Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, April 22, 1913, Page 3, Image 3

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Contest Closes May 1st, Every Vote Counts. Buy a $5.00 Coupon Book-5000 Bonus Votes
frighten Up--Boniis Votes With
1000 Bonus Votes With Every 50c. Purchase in Our Paint Store
This is Brighten Up week and we have a big special on every article in our
paint store. Bonus votes with every purchase. This sale includes every
gallon of House, Barn and Buggy Paint, Shingle Stain, Varnish, Enamel,
Alabastine, Dekorato, Castor Machine, Separator, Red Engine and Capital
Cylinder Oils. No bonus votes on bulk Linseed or White Lead.
Clean Up For Booster Day and be Ready For "One Big Time"
From all indications we'll have five thousand visitors and we want to make
a good impression by having a clean city. Join us in our campaign for a
cleaner and better Oregon City. '
We Give Votes
V. Harris,
Quality Grocerer
The Star Theatre, .
Moving Pictures,
The Enterprise is the offical Auto
Contest paper and has all the announce
ments regarding the new features which
come up from time to time. Read
the Enterprise and know what is what.
"Store Notes' No. 5 now ready.
Ve Give Votes
Huntley Bros. Co.,
The Rexall Store
The Morning
All the News,
All the Time
Doctor V. But yon .must admit that
your profession does, not make angels
of ni(i) . .;
, uiiw.vcr ti. ao. my dear sir, you aoe
Jors certninlv have tl htst of us thrt
Pittsliurirh FYess
Members of the "Gypsies" wer3
entertained Saturday evening, by
Mrs. M. D. Latourette- at her. home
on lower Main street. The prize was
won by Mrs. E. J. Daulton. Refresh
ments were served by Mrs. Latour
ette. Whist was played during the
evening. Those present were: Mrs.
Ij. A. Morris, Miss Zeda Goldsmith,
Miss Amy Bollack, of Portland,
Misses Helen and Bess Daulton, Miss
Pratt and Mr. and . Mfrs. E. J. Daul
ton. Tou feel different the minute you
take it a.,gent!e, soothing .warmth
fills the nerves and "ulood. Its a
pleasure to take Hollister's Rocky
Mountain Tea. Purifies the blood,
drives out the germs of Winter, gets
you hustling, bustling, full of life
and energy. 35c Teas and Tabs'.
Jones Drug Co.
William Bridg, of Canby, was in
the city Monday transacting busi
ness and visiting friends. Pie has
just returned from Battle Ground,
Wash., near Vancouver. He has been
visiting his son at that place. Mr.
Bridge is a retired farmer of Canby.
Keep the little ones healthy and
happy. Their tender, sensitive bodies
reo.uire a gentle, healing, harmless
remedy in the spring. " Hollister's
Rocky Mountain Tea is a reliable
safe tonic remerdy, thoro but not
injurious. 35c. Jones Drug Co,
Now is the time to disinfect your
poultry house and yard "with Con
keys Noxi-eid. It prevents disease
and insures a healthy hatch. Come
in and get a can now. Guaranteed
by Oregon Commission Co. ,
Mrs. E. A. Mayer, of Portland, sis
ter of Mrs. Peter Smith, of Canemah,
is slowly improving after havinng un
derwent a serious operation in a
Portland hospital. The operation
was performed by Dr. Ong. Mrs.
Mayer was hurt several weeks, ago.
Mies Dollie Patt is at her home
after having a small oper;ion pre
formed on her throat by Dr. F.
Woods, of Portland. Miss Pratt is
improving and will soon be ab! to
be out.
Mrs. John O'Brien and two sons
have moved from this city to Falls
City, where they will join Mr. O'Brien
who haa been in that place for some
Mrs. Mi. C. Athey, of McMinnville,
was in town Monday visiting friends
and relatives. Mrs. Athey is a re
lative of Mrs. J. T. Apperson.
E. N. Hutchinson, of Portland, was
in the- city Monday, evening attend
ing the concert given" by the Derthick
club. He is a Portland musician.
The Ladies', Sewing society of St.
John's Catholic church will serve ice
cream and cake, coffee and sand
servedwiches on Booster days. This
will be served in the yard if the
weather permits. .
Harvey Sissel returned Monday
from an extended visit in California.
While admitting that the southern
climate itt very attractive, Mr. Bissel
says he is glad to get back home.
Earl Beck and George Simmons, of
Portland, were Oregon City visitors
on. Sunday.
Raymond Caufield has returned
from Hood River, after passing the
week-end there.
Muriel Young, of Salem, is. in the
city for a few days as the guest or
Miss Ei'iie Kingsly.
Miss Ella Johnson has gone to
Portland for a few days, where she
will visit relatives.
Dr. van Brakle, Osteopath, Mason
ic Building, phone Main 399.
Olive Myers and J ,.R. Myers to H.
A. Rayl, block 170, Oregon City;
Joohn P. Gengler and wife to Louis
C-ongler, east half of N. E. quarter
and east half of S. E. quarter of S.
E. quarter, Sec. 10, T. 7 S., R. 2 E.;
$! . .
E. B. Miller to Delia B. Clawson,
tract "A" (10 acres); ;$10
H. D. Williams to Karol Janiszew
ski, east 5 acres of the souherly 10
acres of the most northerly 20 acres
of the west half of the S. W. quarter
of Sec. 16, T. 7 S., R. 4 E.'; $8,009.
Paulus D. Newell and wife and L.
Clyde Newell to Ella Sinclair, lots
18 and 19, Jennings lodge; $10.
Karol Janiskewski to Michael Enfi
strom, same property as described in
second deed above; $8,000.
Fred Rhode and wife to P. M.
Hart, lots 7 and 8 and westerly 42
feet from westerly ends of lots 1 and
2, block 169, Oregon City; $10.
. William H. Miller and wife. Wer
ner Kuppenbender and wife, W. F.
Schooley and wife and John W.
Loder and wife to Robert L. Blanch
ard and wife, lots 17, 18 and 19,
block 1, Schooley's Addition to Glad
stone; $1.
Members of Greenpoint Hose com
pany No. 5, are to meet Tuesday
evening, April 22, in the company
rooms, to discuss important business
with regard to the Booster Day fes
tivities. The meeting will be called
promptly at 7:30 p. m., and it is d 3
sired that every member be on hand.
The meeting has been called by or
ders of the chief. ,
Sheriff Mass Sunday picked up
Hermann Lamn, a former inmate of
the reform school. The boy was pa
roled sometime ago, but . lately has
been away from his home, and at the
request of relatives will be returned
to the institution.
Friday evening, ' April 25, a -ball
will be given in Busch's hall by Hen
ry Edwards and Jack Frost. This is
designed as an attraction for Booster
day visitors and the 300 tickets al
ready sold indicates there will be no
lack of partners. Blue and white, the
Booster day colors, will predominate.
The Loyal Order " of Moose, led by
the Oregon City lodge, will give - a
dance at the same hall the following
night. i ,-
A gold medal to the school boy or
girl between the ages of 10 and 15
who writes the best composition, not
to exceed 800 words, on the repair
and maintenance of earth roads, is
to be awarded by Logan Walter. Page,
director, office of public roads, United
States Department of Agirculture,
Washington, D. C. All compositions
must be submitted to Mr. Page be
fore May 15, 1913,. and the medal will
be awarded as soon thereafter as the
compositions can - be graded. The
composition may be used on knowl
edge gained "from books or other
sources, but no quotations should be
After many years' experience in
dealing with the public road situation
of the country, -it is Mr. Page's be
lief that ignorance on the subject of
repair and maintenance of roads is
as much the cause of their bad con
dition as any other one factor. It is
expected that the competition will
bring about a better understanding
of the subject of repair and mainte
nance in the rural districts.
Many children living in the rural
districts have experienced the disad
vantages of roads made impassable
through a lack of proper mainte
nance and it is expected that thf-
interest in tne competition will sticr
ulate greater interest anion? nnr
ents. Bad roads have prevented many
eciiaren irom obtaining a proper ed
ucation and have even prevented
doctors from reaching the side of
rural patients in time to save their
Any child between the aires men
tioned, attending a country school,
may compete. Only one side of the
paper must be written on; each page
should be numbered; the name, age,
and address of the writer, and the
name and location of the school
which he or she is attending must be
plainly written at the top of the first
page. The announcement of the'
competition has been sent to the su
perintendents of schools in the rural
districts. No further information
can be obtained from the office of
public roads. This announcement
should be plain to everyone, and all
children will thus start on a basis of
equality. '
Mrs. Hansen, In a Letter From
Mobile, Tells How She Gained it
Mobile, Ala. "I suffered for seven
years, with womanly trouble," writes
Mrs. Sigurd Hansen in a letter from
this city. "I felt weak and always had
a headache and was always going to
the doctor. At last I was operated on,
and felt better, but soon I had the
same trouble.
My husband asked me to try Cardul.
I felt better after the first bottle, and
now, I have a good appetite and sleep
well. I feel fine, and the doctor tells
me I am looking better than he ever
saw me."
If you are sick? and miserable, and
Buffer from any of the pains due to
womanly trouble try Cardul,
Cardui Is successful because It Is
composed of ingredients that have been
found to act curatvely on the woman,
ly constitution.
For more than fifty years, it has been
used by women of all ages, with great
success. Try it. Tour druggist srIIs it
N. R Write in' T.artip' Advinrv Dent.. Oiattt-
nooca MeaictneCo., Chattanooga, Tenn.. for Sp&xt
lnfmictiriis, and book. nqae -ireaaoeT
or Women." sent in niatn wrapper, 09 reu - .fT"
eart to Heart
Democritus, who was always laughing.
lived 109 years; Heraelitus, who never
leased crying, only sixty. Laughing, then.
is best.
Living to lie a hundred is now so
;onimon it is no lone" a distinction.
Centenarians are thicker than cen
tenaries, and we have had a flock of
these in the few years .
One week' recently saw. the death of
ne man 108 years old and in an ad
joining state of another more than 101
years oid.
In a third state uenr by'the same
week witnessed the celebration of her
one hundredth birthday by a well
known woman.
Not long Alio the papers printed the
picture of an Indian chief 137 years of
age. At least he said he was that old.
and he looked t.
A European prophet recently ex
pressed the opinion that in the not dis
tant future men would only begin to
understand life at the age of a hun
Laugh and live a century is the lat
est adaptation of "laugh and grow
fat.". '
If any one asks you how to live a
century answer something in this wise:
Why, that is just as easy! Don't die
too soon; that's all." Dying is really a
bad habit and should be discouraged.
To say that "the good die young"
should be called by "a shorter and
uglier" name. If goodness consists in
behaving yourself, keeping regular
hours and eating only what agrees
with you, then the good live long and
flourish like the green bay tree, what
ever that is. . .
Laughter is not only an answer to
absurdities and incongruities, but is
better for the health than a medicine
People who can't take a joke are
usually the ones who have to take
It is ne wonder undertakers look sol
emn. They are trying to set an exam
ple. Solemnity helps their trade. It
furnishes them more victims to bury.
- If we ever establish a national health
department one of its first acts should
be to pension the jokesmiths. They
are the best health promoters we have.
The doctors only heal the sick. The
jokesmiths keep people from getting
Laughter not only makes us live a
long time, but makes living a long time
worth while. .
A long face means a short life.
Cheer up ajni join the centenarians.
of re
The Ohio Flood Disaster
Entirely Different From Ever Before Shown
in this City
No. 2
The Wild Flower of Pino
No. 3
The One Who Had lo Pay
A Fool For Luck
0 LOOK 10
Meritol Pile Remedy.
A new scientific preparation for
both internal and external use and
absolutely without an equal for the
treatment of piles in any form. Ask
us to show you this remedy and ex
plain its many advantages. Jones Drug
Company. ' -
AOerUirtRelief forFeveriNhnegs
Constipation, Headarhe,
Stomach Troubles, Teething
I) 1 n it ril a r m. and Dpi i t i v
Trade Mark. ?'2tV". "S! ,r?k "vVol,a
Don't accept Sample maiVd KKF.E. Address.'. '
substitute, a. S. OLMSTED. Le Roy, N. V.
This is Not the Time When
Old , Age is to be
A young man was surprised to have
his application for a position "turned
down." He was better equipped for
the position than the fellow who got it.
He discovered that his grey hairs
did it. He was "too old" looking. It's
the same everywhere. There is no
doubt but that prey hair doe3 make a
man look old. There is no use waiting
another minute don't lose your po
sition or fail in getting a better one
because you are old looking use Hay's .
Hair Monlrh nnw ,
Those who are using Kay's Hair
Health recommend it to their friends,
because it is genuinely gqpd, alway3
restores grey hair to its natural color; ,
destroys dandruff, keeps the scalp
clean and healthy. You begin to note
the difference at once. The few grey
hairs disappear and never return.
Why look old when you are young?
Get a bottle of Hay's Hair Health at
once, start using it and see what a
diiference a few applications make. .
Free: Sign this adv. and take it to
following druggists and get a ECc. bot
tle of Hay's Hair Health and a 25c.
cake of Harfina Soap, for 50c; or fl.OO
bottle of Hay's Hair Health and two
25c. cakes of Karfina Soap Free, for 1.
" A.,'
"How did you find your bed?" ask
ed the bustling landlady of the new
lodger. . ' .
"Madam. I am not a drinking man.
I found my bed "without difficulty."
Houston Post.
Coroner Wilson went to Sunnyside
Monday t0 investigate the death of
J- P. Davis, and reported that he
died of a natural causs. Mr. Davis,
who is about 61 years old went out
in the morning, and upon his return
home sat down to rest and passed
About four years ago he fell
through abridge and broke a few of
his ribs and since that time has
never ueen wen. Mr. Davis is a wid-.
ower. He leaves a brother at tfiose j
home he died. He will be buried at
Clackamas Station on Wednesday.
Dr. Strickland accompanied the cor
oner and helped in the post mortem
examination. - I
Hel!e-:I bii??
Hit it -I'hilVflfTfjlii-i Kmf
1 -
A Progressive Century-j
The twentieth century has given us
a satisfactory treatment for rheuma
tism. The American Drug and Press
Association, of which we are mem
bers, are manufacturing a prepara
tion called Meritol Rheumatism Pow
ders, from a formula adopted by
them after medical experts had pro
nounced it one of great merit. Gh'e
Meritol Rheumatism Powders a trial.
They are guaranteed. Jones Drug
In the circuit court Monday ISmelia
Thomas was given a decree of di
vorce from Guy I. Thomas. In her
plea, Mrs. Thomas charged that her
husband treated her in a cruel and
inhuman manner, called her vile
names, and permitted his temper to
run away with him.
The Clackamas county grand jury
was empanelled today by Judge
Beatie, and will look into the alleged
irregularities of the county commis
sioners, among other things. The
members are Albert Gribble, foreman
William Dyer, J. W. Doroty, John
Gaffney, Jerome Avery, D. C. Howell.
Frank Sawtell and John Bradle7,
A' Reliable Hair Tonic.
It is an easy matter to prevent
baldness, dandruff and other diseases
of the scalp by using Meritol Hair
Tonic. It should be used regularly
to keep the scalp free of dandruff
germs, as these germs are the cause
of the majority of cases of daniruff
and later, baldness.' We. are, author
ized to guarantee Meritol Hair. -Tonic,
Jones Drug Conipany." -
Don't You Spend Over $15
Wear a Moyer Suit
7-.. Moyer will sell you the nobbiest kind of an All-Wool Suit for
; X$15 one that's made right, fits right and wears right.
The sort of a suit that bought at an ordinary store, would sell
Jfor $5 to $10 more hadn't YOU just as well save that extra
. . - VPrf it yourself ?
- Moyer couldn't do it if he were running an ordinary store,
buying as ordinary dealers buy; Moyer produces his suits in a
DIFFERENT way, saving you the extra cost and putting it
into FABRIC AND WORKMANSHIP; his famous $15 Suits
: stand as an example of SKILL AND CARE in good clothes
y making.
Better look at these
fc Spring styles; . they're
worthy and full of ser
When You See It In Our Ad, It's So
87-89 Third
First and Yamhill
Third and Oak
Second and Morrison