MORNING ENTERPRISE, thubsday. may i, his. ....AT - THE BELL theatre TOO. "The Great Mexican Revolution" IN TWO REELS VERY INTERESTING SHOWING THE DE STRUCTION OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS, RAILROAD BRIDGES, AND ALSO THE SPOT WHERE MADERO WAS MURDERED, SHOWNG THE BULLET HOLES IN THE WALL WHERE HE STOOD. AN ECLAIR FEATURE ENTITLED: "The Trail of the Silver Fox" A STRONG STORY OF A WOMAN'S LESSONS IN HUMANITY TO HER SWEETHEART "When He Jumped At Conclusions" A WESTERN COMEDY WITH A CORKING CLIMAX ADMISSION: 5 and 10 Cents NO ADYANCE IN PRICE, ALTHOUGH THESE FILMS ARE. EXPENSIVE Remember: We are the first to show the Mexican Film First Life Policy. "The first life Insurance policy that was evpr issued is s:i it to bave been written on .hine IS. and to bave been for .'!: in Sd. cm the life of h certain WillKni ribbons." said Arch ibald A Welch policy v:is for on inn was S Her i on the nse was t:u! that Gibbons ilic well witliin tin- Insurers cnntesie Krounri tnat Iwei- eiijut days each hi i iectnre. "The !-. and the premi il e siim insured: :i. It happened M:!V -'!. l.)S4, r ear. but the daini on the nt lis of twenty- The courts. however. :! ;:'! ii-sl l be insurers and the money l ad to be puM." Exchange. Older Than Germany's Oldest. A house at WinUei acquired for a public museum is said to be the oldest dwelling in Germany, having been built for the archbishop of Mayence in 850. According to some authorities, the Fighting Cocks inn. St. Albans, which claims to lie the oldest inhabited house in England, beats even this rec ord, having been built as a boathouse to the monastery founded at St. Al bans by King Offa about 703. It has. however, not served as an inn so long as some other buildings, such as the Sara cen's Head. Newark; the Old Green Man. Erdington; the Seven Stars, Withygrove. Manchester, and the Bell, Finedon. London Chronicle. A Fatal Advertisement. Vestris. the great dancing master died at eighty-three, and it was snir' he would have lived till a hundred Imi for a sudden and mortal blow in the shape of an advertisement. One day he asked for a newspaper, probably for the first time in his life. Scarcely had he opened the sheet when his eyes lighted upon the following: "Wanted A professor of dancing at Calcutta. Must be a skillful chiropodist at the same time." He tool; to his bed and never left it again alive. . HOME INFLUENCES. Each one of us is bound to make the little circle in which he lives better and happier; each one of us is bound to see that out of that small circle the widest good may flow; each of us may have fixed in his mind the thought that out of a single household may flow influ ences which shall stimulate the whole commonwealth and the whole civilized world. Dean Stanley. He Could Sympathize. The sentimental city girl was spend ing a season in the country. So full of sentiment and so imaginative was she that she could hear the trees whisper, the bushes sigh and the plants sing. One day in June she was silting beneath a cherry tree with sev eral children, one of whom was a ten-year-old boy. Overhead a gentle breeze softly purred through the quiv ering leaves. "Listen:" suddenly exclaimed the young lady. "Can't you hear this poor tree groaning, Johnny?'' "No; I don't hear it groan." replied Johnny, assuming a listening attitude, "but I know how it feels to be full of green cherries." New York American. It Came From Boston. Mrs. Hubb I allow my husband no latchkey. Ue rings, and I ask who's there. Then he says, "It's I," and I open the door. Mrs. Kawler But suppose a thief should ring and say the same thing you'd be in a fix. Mrs. Hubb Oh, a thief wouldn't an swer. "It's I." He'd say, "It's me." Boston Transcript. J WHEN DONOVAN CHANGED I HIS OPINION ABOUT f JOHNSON. ' T Wild Bill Iioiiovnn. in his time X line of the great pitchers of the 7 i!aj and uow manager of the 4. Frovideine International league team, recalls one sunny after- none iu tile season uf 1007, while J lie was with the Detroit Tigers, a taii. av.-ii ward . looking youth T, wearing a Washington uniform walking out upon the mound. T Willi's that fellow?" inquired Hill flroni a spectator. "His name X is Johnson." was the reply. T "They say he strnck out twenty- I two men iu Idaho." T "Well, this' isn't Idaho, and - i ...,... ..unn. .:n c,i t ..... in. il jiiiitij; ii-ouw win uui! liuui in a very few minutes," put In Bill as. he .sat down to watch the proceedings -Three iuniugs later Donovan had given him -the information. T "How many did you say he X struck out in Idaho twenty- T two? It's a wonder he didn't f strike out twenty-seven. That's T the greatest kid I have ever Seen" .j..H..:-;-I..M..I..;..:-!..t-r..;..I..;..I..;,.;,.I.,!..I.,I..t.. 1913 GOLF TOURNEYS PROMISE TO MAKE HISTORY More golf tournament dates than ever are listed for the coming season. This not only pertains to the ajna teurs, but to the professionals as well, the projected visit of Harry Vardon and Edward liay, of course, being re sponsible for the increased interest in the doings of the salaried brigade. The list of the most important tourneys is as follows: MAY. 19- 23 Women's Individual championship of Philadelphia, on a course to be se lected. 21-24 Fifteenth annual championship tournament of the Metropolitan Golf as sociation at Fox Hills. 20- 31 British amateur championship tournament at St Andrews, Scotland JUNE. 2-6 Fourteenth annual championship tournament of the Women's Metropolitan Golf association at the Nassau Country club. 2- 7 British women's championship tour nament at St. Anne's-on-Sea. 5- 7 Fourteenth annual championship tournament of the New Jersey State Golf association at the Baltsurol Golf club. 9- 1--Annual tournament of the Wom en's Eastern Golf association at Brae Burn Country club. Newton, Mass. 11-14 Tricity matches for the Grlscom cup over a course in the Boston district. 10 Competition for Tom Morris memo rial trophy at all clubs of the Western Golf association. 10-21 Annual transmlsslssippi champion ship tournament at the Glen-Echo Coun try club. 19-21 Invitation tournament at. the Apa wamis club. 19-24 British open championship tourna ment at Hoylake. 30-Franco-American professional team match at La Boulie. Franca (Data ap proximate.) JULY. 1 Comeptitlon for Crafts W. Higgins' trophy at all clubs in Women's Western Golf association. 3- 5 French amateur championship tour nament at La Boulie, France. 19 Olympic cup competition at Homo wood (N. Y.) Country club. 15 Annual open championship tourna ment of the Golf Association of Philadel phia on a course to be selected. - 21- 26 Amateur championship tournament of the Western Golf association at the Homewood Country Club. AUGUST. 6- 9 Tournament for first president's cup at Ekwanok Country club. SEPTEMBER. 16 Eighteenth amateur championship tournament of the United States Golf as sociation at the Garden City Golf club. 8-13 Intercollegiate championship tour nament at the Huntingdon Valley Coun try club. 17 18 Nineteenth national open cham pionship tournament at the Country club, Brookline, Mass. ' 24-25 Seniors' tournament at the Apa wamis club 20- 30 Open championship tournament of the Western Golf association at the Mem phis Country rlub. KM 1 Will Continue for Ten Days More on Many Articles 25-CENT COTTON SUITING AT..... ; 13c 8, 10 and 12-CENT LAWN 5c 15 and 18-CENT LAWN... .... 9c 48-INCH DRESS GOODS, 60 AND 65cAT 48c 12-CENT BLUE CHEVIOTS AT 8c 10-CENT PERCALE, LIGHT AND DARK AT ... 7c 7-CENT LIGHT PERCALES AT .. ... 4i2c POST CAftDS, 24, AT.. 10c TALCUM POWDER, PER CAN... '. 5c Mens' Shoes at Cost. Call and See Them The Winner will be announced at the Star Theatre Toda Your Last CSia u - nee Aufo Contest Ends Tonight 1000 BONUS VOTES ITfl EVERY 50c. PURCHAI . TODAY WE WILL GIVE 1000 BONUS VOTES WITH EACH AND EVERY 50 CENT- CASH PURCHASE MADE IN ANY DEPARTMENT OF OUR STORE. THIS IS THE VERY BEST OFFER OF THE ENTIRE CONTEST. SUPPLY YOUR DRUG AND STATIONERY NEEDS FOR MONTHS TO COME AND HELP YOUR CANDIDATE WIN THE BIG AUTO. , . " 10,000 VOTES WITH EVERY $5.00 COUPON BOOK TODAY WE WILL GIVE 10,000 BONUS VOTES WITH EACH COUPON BOOK. THE COUPONS MAY BE USED THE SAME AS CASH AT ANY TIME ON ANY PURCHASE AT THE REXALL STORE. BUY A COU PON BOOK TODAY AND GET 10,000 VOTES. r 1000 BONUS VOTES WITH EVERY $1.00. PAID ON YOUR ACCOUNT PAY YOUR ACCOUNT TODAY AND GET 1000 VOTES FOR EACH DOLLAR PAID ON YOUR ACCOUNT. THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE TO HELP YOUR CANDIDATE WIN THE BIG AUTO. We Give Votes Huntley Bros. Co., The Rexall Store The Morning Enterprise, All the News, All the Time, Contest Closes at 8 P .M., No Votes received or Cou pon Books sold after eight o'clock. The final count in the Commercial Club rooms. The votes will be counted by W. L. Mulvey, J. E. Jack and Dr. L. A. Morris. e Give Votes V. Harris Quality Grocer The Star Theatre, Moving Pictures, Vaudeville NEW STOCK COMES TO LOCAL MARKET New head lettuce, strawberries and oranges arrived from outside points Wednesday, strengthening the mar ket in these commodities, and change ing prices. Lettuce is running around $1.75 a crate, and berries are quoted from $3 to $3.75, and are of excellent quality. Oranges are running from $4 to $4.50 a box, according to size. New potatoes are coming in heav ier and the price is falling about a half-cent a pound. Garnets still top the list in the neighborhood of. 6 cents. The gg trade is getting settled. Cold storage interests have slowed up on their buying, and sales are now only to be had in the usual channels. It is thought in some quarters that the storaga people are merely trying to depress the market, but if this is so they are not apt to be successful, as local fanciers have gotten rid of most of their stock, and future laying will probably just .about keep even with the demand. Storage eggs, will probably come henceforth from the south, buying preference being given local eggs in other market. Livestock, Meats.' BEEF (Live weight) steers 7 and 8c; cows 6 and 7 c, bulls 4 to 6c. MUTTON Sheep 5 to 6 1-2; lambs 6 to 6 l-2c. PORK 9 1-2 and 10c. - VEAL Calves 12c to 13c dressed, according to grade. WEINIES 15c lb: sausage, 15c lb. POULTRY (buying) Hens 13y2 to 14. Stags slow at 10c; old roos ters 8c; broilers 24c. Frulta APPLES 50c and $1. DRIED FRUITS (Baying), Prunes on basis 6 to 8 cents. VEGETABLES ONIONS $1.00 sack. POTATOES About 20c to 40c f. o. b. shipping points, per hundred, with no sales at going quotations. Butter, Eggs. BUTTER (flying). Ordinary coun try butter 25c and 30c; lancy cream ery 75c to 85c roll. EGGS Oregon ranch case count 16c; Oregon ranch candled 18c. Prevailing Oregon City prices are as follows: HIDES (Buying) Green salted, 7c to 8c; sheep pelts 75c to $1.50 each. MOHAIR 32c. WOOL 18 to 20 c. FEED (Selling) Shorts $27; bran $25; process barley $27.50 to $29.50 per ton? FLOUR $4.50 to $5. OATS $22.00 to $27.00; wheat 93; oil meal selling $38.00; Shay Brook dairy feed $1.30 per hundred pounds. Whole corn $30.00. HAY (Buying) Clover at and $9; oat hay best $11 and $12; mix ed $9 to $11; valley timothy $12 to $13; selling alfalfa $13.50 to $17; Ida ho and Eastern Oregon timothy sell ing $19.50 to $23. A small cias3ined ad will rint that vacant room. Boost your city by Doostlng yow daily paper. ft ALLEN'S FOOTEASE- I r. I The Antiseptic powder shaken into tne siloes me ainnuirru edy for the feel for a auarter century. 30.000 testimonials. Sold Trade-Mark, everywhere, 25c. Sample FREE. Address. Allen S. Olmsted, I Koy , y. The Man wbo put Uie EEs la FEET. LOCAL BRIEPS Orvil James, of Astoria, is in this city. J. A. Miley, of Aurora, is a business visitor in the city. W. E. Wann, of Portland, was in the city Tuesday and Wednesday. Miss Olive Bingham, of Portland, is visiting friends here for several days. Herbert Whithcomb, of Seattle, is In the city for several days visiting friends. J. L. Reade, of Silverton, is in the city for a few days, attending to busi ness affairs. S. O. Boyles of Beaver Creek, is spending several days in. this city at tending to business affairs. . J. E- Mumpower, of Stone, is in tin city for several days. He is a prom inent farmer of that locality. . Miss Mary Stone is in Oregon City visiting friends and relatives for a few days. Her home is in Portland. Frank Hamptoon is stopping a few days in this city, while he is making a trip to' the north. His home is in Los Angeles. Miss Marybelle Meldrum, of Port land, was a visitor in the city Tues day and Wednesday. She was form erly a resident of the city. Bishop Scadding, of the Episcopal church, was in this city Wednesday to enjoy the salmon fishing. He was fortunate in landing a ten-pound fish. Thomas Sinnott and Samuel Arnold have accepted positions with the Moody Investment company. They will survey townsite properties south of Oregon City. If Conkey's White Diarrhea Rem edy doesn't cure this disease in your little chicks, we will refund your money. Isn't that a fair offer? Ore gon Commision Co. Born, to the wife of William Laid law, of Gladstone, Wednesday noon, twins. The babies weigh 12 and 15 pounds. Dr. C. A. Stewart, the physi cian, .says that both mother and the babies are doing well. Jack Busch is rapidly recovering from his recent operation for appendi-1 citis, and is doing as well as can be expected. He will be out of the Ore gon City hospital, where he is con fined, about the end of the week. acres in W. H. Vaughan D. L. C; $3,000. (To correct). T. H. Wilcox and wife et al, to A. H. Klinger and wife, tracts in Sec. 4, T. 2 S., R. a E.; $10. T. H. Wilcox and wife et al; to Wm. Ganger and wife, tracts in Sec. 4, T. 2 S., R. 5 E.; $10. Estacada State Bank to Mayme Kuhrasch, lots 2, 3 and 1, block 11, Zobrist Add. to Estacada; $10. Robert L. Adkins and wife to Lor enzo A. Adkins, south half of 30 acres in T. 4 S., R. 2 E.; $200. John E. Grahn to J. W. Alford aad wife, 5 acres more or less in Sees 9 and 16, T. 3 S., R. 2 E.; $625. MRS' LARAMORE TELLS TROUBLES Lady in Goodwater Describes Her Distressing Experience and Tells How She Was Finally Relieved MERITOL PILE REMEDY A new scientific preparation for both internal and external use and absolutely without an equal for the treatment of piles in any form. Ask us to show you this remedy and ex plain its many advantages. Jones Drug Co. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Gustave Kramien to Franz A. Sehu man, 24 acres in Sec. 30 T. 3 S., R. 1 W., lying on border of Clackamas and Yamhill counties; $1,200.'. E. E. Switzer and wife to George S. Woolston, 40 acres in Sec. 11, T. 3 S., R 2 E.; $10. James Arthur Brady and wife to Emily H. Monk, lots 5, 6, 7 and 8, block 35, Oregon Iron & Steel Go's. First Add. to Oswego; $10. John T. Mclntyre and wife to M. P. Blasen, tract in S. E. quarter of Sec. 24, T. 2 S., R. 6 E.; $ Homer Ml Mullen to Louise Streib, lot 2, block 3, Lewelling Park, Milwau kie; $600. Henry Bolle and wife to Lena R. Bolli, 10 acres on south bank of Clackamas river in Sec. 15, T. 2 S., R. 2 E.; $1.' H. S. Ramsby and wife, H. N. Ever hart and wife, Clyde Engle and wife and Otis Engle to Giles P..Looney, 44 Goodwater, Mb. "Eever since I was a little girl," says Mrs. Riley, Lara more, "I was a great sufferer from dyspepsia. I suffered misery after eating, and had terrible heartburn. I thought I had to -suffer this way as long as I lived, but when I began to take Thedford's Black-Draught, in small doses, every night, the heart burn was all gone in a few days, and I could eat without distress. I tool?' two small packages in all, and although that was some time ago, the dyspepsia has not returned. I speak a good word for Thedforod's Black-Draught whenever I have the opportunity." If eating causes distress,, we urge you to try Thedford's Black-Draught. It cleanses the system, helps the stomach to digest its food, regulates the bowels, and stimulates the liver. It acts gently and is without bad after-effects. Try it. Price 25c. For sale by the Jones Drug Co. A BARGAIN Good 6-room house, hot and, cold water and bath ; 2 large lots with fruit and garden room, house newly painted; located--on Monroe street. Price $1600, $200.00 down, balance $15.00 per month at 7 per cent inter est. E. P. ELLIOTT & SON W. L. Mulvey, J. E. Jack and Dr. L. A. Morris, have been selected to make the official canvass of the final vote. The count will be made in the Commercial club rooms, and no doubt there will be scores of interested friends there to see who will win the powerful touring car. The announce ment of the decision of the judges will be made at the Star theatre as soon as air the votes have . been counted. No votes will be received after 8 p. m tonight. Attention is called to the special contest announcements in the contest advertisement on page three. Dr. van Brakle, Osteopath, Mason ic Building, phone Main 399. Ambiguous. CONTEST BATTLE CLOSE AT WINDUP This is the last day of the big auto contest, and Batdorf and Whiteman are running neck and neck. Never before has there been an auto contest conducted in Clackamas county which has awakened such unbouonded en thusiasm as the struggle to win the Howard automobile. Inaugurated just one month ago, with over fifty active entrants, Batdorf and Whiteman have itiwaja ueen in me ieaa or tne great race; and now on this, the last day, the question of the winner is still in doubt. Each candidate represents a differ ent section of the county, and the supporters of each man have done about all in their power to -swing the struggle their way. Mr. Batdorf lives in Willamette, and has all of the Sher wood district back of him, as well as numerous friends in this city. Mr. Whiteman, a resident of Oregon City, is the rural mail man on route two, and every patron of this route .stands solid for Frank. Although the rivalry between the two has been keen from the start, it has always been of a friendly nature, and the best of feeling exisits between the two men. ( & fm "I tel! you I am glad I went on that Hip around the world " "So was every one else wbo knew you." Houston Post. Why H Howled. lit ''Sft- Mic-ko Wont's the matter, Stonk? Stouk That p.irsou bloke gimme a pat on the 'end. Micko Well, what yer 'owlin' fer? Stonk We been out bird -nestin', an I was carryin' the eggs in me 'ati Sydney BuUgdn. .