MORNING ENTERPRISE, FBIDAY, APRIL 25, 1913 3v Double Votes Friday and Sat.--500Q Votes, with each $5. Coupon Book. Buy Coupon Books and Pay Your Account. Auto Contest Booster Day Specials. 500 Bonus Votes with every 25c Stationery purchase. Friday and Saturday We will give 500 Bonus Votes with every 25c purchase ' in our Sta tionery department. We cannot promise more than 200 boxes at this price, so come early and get thn bonus" votes. 500 Bonus Votes with 25c pictures. For - this special sale we have selected 200 of our nicest smaller filmed pictures; which range in value from 25c to 40c. A wonderful variety of scenes , mot , toes, Christy and Gibson drawings, etc. Watch for the big HOwARD AUTO in theAutomobile Parade Saturday Be a Real Booster and get 5000 Votes with a Coupon Book BATDORF STILL LEADS We Give Votes Huntley Bros. Co., The Rexail Store The Morning Enterprise, All the News, AH the Time, Here is the Standing of the Leading Candidates to April 15th No. 34, Geo. Batdorf, 3,551,045 No. 2, Whiteman, 3,099,765 No. 32, King's Daughters, -- - - - 1,684,635 Double Votes With Every Purchase Friday and Saturday We Give Votes V. Harriss Quality Grocerer . The Star Theatre, Moving Pictures, Vaudeville Brighten Boms Votes With Paint This is Brighten Up week and we have a big special on every article in our paint store. Bonus votes with every purchase. This sale includes every gallon of House, Barn and Buggy Paint, Shingle Stain, Varnish, Enamel, Alabastine, Dekorato, Castor Machine, Separator, Red Engine and Capital Cylinder Oils. Arsenate of Lead, Lime and Sulphur Spray, Bordeaux Mixture, Kreso Dip. No bonus votes on bulk Linseed or White Lead. 1000 Bonus Votes With Every 50c Purchase in Our Paint Store. 10 ACRES For exchange, 3 acres In cul tivation, balance all open; lanl easily cleared; 4-room house, barn, some fruit, with some personal property; 3 miles from Oregon City. Will take . $850.00 in Oregon City prop erty, balance 3 years, price of place, $2000. E. P. ELLIOTT & SON 7th and Main LOCAL BRIEFS Now is the time, to disinfect your poultry house and yard with Con key s Nox i-eide. It prevents disease and insures a healthy hatch. Come in and get a can now. Guaranteed by Oregon Commission Co. Anyone wishing to buy fruit trees ' and rose bushes can buy them at rea i sonable prices and have the remain der of this month to set them out. H. J. Bigger. William Weeler. of Portland, is in this city for a few days attending to business affairs. The Ladies Sewing society of St. John's Catholic church will sarve ice cream and cake, coffee and sand wiches today al day. Everybody welcome. All treated equal. ' The latest trimmed hats for chil dren. Celia Goldsmith. V I o WHAT IS IT? "ALWAYS . BEST TREAT GOOD NEWS You'll Soon Know FORTHEINDIAN Seven HP. Twin Indian will tow an Overland 5-passenger automobile up Main Street at 10:00 A. M. TODAY Indian Motorcycles and Overland Automobiles are the Best. Friends Furniture Store 905 7th'Street Bed I $1.50 and up Dresser $7.50 and up Pedestal Tables ..$9.50 and up Fancy Matting $ .20 and up Chairs : $ .60 and up High Chairs ......$1.00 and up Sanitary Couch ...$3.50 and up Rockers , . $1.50 'and up Chiffoniers $10.50 and up Mattresses $2.75 and .up Kitchen Cabinet ..$9.00 and up nA7 HENRY FORD HAS BUILT MORE AUTOMO BILES THAN ANY MAN WHO EVER LIVED. HE KNOWS HOW. THAT'S THE REASON HE CAN BUILD "THE UNIVERSAL CAR" AT A WONDERFUL LOW PRICE. BETTER GET YOURS NOW IF YOU WANT A FORQ THIS SEASON. Our great fact'ory has produced neaHy a quar ter of a million Model T's. prices: Runabout, $525; Touring Car, $600; Town Car, $300 f. o. b1. Detroit with all aquipment. For Particulars get "Ford- Times" an interesting automobile mag azine. It's free from Detroit factory. Ford "Mo tor Company, 1444 Michigan Ave., Chicago or Pacific Highway Garage Low prices for popu'ar styles in I millinery. Celia Gooldsmith. Alma Narburg, of St. Paul, Minn., is in this city for a few days. The latest styles in hats at modsr ate prices. Celia Goldsmith. E. E. Heckbert, a Portland attorney, was attending to business affairs at the court house Thursday. Ladies trimmed hats, the best ob tainable for the least money. . Celia Goldsmith. A. F. Weeler, of Portland, was in town Wednesday transacting -business. Dr. van Brakle, Osteopath, Mason ic Building, Phone Main 399. . Comparison is a very good way for you to make sure which is the best automob'le for you to buy. The OVERLAND will stand inspection and com parison with any $1400.00 car on the market. The very best place to compare cars is at the Portland Automobile Show in Portland this week. All the standard automobiles are shown there and every courtesy will be shown you if you attend and make yourself known at the OVER LAND exhibit. s ervice HOW IS THE DEALER GOING TO CARE FOR ME? That's one of the questions you should ask. yourself. How. well or How poorly is he equipped to give me proper service? Overland dealers carry a stock of parts and replacements depending on the number of Overland cars running in the particular dealer's territory. That's part of the dealer's contract with the WiHis-Overland Company, on which the company lays great stress. TARTS ORDERS COME FIRST, ALL OTHER BUSINESS NEXT! STEP IN AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. Overland Model 69T Overland Model 71 F Overland Model 69-T The perfection of.-a stylish, comfortable, fully equipped touring car finds it unsurpassable expression in the Overland Model 69-T. No amount of money could buy a greater refinement or more successfully combined safety, luxurious ease, smooth running an d ample power. ... SPECIFICATIONS Motor Four cylinders, east single and set oft center; bore. 4 in.; stroke. 44 in.; developing 30 horsepower actual at normal speed. Five-bearing crankshaft. Cooling Thermo-syphon or natural water cooling system no pump. Frame Cold-rolled steel, hot-riveted. Wheelbase 110 inches. Tread 56 inches; for south, 60 inches. Clutch Cone, leather-faced. Transmission Selective, sliding-gear type, three speeds; center control; annular bearings. Ignition Magneto and battery with non-vibrating coil.. Lubrication Splash lubrication for main and connecting rod bearings. Pistons and timing gears lubricated by mechanical oiler. Brakes New design; contracting and expanding on rear wheel hubs, quick-adjustable. Springs Semi-elliptic front, three-quarter-elliptic rear; six leaves, steel-bushing eyes. Steering Gear Worm and gear, adjustable f"16-lnch steer ing wheel. Front Axle I-beam section, drop-forged in one heat, without welding; Timken . bearings. Rear Axle Three-quarter floating; Hyatt bearings. Wheels Hickory; artillery pattern; 12 spokes; 12 bolts each wheel. Tires 32x3 in. front and rear; quick-detachable rims. Finish Overland blue, gray wheels, black hubs; nickel and aluminum trimmings.' Body Five-passenger touring car. Metal. Equipment Acetylene engine-starter; gas tank; two gas lamps; three oil lamps; mohair top and top boot; windshield; speedometer; horn; robe rail; foot-rest; wire carriers in rear; etc. Price $9&5, F. O. B. Toledo, Ohio. Overland Model 71-F For those who desire extreme luxury in a roomy four-passenger car. Very attractive in appearance, with graceful, snappy lines that are suggestive of speed. It rides as smoothly and noiselessly as the most costly cars built. SPECIFICATIONS Motor Four cylinders, cast single and set off center; bore, 4 3-8 in.; stroke, 4 in.; developing 45 horse power actual at normal speed. Five-bearing crank shaft. Cooling Thermo-syphon or natural water cooling sys tem no pump. Frame Cold-rolled steel, hot-riveted. Wheelbase 114 Inches. Tread 56 inches; for south, 60 inches. Clutch Cone, leather-faced. Transmission Selective, sliding-gear type, three speeds; center control; imported annular bearings. Ignition Magneto and storage battery kept charged by generator. Lubrication Splash, pump-circulated, with sight-feed on dash'. -Brakes New design; contracting and expanding on rear wheel hubs, quick-adjustable. Springs Semi-elliptic fiont, three-quarterelliptic rear; seven leaves, bronze-bu3hing eyes. Stearing Gear Worm and gear, adjustable; 18-inch steer ing wheel. Front Axle 1-beam section, drop-forged in one heat, without welding; Timken bearings. Rear Axle Full-floating; Timken bearings. Wheels Hickory; artillery pattern; 12 spokes; 12 bolts each wheel. Tires 34x4 in. front and rear; quick-detachable demount able rims. Finish Green with ivory stripe; nickel and aluminum trimmings. Body Four-passenger torpedo. Metal. Equipment Acetylene engine-starter; gas tank; dynamo; storage battery, electric head, side and tail lamps; ammeter; mohair top and top boot; windshield; speedometer; horn, robe rail; foot-rest; tire carriers in rear; extra demountable rim; etc. Price J1.475, F. O. B. Toledo, Ohio. MILLER-PARKER OREGON CITY, OREGON A