r 3) MORNING ENTERPRISE, WEDNESDAY, MAY 7, 1913 "A LOT BARGAIN A beautiful lot located ' block from 7th St. pn fine im proved street, one block from Fares' ' market, lays level and all fenced; with barn and alley adjoining. Price $700; ISO down, balance monthly. E. P. ELLIOTT & SON Seventh and Main St. LOCAL BRIEFS Dr. Bralile, ostepath. Masonic build ing, phone Main 399. Fred Archilles, of Willamette, was in the city Tuesday. Henry Price is in Oregon City vis iting his brother, A. A. Price. Miss Lucile King, of McMKnnville, is the guest of Mrs. T. L. Johnson. Albert C. Donaldson, of Portland, is a recent visitor to the city. Mary Lee, of Portland, is an Ore gon City visitor during the present week. Joe Justin, of this city is in Camas for a few days. He will return about the end of the week. Carl Bessinger, of Albany, is in Oregon City for a few days transact ing business affairs. W. A. Beck, a prominent Molalla realty dealer, was in the city Tues day transacting business. Clyde Orting, of Portland, was a business visitor to the city during the first part of the week. A. B. Stiener, of Portland, was in the city Tuesday on a fishing trip. He was fortunate and landed a fine 12-pound chinook. H. C. Meyers was taken to the Sell wood hospital Wednesday, where he will have a slight operation preform ed upon his head. Mrs. S. V. Francis, is visiting friends in Portland for several days. She will attend a meeting of . the former German resident of this city. Miss Louise Huntley will leave Thursday for Eugene, where she will be a guest of Misses Evelyn Harding and Erna Petzold 'during the Junior Week-end festivities. Kent Wilson will go to Eugene for the Junior week-end at the Univer sity of Oregon. He will take part in the track meet there among the schools of the state. Sam Hindman, of Baker, who has been visiting his counsin, Mrs. Geo. Swafford, -in this city for several days, will leave- Wednesday for San Francisco. He will take the steamer Beaver from Portland to San Fran cisco. From San Francisco he will take another steam . for Panama, where he will live for some time. Mr. and Mrs. George Frazee are the guests of Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Stuart. They were formerly resi dents of Iowa, but for the past few years they have spent the greater part of their time traveling. Mr. and Mrs. Frazee lived in the same part of Iowa in which Dr. Stuart was born. They will spend some time up on the coast. PREACHING AT WILLAMETTE "A Restful Theme for Tired Peo ple" will be the subject of a dis cburse to be delivered at Willamette Wednesday night by the Rev. E. A. Smith. Services will begin at 7:45 p. m. Next Sunday Mr. Smith will preach at Highland, Alberta and Henrici. If roads are good he will take a "bike" instead of the more familiar "Billy." RAILROAD SEEKS LAND Through Brownell & Stone, local attorneys, the , Portland, Eugene & Eastern railroad has filed condemna tion suits against the Porland Ce ment company, the Oregon Iron & Steel company, the Security Savings & Trust company and R. H. Coshun. Rights-of-way are desired through property owned by the defendants along the west bank of the Willam ette for the new electric line that the electric division of the Southern Pa cific interests are building south from Portland. NEW MARKET Cornelius & Mashk, of Denver, have opened a first-class mar ket in Oregon City on 7th St. and R. R. Ave., near S. P. de pot. ' THEY WILL BUY OR SELL FOR CASH DENVER MARKET Only First Class Meats WHEN JOE JACKSON GOT EVEN WITH A FAN. This story is passing the rounds concerning .ioe Jackson, the Cleveland star outiielder. and his iiol inn and remarks in n kid ding liee with'a fnu Joe was at the bat witb two men on bases in h paisie against tlie New York Yankees at Nv York last sum mer and one of the "wise guys." who cliiimed to know some of Jneksou's wejik points, started "kidding." "Spell 'cat,' Joe," yelled the '"wise guy." Joe looked up and marked the spot took a vicious swing at the next bail and knocked it out to right field for a triple. As Joe came puffing around to third base he spotted the "wise guy" and yelled. "Spell .'triple.' you boiiehead; spell 'triple!' " Joe hud his revenge. i3"$M$M$H$i'Mi'$' 'I i 'i' 'I 'I pi 'i' 'I 'i'?- EVERS BANKING ON CHENEY. Cubs' Manager Says Larry Is Just as Dependable as Any Great Pitcher. Manager Evers of the Chicago Cubs Is very sweet on Larry Cheney. Said Johnny recently: "Larry Cheney is the best man on our club. It Is unusual for a leader to discriminate that way, but the ployers and the fans, as well as myself, know he is a' wonder. He mmm "SWA '!::iis!5-:Sf:.iS ilsPiiliiiiBiiiii5 ' Photo uy American Press Association. Two Good Houses for Rent Owner prefers to rent by the year. Dwellings are within one and a half blocks of Gladstone station, in good repair, modern, fine lawn and garden space. See Cross, GLADSTONE REALTY ASSOCIATION, Gladstone. LAKBT CHENEY, CUBS' STAB PITCHER. helped our club wonderfully last sea son and did not get-much credit for it but if my plans are successful he is going to get all that is due him this season. He ought to be in the lime light as much as Walsh, Johnson; Wood. Miithewsou or Brown. He pos sesses every reo.ui.site. is easy to han dle, a steady worker and dependable. I am going to make him as great a pitcher sis Walsh or any one in the game That may sound absurd, but you watch him this summer "1 am goini; to do this by giving him a lot of work Would Walsh, Brown. Matuewsti!!, Johnson and Wood be so famous if It were not for the fact that they are working three and four times a week? "They have heeu taking their regular turn, besides assisting other men. and have won nearly all the time. Their frequent appearance on the slab is what makes them stand out above the others "I think Cheney is as brilliant a pitcher us any one 1 mentioned, and 1 believe by the end of the seasih he wiil prove i! He will surely have the opportunity to gain renown, as I ex pect to pitch S ii in in his regular turn ns well as to call on him when one of the other men is foTced to leave the box. ''Larry showed how strong he is when he beat Pittsburgh on a Sunday recently ami came hack two days later in the closins innings and held the same team hiiless That is no simple task against a squad of heavy hatters like the Pirates. Cheney has a spitbivy that is a bird, and lie should lie more effective with it this year because he has more experience and knows the batters better." Kicking. . Nobody can ;et ahead by kicking. He has to stand still to do it-Philadelphia Public Ledger. ; Boost your cit? by boosting yotur daily paper ARMOR BOXING LATEST SPORT SeiiGoiboys Can Engage In Bout Without Fear of Injury. WAS TRIED OUT RECENTLY. GOOD MUSICALE PLANNED Much interest is being expressed in the musicale to be given in the Methodist Episcopal church WednesJ aay evening. May 14, under the aus pices of the Bethias and. the direction of Sadyee Evyln Ford, pianist. Mrs. Delphine Marx will be the soloist at the concert, and many of her Port land admirers will doubtless be on hand to hear her. Others who will I and Oscar Lawrence Woodfin, vocalist. Miss Ford will be assisted i by Mr. Woodfin in several numbers. High School Youngsters In New York Give Exhibition Which Pleases Par ents Masks Protect Boys, and Girl, Too, From Injury. The latest thing in the boxing line is armor protection. This novel appli ance is .the invention of Guy Otis Brewster.' physical director of the Do-' ver (X. J.i high school, and is intended to protect boys and girls from injury or disfiguration when engaged in a boxing contest. In .New -York recently a number of schoolboys from the Dover and Whar ton high schools gave a demonstration of armor boxing at the monthly enter tainment of the physical education de partment at Thompson's gymnasium. Teachers' college of Columbia univer sity, which was witnessed by a num ber of men and women connected with the department. Parents of children, have been strong In their opposition to boxing. Many young men have received serious and several fatal injuries when engaged in the sport - It was to remove this ob jection and demonstrate that under his method of conducting boxing contests Mr. Brewster could entirely eliminate all possibility of accidents and restore the confidence of parents in the exer cise. In order to afford a practical illustra tion of the efficiency of his protector six schoolboys were introduced to the spectators fully equipped for the com petition which was arranged on the round robin plan, each boy boxing one minute with the other boys. The youthful boxers presented an amusing appearance equipped with the protector, but as the entertainment progressed the utility of the apparatus was evident and the strange effect dis appeared. The protector is in twc parts, hinged just below the chin. It fV r 5SSSSSS$&$S8e3 $ s HIGH SCHOOL NOTES $ j se3ss$sssek3 Lyman Holland, who is leaving school, has resigned his place upon "The Patriot" staff. William Lett meyer and Walter Dunn will be j among those who will try to qualify for the position in his ploce. ! Efforts are being made to arrange 1 a game between the high school base ! ball team and the nine recently form jed by the Commercial club. It is hoped to frame a match with the C. j C. players for the coming Saturday i afternoon. ' I The monthly teachers' meeting will be held Wednesday night, at which plans will be made for the annual display of . pupils' work, to be held May 30 and 31. It is expected that the exhibition this year will be one of the best ever held, and that a rep resentative display of the progress made at the school will be shown. One of the downtown halls will be utilized for the showing." AT LOWEST PRICES Portland buyers are paying 17 eents for eggs .these days, which is such a low price that but few offer ings are being made. Local poultry men are selling their eggs wherever they can get 20 cents for them, and are managing to get rid of a reason able number at local stores, and toj consumers in Portland and neighbor ing towns. But few local egs are be ing offered Front street middlemen. Butter market is holding well, though prices are not high. Supply is just about even with demand, and conditions seem to be" settled for sometime to come. Outside strawberries have dropped to $1.50 and $1.75 a box, with the quality remaining but medium. Lo cal berry growers report that plants are in good shape, and the warm weather of the last day or so Is ex pected to hasten the yield, which gives indications of being heavy. Demand for celery and asparagus is good, and prices are very fair. There is no market for rhubarb at all, and growers are unloading for as low as a cent and a half a pound. Livestock, Meats. BEEF (Live weight) steers 7 and "8c; cows 6 and 7 c, bulls 4 to 6c. MUTTON Sheep 5 to 6 1-2; lambs 6 to 6 l-2c. VEAL Calves 12c to 13c dressea, according to grade. WEINIES 15c lb: sausage, 15c 1U. PORK 9 1-2 and 10c. POULTRY (buying) Hens 13y2 to li'2- Stags slow at 10c; old roos rers 8c; broilers 24c. Fruits ' APPLES--50c and $1. DRIED FRUITS (Buying), Prunes on basis 6 to 8 cents. Eggs continue about the same, with prices but a cent or two better than last week and early this week. VEGETABLES ONIONS $ 1.00 sack. POTATOES About 20c to 40c f. u. u. snipping points, per nunarea, slight demand in south at this price f. o. b. shipping point. Butter, Eggs. BUTTER (S ylng), Ordinary coun try butter 20 to 25c; fancy eream- EGGS Oregon ranch case count 16c; Oregon ranch candled 18c. Prevailing Oregon City prices are as follows:' " HIDES (Buying) Green salted, 9c to 10c; sheep pelts 75c to $1.50 each. Mohair 31c. WOOL 17 to 18c. FEED (Selling) Shorts $27; bran $25; process barley $27.50 to $29.50 per ton. FLOUR $4.50 to $5.. OATS $22.00 to $27.00; wheat 93; oil meal selling $3S.00; Shay Brook dairy feed $1.30 per hundred pounds. Whole corn $30.00. HAY ( Buying) Clover at $8 and $9; oac hay best $11 and $12; mix ed $9 to $11; valley timothv $12 to $13; selling alfalfa $13.50 to $17; Ida ho and Eastern Oregon timothy sell ing $19.50 to $23. MOST American railroads demand that watches of the grade ad mitted to their service must not vary over 20 seconds per week. The "The Railroad Ti:z:iccpzr tf America" surpasses this requirement to consist ently thtit it is tnmenneJy popular. There are more IlamUtcn Watches in use on such roads than all other makes put together. The business or professional man who Starts out to buy a watch of unusual accn- racy will be interested in the beautiful Hamilton lS-sise tiia model. Come ir i and liX'k st some of the Hamilton Watches j ' we can lLott you. Burmeister&Andersen Oregon City Jewelers n?IlFiTTin li lt I l! J l j Dpi CaK?nrf.r Si? of the "Gidra Site taaaU.-- t.J U Chicago and Roti Is.ad R R. ck i a 992 Hamilton timeUcctb Photo by American Press Association. HOW FHK YOUNGSTERS APPEAR WITH THU MASKS. is of woven steel wire about like the mesb of a catcher's mask. The upper part r overs tlie face, sides of the head and neck, while the lower portion pro- ! tects the heart, liver and stomach, end ing at the waist line. Felt pads are used where the protector comes in contact with the head or body in or.der to absorb the shock of the blow. The protector is fastened with a strap and specially made clasps in order to pre vent any part of it being torn away or loosened from b"lows. It is sef close to the body in order to afford perfect freedom of action for the shoulders and arms. Straps of webbing cross the top of the head, and in order to give greater security a wide band of webbing is brought under the chin, which helps to keep the headpiece firm and not interfere with the head movements. The straps of webbing bold the lower section of the protector close to the body. Tlie mask removes the sense of fight ing and brutality and teaches the youngsters the co-ordination of strik ing hard blows and fearless defense. The rules governing boxing with the new protector follows: A regulation Iwenty-four foot ring shall be erected and eislit ounce gloves used. There shall be five men on a team, and each man shall box twice with every oth er man on the opposing team. Each round shall consist of one minute, and each man's rest period shall consist of the time between rounds, averaging about four minutes There shall be no cessation of the game from the opening bell to the closing one. As one couple leaves the ring anotherfair enters, and the boxing is continuous. The contestants shall be scored on the six car dinal points of boxing viz, (1) footwork: C-') correct leads; (3) correct parrying and blocking: (4 correct ducking: (5) correct sequence of leads: (61 self control and strategical work. There shall be a referee to judge the points and a scorer to record them. The contestant winning the most points In each round scores Tne point for his team (a drnw may be given), and the team scor ing the most points in the two halves wins the game. A five minute Intermission ts given be trn halve Fire Apparatus. Tamle Soutar loved to poke the fire and invariably ended by putting it out, greatly to his wife's disgust. While at supper one evening the fire alarm rang, and Jamie, seizing his cap, was has tening out when his wife ran to the door and called after him, "Hadna you better tak" the poker wie you, Jamie?" Short Stories. ; "One of the, doctors says a vomm. can keep well by doing her own house work." . "Yes. but how. if she does that, can she keep ber hands fit to be seen by Jber friends?" Chicago Record-Herald. he drunkard will have none of me. heavy drinker says "no" when my name is mentioned. The man who craves rough stron: whiskey passes me by. All this is as it should -be as I myself would wish it. I am not for them. Cvrus Noble Unqualifiedly the Best The De Luxe Steel Back New improved CURVED HINGE allows the covers to drop back on the desk without throwing the leaves into a curved position. Sizes 8 1-4 to 20, inches OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE Headquarters for Loose Leaf Systems LI t -. 1 rVhttl fen wrH rr. - i fn'n ! ft mat, ytTBy kv7' i . i rz i Secauso of those ugly, grizzly, gray hairs. Use " LA CREOLE" KAIR RESTORER. Price, SI.OO, retail. This, is the Age of the Young? btep back ten years and take a new grip on lite, while your earning power may be as great as ever, you know that the young man has the opportunity. LA CREOLE restores your hair to its natural color. For Sale and recommended by JONES RUG CO.