendant.
To Harry Harris, Defendant:
In the name of the S"tate of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint fil
ed against you in the above entit
led suit on or before the 27th day
. of Mlay, 1913, and if you fail to ap
pear and answer said complaint on
or before said date which is six
weeks from the date of the first
publication of this summons, the
plaintiff will apply to the court for
the relief demanded in said com
plaint, to-wit: for a decree of di
vorce. This summons is served . upen
you by publication once a week for
six consecutive weeks in the Morn
ing Enterprise, by order 'of the
Honorable J. U. Campbell, judge
. of the above entitled court made
and entered in said suit on the
14th day of April, 1913.
Date of first publication April
15th, 1913.
Date of last publication May
27th, 1913. ,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.