MORNING ENTERPRISE, TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 1913 COOPERS Best For Your Stomach Nearly half the people nowadays are simply dragging themselves through life. They feel dull and listless, and are generally "a bunch of nerves." The strain of mod ern living is the cause of this condition. We do every thing ina hurry and nature cannot stand the pace. Are you one of these half-sicks? Have you an irreg ular appetite? Do you feel bloated after eating? Do you feel languid and tired all the time? Do you suffer from headaches? Have you a bad taste in your mouth, or coated tongue? Is your breath offensive? Do you suffer from biliousness. If you have these symptoms your system is in a (weak ened condition and your stomach, liver and kidneys need attention. ' COOPER'S NEW DISCOVERY is restoring health to thousands who are thus afflicted. If you are one of these unfortunate sufferers you will do well to give this medicine a trial. Cooper's New Discovery is the one best remedy for stomach trouble because it is simple and direct. It puts into wholesome action the stomach, liver, bowels, blood system and nerves, thereby restoring the vital forces which have been unduly exhausted through lack of proper nu trition. Thus you fmll be restored from dyspepsia, indi gestion, biliousness, loss of vigor, constipation, anaomia, despondency gastric disturbances and mose of the diseases which attack a weakened system. The human body will cure itself of almost anything if nature is given a chance. . When every meal digests properly, flushing the veins with good rich blood, clear ing away the impurities, feedig the nerves and muscles as nature intended they should be fed you will feel like a new man. COOPER'S NEW DISCOVERY WILL DO THIS. JONES DRUG THIS is Mrs. Searles. Harry will not be able to go to the office today. He is quite ill and I have telephoned for the doctor. Thank you, Mr. Wiley, I'm sure I hope so. Yes, I'll tell him not to worry." Prompt telephonic notification of the en forced absence of a member of the office force makes a rearrangement of the work possible and is always appreciated. Ay A Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. Every Bell Telephone is a Long Distance Station The Librarian's Chance. The Ifiuonuit Hit; mm whs appointed through iiirlufiitf in the post of royal llbrai'imi of l.oiiix X V. When I'.inmiri's In-ii I'd of this apilltt!lt-!lt Hi' s:li:l; 'fpU'ii'li I: .Mauiiiiifi'lit: Ami now. my,i!far in'i'lu-w. vim will at last have an vxt i-llciit ivini tiinily to learn to real" " : s " I thi noi ttui; SWISSGO GROWS 8 Stops Dandruff and Restores Gray or Faded Hair to its Natural Color LARGE TRIAL BOTTLE FREE ASLEEP AT THE SWITCH Why Wear Yourself Out Fixing Up Old Switches, When You Can Have A Beautiful Head of Hair All Your Own. Swissco grows all the hair you want. Changes gray or faded hair to a youthful color without dyeing or staining. Stops dandruff and all hair and scalp troubles - Send 10c In silver or stamps to pay for postage, etc., to Swissco Hair Remedy Co., 5311 P. O. Square, Cin cinnati, O. and get a large free trial bottle. , Swissco is on sale everywhere by druggists and drug departments at 60c and $1.00 a bottle. JONES DRUG COMPANY HUT COMPANY I THE MAHOGANY A Mysfery Is Happily Unraveled $ By CLARISSA MACKIE I 4 ! ! !' t ! HjMfrfr Miss Dorinda i'age ushered me into the large east bedchamber. "1 must put you in the mahogany room," she apologized. "All the other rooms are filled just now. but you will find it cool and pleasant here, and it's qftiiet too." "it's delightful. Miss Dorinda, and 1 j know I shall fall in love with that j bed." I approached the mahogany j four poster and ran my finger along j the fine carving. "I suppose this is a 1 Page heirloom V" "No; this room is filled with other people's heirlooms. All of this furni ture has been bought from time to time and placed in this room; hence its name." Miss Dorinda's slim figure moved sedately from highboy to an cient dressing stand to the spindle leg ged table., rearranging a dimity cover, wiping a speck of dust from a candle stick and moving the vase of fresh flowers out of the sunlight. All at once she sank into a" big rush bottomed chair and became confiden tial. "My dear, there is something odd about this room. Sit down in the rock er by the window there. I hope you won't mind sleeping here." I was puzzled by her manner. "You mean it is haunted?" I questioned laughingly. "No, hardly that. Let me tell you about it Every article of furniture in this room was purchased from a differ ent family, and each time it has been under stress of some sort. The bed came from the Crosbys. It belonged to Grandmother Crosby, but the fami ly became hard up and parted with it 1 needed the extra furniture to put in this room, so I bought it The high boy came from the Glenn family. Ralph Glenn went away, the family broke np, and I bought this highboy. The table came from the Orvises and the dressing table from the Chases and this chair from the Winnicks. Some thing queer happened in each of those two families, but I am not at liberty to say what it was. I thought I would tell yon the history of the furniture, so that yon might be prepared to see all sorts of spirits at the mystic hour of 12." . She looked at me from her bright, keen eyes, as if testing the quality of my courage. ' "I always read until midnight. Miss Dorinda." I explained frankly, "and if spirits want to walk in lamplight they won't disturb me a particle." Miss Dorinda smiled cheerfully. "I am glad." she said simply, "that you are so sensible. Mrs. Stone occupied the room one night and declared she didn't sleep a wink for the whisper-, ing. I told her it was the coffea-she drank before she-went to bed. I will send up a tray of supper. Miss Cam eron. Getting here so late in the evening, yon-will want a good rest," The supper came up -and was eaten before a small fire sputtering on the wide hearth, for a gentle rain was falling outside, and it was cool in the large mahogany chamber. 1 prepared, leisurely for bed. turning back the snowy, lavender scented sheets with n : delightful, sense of anticipation in the dreamless slumbar I should enjoy. ! Contrary to my usual habit. 1 did not ; lie awake, and read. On the- contrary, i I extinguished the lamp, flung a win- dow wide to the soft wet nir and went I to sleep, watching the flickering fire- i light against the polished mahogany j furniture. I had not noticed the striking clock ! in the room, but tt was there on the j mantelshelf. Ten and 11 had chimed j from its depths, but 1 had slept undis- j turbed. Suddenly I sat up in bed. awake, alert, with the last strokes of , 12 sounding in my ears. The fire was j burning briglitlv. and 1 could see that ; the hour was midnight. A little shiver of dread went over me. I could not help listening intently for those whis pering voices which' had disturbed Mrs. Stone the night she occupied the ma hocrany room. There was not a sound except the ricking of the clock and the gentle fall of rain on the tin roof of the porch "MISS WHO?" ItB ASKED BRUSQUELY, without. Once the Ore hissed as a raindrop fell down the wide throat sf the chimney, and it was so like a whis per that I jumped a little. As i lay down once more on my pil low 1 became conscious of a peculiar sensation. It was true that I heard no voices, that :) wraithlike forms cross ed my vision, yet I seemed to be among animate things. I was receiv ing information from some unknown source. 1 stared at the highboy, counted the glass knobs of the drawers, assured myself that there was nothing but the reflection 'of the firelight on the polish ed front, when all of a sudden I saw Out of the polished surface there grew a picture--dark shadows for a background of shrubbery, a winding path bordered with flowers, and stand ing there was Miss Dorinda Page as she appeared in the large painting in the drawing room below Miss Dorin da of thirty years ago, fair and sweet and very shy. She was timidly offer ing a rose to a youth, who looked at her with eyes of despairing adoration. He bent and kissed her fh sudden, pas sionate farewell, turned and disappear ed in the shrubbery, leaving her, white and trembling, to sink on a garden bench. But he had carried the rose away. As Miss Dorinda leaned her head on her rounded arm the picture died away, and there was nothing save the firelight flickering on the front of the hjghboy and the ticking of the clock, interrupted by the fall of rain on the roof. I was not afraid now. I was filled with pity for the sweet, patient little woman who had so sturdily taken up j the burden of wage earning when she had been left alone. Her house of "paying guests" was always filled, and I, who had known her a dozen years, had by great good luck been placed in the mahogany room and thus stumbled upon the romance in Dorinda's sad life. . The face of the young man was not unfamiliar, and I was sure that. I had seen it, older, graver, somewhere. The story of the highboy was clear to me now. It had belonged to Ralph Glenn's people, and it was for his sake she had purchased the heirloom. ' Ralph Glenn must have been the young man of the picture. IF YOUR Young Looking People Are In Constant Demand Everywhere Competition is keen. You can't hold down the Big Jobs" if you are suspected of being a "Back Number." You can't expect to be a successful wage-earner, man or woman, if you are old looking, but whether you work or not you owe it today to yourself and family to keep looking young. Get a bottle of Hay's Hair Health today. It solves the grey hair prob lem for every man and woman, young or old. It brings back the full, rich, natural color of the hair restores it FOR SALE AND RECOMMENDED HAVE GREY Til! SWISSCO STOPS IT LARGE TRIAL BOTTLE FREE Dandruff Is Maddening. Swissco - stops dandruff quickly, grows new hair and restores gray or faded hair to its natural youthful color. . Swissco stops baldness,' bald spots, falling hair, scabby scalp, sore scalp, brittle hair or any hair or scalp trouble. To prove that our claims are true we will send you a large trial bottle free if you will send 10c in silver or stamps to help pay cost of postage and packing to Swissco Hair Remedy Co., 5311 P. O. Square, Cincinnati, O. Swissco will be found on sale at all druggists and drug departments ev erywhere at 50c and $1.00 a bottle. JONES DRUG COMPANY "Glenn Glenn where have I. heard that name?" I questioned to myself as I dropped off to sleep, and the answer came as the morning sunlight awoke me to consciousness. "Dr. Glenn, of course, stupid!" I did not see Miss Page until after breakfast. Then she sought me in the big veranda, where I was studying the railroad time table. "Not going home so soon?" she ex claimed, with a glance at my occupa tion. , "I hope the mahogany room has not driven you away. You slept well?" "Beautifully," 1 assured her. "1 must run home for a day, and then I shall return to lay. the ghost of the mahog any room." As the stage crawled its way up the long hill to the station I saw in my mind's eye my home city. On one of the handsomest streets there, was a row of brownstone houses given over to physicians' offices. On one of the brass plates was the name "Ralph Glenn. M. D." I had met Dr. Glenn once, and. as I recollected his features, he might have been that same youth who had taken farewell of pretty Do rinda Page. ' There was no harm in trying, I thought, so I made my way home and straight out to the office of Dr. .Glenn. The physician was in, and I made my chronic neuralgia the excuse for my visit. When the consultation was over, still 1 lingered in the office. He. quiet, grave, middle aged, clever looking, watched me as if questioning my de lay. "I am going away for a fortnight," I explained. "I'm going down to Put wick. Perhaps, you know the village?" His face paled, but he smiled polite ly. "I was born there," he said brief ly and then looked as if he regretted the confidence. "Then you must know the Page homestead?" I said rapidly. "That is where I am staying. It is the most Charming old place, and Miss Dorinda Page is the most charming hostess." "Miss who?" he asked brusquely, looking down on me from his superior height. "Miss Dorinda Page." I replied inno cently. "She is the last of her family and the sweetest little woman in the world. She" "I thought she married Hugh Gra ham," he burst out sinking heavily into a chair. "The'y sent me a wedding invitation. Here it is!" He pulled open a drawer, and from a leather covered box he drew forth a yellowed envelope containing an engraved an nouncement of the wedding of Dorinda May Page and Hugh Montgomery Gra ham on April 1. 1890. I read it slowly. "I'm afraid you are the victim of a joke, an ill timed and fateful April fool trick," I said regretfully as I point ed to the date. "Whoever perpetrat ed the joke did hot spare expense. As a matter of fact. Hugh Graham mar ried Miss. Dorinda's cousin. Hannah Page, years ago, long before I knew them. You never went back to Put wick?" "No; I stayed away after that" "I'm going back to Putwick tomor row," I suggested. "So am I," he exclaimed, rising to his feet with sudden energy. "Just as soon as 1 can put my affairs in or der here I'm going. You are sure sure that I better go?" He looked at me wistfully, and I could see that he, too. as well as Miss Dorinda, had yet to live out that interrupted romance. "Sure as as I am' that the ghost of the mahogany room has been laid," 1 said eagerly, but he was not listening to me. His thoughts were far away in that southern garden where he would once more meet Dorinda Page. Mutual. "George, do you know you snore?" "Do I? l am sorry to hear it" "So am I," -Fun. ABILITY IS DOUBTED to its natural color immediately. Don't waste time with substitutes, there's only one, Hay's Hair Health, used by thousands with .absolute satis faction for twenty years. Druggists have sold Hay's Hair Health so long to so many satisfied people everywhere who come back again for It and won't use any other, that they are perfectly willing to guarantee it and give your money back if it's not satisfactory after a fair trial. Free: Sign this adv. and take It to the following druggists and get a 50c bot tle of Hay's Hair Health and a 25c. cake of Harfina Soap, for 50c; or $1.00 bottle of Hay's Hair Health and two 25c. cakes of Harfina Soap Free, for $1. BY HUNTLEY BROTHERS , CO. HI Big Cyanide Plant Is To Be Installed Soon Work To Commence Immediately Construction work is to begin on the' 100-ton cyanide plant on the property of the Ogle Mountain Min-' ing Company early in April. Mr. Charles F. Spaulding, Engineer and expert, will be here by April 1 to take charge of the construction work and the orders for machinery will be placed immediately. Stop and think what the above statement means to Clackamas Coun ty and the state at large. Have you helped finance the proposition? Are you going to let the chance go by? Or are you going to get in and help us along? Now is the time a' little, help will be appreciated, for when the plant is completed it will do the rest. If you don't want to help, just keep your eye on Ogle Mountain and watch the gold bricks come out, and consple yourself by the old saying, "The chance has gone by." This is one of the many recom mends that we have of the Engineer, STOCK FULLY PAID AND NON ASSESSABLE. CAPITAL 1,000,000 SHARES, PAR VALUE $1. I hereby subscribe for and purchase shares of Treasury Stock of the Ogle Moun tain Mining Company at the agreed price of 70 cents a share,, total $ . .1 hereby agree to pay for -same on the following terms: 25 per cent when the machinery is or-dered and work starts, and 25 per cent on the first of each month there-after until full amotrat is paid, said stock to be issued on, finai payment. Signed Address Date, March -, 1913. Portland Railway, Light 4 Power Company Beaver Building, Main Street Plants That Hate One Another. Fancy two plants being so onfriendly that the mere neighborhood of one is death to the other. Yet this Is the case with two well known English plants. These are the thistle and the rape. If a field Is infested with this tles which? come up year after; year and ruin the crops, all yon have to do Is to sow it with rape. The thistle will be absolutely annihilated. Mr. Charles F. Spaulding, who is to take charge of the work at the mine. Copy Gilbert Wilks & Co., Inc., Electrical Tngineers and General Con tractors, Denver, Col. To whom it may concern The bearer, Mr. Charles F. Spaulding, has been known to me for a considerable time past and I consider him one of the best mining and concentration engineers .of the West. He is pains taking, and being possessed of great natural ability, has brought several hard propositions to a successful ter mination, and I have no .hesitation in strongly recommending him to any one needing high grade services in his line. Signed, WILLIAM H. GREY, M. & E. E. Under -the management of Mr. Spaulding we feel sure we are going to get all there is coming to us, and the best of treatment for he has the name of doing things right. Coupon OGLE MOUNTAIN MINING CO. By The Superiority of ElectricToast to the charred, or brittle, or soggy kind made in the tedious old-fashioned way, is relatively the same as the superiority of grilled steak to fried steak. For one-tenth cf a cent a slice the General Electric Radiant Toaster makes Perfect Toast faster than you can czX it. It is Perfect-Toast because the radiant heat forces the necessary chemical change in the bread. This insures delicious golden Toast that . fairly melts in your mouth. You can operate the General Electric Radiant Toaster on the finest damask table cloth. Its neat porcelain base and cheerful glowing coils add grace and charm to any table. This little toaster is on display at our store in the Bea ver Building on Main Street. ' DOING. Not what I have, but what I do, is my kingdom. ' To each of us is given a certain inward talent, a certain outward environment of fortune ; to each of us, by wisest combination-of these two, a certain maxmura of capability. Thomas Carlyle. Where can you place a few dollars with the chance of winning larger prof its? There is no easier money made than there is in mining. "Why do we say we have a mine? Because we have our property developed, the veins are of true fissure origin, there are many in number and range in width from four to seventeen feet; are located from surface to thirteen hundred feet in depth and all carry values in payable quantities. What more can you ask, as these are facts and the property is located - right here at home and owned by home people. Gentlemen, what more can we do to prove to you that we have one of the best investments for big returns, on the Pacific Coast? Our display of ore is credited among mining men as being the best on the coast. Call at our office. Tenth and Main Streets and learn all particulars or fill out the following contract: It yon saw it In the Enterprise lt"t THIS WILL INTEREST. MOTHERS. Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children, a Certain relief for FeTeriahnees, Headache, Bed Stomach, Teething DUordera, move and regulate the Bowels and Destroy Worms. They break np colds in M hours. They are eo pleaaant to the taste Children like them. Over 10,000 testimonials. Used by Mothers for M years. Tkty nmr fail. Sold by all Druggists, Me. Sample mailed F8ES. Address, Allen a. Olmsted, Le Boy, N. T.