Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, May 06, 1913, Image 3

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Dr. firakle, Ostepath, Masonic Tem
ple building.
B. A. Went, of Portland, was in the
city over the week-end. -
W. H. Cronger, of Seattle, was in
the city over Sunday;
J. P, Miller, of Eugene, is stopping
in the city for a few days.
R. C. Lewis, of Portland, was an
Qregon City visitor Saturday.
Ml. J. Lee, of Canby, was in the
city Monday on a -business trip.
A. Pelton, of Portland, was a busi
ness visitor in the city Monday.
W. H. Curtis, of Portland, was an
Oregon City visitor over Sunday,
i Lilian Stebins, of Salem, is in the
city for several days visiting friends.
William Dall, of Estacada, is in the
city for a few days transacting business.
iiian winK, or Mew iura, was m tne
city Saturday and Sunday ' visiting
George E. Paulsen and A. S. Smith,
of Portland, were in the city Sunday
on a fishing expedition.
J. A. Brune, of Portland, was in the
city Saturday and Sunday, on a busi
ness and pleasure trip.
Harry Abele and William Stitt,
both of Portland, were in the city
Sunday fishing at the falls.
Miss Nan Cochran, was the guest
of her cousin, Miss Nan Rice, at her
home in Portland over Sunday. .
F. Nelson, of Dayton, Ohio, was in
the city the first two days of the
week. He is making a tour of the
F. A. Forbes, who is connected
with the Portland. Eugene & Eastern
railway, was in the city Monday on
business for his company.
Jack Busch has been taken from
the Oregon City Hospital alter under
going an operation for appendicitis,
and is now resting at his home. He
is much improved.
A Gould, of Portland, was in the
city Monday on legal business. He is
one of the leading architects of Port
land, and was the designer of the
Oregon City high school.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Latourette have
returned from Gehart, Or., where
they have been spending their honey
moon. Mir. and Mrs. Latourette are
at homo at Fifth and Deet Promenade
Dr. E. A. Sommers, of Portland, but
formerly of this city, is in Philadel
phia, New Yoork and Washington, 1
where he was called as a member of
the committee from the American
Physicians & Surgeons Institute, to
welcome a number of English doc
tors, who are visiting in the United
James Safer, of Elgin, 111., was in
this city Sunday accompanied by- his
sister-in-law, Miss Tyra McGraw.
They were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. E. R. Brown. Mr. and Mrs.
Safer have the distinction of being of
the first parties to come from the
East to the Pacific coast on a motor
cycle. Although they did not come
the entire distance on the machine,
the greater part of the distance was
covered by that means. Mr. Safer
likes the West so that he has accept
ed a position as designer with the
United Cashier company, of Portland.
Up In the Air Over Zeppelin IV;;
Down "In Cells With Militants
T : ! 1
'XV Vs
US -a
t -s mA tix-
A Reliable Hair Tonic.
It is an easy matter to prevent
baldness, dandruff and other diseases
of the scalp by using Meritol Hair
Tonic. It should be used regularly
to keep the scalp free of dandruff
germs, as these germs are the cause
of the majority of cases of danlruff
and later, baldness. We are author
ized to guarantee Meritol Hair Tonic.
Jones Drug Company.
Meritol Pile Remedy.
A new scientific preparation for
both internal and external use and
absolutely without an equal for the
treatment of piles in any form. Ask
us to show you this remedy afad ex
plain its many advantages. Jones Dru
Company. -
If Conkey's White Diarrhea Remedy
doesn't cure this disease in your lit
tle chicks, we will refund your money.
Isn't that a fair offer? Oregon Com
mission Co.
Photos by American Press Association.
JIESE interesting pictures tell their own story of two Important news
events abroad The airship is the Zeppelin IV, the German army
dirigible which stirred up a fuss by getting out of order and out of
bounds. It came down at Luneville, France, near the German border.
on the French military grounds, and war talk immediately broke out This
incident must have pleased the war manipulators in Germany if recent allega
tions are correct The other Illustration sbows the suffragette arsenal captured
by the London police. These are the implements of war which the "votes for
women" agitators used in burning letters in the street mail boxes, cutting tele
crapb and telephone wires and in setting 6 res
Local poultrymen seem to have
learned the lesson of the poor com
mercial market, and with prices be
ing quoted at 18 cents and therh
abouts, are keeping their product al
most entirely away from Front street.
What sales of eggs that are made are
shipped directly to consumers, and as
a result there is an indication that
Front street prices will soon improve.
Storage interests are reported Lo be
viewing the new tactics with alarm,
and see in an increasing market loss
of their profits.
Cabbage is still among the high
priced staples. Berries are poor in
grade and are not bringing much. Ju
dications throughout the Clackanms
and Willamette valleys are that local
berries will be good and plentiful, and
will probably, command a higher price
than the imported fruit.
Local lettuce is breaking into the
market, and is being forced to com
pete with California stock, with buy
ing light.
California is also sending in cher
ries, which are selling at from $1.75
to $2.25 per box, depending on grade.
Salmon are still holding well, and
local fishermen are getting good
Livestock, Meats.
BEEF (Live weight) steers 7 and
8c; cows 6 and 7 c, bulls 4' to 6c.
MUTTON Sheep 5 to 6 i-2; lambs
6 to 6 l-2c.
VEAL Calves 12c to 13c dressed,
according to grade.
WEINIES 15c lb: sausage, 15c lb.
PORK 9 1-2 and 10c.
.POULTRY (buying) Hens 13
to 14 1. Stags slow at 10c; old roos
ters 8c; broilers 24c.
APPLES 50c and $1.
DRIED FRUITS (Baying). Pruned
on basis 6 to 8 cents.
Butter, Eggs. "
BUTTER I tying). Ordinary coun
try butter 20 to 25c; fancy cream-
EGGS Oregon ranch case count
16c; Oregon ranch candled 18c.
Prevailing Oregon City prices are as
HIDES (Buying) Green salted, Sc
to 10c; sheep Belts 75c to $1.50 each.
Mohair 31 c.
WOOL 17 to 18c.
FEED (Selling) Shorts $27; bran
$25; process barley $27.50 to $29.50
per ton.
FLOUR $4.50 to S5.
OATS $22.00 to $27.00; wheat 93;
oil meal selling $38.00; Shay Brook
dairy feed $1.30 per hundred pounds.
Whole corn $30.00.
-HAY (Buying) Clover at $8 and
$9 oat hay best $11 and $12; mix
ed $9 to $11; valley timothy $12 to
$13; selling alfalfa $13.50 to $17; Ida
ho and Eastern Oregon timothy sell
ing $19.50 to $23.
Ore'gon wmen ever held, addressed
by leading women from all over the
state.' At the same time there will
be a cheap rate excursion which is
expected to bring 500 engineers and
others from Portland, and a meeting
of the editors of Oregon newspapers,
who will discuss the place of the
press in the community. After thl
will be an out-of-doors presentation
of scenes from "Peer Gynt" and "Mid
summer Night's Dream" and folk
dances by students and the Junior
League of Portland.
An Arrest
iurs. Burra .ilille. de Fou and j
Signorina Tarantola. with a number of j
other aliases) was the most accom
plished swindler 1 ever bad anything
to do with in all my term of service
ficiently ajar for me to hear, though
not to see.
There was but one door opening
from the suit to the hall, and at tbis
door I had stationed a man with orders
to let no one pass. On one side of the
flat passageway was the living room,
on the other the dining room and kitch
en. But what interested me was the
I bedroom in which I had the prisoner
j cornered. I could not for my life see
! how she could escape me.
Airs. Burrage, or whatever her name
was, took her time about dressing. 1
I listened for every move, and she made
j enough of them for me to know by the
sound that she was still there. This
The Antisepticpowder shaken into
the shoes The Standard Rem
edy lor the tcet for a quarter
J century. 30,000 testimonials. Sola
Trade-Mark, everywhere, 25c. Sample fKue.
Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N Y.
The Man who put tbe EEs la FEET.
Cornelius & Mashk, of Denver,
have opened a first-class mar
. ket in Oregon City on 7th St.
and R. R. Ave., near S. P. de
Only First Class Meats
Good 6-room house, hot and
cold water and bath; ,2 large
lots with fruit and garden room,
house newly painted; located
on Monroe street. Price $1600,
$200.00 down, balance $15.00
per month at 7 per cent inter
est. E. P. ELLIOTT & SON
a talent for languages, for she could
pose as a native of any civilized land.
One day my chief told me that he
had reliable information of this accom
plished confidence lady; that she was
living in apartments and he wished
me to go and arrest her. "Go in plain
clothes," he said, "and keep your wits
about you. She is very slippery and
will elude you if you give her the
slightest opportunity."
I started out with the intention of
being thoroughly on my guard. 1 knew
that flathouses are apt to be conven
ient for those who wish to light out
suddenly and took with me sufficient
force to watch from every direction.
Having stationed a man in front in
rear and on-the roof of the adjoining
building, I rang the bell at Mrs. Bur
rage's door. The summons was an
swered by a maid dressed in uniform
a black dress, apron and cap. She
held a silver salver in her hand for a
But 1 was not there for a call, nor
on the police force. Sbo must have j was gratifying, for, though I saw no'
belonged to a well to do family or bad i way for her to escape me, I would have
felt uneasy at any lengthy silence.
When a quarter of an hour had passed
and she did not appear I asked her if
she was not ready. She replied that
slie had no one to hook the back of her
dress. I told her that I had often per
j formed that service for my wife and if
she would come into the living room I
! would accommodate her. She said she
would prefer that I come in to her.
Resolved not to grant anything she
proposed. I told her to come out to me.
which she did with evident reluctance.
I hooked her dress for her, and when
she went back to ber bedroom to put
on her coat and hat I flung the door
wide open, so that she could complete
her toilet under my observation. She
was so slow about it that I finally told
her that I would give her five minutes
by my watch to finish. She got Into
her wraps within the time and said
that she was ready to accompany me.
But she must ask me to go through
the rooms with her if I would not
permit her to go alone to see that
they were in order for locking up. 1
ma it suit my purpose io sena id : conseutea and we passe(j through the
name. 1 brushed past the maid and i thor w,, a finally onrorort rho
My prisoner passed
Eggs continue about the same, with
prices but a cent or two better than
last week and early this week.
ONIONS $1.00 sack.
POTATOES About 20c to 40c f.
o. b. shipping points, per hundred,
slight demand in south at this price
f. o. b. shipping point.
EUGENE. Ore., May 7. To take
stock of the last year's progress of
the state of Oregon to point out
where the state is achieving success
and where its efforts need strength
ening, are among the purposes of the
annual "commonwealth day," which
will be held at the University of Ore
gon, May 16 and 17.
"We don't know where we are go
ing, but we're on the way," is the
spirit which the "Commonwealth
Conferences" were designed to
change into a spirit of self-confident
progress, sure of what it wants the
state of Oregon to become, and sure
of the means of working toward it.
On these days leaders in all lines
of Oregon life will gather in Eugene.
Juestions of economic progress, co
operative production and distribution,
and legislative, administrative and
educational efficiency will be discuss
ed by- experts in the different sub
jects. Office holders, labor leaders, social
workers, Grange masters, scientists,
students, editors and businessmen
will each contribute their quota to the
study of the problem of making Ore
gon a richer and better state.
The more strictly economic and
sociological ' conferences will occupy
all day Friday, and Saturday morn
ing. Saturday afternoon will see one
of the most significant meetings of
Catsses Sickness
The stomach is the most important organ of the body.
The entire system depends upon its action. .The stomach'
of a man or (woman living a shut-in life from day to
day, riding to and from business and taking little or no
exercise in the fresh air, cannot digest the amount of food
that is forced upon it. The stomach gradually grows
weaker under these condition and nervousness, kidney
'and liver troubles, rheumatism and other ailments are
the result.
stomach, cleanses the system, regulates'the digestive or
gans and gives nature a chance that is the secret of
Cooper's New Discovery drives away that tired, lazy
half-sick feeling, and makes you more cheerful, lively and
bouyant. It is a plre, vegetables product, compounded
after a thoroughly tested and successful formula.
Many thousands of persons testify to the merit of
in the treatment of stomach trouble, indigestion, loss of
appetite, lack of strength, rheumatism, catarrh and kidney
and liver troubles.
passed through the living room to a ,jinjn room.
bedroom, where 1 found a lady in dis
habille. j
"What are you doing here?" she
asked, betraying a foreign accent j
"1 have come, madam, to ask you to j
make a call upon the inspector."
"The inspector! What does this
"That you are under arrest.
through it to a pantry between it and
the kitchen and, opening a door,
looked down a lift used for sending
up supplies. Thinking she would at
tempt to escape through it, 1 caught
her skirt.
She' turned toward me and smiled.
"You may take me to the inspector
if you choose, she said, "but I am
She pretended for awhile to be be- ; no): the person you are after j am the
wnuereu at tne luea or oeing arresieu,
but when she found 1 would listen to
her no longer she agreed to accom
pany me without urging if 1 would per
mit her to put on a costume suitable
to the street. After examining the out
lets and seeing no possible way of her
making tin escape 1 consented. The
room was at the end of the suit, on the
fourth floor, and no fire escape within
maid My mistress .you passed at the
, door She got word of a visit by the
police and immediately changed clothes
I with me. yWben you came to me she
. made up 'for a man. went down on
; this lift to one of the apartments be
low and has doubtless passed out
1 through the main entrance. 1 have
j been delaying you in order to give her
the needed time Here, pointing to
reach. There was no possibility of her ! the servants r(K)ra
getting out except tnrougn tne iiviu-j Potnes
jym. so I retreatea to tnat apart
"are her maid's
but insisted that the door be- 1
Hip two rooms ""shim id be sut- 1
Have You Ever Had This
Said of You Because of
Grey Hairs
It it most embarassing to have a friend
remark that you are "looking older".
Grey hairs are not becoming, people
may tell you so, but they are saying to
themselves: "What a pity she is not old.
And she used to have such beautiful hair."
There is one quick, absolutely sure,
easy way of getting rid of grey or faded
hair simply use Hay's Hair Health.
Benefit by the experience of thousands
of others, who are using Hay's Hair
Health. It brings back the fine, glossy,
brilliant color of your hair-restores the grey
hairs to their natural color immediately,
and keeps the scalp free from dandruff.
People voluntarily recommend Hay's
Hair Health. It is not unusual for them to
say: "I want to tell others about it. It's per
fectly splendid." Try it yourself, today.
You'll be surprised how quickly the grey
hairs disappear; how beautifully dark and
glossy- your hair will remain after using
it. Druggists sell more Hay's Hair Health
than all others combined because their cus
tomersprefer it and they know that it can
be guaranteed satisfactory.
Free: Sign this adv: and take it to the
following druggists, and get a 50c size bot-
I did not take her to the inspector.
I went back to him myself and got
laughed at.
Some years later I went to arrest the
same woman and succeeded. I asked
her how she got wind of her intended
arrest, and she told--me that she hap
pened at the time to be looking out of
a window down on the street and saw
me posting tny men. she having had
time to change costumes with the maid
, his Opposite.
Jenkins 1 am told that the happiest
marriages are between people who are
exactly opposite in every respect to
each other, so I am looking for a young
lady of that sort, don't you know.
Miss Pert Then you h3 7e come to
the right place. Come to the other
side uf the room and I'll introduce
yon to a bright, intelligent, well edu
cated girl. Exchange.
Intelligent Traveling.
What town are we in now?"
I'll tell you in a minute. What day
tie of Hay's Hair Health and a 25c cake of Is it, Tuesday or Wednesday?"
Harfina Soap free, for 50c; or a $1.00 size ! "Wednesday."
bottle of Hay's Hair Health and two 25c "Then it must be Florence." Flei
cakei of Harfina Soap free,, for $1.00. eende Blatter '
Unqualifiedly the Best
The De Luxe Steel Back
New improved CURVED HINGE
allows the covers to drop back on the desk
without throwing the leaves into a curved
position. .
Sizes 8 1-4 to 20 inches
Headquarters for
Loose Leaf Systems
7" n 'tl"-ttr'' . a " ft- ."Tiff ,1 s
1 YwiJ IJjifei k ' HlBjItolw ill (i
because of those ugly, grizzly, gray hairs. Use LA CREOLE" HAIR RESTORER. Price, $I.OO, retail.
TRis is the Age of the Young?
Step back ten years and take a new grip on life,, while your earning power
may be as great as ever, you know that the young man has the opportunity.
LA CREOLE restores your hair to its natural color.
. For Sale and recommended by