-1 J MORNING ENTERPEISE, TUESDAY, APKIL 15, 1913 ; YES, SWISSCO WILL GROW YOUR HAIR A MEXICAN'S FLIGHT By ARTHUR W. BREWSTER BUYING WATER PLANT AT FALLS ARRIVES - Appraisers will be appointed at the meeting of ;. the Milwaukie city coun cil tonight to fix the price the city will offer to the owners of the Mil waukie water works and the MSnthorn Springs Company for these plants. The city will appoint two commission ers and a third will be named by the water companies, who will appraise . the property. On their report will de pend whether the city will purchase or not. It is expected that some steps will be taken at this meeting to dis pose of the $20,000 water bonds au thorized at the special election. MOFFATTS HOSTS AT DINNER PARTY Mr. and Mrs.. J. W. Moffatt were the hosts at a charming dinner party at their home Saturday evening. Tne dining room was . prettily decorated with spring blossoms and the table was centered with a huge boquet. Attractive place cards were used. Each guest also was provided with a card on which was written a clever conundrum, the guessing of -which caused much amusement. Covers were laid for the following: Misses Wynne Hanney-, Myrtle Parker, Dollie Pratt, Elaine King, Marjory Caufield, Clyde Mount, Bothwell Avison, Charles Parker, Ralph Parker, Livy Stipp and Mr. and Mrs. Moffatt. GRAND THEATRE TO HAVE FLOOD PICTURES Charles Schram, manager of the Grand Theatre, has obtained the or iginal moving pictures of the Ohio floods. These pictures were taken by moving picture operators at the most disastrous stages of the big floods. The pictures show the waters rushing through, the streets of the Ohio cities, and residents be ing rescued. The ravages of the floods are also seen in portions of the films taken in the flooded districts after the waters had subsided. The films are instructive as well as interesting. Mr. Schram was able to procure the films for one day only, tomorrow, and the attendance is certain to he a record breaker. Meritol Pile Remedy. A new scientific preparation for both internal and external use and absolutely without an equal for the treatment of piles in any form. Ask us to show you this remedy and ex plain its many advantages. Jones Drus; Company. Languid, yawning people, always tired, without vim or vigor, no appe tite, can't digest the food they do ct, tongue coated, constipated, out-of-sort3 most of the time, with headaches, bad breath, sallow cheeks, winter's germs are in your system you need Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea, a Spring tonic, purifier, cleanser. Jones Drug Co. Keep It and Restore It to Its Natural Color IT'S SO EASY IF YOU USE HAY'S HAIR HEALTH Hay's Hair Health always brines uauH. me natural coior ot youtn, to grey and faded hair. Druggists everywhere say that more people are buying Hay's Hair Health than all others combined, and that they come back for it again and again as they find it really does keep their hair dark, glossy and nat ural colored gives new life and growth to thin, dry hair and stops falling out. If you have Dandruff, there's nothing mat will remove it so ouicklv that FOR SALE AND RECOMMENDED DON'T PULL UUf YOUR GREY HAIR l ji niir r:; it Puts The Stomach In Order- Americans are prone to neglect their stomachs. They eat too fast, work too fast, live too fast, and are generally a "bunch of nervous." Something gives way generally the stomach then follows nervous indigestion, kidney or stomach trouble and many other ailments. When the stomach is out of order, the most common complaint is a tired, droopy, half-sick condition. The victims lack energy and ambition, have irregular appe tites and feel languid and tired all the time. Cooper's ew Discovery will tone up a run-down, oveijworked stomach, strengthen the nervous system and restore the stomach to a healthy condition. Makes Digestion Easy Many people suffer great pain from indigestion. Food lays heavily upon the stomach where it ferments, forms gasaand causes great distress. When the digestive or gans get out of order the blood becomes impure and the heart is apt to be unfavorably affected. Cooper's New Discovery makes digestion easy and enables you to eat what you please without any bad after effects. Builds Up The System Coopr's Nqw Discovery rids the body of all poisons, excessive acid and stomach gas and helps the stomach to perform its duty so perfectly that every particle of food aids in nourishing the body and giving tone and strength to the entire system. It brings the bloom of health to the cheeks of the sickly and run-down. Cooper's New Discovery is the best tonic and blood purifier on the mar ket. It is purely a herbal preparation and is nature's own remedy. It makes rich, red healthy blood, and contains, all the ingredients necessary to give vim, vigor and energy to the system. JONES DRUG CO. Continued from page 1) taken over by the government. Major Mclndoe said that the plans for the new locks are already made and it is hoped to get to work on them-' during the low water period this summer. As soon as the govern ment, gets the title to the locks it will take them over and operate the old ones while the work is going on The Portland Railway,- Light & Power company accepted Major Mc Indoe's offer of $375,000 for the locks February 24, 1912, and since that time until the draft of the deed was sent to Washington the transfer has been delayed by difficulties in obtain- ing an abstract of title. I It is estimated that there will fce I a total cost of $600,000 for improve ! ments to the locks. Of this amount ' the state of Oregon appropriated $300,000 in 1909 and the following year the United States government appropriated the remaining $300,000. Th?. last $100,000 of the state's ap- j propriation was collected by taxes I this spring. i With the government in control of the locks it is expected that river traffic to points above Oregon City will be greatly benefitted as the lock will be free and with the doing away e fthe toll on passengers and freight of the toll on passengers and freight be In force. W.A. IS CRITICALLY ILL (Continued from Page 1.) York state where he lived a greater part of his life. It was while living in that state that he got his start as a newspaper man with his father, who owned a newspaper. Mr. Sher man lived in Tionesta, Penn., for sev eral years prior to his coming to Oregon. While in Pennsylvania he was the manager of a large lumber firm owned by his father-in-law. George F. Watson. He also lived sev eral years in the south and in Mex ico. He is a member of St. Paul's Epis copal church and is a lay reader. Mr. Shewman also is a member of the local Elks Lodge, and the Mason ic Lodge. Mr. and Mts. Shewman and their son, Alon, recently returned from a trip to California. A Reliable Hair Tonic. It is an easy matter to prevent baldness, dandruff and other diseases of the scalp by using Meritol Hair Tonic. It should be used regularly to keep the scalp free of dandruff germs, as these germs are the cause of the majority of cases of danlruff and later, baldness. We are author ized to guarantee Meritol Hair Tonic. Jcnes Drug Company. . ROD AND GUN CLUB MEETING IS POSTPONED A meeting of the hod and Gun Club, which was to have been held this evening, has been postponed until April 22. The meeting will be at the Commercial Club. will keep it out so effectively, as Hay's Hair Health. It is not a dye and it's perfectly harmless to use. Wiil not soil your skin or linen, and besides, no one will know you are using it. The first application will convince you that aiicr a iair trial, you'll have no more grey hair or Dandruff. Don't wait to think about it act now. Start using Hay's Hair Health today. You'll never reerpt it Tho fol lowing druggists guarantee to refund your money if you are not satisfied with Hay's Hair Health after a fair trial. Free: Sienthiaadv following druggists and get a 50c. bot- ue oi nay s jtiair ileal tn and a 25c. cake of Harflna Soap for 50c; or $1.00 bottle Of Hav'R Hair Wealth gnd trtrn 25c. cakes of Harfina Soap Free, for $ JUNfcS DRUG COMPANY Discovery Prevents Baldness and Dandruff, Re stores Gray or Faded Hair To Its Natural Color. His Hairs Are Numbered, Are Yours? Swissco stops dandruff quickly, grows new hair and restores gray and faded hair to its natural youthful color. Swissco stops baldness, bald spots, falling hair, scabby scalp, sore scalp, brittle hair or any hair or scalp trouble. . To prove that ours claims are true we will send you a large trial bottle free if you will send 10c in silver or stamps to help pay cost of postage and packing to Swissco Hair Remedy Co., 5311 P. O. Square, Cincinnati, O. Swissco will be found on sale at all druggists and drug departments everywhere at 50c and $1.00 a bottle. JONES DRUG COMPANY " - As to Looking Gift Horses in the Mouth The old saying, "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth," used to apply ta the advertis ing a manufacturer did for the benefit of the retailer who han dled his product. TL--3. mere fact that the man ufacturer was spending his money on advertising was sup posed to satisfy the retailer who was told not to" questiot t- e quality of the ''gift horse' the advertising being tht "gift horse." Times have changed. Retail houses underst&ud the value ol advertising that creates direct demand of local newspaper ad vertising. If the manufacturer wants to spend money in advertising for your benefit, Mr. Retailer, why not insist that it shall be spent where it will do both you and him the most good? The best way to bring cus tomers to your store to inquire for a nationally distributed ar ticle is through tZe crlumns of THE MORNING ENTEDPRISE and other good newspapers. Tell the manufacturer that, Mr. Retailer. eart to Heart Talks By JAMES A. EDGERTON GRIT. The runner who pounds ahead and strains to his very utmost on the last lap, making still an extra spurt, though the world goes black and the sky reels, exemplifies the guality needed for win ning any race; He has grit. The man who in the midst of his ruined fortunes pulls himself together and starts all over again, determined to' pay every dollar he owes and to win back all he has lost and then some, reveals th same quality. He has grit. It is said that "God hates a coward.'.' He also hates a quitter. Sand is used by the engine driver to make his wheels stick to the track. Sand is also needed by the individual man to make hint stick to the track. The until who is n good loser is liable in the end to lie a good winner. He doesn't whine over his temporary de feat, but makes ready for the next heat. He has grit. The race is not to the swift alone nor the battle to the strong. It Is to those who never let go. In a race between grit and brilliancy grit may fall behind at the start, but will be found at the front on the last lap, and it is the last lap that counts. Sir Walter Scott was a great novelist who charmed and is yet charming the world. Yet he was never greater than when in his great financial failure he buckled to work fo retrieve his ruined fortunes. He won because he had grit Mark Twain was perhaps the fore most humorist in the world's history. He made all nations happier. Yet Mark Twain was more. He repeated the feat of Sir Walter Scott, and to the world's appreciation and laughter was added respect. - It was a tribute to his grit. The man who wins Is the one who does not stop at one rebuff or a hun dred. In fact, he does not stop at all. He has grit. - What Ho Did. A story of Scotch honesty comes from Dundee. A small boy had taken the prize for an exceptionally well drawn map. After the examination the teacher, a little doubtful, asked the lad: "Wht helped you with this map. James?" "Nobody, sir." x"Come. now. tell me the truth. DIdn't your brother help you?" "No, sir. He did it all."-Los Ange les Herald.. . During the recent transition of the government of Mexico, in a- suburban village lived two families, one of whom, the Fernniidess, favored the gov ernment, while the other, the Molinas, were known to be revolutionary sym pathizers. Nevertheless, these two families had been intimate friends for years, and when a revolution came and the Madero government was about to be deposed both families made an ar rangement for .mutual protection. If the Madero side -won then any hunted Molina would if possible be concealed in the Fernandez home. If the Diaz side won the Fernandez might seek efuge in the Molina home. Young Leandro Fernandez, a boy of eighteen, during the fighting for the capture of the police in the City of Mexico acted with the government troops and when the end came fled to the home of the Molinas. He was of no political importance, but had bit ter enemies who desired to take ad vantage of the anarchy that followed the president's assassination, to be avenged upon the young soldier. He was successful in reaching the Molin; home and making an-entry without be ing seen. Leandro, not relishing remaining hid den away in an attic or -a cellar, pos sessing fresh, rosy cheeks and being without the slightest sign of a beard, resolved to make himself up as a girl in order that he might go about like other persons. Senorita Inez Molina, a girl of sixteen, was about his size and loaned him some of her wardrobe. His mother procured him a blond wig and sent it to him, and with a little paint and powder his maidenly toilet was complete. He had been educated in New England, so was able to pass himself off for an American girl, a niece of Senor and Senora Molina. No sooner were the revolutionary forces victorious than young Fernan dez's enemies, led by one Manuel Co sarees, set a watch for him at his home. expecting to take him thereafter the assassination of the president. They waited for him to arrest him on a forged order of the revolutionary dic tator, but he did not appear. They were about to give up, thinking that he had fled to the country, when some of the neighbors of the Molinas heard that he was in their house masquerad ing as a girl. and. the report reaching Cosarees. he made inquiries and found that the only two young persons in the Molina family were Inez Molina and her cousin. Miss Mary Ashnrst of Massachusetts. Had the would be murderers been certain that this supposed Mary Ash urst was the man they wanted or had she not posed as an American they would not have hesitated to take him out forcibly and kill him. But first they must satisfy themselves that the girl was a man and the man they want ed, .and, secondly a matter of even more importance they dare not risk troubling a citizen of the United States. The Diaz government was at the time in dread of American intervention, and any man committing an outrage on an American citizen would be severely punished. The Cosarees gang visited the Molina home ostensibly to make an inspection of some kind and saw Fernandez, but. did not recognize him, though he rec ognized them. They went away evi dently dissatisfied, and Fernandez be lieved that as soon as they could make up their minds to some method of procedure they would call again. It was natural to suppose that if they suspected him they would bring a woman for the purpose of determin ing if he were really a woman, and upon the discovery of his sex they would take him a prisoner Into Mexi co and shoot him on the way. Some thing must be done to provide for such a contingency. The plan was hit upon for the two girls to change identities by means of a makeup. Inez, who was about the same complexion as Fernandez, put on the clothes he had worn during the vis it of his enemies. The blond wig was then put on. and she was made up with wax aud cosmetics to resemble him. He. too, was made up for Inez. True enough, the very next day after their first visit they came again. This time they threw off the mask and. producing a forged order from the new regime, said they were looking for a Madero soldier who had assassinated a Diaz supporter. They had heard that he was masquerading as an American girl from Massachusetts and wished to determine the truth of the rumor. They had brought a woman who would sat isfy herself that the person was really a female, and if it turned out to be so that would end the matter. It was coming evening when they called, and the lights had not been lighted. The two girls were sitting to gether in a corner, and Inez, now changed to personate the Massachu setts girl, arose and accompanied the woman to another room. In a few minutes both returned, and the woman reported herself satisfied. Then the visitors went away and did not return. But Fernandez thought it prudent to takp his departure. Resuming the per sonality of the Massachusetts girl, he traveled fo Vera Cruz as such and did not change his garb till he boarded a steamer bound' for New York. Then he astonished the passengers by pulling off his wig at the dinner table and ex claiming in his natural voice: "Saved, by thu'ider!" An All Around Garment. The Persian uses his "aba" in winter as an overcoat and in summer as a dust cloak. 1 ne Lara we use. Uncle Sam's annual lard demands would fill a pail 334 feet high and 295 feet in diameter. Till the Dog Was Disabled. Gladys Do you shoot. with a dog? Bertie I er usually start with one London Mail. THE FALLEN ONES. Let him who neglects to raise the fallen fear lest when he falls no one will stretch out his hand to Jift him up. Saadi. - I Portland Railway, Light & Power Company 1 Big Cyanide Work Construction work is to begin on the 100-ton cyanide plant on -the property of the Ogle Mountain Min ing Company early in April. Mr. Charles F. Spaulding, Engineer and expert, will be here by April 1 to take charge of the construction work and the orders for machinery will be placed immediately. Stop and think what the above statement means to Clackamas Coun ty and the state at large. Have you helped finance the proposition? Are you going to let the chance go by? Or are you going to get in and help us along? Now is the time a little help will be appreciated, for when the plant is completed it will do the rest. If you don't want to help, just keep your eye on Ogle Mountain and watch the gold bricks come out, and console yourself by the old saying, "The chance has gone by." This is one of the many recom mends that we have of the Engineer, ; STOCK FULLY PAID AND I hereby subscribe for and tain Mining Company at the agreed same on the following terms: 25 cent on the first of each month there- Signed - Address Date, March -. 1913. RtV. C. A. LEWIS TO SPEAK The Rev. C. A. Lewis of Oak Grove will preach for Dr. T. B. Ford Sun day evening at 7:30 o'clock, and those who hear him will find Mr. Lewis to be among the foremost preachers of Clackamas county. Dr. Ford win speak to men in tha Woodman Hall ot a n'iifwv and then go to Salem, where he speaks in the Extension -Parliament in the Jason uee mem orial Methodist Episcopal church. Dr. Ford will return ip tie city Monday and resume his work. The Superiority of ElectricToast to the charred, or brittle, or soggy kind made in the tedious old-fashioned way, is relatively the same as the superiority of grilled steak to hied steak. For one-tenth of a cent a slice the General Electric Radiant i caster makes . Perfect Toast faster iiiari you can cat it. It is Perfect Toast because the radiant neat forces the necessary chemical change in the bread. This insures delicious golden Toast that fairly melts in your mouth. You can operate the General Electric Radiant Toaster on the finest damask table cloth. Its neat porcelain base and cheerful glowing coils edd grace and charm to any table. This little toaster is on display at our store in the Bea ver Building on Main Street. Beaver Building, Main Street P Plant Is To Be To Commence Immediately Mr. Charles F. Spaulding, who is to take charge of the work at the mine. Copy Gilbert Wilks & Co., Inc., Electrical Tngineers and General Con tractors, Denver, CoL To whom it may concern The bearer, Mr. Charles F. Spaulding, has been known to me for a considerable time past and I consider him one of the best mining and concentration engineers of the West. He is pains taking, and being possessed of great natural ability, has brought several hard propositions to a successful ter mination, and I have no hesitation in strongly recommending him to any. one needing high grade services in his line. Signed, WILLIAM H. GREY, M. & E. E. Under the management of . Mr. Spanlding we feel sure we are going to get all there is coming to us, and the best of treatment for he has the name of doing things right. Coupon N ON ASSESSABLE. CAPITAL 1,000,000 SHARES, PAR VALUE $1. purchase shares price of 70 cents a share, total $ -. .1 hereby agree to pay for per cent when the machinery is or-dered and work starts, and 25 per after until full amount is paid, said stock to be issued on final payment. OGLE MOUNTAIN MINING CO. UNCLAIMED MAIL The followingirTlist of unclaim ed letters at the Oregon City Post Office tor the week ending Apnl H, 1913 "Women's list Alsup, Mrs. Martha; Brown, Mrs. Lillto; Wilson, Mrs. Clara A.; Word, Mrs Mafld. Mien s nsi 01 matnrA -A vn Thn- Claggett, Woodfordrl Clingle; isador; Kozinsky. Gnae: Murphy, Mr. Murry, J.; Payne, J. u., Shule, Frann; amim Installed Soon Where can you place a few dollars with the chance of winning larger prof its? There is no easier money made than there is in mining. Why do we say we have a mine? Because we have our property developed, the veins are of true fissure origin, there are many in number and range in width from four to seventeen feet; are located from surface to thirteen hundred feet in depth and all carry values in payable quantities. What more can you ask, as these are facts and the; property is located right here at home and owned by home people. Gentlemen, what more can we do to prove to you that we have one of the best investments for big returns on the Pacific Coast? Our display oj ore is credited among mining men as being the best on the coast. Call at our oflice, . Tenth and Main Streets, and learn all particulars or fill out the following contract: of Treasury Stock of the Ogle Moun By BASEBALL RESULTS National Brooklyn 3; New York 2. Pittsburg 8; Chicago 5. American League Boston 2; New York 1. St. Louis 2; Chicago 1. Detroit 5; Cleveland 4. CLACKAMAS ROSE SOCIETY TOO MEET APRIL 29 The - Clackamas County Rose So-xiot-ir -arm meet Anril 29 instead of today as previously announced.