Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, April 11, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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    SCOOP SsrS Scoop Knew The Boss; Could Run Some "v HOP
E. E. Brodie, Editor and .Publisher.
"Entered as second-class matter Jan
uary 9, 1911, at the post office at Oregon
City, Oregon, under the Act of March
S. 1879."
One Tear, by mail..... .....$3.00
Six Months, by mail 1.50
Four Months, by mail 100
Fer Week, by carrier 10
Apni 11 In American Misery.
Mt;i uiith Ciiroliiiii mitrcieniti's le-lii.-uulod
the sum-nder "f Kori Sum
W. Cliiirli'stoii hiirlxir. by the f'uit
ed Stiites -jjnrrisofi.
lMUV A ione 4 if ('oiifi'ili'nitps Kt.HIK)
stronsj luiri r'urniiil xiece to Suffolk.
f!Kl--;piieriil ' Wmle Hiunptun. distin
guished t'oiifederate cavalry officer,
'died: bom 1H1S.
Evening stars: Veuus, Saturn. Morn
ins stars: Mercury, Jupiter, Mars.
The first magnitude star, Vesta, of con
stellation Lyra ithe Lyre), rising In the
northeast about 8:30 p. m.
THE JAPANESE That proposed an-ISSUE-
AGAIN, tialien land owner
ship law of California threatens to
raise a troublesome isue for the
United States. It is directed chiefly
ask. Not a dilapidated car
-IHJL ti l nil.
iu uui ocuov;,
painted, trimmed, and shiny on the outside, li Ice many
other cars. And yet this one is a tramp automobile
a car without a home. Don't you buy that kind!
SERVICE, that valuable adjunct without which any
car may become an expensive bargain to its owner.
CARE OP ME?" That 's one of the questions you
should ask yourself. "How well or how poorly is he
equipped to give me proper service?".
OF PARTS and replacements depending "on the
number of Overland cars running in the particular
dealer's territory. That's a part of the dealer's con
tract with the Willis-Overland Company on which
the company lays great stress. '
ER BUSINESS NEXT. That is the rule of the big
Overland plants in Toledo, which stands behind the
dealer every time. Such is the SERVICE you buy
in addition to the big unrivalled value-you get in the
great Overland itself. .
these days, how well the Overland owner is taken
care of. No particular credit is claimed for this con
dition, because it is a business maxim as old as busi
ness itself, that the satisfied customer is the mer
chant's best advertisement. It's just ordinary mer
cantile sagacity. But you ought to look into-it for
your own benefit.
IT ? WiU you call? A postal will bring the infor
mation, even a telephone request.
Miller-Parker, Deale s
I OregbnCity, Oregon. , ; ' ' .
against the , Japanese, and their gov
ernment is making protests against
it to- our State Department. Right at
the outset in their career President
Wilson, and Secretary Bryan are con
fronted with as delicate a question
as has come before any administra
tion in recent times. Mr. Bryan's
promise to give close study to the
way which President Roosevelt han
dled the California-Japanese school
issue a few years ago shows that he
realizes the gravity of the situation.
Although the number of Japanese
in California is much fewer than
that of the Chinese, and both are di
minishing there, the prejudice against
the Japanese is much greater than
it is against their fellow-Orientals.
In proiJortion to their numbers the
Japanese have engaged extensively
in landholding.
The Japanese are a sensitive peo
ple. When, by the adoption of a con
stitution in 1889, they joined - the
ranks of the Western nations,. . they
believed that they ' deserved some
consideration which was denied to
their plodding, reactionary neighbors
of China. Their victory over China
in the war of 1894-95 gave them a
prestige which extended all over the
world, and which led to a study of
their institutions by Europeans and ,
Americans. Their triumph over the
Russians in 1904-05 placed them !
abreast of the most modern of the .
world's states, or appeared to.
of ancient manufacture
it . xrouaxi v 10 c iicvy i n i ,
Naturally, a people which made
such swift and sweeping advances
would be likely to resent anything
lik.e discrimination against them any
where on account of" race, color, or
anything else.
William M. Miller and wife to John
W. Loder, all interest in Schooley's
Addition, Gladstone; $1.
C. J. Howell and wife to August
Wilson, land in Block 173, Oregon
City; $125.
L. E. Armstrong and wife to B. F,
Fadrick, S 1-2 of east 1-2 of block
54, Oak Grove; $1,600.
United States to Camelia D. Aber
nethy, east 1-2 -of SW 1-4 of SE 14,
Sec. 4, and NW 1-4 of 1-4 of Sec 9,
T 3 S, R 7 E; $
Edwin Foster Jr., to F. M. Swift,
25 acres in Harrison Wright D. L. C.
Green vegetables are showing up
well on . the local market, though
there is considerable of an overload
of spinach, which is forcing prices
down. As a result the greens are sell
ing from 50c a box for poorer grades
up to $75 . . 85c. Local cauliflower is
coming forward in a liberal supply,
and ranges from $1 a dozen for prime
stock to 25c for low grade. Ihrst
class tomatoes continue scorce. Rhu
barb is in good condition and plenti
ful in quantity, and is selling at about
5c. Imported strawberries are in the
market and are bringing $3.25 a crate.
Livestock, Meats.
BEEF (Live weight) steers 7 and
8c; cows 6 and 7 c, bulls 4 to 6c.
MUTTON Sheep 5 to 6 1-2; lambs
6 to 6 l-2c.
PORK 9 1-2 and 10c. V -
VEAL Calves 12c to 13c dressea,
according to grade.
WEINIES 15c lb: sausage, 15c lb.
POULTRY (buying) Hens 12 1-2
to 14c. Stags slow at 10c; old roos
ters 7c; broilers 19c.
APPLES 50c and $1.
DRIED FRUITS (Buying), Prunes
oh basis 6 to 8 cents.
ONIONS $1.00 sack.
POTATOES About 35c to 40c f.
o. b. shipping points, per. hundred,
with no sales at going quotations.
Butter, Eggs.
i in4inrv rnnn-
try butter 25c and 38c; fancy cream
ery 75c to 85c roll. " .
EGGS Oregon ranch case count
16c; Oregon ranch candled 18c.
Prevailing Oregon City prices are as
follows: .
I HIDES (Buying) Green salted, 7c
to 8c: sheep pelts 75c to $1.50 each.
MOHAHt 32c.
WOOL 18 to 20 c.
FEED (Selling) Shorts $25; bran
$24 ; process barley $27 to $29 per ton.
FLOUR $4.50 to S5.
HAY (Buying) Clover at $8 and
$9; oat hay best $11 nd $12; mix
ed $9 to $11; valley timothy $11 to
$13; selling alfalfa $13.50 to $17; Ida
ho and Eastern Oregon timothy sell
ing $19.50 to $23.
OATS $22.00 to $26.50; wheat 93;
oil meal selling $38.00; Shay Brook
dairy feed $1.30 per hundred pounds.
Whole corn $29.00.
i Wants, For Sale, Etc
j Notices under these classified ' headings
: will De inserted at one cent a word, first
' insertion, half a cent additional inser
tions. One inch card, $2 per month ; half
Inch card, (14 lines), $1 per month.
! Cash must accompany order unless one
has an open account with the -paper. No
financial responsibility for errors; where
errors occur free corrected notice will be
printed for patron. Minimum charge 15c.
, Anyone that is rt of employment
and feels he cannot afford to ad-
j ve'rtise for work, can have the use
) of our want columns free of charge.
This places no obligation of any
j sor; on you, we simply wish
I of assistance t0 any worthy, person,
; HOW would you like to talk with
I 1400 people about ttat bargain you
I have in Real Estate. Use the Enter
j prise.
' ' !
Notice to stock holders of the Clack- j
! amas County Fair Assn. There will
; be a meeting of the stockholders I
; in Oregon City, April the 26th at
4 P. M. All are invited to attend
by, order of the t j
-. ;.
. Notice of Hearing of Main Street Inr :
provement Assessment , .
Notice is hereby given that tho-sap-,
: portionment of the improvement of ;
; Main Street, Oregon City, Oregon, '
from the North line of Moss Street j
to the South line of the Abernethy i
Bridge has been ascertained and i
the proposed assessment has been I
apportioned and is now on file in
the office of .the, City Recorder and
subject -to" examination. Any objec
tions that may be made in writing
to the City Council and filed with
the said Recorder within ten days
after the first publication of this
notice will be -heard and determined
by the Council before the passage
of any Ordinance assessing the
cost of said improvement.
The property assessed for the
said improvement lies on both sides
of the part of id Main Stret
proposed to be improved and the
line of lots abutting on said part
of said Main Street fartherest from
said part of said Main Street and
said part of said Main Street.
This notice is published in the
Mbrning Enterprise and the first
publication being the 11th day of
April, 1913, and the Jast being the
18th day of April, 1913, and the
City Council has set the 23rd day of
April, 1913, at 8 o'clock, P. M., in
the Council Chamber as the time
and place of hearing of such objec
tions. L. STIPP, Recorder.
Ordinance No. .
An Ordinance providing for the man
ner of constructing the floors and
caring for the stables and buildings
in Oregon City, Oregon, where do
mestic animals are housed.
Oregon City does ordain- as fol
lows: Section 1. All stables where any
cattle, horses, mules or other like
animal or animals are housed in
Oregon City shall be provided with
- liquid tight floors of not less than
two inches matched sound fir lum
ber or suitable concrete and if in
" a sewer district shall have sewer
connections so that all liquids, in
cluding wash water shall be dis
charged directly into the sewer.
Outside of the sewer districts the
floors shall be so constructed that
all liquids, including "wash water,
shall drain into a receptacle of
sufficient-size and character to hold
the said liquids and shall be emp
tied daily at such places as shall
prevent the same from becoming
unsanitary or offensive and so as
to prevent the same from being
breeding places for flies or : other
harmful insects.,
Section 2. Each stable shall be
provided with a fly tigt t wooden or
metal box covered " with a tight
cover for receiveing the manure
or offal from the animals and the
manure or offal shall be placed in
said box or removed once each
Said box shall be kept tightly
closed except for the necessary time
for putting the manure in said box.
Said box shall be emptied at least
once every week.
Section 3. Any owner, agent of
owner or keeper of any stable or
building where any of said animals
are housed who - shall violate or
permit or allow any of the provis
ians tit th's Crdinanne'to be vloiat-
or and shall be punished by a fine j
of not more than $100.00 or by im
prisonment in the City Jail of not
more than 50 days or by both such
fine and imprisonment, when found
guilty in any court of Oregon City.
Section 4. This Ordinance does
not repeal any of the provisions of
any Ordinance now in force in
Oregon City.
Section 5. This Ordinance is for
the purpose of providing for and
procuring the health of the people
of Oregon City.
Section 6. Whereas, there are .a
great many filthy stables in Oregon
City, which are a menace to ths
health and safety of the people of
Oregon City, it is necessary for the
Immediate prfiservation of ' the
health and safety of the people of
Oregon City, an emergency is here
Oregon City that these conditions
be immediately remedied, an emer
gency is hereby declared to evist
and this ordinance shall take effect
and be in force immediately upon
its approval by the Mayor.
Read first time and ordered pub
lished at a special meeting of the
City Council held on the 9th day
of April, 1913. .
L. STIPP, Recorder.
Ordinance No. .
An Ordinance providing for the tare
of garbage.
Oregon City does ordain as fol
lows. Section 1. All garbage shall be
kept in tight metal receptacles and
which shall at all time be kept-covered
with a tight fitting metal lid
and shall be emptied at least once
each week.
Any person violating any of the
provisions of this Ordinance upon
conviction in any ,Court of Oregon
City shall be punished by a fine of
not more than Fifty ($50.00) Dot-'
lars or imprisonment in the City
Jail of not more than ten days or
by both such fine and imprison
ment. '
Read first time and ordered pub
lished at a. special session of the
City Council held on the 9th day
of April, 1913.
L. STIPP, Recorder.
Ordinance No. '.
An Ordinance regulating the erection
-and maintenance of, signs and ban
ners over sidewalks and streets,
and repealing a part of Ordinance
No. 489, of the Ordinances of Ore
gon City."
The City of Oregon City, does
ordain as follows: ,
Section 1. No sign of any kind
extending over a sidewalk shall be
" permitted unless the same is at
least ten feat above the sidewalk
grade. All signs suspended from a
building and extending more than
eighteen (18) - inches over the
sidewalk shall be securely suspend
ed by an iron bracket or hinges
and shall be pivoted so that they
may be swung flat against the
building quickly, and shall be kept
fiat against the building when not '
in use. No part of a sign shall be
so placed as to interfere with the
ingress or egress to and from the ;
windows in case of fire. All signs
extending over the sidewalk on !
Main Street, from the southern lim- i
its of the city on said Main Street, -to
12th Street, and ou Seventh .
Street from Main Street to the bluff j
in Oregon 'City, shall be construct-i
ed of metal or other fire proof ma
terial, and on at least one side,
each letter shall be outlined with
incandescent globes or gas jets or
bull's eyes or lenses, and in case
. the said letters are outlined with
bull's eyes or lenses, they shall be
illuminated by at least one incan
descent light or gas jet. All elec
tric signs will be provided with a
switch on the outside of the build
ing within convenient reach of the
sidewalk. No sign shall be extend
ed from the building beyond the
curb line except as hereinafter pro
vided. Signs above provided for
shall be erected only upon permit
from the City Engineer which shall
be granted the applicant therefor
upon furnishing the City Engineer
with a drawing and description of
the sign, which said description
and drawing shall be dated and, fil
ed Dy ths City Engineer and kept by
him in convenient form for refer
ence. Section 2. Any person, firm,
or corporation desiring to erect
a sign to extend a greater
distance over the sidewalk than
the curb line, or to . extend
over a street or temporary
tend over a street or- temporary
cloth banner to be hung across the
street, shall make application there
for to the Council, submitting at
the time, the location where the
sign is desired and .a drawing and
description of- the same. No such'
sign shall be erected until a per
mit therefor has been granted by
the Council. . .
Section 3. Penalties for violation
of this ordinance. 'Fine not less
than $5.00 nor more, than $50.00;'
imprisonment in city Jail for term
not less than two days nor more-)
than twenty-five days or both fine
and imprisonment. Each week of
violation shall be considered a sep
arate offense. .
That part of Ordinance No. 489
of the Ordinances of Oregon City,
entitled, "An Ordinance relating to
the construction and removal of
. signs and awnings in Oregon City,"'
approved. Sept. 8th, 1910, in" conflict
herewith be and the same is here
by repealed.
Read flfst time" and of defed " pub-
lisnea on tne tn aay or April, ii3. i
L. STIPP, Recorder.
Ordinance No. .
An Ordinance establishing the grade
of Fourth Street, Oregon City, Ore
gon, from the Bluff 190 feet West
of the West side of High Street to
the West side of Monroe Street.
Oregon City does ordain as fol
lows: Section 1. The grade of Fourtn
Street, Oregon' City, Oregon, from
190 feet west of the West side of
High Street to the West line ot
Monroe Street is hereby establish
ed at the following descrioed
grade, to-wit:
Commencing at tae Bluff 190 feet
west of the West line of High
Street, at an elevation of 219 feet,
thence easterly on a lvel grade 85
feet at an elevation of 219 feet,
. thence on a descending grade to
the West side of High Street at an
elevation of 210 feet, thence on a
descending grade to the East side
of High Street at an elevation ot
208 feet, thence on a descending
grade easterly 105 feet at an ele
vation of '207 feet; thence on a lev
el grade to the West side of Cen
ter Street at an elevation of 207
feet, thence on a level grade to the
West side of Center Street at an
elevation of 207 feet, thence on an
ascending grade to the West side
of Washington Street at an eleva
tion of 211.1 feet on the North side
of Fourth Street and an elevation
. of 210.6 feet on the South side of
Fourth Street, thence on a descend
ing grade to the East side of Wash
ington Street and North side of
Fourth Street at an elevation of
211 feet, on the South side of Fourths
Street to the East side of Washing
ington on an ascending grade at
an elevation of 211.3 feet, thence
on an ascending grade to the West
side of John Adams Street at an
elevation of 218.5 feet, thence on
an ascending grade to the east
. of John Adams Street at an eleva
tion of 219.5 feet.
Thence on an ascending grade to ,
the West side of Jefferson Street 1
at an elevation of 232.6 foet on the I
North side of Fourth Street and '
232.7 feet on the South side of j
. Fourth Street, thence on an '
ascending grade to the East ,
side of ' Jefferson Street on the
North side of Fourth Street at an
elevation :of 233.6 feet, and on the
South "side of Fourth Street at an
elevation of 233.7 feet, thence on
an ascending grade with a short
vertical curve to the West side of
Madison Street at an elevation of
247.2 feet, thence on an ascending
grade to the East side of Madison
Street at an elevation of 248.2 feet,
thence on the north side of Fourth
Street on an ascending, grade to
vthe West8ide of Monroe' Street at
an elevation of 265 feet, and on the
South side of Fourth Street from
Contracts, Wiring and Fixtures
"Mille-Farfce Co.
the East side of Mhdison Street on
an ascending grade for sidewalk
only easterly 106.5 feet at an ele
vation of 258.3 feet, thence on an
ascending grade to the West side
of Monroe Street and South side
of Fourth Street at an -elevation ot
266 feet from" the East side of Mad
ison Street to West side of Monroe
Street at an elevation of 266 feet
for street elevation.
Read first time and ordered pub
lished on the 9th day of April, 1913,
and to come up for second reading
and final passage at a special meet
ing of the city council to be held
on the 32rd day of April, 1913, at
8 o'clock P. M. -
L. STIPP, Recorder.
Ordinance No. .
An Ordinance authorizing Oregon
City to purchase for Oregon City a
Rock Crushing Plant and appropriat
ing $600.00 therefor.
Oregon City does ordain as fol
lows: v Section 1. Oragon City is hereby
authorized to purchase from Harry
. Jones, his rock crushing plant, con
sisting of the following:
One Symond No. 5 Gyratory
Crusaer "frith screen and belt con
veyor, (new) all in good running
One 40 H. P. Westinghousg Elec
tric Motor with Auto starting box,
switch and fuse block in good run
ing order, connected to crusher
with 10" waterproof leather belt.
One 5" x 7" Twin Engine Hoist.
One Derrick -with winch, - cable
and blocks. -
One 3" Wood Rock Drill - with
, Twelve Steel Bits.
400 feet more or less 30 pound
Four Dump Cars.
Four Skipps. . -
One Portable Blacksmith Forge.
One Anvil and Drill sharpening
One Blacksmith Shop.
-' One Powder House.
One Motor House.
Seven Storage Bins with Steel
Chutes and Counter Balance.............
Siv Rock Hammers. .
Extra gear and pinion for screen.
: ' Together with all the rights of
said Harry Jones reserved to him
in that certain Deed ofConveyance
from Harry Jones and "'wife to the
Board of Water Commissioners of
Oregon City, entered of record in
Deed Book of Clackamas County,
Oregon No. 114 and at page 55
thereof as the same is found in the
office of the Recorder of Convey
ances for said Clackamas County.
Section 2. There is hereby appro
priated out of the General Fund of
Oregon City the sum of Six Thous
and ($6000.00) Dollars for the pur
pose of paying for said Rock Crush
ing Plant.
Read first time and ordered pub
lished at a special meeting of the
City Council held on the 9th day
of April, 1913.
L. STIPP, Recorder.
$18.00 Weekly Lady or Gentlemen,
as Field Representative soliciting
subscriptions to .Leading Fashion
Publication and appointing sub
agents, National Sales Association,
Los Angeles, Calif., 503 San Fer
nando Bldg.
WANTED First . class gardener at
once. Lawn work. Address "En
terprise." WANTED: A chance to show you
how quick a For Rent ad will fill
that vacant house or room.
WANTED Mortgage on reaal estate.
Small amount. Address 608, 4th St.,
City. : "
Plain Sewing and Dressmaking at
Have had several years' experience
reasonable prices, neat finishing.
This bank transacts every description of banking business
and gives the most careful attention to any financial mat
ters entrusted to it.
D. C. LATOURETTE, President.
- CAPITAL $50,000.00 - -
Transacts, a General Banking Busines s. Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M
Mrs.- M. E. Pierce, near Abernethy
Bridge in' brick house.
FOR RENT 3 suites " of furnished
housekeeping rooms, all Hp-to-date.
Near .. Suspension Bridge on West
Side. Telephone Main 3093.
FOR RENT Furnished room with
bath, lady preferred. 16 Main St;
Telephone 2651. -
For Rent.
Furnished Cottage, including piano,
$12 per month. Inquire this office.
For trade, a 6-room house and lot.
House in good shape, city water,
and fruit, situated at 3rd and Mad
ison Streets, improved. Have equity
of $600, will trade for lot or lots
Ja Oregon City. Price of this place
$1200. E. P. Elliott. & Son, 7th &
Main St.
AUTOMOBILE for sale Stoddard
Dayton, 7-passenger, A-l condition,
fully equipped, at a bargain. Will
take part payment in lot in Clack
amas County, balance cash. Ad
dress Clackamas Hotel, Oregon
City, Oregon. Route 6, Box 175.
SAFE FOR SALE Nearly new safe
at a bargain. Address Clackamas
Hotel, Route 6, box 175, Oregon
City, Oregon.
A snap, 5-room house and a beautiful
lot, city water and toilet, on im
proved street, centrally located.
Price $1500 $250 down, balance
$15.00 per month. E. P. Elliott &
Son, 7th & Main Streets.
FOR SALE A 75x105 foot lot with
two good houses. $250 down, bal
ance $250 a year. Price $2650, in
cluding all street improvements.
The rent of one place will make
the payments on- both. Address E.
R. B., care Enterprise.
FOR SALE second-hand drag and
rPEsonable rates. Apply Willam-
mette Supply Co. at Locks, Oregol
City, Ore.
FOR SALE Double seated canopy
topped surrey and good double har
ness, also 2 well gaited saddle
horses. Inquire this office.
FOR SALE Heavy work team, good
pullers, good wagon and harness.
- Will sell cheap. Telephone Main
ANCONA EGGS for hatching, Shep
herd Strain, Route No. 1, Box 60.
The famous (King) coal from Utah,
free delivery. Telephone your or
der to A 56 or Main 14, Oregon City
Ice Worksr 12th and Main Streets.
If you want to raise good clean po
tatoes, plant new seed. The Early X
Montana is the coming Potato as
a money maker; for seed inquire
of J. R. Livesay, R No. 6, Oregon
CO., F. M. Blnhm. Wood and coal
delivered to all parts of the city
your orders. Pacific 1371," Home
B lift
The best made to measure corset, uiv
equaled for style and comfort, an
official guarantee with each cnrsei
will be pleased to call and take
your measure. Mrs. Adalyn Davis,
Corsetiere. Phone 3552, Room 4
Willamette Bldg.
F. J. MEYER, Cashier.