MORNING ENTERPRISE, TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 1913 Quito Another Thing. it i "What makes you so sleepy today, old ni:in?" "I up at 4 this morning." 'Come ot'.'! Yon never got up at 4 in your life." "I didn't wiy 1 cot up. 1 said I was n 1 1 " I iost oi T i n nscrtut. LOCAL BRI EPS E. B. Thomas was in this city Mon day visiting friends. Dr. Van Brakle, Osteo path, Masonic Building, Phone Main 399. Ellerd Bailey is on the street again .after an attack of the smallpox. E. L. Lewis, who visited in Port- ( land, has now returned to this city. I George Brown, one of Maple Lane's j prominent citizens, was in this city j Monday. , i S..A. D. Hungate was in Molalla j several days last week attending to j business. j Mr. and Mrs. Howard Latourette I were in this city Sunday as the guest's of relatives. H. A. Moody was in this city sev eral days last week. He was here on business. M. Beatie, a prominent Molalla farmer,- was in this City Monday at tending to business. Mrs. Ed Fortune has been in Mo-1 lalla for several days as the guest I of Mrs. Fred Smith. Mfrs. Duane Ely has returned from Tualatin, where she has been visit ing her sister, Mrs. Eddy. Miss Laura Schantzman, of Molalla, has been in this city as the guest of her sister, Mrs. Dudley Woodward. Clintons Harper, formerly foreman of the Morning Enterprise, and wife left this city Monday tor Montesano, Wash., where he has secured a posi tion. Clifton N. McArt'nur, late speak er of the Oregon House of Represen tatives, was in this city Monday at tending to legal affairs and visiting friends. Charles Barker returned to this j city Monday afternoon after spending i the week-end in Corvallis, where he j attended the Junior Prom given by . the Junior Class of the Oregon Agri-j cultural College. , Ames Higgins, special representa tive of the Park National Bank, New York City, was in this city Monday. He is making an extended trip throughout the West in the interest of his company. 0 Completely Equipped $985 F. 0. B. Factory Self-Starter 30 Horse Power 5-passenger Touring Car 110-inch Wheel Base Timken Bearings Center Control HIGH PRICED FEATURE No. 10 In upholstering the Overl and Model 69T we use only the best grade of leather.. Three whole hides are used on a single car. Thus, there can be no blemish spots. Model 69T cushions are carefully stuffed by hand with first quality hair; then they are stuffed for rugged wear by expensive machinery specially designed for the purpose. Good leather, hair and tufting is of little avail without good springs. The spiral seat spriings and the pillow springs of the back cushions of the Mlodel 69T are both tied lengthwise and lengthwise and crosswise with wires, and encased in durable can- vas duck. The seat cushions are also ventilated and the leather tufting reinforced by a sturdy canvas foundation. You will not find better upholstering on cars costing $1200, f. o. b. factory. Send a postal today for literature. Please address us. Miller-Parker Co. OREGON, CITY, OR. Mrs. Edith Dillard is in Gladstone visiting relatives. She was accom panied by her sister. Miss Maud Gal logely, who has been visiting Mrs. Dillard at her home in Salem for sev eral weeks. Mrs. Herry Williams has been in formed by her aunt, Mrs. Miinerva Van Tassel, of Durand, 111., that the cyclone and the floods did little dam age there. Mrs. Williams visited in Durand last summer. Puts light in the eye, tints the cheek with Nature's bloom, loostens the tension of life, brushes the cob webs from the brain. It's Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35c, Tea or Tablets. Jones. Drug Co. Constipation and stomach troubles are twins. . They kill people" inch by inch, sap life away. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea relieves you. Give it a thorough trial, you will get results. 35c, Tea or Tablets. Jones Drug Co. If you suffer from indigestion, con stipation, feel mean and cross, noj strength or appetite, your stomach is unhealthy. Hollister's Rocky Moun tain Tea strenghtens, purifies the stomach, regulates the system. . 35c, Tea or Tablets. Jones Drug Co. Mrs. W. C. Schultze, wife of Dr. Schultze, is convalescing at the Good Samaritan Hospital. Dr. A. O. Rockey successfully removed a portion of the liver, an extremely difficult and hazardous operation, MJirch 25. For two or three days she was in a criti cal condition. E. B. Anderson was the host of a delightful dinner party Sunday after noon. The occasion was a family r& union. A fine turkey was enjoyed by the guests. Those present were: B. A. Anderson, of Maple Lane; D. O. Anderson, Mrs. B. A. Anderson and E. B. Anderson and small daughter. HOME. . Home ! How deep a spell that h:t'e word contains! It is the circle in which our purest, best affections move enH concentrate themselves; the hive n wh:ch, like the indus trious bi-e, youih garners the sweets and memories of l:ie for age to medita-f and feed upon. It is ch !: hood's '.etr.ple and manhood's shnnc, the ark of the past and the future. - L'h'lanJ. Plants Like Sto ies. In South Africa there is found a plant growing on stony ground which so clo'ji-'iy resembles a pebble that it is invariably taken by the stranger to be a stone. Another species of the same plant growing on the hills round the Karon produces two leaves about ah: large as dw-us" eggs, having a sur face resembling weathered stone of brownish gray color inged with green These plants look like stones, but foi a short time they put forth bright yel low flowers. Mecca, Mecca is a lame city and a principal one nt I lie east. The temple of Mecca, to wliicii sn many pilgrims annually travi'lv Iiihii-s a spa-'ious sipiare about a quari"r ot a mile in each direction. Willi a iiiailniile mw of columns. A number of steps lead down to Moham med's hou-e. .-riicl within it is the black stone said tu have been brought by the aiiiiel (labile tor its foundation. Remy Magneto Warner Speedometer Mohair Top and Boot Clear Vision Rain Vision Wind Shield Prest-o-lite Tank SHE WOULD FASHT Mrs. Bella Long Unable to Stand Ca Her Feet More Than a Few Hinutes at a Time. Pendergrass, Ga. Mrs. Delia Long, of this place, in a recent letter, says: "For five or six years, I suffered agon ies with womanly troubles. Often, I couldn't sit up more than a few minutes at a time, and if I stood on my feet long, T would faint. I took Cardui, and it helped me im mediately. Now, I can do my work all the time, and don't su'fer like I did." Take Cardui when you feel ill in any way weak, tired, miserable, or under the weather. Cardui is a strength building tonic medicine for women. It has been found to relieve pain and distress caused by womanly troubles, and is an excellent medicine to have on hand at all times. . ' Cardui acts on the womanly 'insti tution, building up womanly strength, toning up the nerves, and regulating the womanly organs. Its half century of success is due to merit. It has done good to thousands. Will you try it? It may be just what you need. Ask your druggist about Cardui. He will recommend it. N. B. Write to : Ladies" Advisory Dept., Chatta nooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn., for Special instructions, and 64-pace book, "Home Treatment tor Women," sent in plain wrapper, on request. FOR SALE BY THE JONES DRUG COMPANY CATTLE MARKET HAS E The Portland Union Stock yards Company reports as follows: Receipts for last week werei cattle 1312, calves 38, hogs 2103, sheep 2783, horses 33. Cattle Market steady to shade firm er. An excellent demand prevailed for prime beef. Top sales were made at $8 to $8.25, while bulk of steer of ferings graded gopd to choice and realized $7.60 to $7.80. Butcher stuff is equally strong, notably heifers and cows. There has been slim showing in the stuff supplies but packers gave higher bids for the new fancy head on hand. A small lot of Prine viile spayed heifers selling at $7.75 featured. Best cows at $7.25; bulls $6; stags $6.75, and calves at $9 rep resents price range. The hog marget has been a sensa tion. Clearing 10c to 20c, it finally settled at $9.55 Wednesday. This price range breaks all records since 1910. BulK of sales have averaged $9.20 to $9.40. Outlet considerably broader than supplies as demand has been increased while bulk of country swine has been marketed. Also Mis souri River points continue high and all Coast packers are buying pork in Portlapd. Undertow here is strong and unless the present trade condi tions experience a complete change may remain indefinitely. A steady to firm mutton and lamb market feaured principally by one of the smallest runs of the year. Wool yearlings sold up to $6.75 and ewes $5.75, sheared stuff brought $1 less. Demand for choice and fat mutton is steady and unsatisfied. Lamb trade reached the $8 level as expected, sev eral loads of prime wool stuff brought this price. Prevailing Oregon City prices are as follows: HIDES (Buying) Green salted, 7c to 8c; sheep pelts 75c to $1.50 each. MOHAIR 32c; wool 18 to 20c. FEED (Selling) Shorts $25; bran $24; process barley $27 to $29 per ton. FLOUR $4.50 to S5. HAY (Buying) Clover at $8 and $9; oat hay best $11 and $12; mix ed $9 to $11; valley timothy $11 to $13; selling alfalfa $13.50 to $17; Ida ho and Eastern Oregon timothy sell ing $19.50 to $23. OATS $22.00 to $26.50; wheat 93; oil meal selling $38,00; Shay Brook dairy feed $1.30 per hundred pounds. Whole corn $29.00. . Livestock, Meats. BEEF (Live weight) steers 7 and 8c; cows 6 and 7 c, bulls 4 to 6c. MUTTON Sheep 5 to 6 1-2; lambs 6 to 6 l-2c. PORK 9 1-2 and 10c. VEAL Calves 12c to 13c dressea, according to grade. WEINIES 15e lb: sausage, 15c lb. POULTRY (buying) Hens 12' 1-2 to 14c. Stags slow at 10c; old roos ters 7c; broilers 19c. Fruits APPLES 50c and $1. DRIED FRUITS (Buying), Prunes on basis 6 to 8 cents. VEGETABLES ONIONS $1.00 sack. POTATOES About 35c to 40c I. o. b. shipping points, per hundred, with no saleB at going quotations. Butter, Eggs. BUTTER (Flying), Ordinary coun try butter 25c and 30c; fancy cream ery 75c to 85c roll. EGGS Oregon ranch case count 16c; Oregon ranch candled 18c. Time and the Rotating Earth. It bas required all tbe science of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries to produce r'ie perteeted watches and chronometers ot today; but even they are so variable that they would soon tie of uo use If tbey were not constant ly corrected by astronomical "observa tions. Man hits come back to tbe point wber lie began In the measure ment of time. Tbe rotattujr earth is his only standard, mid the entire time system of tin globe Is bused upon the tireless watching of the iistronomers. who time the passage of the stars over tbe meridian to the fraction ot a sec ond and bv electricity Hash the news that sets the watches and clocks o." the civilized world. New York Journal. Divination. Seeress (uiysterionslyi -There is a dnrk something in your life which promises lo give you trouble. I ii Iron i with sighi I know it. It is j. the brunette I'm engaged to. Balti more American. . Soothing. "Nan." said Kan. "I've got a gown exactly like that one of yours, and i just hate it. It looks all right ou you, though, because you're so thin that the pattern doesn't show." Chicago Trib une. - 4-1- I-1- M"1"H..1-M M- V M"H"M"I"M-H M'GRAW TELLS ONE ON DUMMY TAYLOR. - j. Malinger AlcUr.-iJ tells this one- ! on I.utiici; iiiylm. the former J unite ii!i liei with the . Cjjints. T "We were iltiiv.ii iu New Or- j leans,' he stii.l. "Taylor ntl -j- Bresnahiiii and I We nil liUed T Taylor well eiiuiigli to learn !he y unite Inn.miane. so thai we mulil J talk with him One daj we were riding on a street ear when a J reninrkabh handsome " woman T t ame in anil sat otiosite us . We -C watched her with eonsidera die " 4- admiration fur a minute; then -. j. Itoger signed to 'iJuuimy' on tils j 4" ringers. "Iloesn t she look gwutl to T you?' Itef me either of us could T 4" signal hack the woman flushed X over in the sign language. "Yes. T and you atf look good to me -r 3u And she got off that car without 7 f "even glancing at us again." j j..;..;..;..;..;..;..!..;. ;, JEM DRISGGLL, OHE BOXER WHO ADMITS HE'S 60KE Jem Prisco!!. the great British" feath erweight champion, lias retired from the ring, but tie is one of the very few veterans who ever admitted they were "all in." Awhile ago I'edlar Palmer, who Wits whippet! tiy McGovern. tried to come back and failed .labez White, another former British champion, tried the same stunt recently in Binning bam, England Peter Maher tried for years to show the public lie was "us good as ever." Young Corliett pulled the same stuff, and so did f'hilly Jack O'Brien, Kid McCoy and Bob Fitzsimmons. And don't forget Jeffries. Mike Schreck and Marvin Hart They all failed. .COMMON SENSE. , Good common sense is not, as .. some think, the. inborn property of the first comer, a trivial baggage which costs no labor to. any one. I compare it to those old popular songs, imperishable and anonymous, wh:ch seem to have come from the very hedrls oS the people. Good sense is the capital slowly and pain . fully accumu a ed by the labor of the cen tines. Chailt-s Wagner. Most Perfect Pun In Existence. Opinions "ill continue to differ as to the most .perfect pun iu existence. It will he li iitl. however, to find tine to beat Pecravi I have Sind," attribut ed in the line old soldier who couquer ttl the Indus, pinvinie in lS4!i. Of roui-s.- .ii is ridiculous to suppose that Mir !:.-: ! Aiipiei could ever have if;; 'i , 1'ike .r. having made it. coiiid li.r.-i' made it to do duty aw a !:!! a victory. Out so the s'ni". in,., rft.Ml it is certainly good iii:;'r!i in i.. tru,.. - New York Sun. Beautiful Hair, a Joy Forever. If you have a beautiful head of hair, try to keep it. If you have not, 6 AFTER nary clothing sold by ordinary stores you are pleasantly surprised by the long and satisfactory service you get from a Moyer $15 Suit. 87-89 Third First and Yamhill try to get it. Meritol Hair Tonic 1 keeps the scalp clean, promotes a I healthy growth of beautiful hair, and keeps it soft and lustrous, Try it. Jones Drug Co. A Good Message. Meritol Tonic Digestive has proven a good message to others, why not to you? It acts first upon the stom ach, strengthens the digestive organs, Unqualifiedly the Best : LEDGER: The De Luxe Steel Back New improved CURVED HINGE allows the covers to drop back on the desk , without throwing the leaves into a curved position. . ' Sizes 8 1-4 to 20 inches OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE . . ... Headquarters for Loose Leaf Systems speeding 20 or $25 for Forthwith you resolve that hereafter that extra $5 or $10 is going to remain in your pocket instead of going to the credit side of the ordinary dealers profit account. Make the wearing cf Moyer $15 suits one of your gcod habits it pays. When You See It in Our It's So Third and Oak Second and Morrison creates a healthy appetite, and makes .rich, red blood. Imparts now life and strength to the entire body. Jones Drug Co. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Chris Bichsel and wife to Otto Biehsel; $1. Gust Engebrecht and wife to Fred Hopp and wife, lot 4, block 7, Green point; ?100. the ordi- Ad, B. F. Linn and wife to C. H. Earl, lots 6 and 7, section 31, township 27 south, range 3 east; $5,500.' A. C. Mowrey and wife to East Side Mill and Lumber Company, land section 21, township 2 south, range 4 east, 40 acres; $1. J. W. Reed, A. E. Sparks and wife, Thomas Yocum and wife to J. W. Reed, lots i to 12, block 5 Estacada; $1. 5v