Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, March 30, 1913, Image 4

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Davis, land section 32, township 1
south, range 2 east; $1,400.
The Oregon Iron & Steel Company
to Ben Brenner and . Sam Brenner,
land sections 18 and 19, township 2
south, range 1 east; $10
Clinton H. Edwards to Margaret
H. Edwards, land section 26, town
ship 1 south, range 4 east; $1,000.
At the Portland Theaters
Last Car Leaves For Oregon City at Midnight
Big Cyanide Plant Is To Be Installed Soon
Work To Commence Immediately
earl to tieart
ZtZZS3. y?c3ZZZZ72 z.
Season Opens in Portland for Four
Great Productions
Tho srreatefit musical and society
event that has ever come to the en
.tire Northwest will be ti.e season of
grand opera in Portland next Monday
by the famous Chicago Grand Opera
Company. This great organization,
which is headed by Andreas Dippel,
and whose musical conductor is Cleo
fonte Campanini, has over three hun
dred people on its roster, and will
travel to Portland from San Francis-!
co In two long special trains. j
Among the famous songbirds who
will appear in Portland during the ;
si 111
' ' ; wjf ----
if '
5- g
"Jeia uanay, as nans waaner, in. Henry W. Savage's "The Prince of
Pilsen'-', to be at The He. ig Theatre three nights, beginning April
3. Special price i tiir ...
"The Prince of Pilsen", accepted
throughout the English speaking
world as the standard musical com
edy of the times, will be presented
at The Heilig, Eleventh and Morri- i
son, for three nights, beginning Thur3-'
day, April 3, and the company pre-j
snting It will disclose, it is promis-1
ed, an average of vocal and acting j
excellence rarely shown in this line j
of stage work. j
' 1 While none except Mr. Dandy and !
Miss Delmore have been in the cast
of this play, from its Inception, the
new comers are said to measure up
in every way to the standard set by
their predecessors. To these who
have already seen "The Prince of
Pilsen", its remarkable success, both
here and abroad, needs no explana
tion. Frank Pixley provided a humorous-romantic
story, deftly ingen
genious in -its complications and pic
turesquely placed on the shores of
three days' musical festival will be
Mary Garden, Luisa Tetrazzini, Caro-
;na White, Marie Cavan, Charles
D.lmores, Gioyinl, Polese, and many
others. The Orpheum Theater in
Portland (formerly the Heilig) will
m udtfd for the four performances
of the cpera, and seats can be secur-
d for t':ie operas by sending, or tel
ephoning in, to the Sherman Clay
nd Company's music store in Port
land, or the Steers-Coman office in
the Columbia Building, who will be
glad to attend to all orders.
The seats for the opera range in
price from three dollars to seven,
'.ioth evenings and the matinee, and
ceneral admission is two dollars.
Following is the entire repertoire
the Mediterranean, under the blue
skies of the Riviera. Such a story
was an inspiration to the composer,
and from Gustav Luder s pen comes
a rush or harmonies that fitted the
lyrics, and gave to the entertainment
such songs as "The Message of the
Violets", Pictures in Smoke," "The
Pong of the Cities," "The Tale of the
Sea Shell", "The Pretty City Wid
ow', and a dozen others. The cast
is led by "Jess" Dandy, who in the
role of Hans Wagner, a Cincinnati
brewer, innocently has princely hon
ors thrust upon him. Mt. Dandy is
the ideal comedian for the part. His
personality exudes humor, and his fa
cility for extracting the last essence
of comedy from a topical song or
parody gave him a distinction as an
entertainer, long before he found
his true measure in musical comedy.
Lottie Kendall dashing, chic and
graceful will be seen as the viva
cious widow, and this character, has
never been more charmingly outlin
ed. Bernard Ferguson and Fred Ly-
yy? casts'
and the names of a few of the lead
ing stars: v
' Monday, March 31, at 8 P. M.
"The Jewels of the Madonna,", Car
oline White; conductor, Campanini.
Tuesday, April 1, at 8 P. M.
"Thais", Mary Garden; conductor,
Wednesday, April 2, at 2 Pi M.
"The Tales of Hoffman", Stanley
Warnery; "Hanzel and Gretel," Ca
van, Riegelman, Daddi; conductor,
Charlier, and International Ballet,
conductor, Spadoni.
Wednesday, April 2, 8 P. M. "Lu
cia di Lammermoor", Tetrazzini, Ege
ner, Giorgini, Polese, Scott; conduct
or, Campanini.
on, In the respective roles of the
genuine Prince of Pilsen and the
American lieutenant, are recent ac
quisitions, and their excellent voices
add largely to the effort of the per
formance. In reviving this musical comedy
classic, Mr. Savage equipped the or
ganization with an entire scenic pro
duction and costumes. The augmen
ted orchestra will be under the direc
tion of Emu Bierman.
The Prices- for this notahle attrac
tion will be $1.50, with a special' fl
matinee Saturday. Seats will go on
sale Tuesday, April 1.
Joseph Norton and wife to Bert
Scott and wife, tract A Clackamas
Riverside; $10.
George F. Hart to Columbia Valley
Trust Company, land section 14, town
ship 2 south, range 7 east; $25.
W. A. Proctor and wife to George
Havison, land section 3, township 2
ssuth, range 4 east; $100.
F. A. Knapp and wife to David U.
Chicago Grand Opera
Andreas Dippel, General Manager
Cieofonte Campanini, Musical Director.
Company of 300---0rch2Stra 90 Ballet 35
MOKDAY, Mar. 318 P. M. "The Jewels of the Madonna."
TUESDAY, April 1,-8 P. M. "Thais." '
WEDNESDAY MAT., Apr. 22 P. M. "Tales of Hoffman".
and "Hansel and Gretel. Grand Ballet.
WEDSESDAY EVE., April 2-8 o'clock "Lucia di Lammermoor"
$7.00 $6.00 $5.00 $3.00 Gen. Adm $2 .
On sale Sherman-Clay & Co., Sixth & Morrison Sts.
Telephone orders filled by Steers-Coman, Main 2952, Portland
Mason & Hamlin the official Piano
There are many opportunities to do
good in simple, unostentatious ways.
It sometimes seems that every mo
ment is packed with them.
- It is not hard to rise to the big occa
sion. The real test comes In rising to the
little occasions.
It may be a trifling service, a small
kindness, a helpful suggestion, a com
forting word.
If our hearts are in tune these things
come easy to us.
The beauty of a right word or deed
is that It helps both ways the giver
and the receiver.
It has power to multiply itself Indefi
nitely. It makes the smile a little brighter,
the hand clasp a Httle warmer.
Thus it passes from one to another.
Like the pebble dropped in the ocean,
the waves go out to the very shores.
What if no one knows who dropped
t!ie pebble? -
But does no one know?
Somewhere there must be kept a
Somewhere the influence of each act
must be measured.
But, whether it is or not, the good is
That is enough.
It is easy to- say and do the kindly
and helpful things if we keep our
selves kindly and helpful in thought
As a man thinketh in his heart so
does he speak and do at least in the
little things. -
To those who are keen of sight wa.
constantly reveal ourselves.
There are unguarded moments when
we show the real trend of our
The only safe way is to be right all
Then we need not seem.
Then we will see and seize the op
portunities to do the right thing. Fig
uratively speaking, at least, every mo
ment presents such opportunities.
Once past, they are gone forever.
One more chance unimproved!
It would have required such a little
effort and might have resulted in good
beyond our power to measure.
Yet we neglected it
Let us not make the mistake again.
For all the future moments are ours.
AT ANY tss-ar.STr"- -
Is a guaranteed remedy
for Coughs, Golds, Grip,
Asthma, Whooping Cough
and Soreness of the
Throat, Chest and Lungs;
No Opiates
See carton for ingre
dientstastes goo d
the children like it.
$1.00, 50c and
25c a Bolfl
O Ceo
Construction work is to begin on
the 100-ton cyanide plant on the
property of the Ogle Mountain Min
ing Company early in April. Mr. .
Charles F. Spaulding, Engineer and
expert, will be here by April 1 to
take charge of the construction work
and the orders for machinery will be
placed immediately.
Stop and think what the above
statement means to Clackamas Coun
ty and the state at large. Have you
helped finance the proposition? Are
you going to let the chance go by?
Or are you going to get in and help
us along? Now is the time a little
help will be appreciated, for when "
the plant is completed it will do the
rest. If you don't want to help, just
keep your eye on Ogle Mountain and
watch the gold bricks come out, and
console yourself by the old saying,
"The ctiance has gone by."
This is one of the many recom
mends that we hae of the Engineer,
I hereby subscribe for and. purchase ' shares of Treasury Stock of the Ogle Moun
tain Mining Company at the agreed price of 70 cents a share, total $ . .1 hereby agree to pay for
same on the following terms: - 25 per cent when the machinery is or-dered and work starts, and 25 per
cent on the first of each month there-after Until full amount is paid, said stock to be issued on finai payment.
Signed -
Date, March
Portland Railway, Light & Power Company
Beaver Building, Main Street
Boost your city by oeoaOng row
dally paper. The Enterprise should
be In every home.
The members of the Robbie Burns
Society at their last regular meeting
decided to award a prize of $5 for
the best essay on the Poet Burns, and
$2.50 for the next best, to the boy or
girl under sixteen years of age in
any of the ' following schools:
All Oregon City Schools, Gladstone,
Mr. Charles F. Spaulding, who is to
take charge of the work at the mine.
Copy Gilbert Wilks & Co., Inc.,
Electrical Tngineers and General Con
tractors, Denver, Col.
To whom it may concern The
bearer, Mr. Charles F. Spaulding, has
been known to me for a considerable
time past and I consider him one of
the best mining and concentration
engineers of the West. He is pains
taking, and being possessed of great
natural ability, has brought several
hard propositions to a successful ter
mination, and I have no hesitation
in strongly recommending him to any
one neetling high grade services in
his line.
Signed, WILLIAM H. GREY, M. &
E. E.
Under the management of Mr.
Spaulding we feel sure we are going
to get all there is coming to us, and
the best of treatment for he has the
name of doing things right.
By :
The Superiority of ElectricToast
to the charred, or brittle, or soggy kind made in the
tedious old-fashioned way, is relatively the same as the
superiority cf grilled steak to fried steak.
For one-tenth of a cent a slice the General
Electric Radiant Toaster makes Perfect Toast faster
than you can cat it. It is Perfect Toast because the
radiant heat forces the necessary chemical change
in the bread. This insures delicious golden Toast that
fairly melts in your mouth.
You can operate the General Electric Radiant Toaster on the
finest damask table cloth. Its neat porcelain base and cheerful
glowing ceils add grace and charm to any table.
This little toaster is on display at our store in the Bea
ver Building on Main Street.
Parkplace, Willamette, Bolton, Mount
Pleasant, Canemah.
The essay is not to be under five
hundred nor over one thousand words
and must be the individual work of
the boy or girl. .
Essays "must be In the hands of the
judges on or before May 17, 1913, or
in the hands of the recording secre
tary, H. D. Kennedy.
Judges are P. D. Forbes, Rev. J. R.
Landsborough and Rev. W. T.'Milli-ken.
Where can you place a few dollars
with the chance of winning larger prof
its? There is no easier money made
than there is in mining. Why do we
say we have a mine? Because we
have our property developed, the
veins are of true fissure origin, there
are many in number and range in
width from four to seventeen feet;
are located from surface to thirteen
hundred feet in depth and all carry
values .in payable quantities. What
more can you ask, as these are facts
and the property is located right
here at home and owned by home
Gentlemen, what more can we do
to prove to you that we have one of
the best investments for big returns
on the Pacific Coast? Qur display of
ore is credited among mining men as
being the best on the coast,- Call at
otlr office, Tenth and Main Streets,
and learn all particulars or fill out
the following contract:
If you saw it in the lstaterprlse It's
The Antisepticpowder shaken Into
the shoes The Standard Rem
edy lor tne leel for a Quarter
century. 30,000 testimonials. Sola
1 tc CmhU XtXt V K .
The Man wbo put toe E i la FEET.