Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, April 25, 1913, Image 2

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    crnniv THE
t E. E. Brodie, Editor' and Publisher,
"Entered as second-class matter Jan
uary 9, 1911, at the post office at Oregon
City, Oregon, under the Act of March
, 1879."
One Year, by mail $3.00
Six Months, by mail 1.50
Four Months, by mail 1.00
Per Week, by carrier 10
April 25 In American History.
1781 Second buttle of Camdeu. S. C:
Coloniiils defeated by the British.
' 1877 President Hayes withdrew the
Federal troops from Louisiana; end
of armed Interference iu the south.
190O Charles Warren Stoddard au
thor and educator, died in Monte
rey. Cal.: born 1844.
1910 Governor Charles E. Hughes of
New York appointed justice of the
United States supreme court.
Eveniuji ' star: Saturn Mornu.g
Htars: .Mercury. Jupiter. Mars. Venus
Planet Saturn, uioviii!: eastward, soon
to he U?n! ih thr n;- r:ivs
BOOSTER DAY With the weather
IS WITH US forecaster declaring
that all the Northwest is to enjoy
summer weather for at 'east twenty
four hours, Oregon City's annual fes
tival occasion would seem to be open
ing under auspicious circumstances.
. The first straw hat has appeared, and
the girls have already decked thern-
selves in their prettiest and coolest
oi uresses. summer nerselt seems to
he at hand, so the chances are that
Nature will do her part to make
. Booster Days successful. This being
Oregon, however, it may rain. Aside
from that the outlook could not be
- better.
All roads lead t0 Oregon City, and
all rooads are being steadily traveled.
Don't You Spend Over $15
Wear a
Moyer will sell you the nobbiest kind of an All-Wool Suit for
$15 one that's made right, fits right and wears right.
The sort of a suit that bought at ah ordinary store, would sell
for $5 to $10 more hadn't YOU just as well save that extra
profit yourself?
Moyer couldn't do it if he were running an ordinary, store,
buying as ordinary dealers buy; Moyer produces his suits in a
DIFFERENT way, saving you the extra cost and putting it
into FABRIC AND WORKMANSHIP; his famous $15 Suits
stand as an example of SKILL AND CARE in good clothes
. Better lnnlr at thaaa
Spring styles; they're
worthy and full of ser
vice. -
When You See It In Our Ad, It's So
87-89 Third
First and Yamhill
DO YOU W ant tO Live Un that will make them want to come I II
A Ranch in Oregon City back a&ain and asain- and ne rfeal I II
and work down town or in the
mills? 2 acres with 2 houses,
land improved, one house is a
G-room plastered dwelling, the
other has 5 rooms papered. Fine
well; good spring on the proper
ty. Sit on your own front porch
and look at beautiful Mt. Hood,
and rent the other house to pay
your taxes and interest. See
Opposite Court House
Probably never before have there ;
been so many people in town, and j
while the State Sunday School con-1
vention is responsible for some of the '
throng, the fame of former Booster ;
Days must be held accountable for
the greater part of the crowds. And i
there is something here worth see- ,'
ing, too. It is good for a city to have ,
a day such as this; it is good for the ;
community of which the city" is the
center. It gives people a chance to
get acquainted, it promotes rivalry, j
it leads to a greater striving for per- i
fection it works for the benefit of .
the country and the City. 1
All that remains is for Oregon City i
to do her part. Proovidiug the en- j
tertainment and the epace for di- ,
plays is only half of her duty. She ;
must extend the glad hand. of fellow- j
ship freely and sincerely, she must
listen to the requests of her visitors, j
and masmuca as they suggest
changes for their convenience, she
must yield. The city cannot thrive
without the support of the surround
country, and the city must do" all that
it can to make the residents of the
country want to come here to trade
or to enjoy themselves. Indications
are that Oregon City will acquit her
self nobly, and this is as it should be.
Here's a welcome to all who come,
a pledge of good times for them, and
an assurance that they will find here
oyer Suit
Third and
That is Right. The Baseball Season
l I1I3-MTW i H
; T
much tnat is instructive, ana mucn i .
good neighbors. I
Booster Day has come again,
and we are here to help boost
your bank account ' by saving,
you money on your food sup
plies. Our special attraction for
Friday and Saturday will be ap
ples. We have one hundred boxes
of apples, all sound, and medi
um size, which we offer you
at the very low price of 65 cents
a box.
Come here for your apples'
Seventh and Center
Efforts made recently to better the
potato market do not seem to be over
successful. The tubers are so plen
tiful that it is impossible to get a
high market, and the glut of offer
ings is keeping prices well down. A-s
a result the acreage p'anted to spuds
this year will probably be materially
lessened, and next year will find a
better demand. Local potatoes are
also failing to bring money because
of the big supply shippel in from the
south. New spuds are quoted at from
5 to 7 cents.
and Morrison
Makes A Sound
The country is filled with half sick, listless people
afflicted with debility and stomach trouble.
Are you one of them ? Do you feel tired all the time
with no ambition or energy? Do you get up in the morn
ing after a poor night's sleep feeling worn out as when
you went to bed ? Is -your circulation poor ? Have you
an irregular appetite? Is your stomach out of order
most -of the time? Are -you nervous and depressed in
These are the symptoms of stomach trouble, Cooper's
New Discovery is bringing back health to thousands who
are thus afflicted. If you are struggling along in this
miserable run down condition, trying to do your work
when you feel like going to bed, you can get a new lease
on life by using
Cooper's New Discovery
,This medicine acts so oickly that it astonishes those
who try it for the first time. From the first dose, the
tired, despondent feeling begins to disappear, and sound
sleeps and good digestion return in a few days. - Then
health and renqr.ved energy bring back happiness and am
bition. Don't drag about half dead any longer. Get this
medicine at once. You will be thankful you did so the
longest day you live. It it does not' do you more good
than anything you have ever tried you can have the pur
chase price returned by your druggist. Go get a bottle
now and begin using it.
Jones Dreg Company
California and Louisiana berries are
arriving in greater quantities, and are
of much better grade. The south
eastern berries are quoted at $3.75 a
crate, while the California fruit is
selling at $3 flat.
Scarcity of cabbage is reported lo
cally, which will probably better
prices for supplies. The opposite is
reported in peas, and the market is
falling. Asparagus .is quoted at $1.25
a crate, and is of indifferent grade.
There is no movement worth men
tioning in local onions, carrots or tur
nips, all of which are low.
Is Easy to Have, Natural
Colored and Beautiful
So many women have grey or faded
hair; neglect it until it becomes thin,
dry and lifeless, begins to fall out and
makes them appear much older than
they really are. If your hair is in
this condition get a bottle of Hay's
Hair Health today. Don't wait until
some one says how much older you
look. You'll be delighted at the
results from even one or two applica
tions. The grey hairs gradually dis
appear and your hair will become full
of life and vitality. No one can tell
that you are using it. It's not a dye
but a nice, clean preparation that
quickly and effectively keeps your grey
hair dark, glossy and natural colored
and that all druggists guarantee sat
isfactory or refund your money. Al
ways ask for Hay's Hair Health. It
nevi foilci .
Free: Sign this adv. and take it to the
following drugsasts and get a 50c. bot
tle of Hay's Hair Health and a 25c.
rvsiro of Harfina Soap, for 50c; or $1.00
bottle of Hav's Hair Health and two
85c. cakes of Harfina Soap Free, for $1.
Wants, For Sale, Etc
Notices under fh?F classified headings
will oe Inserted at one cei a. word, first
Insertion, half a cent additional er
tions. One inch card. J2 per montn; half
Inch card. (14 lines), Jl per month.
"Tash must accompany order unless one
his an open account with the paper. No
financial responsibility for errors where
errors occur free corrected notice will be
printed for patron. Minimum charge 15c.
Anyone that is rt of employment
and feels he cannot afford to ad
vertise for work, can have the use
of our want columns free of charge.
This places no obligation of any
sort on you, we simply wish to he
of assistance to anv worthy person
AUTOMOBILE for sale Stoddard
Day ton, 7-passenger, A-l condition,
fully equipped, at a bargain. Will
take part payment in lot in Clack-
Has Opened, Hasn't it?
amas County, ' balance cash. Ad
dress Clackamas Hotel. Oregon
City, Oregon. Route 6, Box 175
SAFE "FOR SALE Nearly new safe
at a bargain. Address Clackamas
Hotel, Route G, box 175, Oregon
City, Oregon.
FOR SALE 1100-pound horse; will
make good farm or delivery horse;
gentle and well broken. Enquire
122 Center St.
FOR SALE Full blood Jersey bull
calf, from registered sire, four
weeks old. N. C. HENDRICKS,
Box 77, Parkplace.
FOR SALE second-hand drag and
circular saws and rubber belting
at ressonable rates. Apply Willaip
mette Supply Co. at Locks, Oregol
City, Ore.
FOR SALE Heavy work team, good
pullers, good wagon and harness.
WTill sell cheap. Telephone Main
2793. '
The famous (King) coal from Utah,
free delivery, Telephone your or
der to A 56 or Main 14, Oregon City
Ice Works, 12th and Main Streets
FOR SALE At ' a sacrifice: well
equipped garage, to any available
party we will talk tsrms. Write
"B" care Enterprise.
FOR SALE Good as new Esty organ.
Call E. P. Elliott, 7th and Main St.
CO.. F. M. Bluhra. Wood 1 coaJ
delivered ta all parts of the elty
vour orde-s. Pacific 1371, Home
The best made to measure corset, un
equaled for style and comfort, an
official guarantee with each corset
will be pleased to call and take
your measure. Mrs. Adalyn Davis,
Corsetiere. Phone 3552, Room 4
Willamette Bldg.
LOST Dark grey rain coat. - Raglan
style. Finder leave at Commercial
club rooms.
Plain Sewing and Dressmaking at
Have had several years' experience
reasonable prices, neat finishing.
Mrs. M. E. Pierce, near Aberneth7
Bridge in brick house.
Gardrisr and Florist, planting, prun
ing ah? fertilizing. Alexander Apart
ments, We5 Slie, Phone Main 3093.
est method of destroying moles
without the use of drugsr traps.
Absolutely nothing to buy. sTcd 25
cents in coin for full information.
G. A. YOUNG, Sumner, Iowa, Box if
Contracts, Wiring and Fixtures
JVliller-Farfcer Co,
FOR RENT 2 furnished rooms to
gentlemen only. Enquire 122 Cen
ter St.
COMPETENT, sober grocery man,
wants position as manager or clerk.
Box 34, Jennings Lodge.
WANTED Convalescent or invalid to
nurse at my own home; best of
care and a good home. Mrs. L. Paul,
122 Center 'St.
WANTED Lady dishwasher, lady
pastry cook. Home Restaurant, 415
Main 88.
WANTED Situation as housekeeper
home more than wages wanted.
.Address, Etta Howell, Oregon City
We wish to thank the many friends
and acquaintances of the family who
so kind y assisted in our recent ber
eavement in the death and burial of
our wife and mother, also for the
many floral offerings.
undersigned has been -duly appoint
ed administrator "of the estate of Arquette, deceased, and any
and all persons having c aims
against the said estate must pre
sent them to the undersigned at
Colton, Oregon, duly verified with
in six months from the date of this
Dated April 23rd, A. D. 1913.
Administrator, .
Attorney for Administrator.
Notice is hereby given, that sealed
proposals will be received by the
undersigned Elevator Committee of
the Council of Oregon City. Oregon,
up to 3 o'clock p. m., Saturday, MUy
3, 1913, at the office of the City Re
corder of Oregon City, for the labor
and materials for ona hydraulic ele
vator, tower, bridge and waiting
room to be built at Seven street as
per location plans on fi e in the
office of the Elevator Committee
The bidders will each submit with his
proposal detailed plans and specifi
cations, which however, must be in
acordance with the general require
ments as covered by this advertisement.-
The elevator must be of the hydraulic
type, with a platform 6 feet by 7
feet and must be guaranteed to car
ry a load of 3000 pounds at a speed
of 400 feet per minute. A 5-inch
water main will be brought to the
base of the tower by the City of
Oregon City and a six-inch sewer
- -connection will also be brought to
the base of the tower by the city.
From this point the contractor must
supply everything required to in
sta 1 complete ready for use, the
elevator in every particular.
The tower must be of steel suitable
in every way to support -the ele
vator must be designed against
wind stresses and must be painted
two coats of best graphite paint.
The bridge must be of steel and en
tirely enclosed on sides and top
with suitable protected openings
for ventilation.
A waiting room at the base must be
provided and the openings Into the
shaft at the top and at the bottom
must be protected with metal doors.
The cab of the elevator must be en
tirely weatherproof and provided
with another doer. The sheaves
..and lCrt; LVubi oe " protected
against the weather. . Protection
must be afforded the elevator cylin
der against freezing. t
Independence comes with
establishes ' your credit.
door of fortu ne.
The Bank
D. (X LATOURETTE, "President.
CAPITAL $50,000.00
Transacts a General Banking Businessv . pen from A. M. to 3 P. M
Provision must be made for lighting
w attain g room, car and bridge, also
- for heating waiting room.
A" so for a subway under railroad
tracli and tower up the. bluff at
same location which must also be
accompanied with detailed plans
and specifications.
All bids must be accompanied by a
certified check of $1000, payable to
Oregon City, Oregon, which " sum
shall be forfeited in case the bidder
to whom the award is made shall
fail to enter into a contract for the
work within ten (10) days after no
tice of said award.
The Elevator Committee will take in
to consideration the character of
the elevator and tower as well as
the price in making the award and
the Elevator Committee reserves
the right to reject any or all bids.
By order of the Elevator Committee
Oregon City Council, Oregon City,
Oregon, dated. April 24, 1913.
Whereas, pursuant to an order of the
City Council of Orogon City, Clack
amas County, Oregon, ' heretofore
made the City Engineer of said city
has submitted his report and filed
in the office of ths City Recorder,
plans and specifications for an ap
propriate improvement of Fourth
street, said city, from the property
line 105 feet west of the west
side of High street to the west
side of Monroe street, and estim
ates of the work to be done thereon
and of the cost thereof, and
Whereas, such plans, specifications
and estimates ' are satisfactory to
the City Council of said Oregon
City, therefore,
The said plans, specifications and es
timates are hereby approved and be
Resolved, that it is the purpose -and
intention of the City Council of Ore
gon City to make the said improve
ment, being described as follows
The street brought to sub-
- grade the full width thereof be
tween the property line 105 feet
west of the west side of High street
and the westerly side of Monroe
street. On the road-bed macadam
shall be placed not less than six
inches thick at the curb and not
less than nine inches thick at the
center of the street and when com
pleted the said road-bed shall be
brought to grade specified in Or
dinance paseed at a meeting of the
City Council he d on the 23rd day
of April, 1913.
Said street shall be properly provid
ed with all drains, catch basins, and
gutters necessary to preserve- the
grades, embankments and surface
of the streets and to provide all
proper drainage.
Sidewalks shall be of concrete except
where on application to the City
Council, owners, are permitted to
have wood walks laid. All side-
walks shall be six feet wide and laid,
to the property line. Curbs sha'l be
placed on each side of the macad--amized
portion of the street. Cross
walks shall be six feet wide and not
less than 3 inches thick and a'l of
said improvement shall be made
according to the plans and specifi
cations filed Feb. 6, 1913, and ap
proved hereby.
The improvement shall be classed as
"Macadam" and shall be maintained
by Oregon City for a full periood of
ten years from the date of the ac
ceptance thereof by the City Coun
cil. The City Record nereby directed
t -cause this resolution and notice
to be published as required by the
saving. A bank account
Good credit opens the
of Oregon City
F. J. MEYER, Cashier,