Qrnnn the UWUr PPDDDTPD SCOOP IM GOINCrTcl MrtK'F.X WLl BE UP Tb Vni i Scour VR0OND fHD picK y TOU CflN OTP OUR M0T( rKOPER. citizens out prs improper Buz-i, F. O. B. Toledo Completely Equipped NE of the most popular 1913 models is our COWL DASH touring car. This is one of the season's "six best sellers' Wherever it has been shown it has met with immediate approval. The graceful cowl adds a touch of completeness and finish to the body, which distinguishes and separates it from the average run of touring cars. This model is a great favorite abroad particularly in the big European metropolitan centers, where the demand is always for something more unique with out loss of practicability. The chasses of this five-passenger car is the same as our famous Model 69 the brief specifications and equipment are given below. Our allotment of cowl dash touring cars is very limited. We would advise you to have an immediate demonstration so that if you do not want your car at once, you can book your order for delivery when you are ready for it. This, like all Overland Cars, costs you 30 per cent less than any other similar, car manufactured. If we built less than 40,000 cars a year, this model would cost you just that much more. Self-starter 30 Horsepower 5-Passenger Touring Car 110-inch Wheel Base MORNING ENTERPRISE OREGON CITY, OREGON. E. E. Brodle, Editor and Publisher. "Entered as second-class matter Jan uary 9, 1911, at the post office at Oregon City, Oregon, under the Act of March 8, 1879." TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Tear, by mail $3.00 Six Months, by mall 1.50 Four Months, by mail 1.00 Per Week, by Barrier .10 CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER THE ANNUAL This is the tim? of JUERY AGAIN the year when the average man goes into the family wardrobe, pul's everything 0fl the top cub on I 1 6- " " 1- I wd- s. Le or rntiK MUY yi l STAB 1? ISP5"- ,iJa- r I SVtpm 7 v. , j Kst v -v wji' ft v 3 1 m . - -x. ft - & m r x . I . -- . . WE HAVE $1,000 to loan at 7 ' per: , cent interest or first mortgage. E. ; The New Cowl Dash Car MILLER-PARKER CO. Big Features-Complete Equipment Timken Bearings Center Control , Remy Magneto .Warner Speedometer shelf, musses up the fur coats that his wife has carefully wrapped in newspapers to keep the moths away, and finally, from under his eldest daughter's dancing pumps, in the back corner drags forth the straw hat that he wore the season before, ancre gards it carefully and with - much meditation. He scrapes a bit at the band with his penknife, and deter mines that he will have to get his helpmate to put a new ribbon on in its place. Then he . discovers that there is a large brown stain on the rim that somewhat spoils the appear ance of the hat, but decides that a little lemon juice will take that out RArfliisu ha haa -Tlaofriori tn cava money this year so that his youngest boy can have a vacation at the sea MORNING ENTERPRISE, SATURDAY, APRIL Here Comesthe&u5 E TO with a Souse, party Wonder. r gooldnt STOP EM r4J (5-E.T TH shore, he surreptitiously delves into the pantry, obtains three lemons, cuts them up in the bathroom, and pro ceeds to attack the brown stain on the rim. Perhaps further detailing of the process is unnecessary. Eventually the hat is in reasonably presentable shape, and paterfamilias decides.that by the effort put forth he has saved practically three dollars, and will wear the refurbished hat for another season. With a happy smile he goes forth to the officer pride rising In his heart las ,he mentally forecasts the sensation he will make next week when he blossoms forth as a summer man. But alas, for pride. At the of fice his partner casually remarks to him that "unless you have a real Pan s System Isn't Good For His System BEST -SYSTEM JSTAHDHSTHe. Completely Equipped Mohair Top and Boot ' Clear Vision, Rain Vision Wind Shield Prest-O-Lite Tank ama you'll have to get a new hat this year, Bill. The brims are going to be entirely different, and you can't possibly make an old one do." Thereupon, the average man grits his teeth, bites his tongue in the pro cess, uses Scriptural language in a profane sense, and spoils the first two bills he started to make out. All of which goes to emphasize the time honored truth that is impossible to make a straw hat do service for two consecutive seasons, no matter how economica'ly inclined, a man may be. A woman can revamp her hat for four consecutive years, and still be in styfs, but poor man must either wear a fait at all the time, or invest a for tune in a Panama. Else he must pay a tax to fashion each year. Ll -r IIP T 6rUS ? El rtrtwifv -r-zTP1 . Mrti. Wi. v h 1 "I - . - MONEY TO LOAN :, 1 26, 1913 FOR SALE Registered Poland Dima bull and 2 O. I. C. brood sows. Ad dress, G. H. care Enterprise, or call Farmers 71, Pacific phone. AUTOMOBILE for sale Stoddard Dayton, 7-passenger, A-l condition, fully equipped, at a bargain. Will take part payment in lot in Clack amas County, balance cash. Ad dress Clackamas Hotel, Oregon City, Oregon. Route 6, Box 175 SAFE FOR SALE Nearly new safe at a bargain. "Address Clackamas Hotel, Route 6, box 175, Oregon. City, Oregon. FOR SALE 1100-pound horsa; will make good farm or delivery horse; gentle and well broken. Enquire 122 Center St. - FOR SALE Full blood Jersey bull calf, from registered sire, four weeks old. N. C. HENDRICKS, Box 77, Parkplace. FOR SALE second-hand drag and circular saws and rubber belting at reasonable rates. Apply Willam mette Supply Co. at Locks, Oregol City, Ore. - FOR SALE Heavy, work team, good pullers, good wagon and harness. Will sell cheap. Telephone Main 2793. COAL COAL The famous (King) coal from Utah, free delivery. Telephone your or der to A 56 or Main 14, Oregon City lee Works, 12th and Main Streets. FOR" SALE At a sacrifice: well equipped garage, to any available party we will talk terms. Write "B"care Enterprise. FOR SALE Good as new Esty organ. Call E. P. Elliott, 7th and Main St. WOOD AND COAL. OREGON CITT WOOD AND rUVL. CO., F. M. Blvfcm. Woa4 a4 eoaJ 49llTr4 to all parti ef th &'-7 SAWINO A .SPECIALTY. rfcefce your orders. Pacific 1371, Home I ill : THE SPIRELLA CORSET The best made to measure corset, un equaled for style and comfort, an official- guarantee with each corset will be pleased to call and take your measure. Mrs. Adalyn Davis, Corsetiere. Phone 35S2, Room 4 Willamette Bldg. LOST Dark gry rain coat, Raglan style. Finder leave at Commercial club rooms. FOUND One sorrel colt, two years old.J Inquire, Oregon Engineering & Construction Co., City. - DRESSMAKING Dressmaking. Plain Sewing and Dressmaking at Have had several years' experience reasonable prices, neat fisishing. Mrs. M. E. Pierce, near Abernethy Bridge in brick house. - GARDNER AND FLORIST. CHARLES M. MOFFITT Gardner and Florist, planting, prun ing and fertilizing. Alexander Apart ments, West Side, Phone Main 3093. MOLES! MOLES! MOLES The easi est method of destroying moles without the use of drugs, or traps. Absolutely nothing to buy. Send 25 cents in" coin for full information. G. A. YOUNG, Sumner, Iowa, Box 11 FOR. RENT 2 furnished rooms to gentlemen only. Enquire 122 Cen ter St. COMPETENT, sober grocery man, wants position as manager or clerk. Box 34, Jennings Lodge. WANTED Convalescent of invalid to nurse at my own home; best of care and a good home. Mrs. L. Paul, 122 Center St. WANTED Situation as housekeeper home more than wages wanted. Address, Etta Howell, Oregon City NOTICES Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clack amas. Emma S.- Miller, vs. Fred Miller, Defendant. To Fred Miller, The above nam defendant: In the name of the State ef Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint fil ed against you in the above entitled cause on or before the 10th day of May, 1913, which is six weeks after the 29th day of March, 1913, the date ordered for the first publica tion of this summons; and if you fail to so appear and answer, plain tiff will apply for the relief prayed for in her complaint. To-wit: For a decree dissolving the marriage contract heretofore and now exist ing between the ' plaintiff and de fendant,' and for such other and fur ther relief as to the Court may seem equitable and just. This summons is published by or der of the Hon. R. B. Beatie, Juflge Auitorrxofoil.es for I-iire PHONES: . MAIN 77; A 193 Miller-Parlcer Co. of the County Court. Made and entered on the 20th day of March, 1913. YATES & BUTLER, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Lumber men Bldg., Portland, Or. Summons. . In the Circuit Court of the State f Oregon, for the County of Clack amas. Mary Inman, Plaintiff, vs. Harry Inman, Defendant. To Harry Inman, The above nam ed defendant: In the name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint fil ed against you in the above entitled cause on or before the 10th day of May, 1913, which is six weeks after the 29th day of March, 1913, the date ordered for tLd first publica tion of this- summons; and if you fail to so appear and answer, plain tiff will apply for the relief prayed for in her complaint. To-wit: For a decree dissolving the - marraige contract heretofore and now exist ing between the plaintiff and de fendant, and for such other and fur ther relief as to the Court may seem equitable and just This summons is published by order - of the Hon. R. B. Beatie, Judge of..the County Court. Made' and entered on the 21st day of March, 1913. YATES & BUTLER, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Lumber mens Bldg., Portland, Or. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. Edgar Peterson, Plaintiff, vs. Effie Peterson, Defendant. To Effie Peterson, the above named defendant: In the name of the State" of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint of the plaintiff filed against you in the above entitled Court and cause, on or before the 10th day of May, 1913, which said date is six succes sive weeks after the date of the first publication of this summons, and if you fail to so appear and answer said complaint, the plaintiff, for want thereof, will apply to the above entitled Court for the relief prayed for in said complaint, filed herem, to-wit: for a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and the defendant, and . that the plaintiff be divorced from the defendant upon the grounds of desertion. This summons is served upon you by publication in accordance with an order of the Hon. R. B. BeaHe, Judge of the County Court, dated March 28, 1913, and requires you to appear and answer the complaint herein six weeks from the date of the first publication of this sum mons. Date of first publication March 29, 1913. Date of last publication May 10, 1913. E. E. HECKBERT, Attorney for Plaintiff. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Hilma G. Phillips, Plaintiff, vs. George E. Phillips, Defendant. To George E. Phillips, Defendant: In the name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint fil ed against you in the above entit led suit on or before the 28th day of April, 1913, and if you fail to ap pear and answer said complaint on or before said date which is six weeks from the date of the first pub lication of this summons, the plain tiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint, Independence comes with establishes your creQit. door of fortu ne. The Bank of Oregon City OLDEST BANK IN CLACKAMAS COUNTY D. C. LATOURETTE, President. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK , OFfOREGON CITY, OREGON CAPITAL $50,000.00 ' . Transacts a General Banking Business. Open front's A. M. te 3 P. M,, dv .HOP to-wit: for a decree of divorce. This summons is served upoa you by publication once a week for six consecutive weeks in the Morn ing Enterprise, by order of the Hon orable R. B. Beatie, County Judge in the absence of J. U. Campbell, judge of the above entitled court made and entered in said suit oa the 14 th day of March 1913. Date of first publication Mari 15th, 1913. Date of last publication April 26th, 1913. T. B. McDEVITT, Jr., Attorney for Plaintiff. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. Orrin C. Davidson, Plaintiff, vs. Bethany V. Davidson, Defendant. To Bethany V. Davidson, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint fil ed against you in the above named suit, on or before the 12th day of May, 1913, said date being the ex piration of six full weeks from the first publication of this summons, and if you fail to so appear and an swer said complaint, for want there- of the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in his complaint, towit: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony and marriage con tract heretofore and now existing between the plaintiff and defendant and for the care, custody and con trol of Clemdon H. Davidson, min or child of plaintiff and defendant herein, and for such other and fur ther relief as to the Court may seem just and equitable in the premises. This summons is published by order of the Hon. R. B. Beatie, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas, which said order was made and entered on March 28th, 1913. Date of first publication of this summons is March -29th, 1913, and the date of the last publi cation thereof is May 10th, 1913, which publication shall be made once a week for six consecutive weeks after the first publication of said summons. DIMICK & DIMICK, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas, Dept. No. . Melvina Matney, Plaintiff, vs. James Matney, Defendant. To James Matney, Defendant,- In the name of the State of Ore gon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above en. titled action on or before the 26th .day of April, 1913, and if you fail to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will take a decree annull ing, setting aside and holding for . naught the marriage relation now existing between you and . the de fendant and giving the care and, custody of their minor child ManiU la Matney to the plaintiff. Service of this summons is made upon you by publication in pursue ance of an Order of the Honorable R. B. Beatie, County Judge of Clacfc amas County, Oregon, the Circuit Judge being absent from said coun ty and state, said Order was made on the 13th day of March, 1913, dk recting such publication in tie. Morning Enterprise, once a week for six consecutive weeks, the First publication being on the 14ti. day of March, 1913, and the last being oh the 25th day of Aprilt 1913. - HICKS & BROWNELL, Attorneys for Plaintiff, saving.- A bank account Good credit opens the F. J. MEYER, Cashier..