Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, April 23, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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We Will 11
The Cash Basis
On -which this store is operated
admits of no credit losses. The
credit store MUST sell for more
to pay the losses of your neigh
bor's unpaid account.
Obtain your share of Che bar
gains listed here and you will
always buy at this popular store.
M 1 J I
Green Stamps
During the Ten Days of
This Sale on All Pur
chases. Stamps
are. your discount for paying
cash. The leading stores in
700 cities of the United States
give them. No matter where
you make your purchases the
S & H stamps can be applied in
our books and redeemed for
handsome premiums at our
ibro BoosTAP-d- Ptimwk
Our First Birthday Sale Starts' Friday Horning at This Pop
ular Store with the Most Thrilling Bargains on Every Hand
One year ago we opened up in our present location and at the end of 12 m onths of bustling activity we wish to take this opportunity of thanking you
our patrons, for the loyal support you have given us in our efforts to serve you right. '
After twelve months of business building, stone on stone, slowly, carefully, thoughtfully to have each one Joined firmly to its fellow and all in
plumb, we commence a new year over again fired with enthusiasm, and determined to further demonstrate to you that BANNON'S is a right good
place to trade. Read of the bargains offered below, and remember that they'ra only a few of hundreds more just as great that we are offering for
this mammoth TEN DAY SALE EVENT. s
Double Z&fi Green Trading Stamps will be Given on Every Purchase During the Next Ten Days
on all purchases
during the sale.
THE best stores in Oregon Ci
rortland, and over 7UU cities
in the United States give
Green Trading Stamps to induce
Cash buying, no matter where
you get your stamps they are
good in our books and redeem
able at our store.
Saturday is Red Letter Day
$1.00 worth of Green Stamps free to all
A mm
1 1 "
. 7
i. -
In our needle work section we carry a full line of Royal
Society embroidery floss and Royal Society packages. The
accompanying cut shows a Robespierre shirtwaist with
punch and solid embroidery in white. Instruction for-
punch work, necessary needle, also sufficient ma
terial to make long sleeves are included in the
package. Complete for
Infants Soft Sole Shoes 29c
During the ten days of the sale we will offer
the handsomest line of soft soles ever on display
In this city at any price. Plain kid tops, velvet
and silk uppers, in an endless assortment of
colors. Pretty enough for any mother's baby,
best 50c kind, all sizes, on sale at the
Plain tailored and Norfolk suits in the latest models and most popular materials.
Every suit in stock brand new this spring, we have no old-timers in our store. The
materials are plain men's serges, in wide and narrow wales In midnight blue, black,
auu iniitj mixture, ii you are in need or a new suit, by no means overlook this op
portunity, we nave every size irom misses' to stout 46. All alterations
are free and done by Mr. McLarty, Oregon City's leading tailor. Any
suit in the big lot, on sale during this event at each v.
Anniversary Special Wash Dresses j?1 25
Regular $2.50 Dresses ipJL
An anniversary special that is indeed wonderful a reduction that was made possible
only through an enormous cash purchase. Best grade of pretty, neat dresses for house
and street wear, all colors, neatly trimmed in high or low cut collars, best Amoskeag
Ginghams and Chambrays, plain, striped or check. Splendid values at the regular
price. During the days of the sale we offer your unrestricted choice of
the entire lot at this irresistable low price. Hundreds of dresses to choose
from, every size . . .
: - x PS?
'Patent-Tipped Silk Gloves
With "Kayser" in the Hem
We sell the genuine Kaysers the standard for 25 years.
The gloves that go' through fifty operations to attain their
perfection in finish and fit. And we sell them in any
shade or style or length at the price of the poorest gloves.
A guarantee in every pair. Price, 50c up.
Dresses mi iq
Best $1.50,$ 1.75
and $2 values
A girls' wash dress offering that is
only rivalled by our sensational sale
of women's dresses. Sizes range from
4 o 14 years. The materials are ging
hams and percales, nicely trimmed
with Dutch linen tape, as well as
many other styles, high or low cut
collars, with new style sleeves, splen
did values at the regular price of
$1.50, ?1.75 and $2.00. Your choice
of style and size is here. Any dress
in an immense lot of over
600 dresses to choose from
on sale at each
$3.00 HAIR GJ1 CA
Every matchable shade in the
best, sanitary hair switches, full
26 Inches long, made of silky
wavy hair, full sterilized. An
Immense variety of shades and
a rare offering dur
ing the 10 days' sale
at half price each
Women's $3 Qfi
Button Shoes Pl-
200 pairs women's new style
Spring shoes, made of solid
leather in the dull gun metal
finish, high button style. A
big special lot purchased by us
of an overloaded manufacturer.
Every pair a perfect fitter and
all cut on the new classy
short vamp lines.
Tour size and fit is
here at
$3.50 Messaline
Handsome soft, pure Messaline
silk petticoats, made in the late
modified styles, blacks, emerald
greens, nell rose and a score of
other colors in the lot. A petti
coat quality that has never been
approached at less than $3.,50.
Your cnoice aunng
the 10 days' sale at
man $,
Women's Eft
Velvet Shoes p.uv
Velvet shoes still retain their
popular favor. We are showing
an immense assortment of new
lasts, in high and pump styles,
for misses and women. As an
extra inducement for this oc
casion we offer the high
cut styles at $3.00 a
pair the pumps
Black Bloomers
A boon for weary mothers, thej
are labor savers, all sizes in
girls' well made black sateen
knickerbockers. Practical little
garments, ready made, at cost
of materials. All sizes
from 4 to 12 years are
on sale, at the pair
Full Standard
American Calicos
Dark and Hght colors in best
quality American prints, stripes,
dots and diagonals. Colors ab
solutely fast and materials too
well known to require further
comment. We offer your choice
of patterns of over 200
pieces at less than whole
sale cost, the yard
Best 50c
Kitchen Aprons
Light and dark patterns, in good
quality percale aprons, cut in
French style with large bibs and
shoulder straps. These are made
as well as though you made
them yourself and have never
been sold at less than double
the price asked. A big
lot on sale during the
10 days' sale at each
"Comfy" Cut 1 Olp
Sleeveless Vests 2
"Comfy" cuts are we believe the
best and most perfect fitting
vests made. Plain or fancy
yokes, made with the non-slipping
arm bands, of the best
auality Egyptian yarn sold in
leading stores the
country over at 25c.
All sizes here. ."
. sold in
" Wmy
Royal Worcester
203 Special
Through the co-operation of the
manufacturer we are enabled to
offer our patrons one of the
most extra-ordinary corset val
ues we have ever known. This
beautiful model as you will not
ice in the illustration is cut up
on lines to meet fashion's edict
of "length" and slimness and
will fit most any average figure.
Made with low bust very long
skirt, straight seams, six hose
supporters, of extra heavy fine
white coutil. The value is here
the style is here, the wear is'
here, and comfort too. Better
make your selection early as
the the lot will go quickly,
all sizes from 18 to 30, the regular $1.50 model, at Sl-00
Closing Out All Styles at
Not because they are not worth
four times the price, but because
we shall in the future confine our
corset line to the sale of Royal
Worcesters. Now is your chance
to pick up an unheard of snap.
lots of styles and practic
ally all sizes in one great
lot at ".
Hair Pins i
Per Box 4b
A full count box
of assorted sizes
steel wire crimp
ed hair pins, reg
ular 8c pack
age 4S
Wall 10p
Burlap I U
Yard-wide Burlap
for walls and
floor coverings,
fast colors, and
best 20c quality.
As much as you
want, yd 12c
Women's Stockings at
10 Cents
I case women's plain or polk-a-dot
design stockings, guaranteed fast
colors, all colors and splendid
wearers. A splendid time to sup
ply your hosiery wants at the
pair 10c
Common Pins lc
A good sized paper 'of steel com
mon pins with sharpe points, don't
waste time looking for them,
package lc
Window Shades
19 Cents
20 doz. green cloth window
shades, mounted on Colum
bia Rollers shade and fix
tures, complete for hanging
at each lj)c
Curtain Rods 5c
Curtain Rods, the regular 10c
kind, at this sale all week, 6
to a customer only, at this
low price 5c
Ten Cent Sheeting, per
yard 6 Cents
LL unbleached Sheeting; this brand sold
all. over at 10c yard, but while the great
lot, thousands of yards, lasts we will
sell it at, the yard, beginning tomor
row and all week, at
Muslin DRAWERS all the
Week, 25c
Women's best 40c quality Muslin Drawers,
ordinary or extra large sizes bal
loon style; a great reduction for
entire week at
An unheard of value; purchase a
handsome silk hose at the price of
cotton ones. Pure silk boots with
lisle heels and toes and spliced
knees, elastic tops and, by far and
'away the best hosiery
sale you have ever attend
ed. All sizes
Remnants at
A vast collection of short lengths in percales, draperies, galateas, prints, sheet
ings, outing flannels, kimono cloths and muslins. We have periodical remnant
sales at which our customers gather like bees around a hive. All who have par
ticipated will be here sure, those of you who have never attended owe it to
yourselves to come. Pick out any remnant and take it home for HALF PRICE.
FUFF RAIT ftrtftfQ Booster Day to all
SAJLiil JZ.1jLaJ VltL? children accompanied by parents
Handsome patterns in a splendid quality
percale dress shirt, plain striped designs in
black, white and grey patterns. All sizes
and every shirt made 'to fit.
Colors are strictly fact, come with detach
ed military collars or can be worn
with white dress collars. A regu
lar 89c shirt for
600 Women's Sample Waists at One Half
An immense assortment of new Winter Waists purchased f r om an overstocked New
York manufacturer enables us to place before you the most wonderful values
shown anywhere this season. Bargains that are worth coming many miles to
enjoy, see them and you will realize the importance of laying in a year's supply.
All linen tailored waists, plain effects and many with rich embroidered fronts, in
sertions and medallions of hand made Irish crochet. A big lot of blazer and
silk shirts included in the lot and practically all sizes. Buy any waist during
lu.usTRAriNGF.crcR P"' r'ryrrtPNS
. 1913
j Sell f"i,h
for Kesris
E 5LDG.,
DOUBLE iW Green Trading
Stamps throughout the entire
store during the Ten Days' Sale.