MORNING ENTERPRISE TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 1913 V -ATTHE-1 BELL THEATRE m Big Eclair Feature in Two Reels "The Great Unknown" A Fascinating Story of the Canadian Wilds Third Reel-King Baggot in "King Danforth Retires" Fourt Reel-Big Comedy Nestor Film "A Dinner Bell Romance 99 10 ACRES For exchange, 3 acres in cul tivation, balance all open; land easily cleared; 4-room house, barn, some fruit, ' with some personal property; 3 miles from Oregon City. Will take $850.00 in Oregon City prop erty, balance 3 years, price of place, $2000. E. P. ELLIOTT & SON 7th and Main LOCAL BRIEPS Mrs. L. E. Jones has returned to the city after a three months' ab sence. During that time she visited her father in Kansas, and relatives and friends in Texas and California. In Los Angeles she was the guest o her sister, Mrs. Louis Levenger, who formerly lived in this city. Mrs. Jones bad a fine trip, but is glad to get back. D. O. Anderson, will leave the city Tuesday for Tillamook, where he will travel in the innterests of the West ern Stock Journal. He inntends to visit all of the creameries and most of the stock ranchs of that section. After his return to this city he will go to Montana, Idaho, Utah and Ne vada. Removes blackheads, softens rough skin, clears the blood, brightens the eye, sweetens the whole system; greatest beautifier known. Nothing helps make a pretty face, handsome smile as Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. Try it tonight. 35c. Jones Drug Co. Miss Clara Buchegger, of the coun ty recorder's office, is mourning the death of her mother, Mrs. Catherine B. Buchegger, of 702 Umatilla avenue Selilwood, who assed away Sunday at her home. The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon at the Sellwood residence. It enriches the blood, strengthens the nerves, cleanses the stomach, reg ulates the bowels, helps the appetite, livens you up, you work better feel better look better, Hollister's Rocky Mbuntain Tea a real Spring remedy tonic for the .whole family. 35c. Jones Drug Co. If Conkey's White Diarrhea Rem edy doesn't cure this disease in your little chicks, we will refund your money. 'Isn't that a fair offer? Ore gon Commision Co. Miss Haze1. Parrish has resigned her position at the Fall's and will leave shortly for Sellwood, where she will make her home with her sis ter, Mrs. Edna Gravall. Mrs. John Trullinger, of Molalla, who returned to her home the first part of last week after being in a Portland hospital has been again forced to go to the hospital. Robert Dawn, of Portland, was In the city Saturday and Sunday. While here he witnessed the Booster Day parades. L. E. Howell, of White Salmon-, was in the city the latter part of last week, attending the Booster Day cel ebrations. Mlrs. H. Barendrick, of Sandy, was a visitor in the city last week. While here, she attended the State Sunday School convention. Miss Ruth Merrick, who was vis iting friends in the city, has started for her home in Medford. She will vsit in Sa!em and Eugene. . W. H. Oastrander, of Portland, was registered at the Electric hotel Sat urday. Hot dinner at Baptist church Wed nesday noon 25 cents. . Apron sale all day. Miss Leona Ball, of Forest Grove, was in town the latter part of the week, visiting friends. .. C. W. Litz, of Camas, Wash., has been a visitor in this city during the first part of the week. , W. W. Tucker, of Springwater, was a witness of the Booster Day cele brations, being here upon Saturday. L. Owen, of Canby, was in the city Saturday visiting friends. Ethel Davis, of Portland, was a Sunday visitor in the city. William Lode'l, of Portland, was a visitor in the city Saturday. Frank Kraxberger, of Aurora, was a recent visitor in the city. - W. H. Ehlen, of Aurora, was a re cent business visitor in the city. Dr. van Brakle, Osteopath, Mason ic Building, Phone Main 399. A Progressive Century. The twentieth century has given us a satisfactory treatment for rheuma tism. The American Drug and Press Association, of which we are mem bers, are manufacturing a prepara tion called Meritol Rheumatism Pow ders, from a formula adopted by them after medical experts had pro nounced it one of great merit. Give Meritol Rheumatism Powders a trial. They are guaranteed. Jones Drug Company. COMMITTEES TO MEET There will be a meeting Tuesday of the Civic Improvement committee of the Live Wires and the committee from the Woman's club, which will co-operate with them in bettering lo cal conditions. The women have tak en a live'y interest in the work of the Live Wires and the health and police committee of the city council, and will be of valuable aid to them in making Oregon City cleaner and more sanitary in many ways. A small classified aa will rent that vacant room. CAULIFLOWER OP; WOOL GOES DOWN Excellent demand is shown for cauliflower along the street, and with smaller supplies, the price is showing an advance. Best offerings are sell ing as high as $1 a dozen. Kennewick, Wash., is shipping as paragus to the local market in a new package. The box contains but one TWO CARLOADS just arrived in Port land. You can get them now, perhaps not a week later. Indian Motorcycles--the best motorcycle made. For' Sale By Miller-Parker Co. OREGON CITY, ORE. ONE DAY AUTO CONTEST SPECIAL Bonus Votes With Suit Case and Ladies Leather Hand Bags 2000 BONUS VOTES WITH EVERY DOLLAR OF YOUR PURCHASE. TODAY ONLY WE GIVE BONUS VOTES WITH EVERY SUIT CASE, AND LADIES' LEATHER HAND BA GS. 1000 .VOTES WITH EVERY 50c OF YOUR PURCHASE; 5"00 VOTES WITH EACH $2.50 SUIT CASE OR BAG; 10,000 VOTES WITH EVERY $.00 SUIT CASE OR HAND BAG, ETC. TODAY ONLY.. tracts I raar, THE FINAL STRUGGLE IS NOW O N. BUY A 500 COUPON BOOK AND GET 5"00 BONUS VOTES. We Give Votes Huntley Bros. Co., The Rexall Store The Morning Enterprise, AH the News, All the Time, THE REXALL STORE Final Count Thursday Night in Commercial Club Rooms We Give Votes V. Harris Quality Grocer The Star Theatre, Moving Pictures, Vaudeville row of grass instead of two as in other packages, the stock being trim med down to about six inches. It presents a very good appearance and therefore is a good seller. Business in the wool trade con tinues at low ebb. From -all centers the word - comes that there is little indication of any decided improve ment in the buying during the pres ent week. Mill interests continue to hold down the lid and even a further improvement in all foreign wool mar kets has failed to move them. Livestock, Meats. BEEF (Live weight) stes 7 and 8c; cows 6 and 7 c, bulls 4 to 6c. MUTTON Sheep 5 to 6 1-2; lambs 6 to 6 l-2c. PORK 9 1-2 and 10c. VEAL Calves 12c to 13c dressed, according to grade. WEINIES 15c lb: sausage, 15c lb. POULTRY (buying) Hens 13 to 14. Stags slow at 10c; old roos ters 8c; broilers 24c. Fruits APPLES 50c and $1. DRIED FRUITS (Buying), Prunes on basis 6 to 8 cents. VEGETABLES ONIONS $1.00 sack. POTATOES About 20c to 40c f. o. b. shipping points, per hundred, with no sales at going quotations. Butter, Eggs. BUTTER (S tying), Ordinary coun try butter 25c and 30c; lancy cream ery 75c to 85c roll. EGGS Oregon ranch case count 16c; Oregon ranch candled 18c. Prevailing Oregon City prices are as follows: HIDES (Buying) Green salted, 7c to 8c; sheep pelts 75c to $1.50 each. MOHAIR 32c. WOOL 18 to 20 c. FEED (Selling) Shorts $27; bran $25; process barley $27.50 to $29.50 per ton. FLOUR $4.50 to $5. OATS $22.00 to $27.00; wheat 93; oil meal selling $38.00; Shay Brook dairy feed $1.30 per hundred pounds. Whole corn $30.00. HAY (Buying) Clover at $8 and $9; oat hay best $11 and $12; mix ed $9 to $11; valley timothv $12 to $13; selling alfalfa $13.50 to $17; Ida ho and Eastern Oregon timothy sell ing $19.50 to $23. MRS. A. il. ADAMS IS HURT IN SOUTH Friends of Mrs. A. H. Adams, formerly of this city, and mother of Louis and John Adams, will regret to hear of the serious accident with which she met in Los Angeles Satur uay evening. Mrs. Adams who wai, visiting in that city, had just return ed from a trip with friends to Long Beach, and was starting across a street. The street being dark . she did not notice the approach of a mo torcycle, and the motorcyclist did not see her. The result was that she was thrown to the ground and received severe injuries about her body.and a fracture of the skull. The motor cyclist, John Strangeland, was but little hurt. Doctors say that Mrs. Adams will recover, but friends fear that the ac cident may prove fatal on account of her advanced ago. A telegram re ceived in this city Monday morning stated that Mrs. Adams was resting easily. Louis Adams left Sunday evening on the Shasta Limited for Los Angeles. COUNCIL MEETS Members of the city council met in special session Monday afternoon and pased two ordinances legalizing the sale of $75,000 wortn of bonds which are shortly to be purchased by Morris Brothers. The bonds are for municipal improvements. The council also passed an ordin ance providing for the laying of a sidewalk from Seventh and Sixth streets along the top of the b.'uff, to the proposed site of the municipal elevator, bids for which were adver tised last week. After handling these purely techni cal matters, the council - adjourned. The meeting was called by Mayor Jones at short notice, so as to get the details outlined above in order. Parher, which was reported1 in the paper to have been driven by Charles Parker, was from the Miller-Parker company. It was decorated by Mrs. C. G. Miller, and won the first prize. The team of Williams Brothers, which was awarded the third prize in the horse pulling contest, weighed 2300 pounds instead of 2800. Con sidering its weight, it made a very creditab'e showing. In Saturday morning's parade the Macabees received another award, this being the second first prize this organization secured. The order has about 230 members in town. If it happened It Is In tne Enterprise. PRIZE LIST CORRECTED The Enterprise wishes to correct two mistatements which appeared Sunday morning concerning the Booster Day celebration, the mis takes being caused by misinforma tion. The machine driven by Ralph THIS WILL INTEREST. MOTHERS. Mother Gray's Sweet Powders lor Children, a Certain relief for Feverishness, Headache, Bad Stomach, Teething Disorders, move and regulate the Bowels and lestroy Worms. They break up colds in 24 hours. They are so-pleasant to the taste Children like them. Over 10,000 testimonials. Used by Mothers for 22 years. They never fail. Sold bv all Druggists, 25c. Sample mailed FREE, Address, Allen 3. Olmsted, he Roy, N. Y. Meritol Pile Remedy. A new scientific preparation for both internal and external use and absolutely without an equal for the treatment of piles in any form. Ask us to show you this remedy and ex plain its many advantages. Jones Drug Company. Friends Furniture Store -905 7th"Street Bed $1.50 and up Dresser ...$70 and up Pedestal Tables ..$9.50 and up Fancy Matting $ .20 and up Chairs $ .60 and up High Chairs $1.00 and up Sanitary Couch .. .$3.50 and up Rockers $1.50 and up Chiffoniers ....... $10.50 and up Mattresses ...... .$2.75 and up Kitchen Cabinet i .$9.00 and up POSTAL SAVINGS GOOD FOR BONDS -The United States Postal authori ties have sent out circulars contain ing valuable information in regard to the manner in which postal savngs banks deposits may be invested in government bonds. An summary of the circular follows: By applying on or before June 2, 1913, depositors of the Postal Savings the rate of 2Vz per cent per annum, a part of their deposits for United States registered or coupon bonds in denominations of $20, $100 and $500, bearing interest from Jujy 1. 1913, at payable semi-annually, and redeem payable semionnua'.ly, and redeem able at the pleasure of the United States after one year from the date of issue, both principal and interest payable 20 years from that date in United States gold coin. Postal savings bonds are exempt from all taxes or duties of the UniH ed States, as well as from taxation in any form by or under state, muni cipal, or local authority. Postal savings deposits converted into bonds are not counted as a part of the maximum of $500 allowed one depositor, and there is no limitation on the amount of available postal savings bonds which may be acquir ed finally by a depositor. On the application of any holder the board of trustees will purchase postal-savings bonds at par. A Reliable Hair Tonic. It is an easy matter to prevent baldness, dandruff and other diseases of the scalp by using Meritol Hair Tonic. It should be used regularly to keep the scalp free of dandruff germs, as these germs are the cause of the majority of cases of danlruff and later, baldness. We are author ized to guarantee Meritol Hair Tonic. Jones Drug Company. PITTSBURG, Pa., April 28: A Berke'ey, Cal., lecturer here has told preachers that if they would live long lives they must eat onions, apples Complete Loose Leaf Ledger Outfit $7.50 OJR Jewel Ledger Outfit is just the thing for the small merchant, the professional man, or the pri vate ledger accounts or records of an individual or corporation. The binder has a formed steel case with a durable mechanism; the binding is a high grade Rus sia leather with corduroy sides. The No. 52 Outfit consists of binder as. shown in cut, 250 flat opening ledger leaves, and a leather tab bed index. Sheet size 7 1-2 x 10 38 inches, price com plete S7-50 No. 53, the same outfit in the 9 1-4 x 11 7-8 size .. S8 50 Oregon City Enterprise Modern Office Systematizers Oregon City - Oregon and cabbage.