MORNING ENTERPRISE, THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1913 -5 Double Votes Friday and Sat-5000 Votes with each $5. Coupon Book. Buy Coupon Books and Pay Your Account. Auto Contest Booster Day Specials. 500 Bonus Votes with every 25c Stationery purchase. Friday and Saturday We will give 500 Bonus Votes with every 25c purchase in our Sta- tionery department. We cannot promise more than 200 boxes at tKis price, so come early and get thn bonus votes. 500 Bonus Votes with 25c pictures. For this special sale wehaVe selected 200 of our nicest smaller filmed pictures; which range in value from 25c to 40c. A wonderful variety of scenes , mot toes, Christy and Gibson drawings, etc. Watch for the big HOwARD AUTO in the Automobile Parade Saturday. Be a Real Booster and get 5000 Votes with a Coupon Book BATDORF STILL LEADS We Geve Votes Huntley Bros. Co., The Rexall Store The Morning Enterprise, All the News, All the Time, Here is the Standing of the Leading Candidates to April 15th No. 34, Geo. Batdorf, 3,551,045 No. 2, Whiteman, 3,099,765 No. 32, King's Daughters, - -- - - 1,684,635 Double Votes With Every Purchase Friday and Saturday We Give Votes V. Harriss Quality-Grocerer The Star Theatre, Moving Pictures, Vaudeville Brighten Up -Bonus Votes With Paint This is Brighten Up week and we have a big special on every article in our paint store. Bonus votes with every purchase. This sale includes every gallon of House, Barn and Buggy Paint, Shingle Stain, Varnish, Enamel, Alabastine, Dekorato, Castor Machine, Separator, RedEngi ne and Capital Cylinder Oils. Arsenate of Lead, Lime and Sulphur Spray, Bordeaux Mixture, Kreso Dip. No bonus votes on bulk Linseed or White Lead. 1000 Bonus Votes With Every 50c Purchase in Our Paint Store. HUNTLEY BROS. CO. ley, in the Risley machine Mr. and Mrs. William Logus, Mrs. Augusta Warner and Gerald Warner, in the Warner machine; Mr", and Mrs. E. J. Daulton, Misses Bess and Helen Daul ton and Dr. Murdy, in the Daulton car; Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Risley, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Oatfield and Miss Eva Wentworth In the J. F. Risley ma chine ; Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Appersin and Mr. and Mrs. Fellows, in the Ap person machine Mort -Parks, Garey Herman, Edward Busch, Ben Harding in the Park's machine ; Miss Ruby Mc Cord and Wal'ace McCord, in the Mc Cord machine; Marbelle Melburn, Myrtle Parker, Ralph Parker, and Dr. Clyde Mbunt, in the Parker machine; and Wynne Hanney and Charles Par her, in Charles- Parker's machine. WELL KNOW FOLK 10 ACRES For exchange, 3 acres in cul tivation, balance all open; land easily cleared; 4-room house, barn, some fruit, with some personal property; 3y2 miles from Oregon City. Will take $850.00 in Oregon City prop erty, balance 3 years, price of place, $2000. E. P. ELLIOTT & SON 7th and Main LOCAL BRIEPS You feel different the minute you take it a gentle, soothing warmth fills the nerves and blood. Its a pleasure to take Hollister's . Rocky Mountain Tea. Purifies the blood, drives out the germs of Winter, gets you hustling, bustling, full of life and energy. 35c Teas and Tabs. Jones Drug Co. C. A. Belknap, a native of Nebraska, was a visitor in twon Wednesday. Mr. Belknap is looking for a location for his fami'y. He has com; here from California, where he failed to be im pressed with the country's advan tages. Keep the little ones healthy and happy. Their tender, sensitive bodies require a gentle, healing, harmless remedy in the spring. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea is a reliable safe tonic remerdy, -thoro but not injurious. 35c. Jones Drug Co. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Price have re turned from California, after spend ing nearly a year in that state. They visited San Jose, San Francisco, San ta Barbara and other places, travel ing most of the distance by wagon. Now is the time to disinfect your poultry house and yard with Con key s Nox-i-eid. It prevents disease and insures a healthy hatch.' Come in and get a can now. Guaranteed j by Oregon Commission Co. A. R. Smith, superintendent of the Clackamas County Co-operative Creamery, states that he will make 35,000 pounds of butter this month. This is much in excess of what was produced last year by the same creamery. Their production is in creasing from day to day, which looks very encouraging for the farmers of that section. Mr. and Mrs. George. Parkberry, Jr., are in the city for a few days visit ing Mr. Parkberry's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Parksberry, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Parkberry, Jr., have just moved from Raymond, Wash., and will make their home in the future in Portland. Wallace Mount, a senior at the Uni versity of Oregon, was" in the city Wednesday visiting relatives. He AT THE Bell Theatre -101- Friends Furniture Store 905 7th Street Bed $1.50 and up Dresser $7.50 and up - Pedestal Tables ..$9.50 and lip Fancy Matting $ .20 and up Chairs .60 and up 'High Chairs ..$1.00 and up Sanitary Couch ...$3.50 and up Rockers $1.50"and up Chiffoniers $10.50 and up Mattresses $2.75 and up Kitchen Cabinet ..$9.00 and up has just returned from a baseball trip with the university team through the Inland Empire and the Sound coun try. Julia Busch, of Logan, was taken to the Oregon City hospital Tuesday, where she is now confined with the typhoid fever. A sister of MSss Busch had a severe attack of the fever last summer. She is the daughter of Julius Busch. a prominent Clackamas county farmer. Miss Effie Watts was operated up on at the Oregon City hospital the first part of the week for appendicitis. She recovered from the operation, but is in a serious condition. " Mrs. Bruce C. Curry, of Portland, accompanied by her son Kenneth, was an Oregon City visitor Wednes day. 1 Mrs. Edward Lavier is at the Ore gon City hospital, recovering from the effects of a recent operation. Jack Busch is confined to his home in this city with appendicitis. Mrs. A. Labovitch, of Risley, is vis- i mug uei uouhiu, mrs. u. (j. JtsaocoCK. Dr. van Brakle, Osteopath, Mason ic Building, phone Main 399. REGIMENTAL PALS Daughter of Viriginia Binks Black Hand and "In Old Panama" Scenic GIGANTIC SEWER IS on the face of the bluff, near the railroad depot, were Wednesday night ordered by the council -to odvertise for bids and specifications for the lift, sio that the council might determine what make of apparatus it was best to adopt. The proposal to construct an ele vator for free public use was ad vanced some weeks ago, and since that time has been allowed to drop from sight. It was brought up at the council meeting through the inquiry of several people as to what the city proposed to do in the matter. The construction of the elevator, and its operation by the municipality, will be a great assistance to peple in the res idence district on the, bluff, and will make unnecessary the present tedious climb up the inclines and stairs. (Continued from Page 1.) j "Large Evening" contractor's profit, etc. In closing his report Mr Dieck told the council that the work could probably be done, it would be found, for from five to ten per cent less than his gross esti mate. Upon completion of the hearing of the report the council ordered copies blue-printed, and will study the mat ter in detail at a later session. The work outlined is general in scope, and the plan will require about a year to carry out when work is once started. The marriage of Miss Nettie Burg oyne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Burgoyne, of New Era, to Frank Busch, Jr., of this city, was solemn ized in St. John's Catholic church Wednesday afternoon. On y the im mediate family and one or two inti mate friends of the bride were pres ent. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Father Hillebrand. The bride was given away by her father, and was attended by Miss Terso McMil lan, of Portland. Mr. Busch was at tended by his brother, Edward Busch. .After the ceremony the bridal party went to their new home at Twelfth and Water streets, which will be oc cupied by the bride and groom. A de licious luncheon had been perpared, and the bride and groom were shower ed with felicitations. The home has been completely furnished and will be occupied by the new couple as soon as they return from a short honey moon. Mrs. Frank Buch, Jr., is the daugh ter of M)r. and Mrs. John Burgoyne, old and respected residents of this county. She is an attractive young woman, of the brunette type. Mr. Busch is the e'dest son of Frank Busch, Sr., Oregon City's pioneer furn iture dealer. He is connected with his father in business. He is a musi cian of prominence and a member of the Commercial club. the two-day display on Friday and Saturday. In order to accomodate the livestock, therefore, the exhibits have been divided, and horses and cattle will be shown at the display barn on Main street, between Third and Fourth, while sheep, hogs and other anima s will be placed in pjns under tents on the approach to the Eleventh stree dock, between Busca's store and the Oregon Commission company. Among the horses that will be ex hibited is Hal B, with a record of 2.04, the greatest 'race horse and sire in Oregon. This horse has brought many trophies to the state, and will be put through his paces here for the entertainment of visitors. Other famous animals will also be on view. -. . BEAUTIFUL HAIR, A JOY FOREVER If you have a beautiful head of hair, try to keep it. If you have not, try to "get it. Meritol Hair Tonic keeps the sca'p clean, promotes .a healty growth of beautiful hair, and keeps it soft and lustrous. Try it. Jones Drug Co. ' C0UNC1LHEN ASK ELEVATOR PLANS City Recorder and the special coun cil committee having charge of the proposed elevator to be constructed AUTO BANQUET'S FAME WILL LAST The second annual banquet of the Clackamas County Automobile club, which was held in the club house of the Portland Automobile club,, Wed nesday evening, has set a mark that will be difficult for any future affair to surpass. About sixty-five local en thusiasts journeyed to the c!ub house on the banks of the Sandy river, 22 miles from tnis city. At the club, the Clackamas county delegation was met by about ten members and represen tatives of the Portland Automobile club. At 8 o'clock an elaborate banquet was served in the dining room. The tables, were arranged in the form af a huge letter A, and were beautifully decorated with flowering almond, dog wood and other spring flowers. A large round table formed the top of the letter A, and from the center of this towers were arranged in the shape so as to represent spokes, the table forming a huge wheel. After the twelve course dinner had been served, Dr. H. S. Mount, presi dent of the club, and toast master, called upon the following to speak: E. C. Latourette, expressed his views upon married life as observed from one who was about to enter into wed ded bliss. Captain J. A. Anderson, told of his delights and pleasures, which were derived from his car, com pared to those of crossing the plains in an ox team, which "the Captain did 65 years ago. Charles Rislez, who acted as the delegate to the last auto mobile convention he'd during March in Washington D. C, also spoke. J. C. Friendly, member of the house committee of the Portland Automo bile club, welcomed the Clackamas delegation in behalf of the "Portland" club. George C. Knight, secretary of the club, voiced the same sentiments. H. S. Colter, member of the entertain ment committee was another speaker. H. E. Seymour, W. Chambers and G. West were other speakers. An informal dance was enjoyed af ter the banquet speeches and the party departed for home about 11:30. The following are among those who made the trip: Mr. and Mrs. B. T McBain, Dr. and Mrs. L. L. Pickens, in he McBain ear; Mr. and Mfrs. E. E. "Brodie, Mrs. Neita Barlow Law rence, Miss Neita Harding and Lee Harding, in the Brodie car; Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Latourette, Miss Ruth Stiewer, E. C. Latourette and Miss Cis Pratt, in the Latourette car; Dr. and Mlrs. H. S. Mount and Mrs. A. E. Howard, in the Mount machine; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ris'.ey, Miss Ethel and Olive Risley and Jake Ris- STOCK EXHIBITS WILL BE DIVIDED So great has been the number of en tries at the annual Stock Show that those in charge have found the Pio neer barn insufficient to house all the animals that will be brought in for OLD DEED BEARS I S. GRANT'S NAME A document of considerable hestoric interest, and baarlng the signature of U. S. Grant, as president of the Unit ed States, was filed on Wednesday with the county recorder. It is - a deed from tue United States t0 Wil liam Adair and Polly Adair, husband and wife, of the west half of section 9, township five south, range one east, and sets forth that Ml: Adair has homesteaded upon the same and ful filled all requirements. .The paper is dated August 1, 1873, and provides further that "the west ha'f of the above tract" sha "I belong to " William Adair, his heirs and as signs, while the "east half of the above tract" shall belong ' to Polly Adair, her heirs and assigns. Aside from Gran's signature, the deed bears the signatures of S. A. Williamson, secretary, and L. A. Fiske, recorder of the general land office pro tem. TheHub Booster Day has come again, and we are here to help boost your bank account by saving you. money on your food sup plies. Our special attraction for Friday and Saturday will be ap ples. We have one hundred- boxes of apples, all sound, and medi um size, which we offer you at the very low price of 65 cents a box. - Come here for your apples1 THE HUB GROCERY i Seventh and Center WOMEN BEGS FARE TO OREGON CITY PORTLAND, Or., April 23. (Spe cia') Mrs. S. Buckwell, who says she is the wife of Dr. A. E. T. Buckwell, of Oregon City, and Arthur Bronken, her son by a former marriage, were arrested Wednesday night in Laurel hurst, where it is charged they had been begging from door to door. Laurelhurst is a suburb of this city largely occupied by millionairs and well-to-tfo people. Several residents of the district complained to the po lice that the woman and her com panion were hanging around and so liciting alms, and that when they were refused they replied -with oaths and vile language. At the police station Mrs. Buckell declared that she was only seeking carfare to get to her home in Oregon City. She and the man with her were booked on a vagrancy charge. A Good ;Messag?. Meritol Tonic Digestive has prov en a good message to others, why not to you? It acts first upon the stom ach, strengthens the digestive or gans, creates a healthy appetite, and makes rich, red blood. Imparts new life and strength to the entire body. Jones Drug Co. MRS. MM. BROKE DOWN Gives the Real Facts In Regard to Her Case and Teils How She Suffered. No woman by the above name is known as a resident of Oregon City at the present time. Jonesboro, Ark. "I suffered a com plete break down in health, some time ago," writes Mrs. A. McGill, Worn this place. "I was very weak and could not do any work. I tried different remedies, but they did me no good. One day, I got a bottle of Cardui. It did me so much good, I was surprised, and took some more. Before I took Cardui, I had headache and backache, andsometimes I would cry for hours. Now I am over all that, and can do all kinds of housework. I think it is the greatest medicine on earth." In the past fifty years, thousands of ladies .have written, like Mrs. McGill, to tell of the benefit received from Cardui. Such testimony, from earnest women, surely indicates the great value of this tonic remedy, for diseases peculiar to women. Are you a sufferer? Yes? Cardui is the medicine you need. We urge you to try it. N. B. Write tn : Ladies' Advisory Dept., Chatta nooga Medicine vo., Chattanooga, Tenn., for Special Twiructions, and 64-pace book, "Home Treatment for Women," sent in plain wrapper, on request. FOR SALE BY THE JONES DRUG COMPANY $985 F.O.B. Toledo Com pletely Equipped F.O.B. Toledo Complet ely Equipped FORTY prominent German engineers, in an effort to find a weak spot, tore down an Overland that had run over 5,000 miles. They could not find one single flaw. This exceptional value has always puzzled and astound ed the world. But when you take into consideration the v ciAJiiuiuy ui u mining -tj,jjj tais a ytxi juu iiavc uic 011- swer. The growing familiarity of 53 nations with the tre mendous Overland manufacturing methods, caused Over land sales to increase by leaps and bounds. The market for the best production is unlimited. 4 It is necessary to see us at once to insure an early spring MILLER-PARKER CO. Big Features Complete Equipment Self-starter 30 Horsepower 5-Passenger Touring Car 110-inch Wheel Base Timken Bearings Center Control Remy Magneto Warner Speedometer Mohair Top and Boot Blear Vision, Rain Vision Wind Shield Prest-O-Lite Tank