MORNING ENTERPRISE, TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 191S. a Choose Glasses that are Becoming to You It is a choice that is made easy by the good quali ties and attractive appearance of FitsU Eyeqlasses FITS-U EYEGLASSES are decidedly becom ing and when correctly adjusted give an air of distinction to the wearer. . They will neither shake off nor fall off. FITS-U EYEGLASSES are stamped with the monogram a mart which means absolute reliability in all optical goods. You will find them at this store. BURMEISTER & ANDRESEN OREGON CITY JEWELERS SUSPENSION BRIDGE CORNER 2 1-2 acres all in cultivati 20 minutes - from Main St., 3 Price $275, 10 per cent down, balance $15.00 monthly. Best of sail. See E. P. Elliott & Scb We have many other good bin His Reasoning. "Why do you drink?" "To drown my troubles." "But drinking makes trouble." "Then I have to keep drowning it" LOCAL BRIEPS Despite the inclemency of the weathther, which would Lave done better for Christmas than for Easter, large crowds filled all of the churches Sunday. Most of the churches had special Easter services in which mus . ic played a conspicious part. Many of the churches were decorated and several of them were elaborately decked with rare and beautiful flow ers. Several thousand Easter lilies and calla lillies were shipped from California and used in the various churches. Much greens and potted plants were also used. Miss Edna Holmes, formerly li brarian of the Oregon City library, has resigned her position and gone to Portland. Mrs. Bertha Adams has accepted the position of temporary librarian. Hollister's Hocky Mountain Tea never fails to tone the stomach, reg ulate the kidneys, stimulate the liv er, and cleanse the blood. Don't fail ' to try it. 35c, Tea or Tablets. Jones Drug Co. Make your Automobile reservations early for a machine to take you to the Commercial Club Masquerade Ball tonight. Telephone Miller-Parker Co. Main 77. Mrs. James Church and twins, Dor othey and Donald, have returned to their home in Salem after visiting at the home of Wheeler Church in Gladstone. Mrs. Church was former ly Miss Elma Albright of this city. Rheumatism, backache, acid poison, are the results of kidney trouble. Hol lister's Rocky Mountain Tea works with might and main. 35c, Tea or Tablets. Jones Drug Co. " John Burgoyne, of New Era, was in this city Monday attending to business. He is a prominent farmer of New Era and the father of Her man Burgoyne. Make your Automobile reservations early for a machine to take you to the Commercial Club Masquerade Ball tonight. Telephone Miller-Parker Co. Main 77. William McLaren, of Wilhoit, is in Oregon City for a few days. He is IT GR Stops Dandruff and Scalp Diseases, Restores Gray or Faded Hair to Its Natural Color. Swissco Will Do This For You. Swissco produces astounding re sults so quickly ii has amazed those who. have used it. We will prove it to you if you will send 10c in' silver or stamps to pay postage and we will send you a trial bottle and our won derful testimonials. There is no excuse for baldness. Write today to Swissco Hair Remedy Co., 5311 P. O. Square, Cincinnati, Ohio. - . : - Swissco Is on sale at all druggists and drug departments at 50c and $1.00 a bottle. ' : ." JONES DRUG COMPANY the proprietor of the famous Wilhoit Springs. Make your Automobile reservations early for a machine to take you to the Commercial Club Masquerade Ball tonight. Telephone Miller-Parker Co. Main 77. Mrs. Ed Fortune will go to New port tnis week where she will join her husband. They will remain at the seashore the entire summer. Miss Nieta Harding has returned from Eugene where she passed the week-end with her sister Evelyn.. Mrs. Mangus Hansen visited her mother at New Era on Easter Day and returned to this city late Sunday evening. Mrs. Louis Henderson, has return ed to her home in Hood River after passing the past week in this city. C. D. Jacobs, of Vancouver, was in this city Saturday attending to bus iness. Miss Maybelle Larch was in this city Easter visiting friends. Morton E. Winch was in this city Monday attending to business. T. P. Smith, of Seattle, was a bus iness visitor to this city Monday. Miss Hazel Robins is in this city for a few days visiting friends. Dr. van Brakle, osteopath. Mason ic Building, phone Main 399. LIVE STOCK MARKET IS HOLDING STEADY The Portland Stockyards Company reports as follows: Receipts for last week were: Cattle, 1406; Calves, 50; Hogs, 4415; Sheep, 3862; Horses, 46. Beef liquidation has been liberal last week, just a trifle too heavy for trade needs. Steer offerings were mostly half fat stuff which buyers took over at $7.25 to $7.50. Top loads re alized $7.70 and cows and heifers sold well in small lots, but the' market is anything but strong. A good bull trade ruled, while choice veal calves sold at $9.00 to $9.50, cattle market showed a weak tendency and is off a nickel. Despite a five thousand run of hogs the market supported a $9.15 price range all week, and an active session result. Trading was not confined to light swine as smooth and rough heavy varieties cut considerable fig ure. Considering the enormous re ceipts it is remarkable prices did not slump badly but their steadiness indi cates the absorbing ability of Coast pork buyers. The sheep house had a holiday last week, for with the exception of Mon day no business has been transacted. All of Monday's sales were good ones, especially fed Easter mutton and lambs (wool on) sold higher than they will again. One lot of wethers went at $6.75, ewes $5.75, lambs $7.40 which shows the class of stuff on hand.' No spring lambs came forward. Gener ally the mutton markets is steady. Public consumption of beef, pork and mutton will return to normal after Easter and a true line on livestock market can then be obtained. Killers have received large shipments of con tracted cattle and sheep which will tide them over the post-lenten period when demand will be urgent, and it appears from this distance that all markets jvill be more or less steady. The following sales are representa tive. 32 Steers 1190 $7.70 92 Steers ' . 1126 7.65 242 Steers - ' 1031 7.50 65 Steers . 1154 7.25 5 Heifers 900 " 6.75 3 Cows . 1280 7.00 36 Cows 1130 6.75 39 Cows 998 6.35 1 Calf 160 9.50 10 Stags 1035 . 7.00 5 Bulls - 1170 6.00 15 Bulls 1605 5.75 646 Hogs 206 9.15 1122 Hogs 180 9.10 1243 Hogs 190 9.00 222 160 8.95 K 18i T.amho Q1 7 Afi 225 Lambs 71 7.40 32 Wethers 109 6.75 241 Ewes 101 5.75 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. M. J. Denny and wife to O. A. Dole land section 27, township 1 south, range 2 east; $10. Ethel North and C. G. North to William L. Borthwick, land section 14, township 2 south, range 6 east; $2,400. F. D. Shank and wife to Orrin A. House and wife, land section i town ship 2 south, range 3 east; $10. M. C. Waters to Frank P. Keogh, land l.acey D. L. C, sections 16 and 17, township A south, range 4 east; $10. Margaret S. Harvey to Ward B. Lawton, land in A. F. Hedges D. Jj. C, township 3 south, range 1 east; $10. H. A. Kayler to L. C. Hubbard, lot 3, block 1, Kaylen's Addition to Mb lalla; $250. Simon H. Boyer to E. R. Boyer and wife, part Presley Welch D. L. C, township 2 south, range 2 east; $1. A. C. Parsons to Albert W. Parsons land section 18, township 3 south, range 1 east; $10. y head of BOBBY BURNS SOCIETY The Bobbie Burns Society, at a meeting Monday evening, elected the following officers: Chief W. W. McLarty. First Assistant Peter Forbes. Recording Secretary H. D. Ken nedy. Treasurer J. Lowry. Standard Bearer J. McKillican. Inside Doorkeeper J. Ross. Musician Mrs. H. D. Kennedy. Pipe Major K. H. McLarty. Post Chief C. S. Noble. Chaplain Rev. J. R. Landsborough. A short program was rendered. H. D. Kennedy rendered a solo and Mr. McKenje, of Portland, gave a solo and a recitation. William Beard de livered an address and Miss Marie MicLarty rendered a solo. The society plans a meeting that will be of inter est to the school children. . Livestock, Meats. BEEF (Live weight) steers 7 and 8c; cows 6 and 7 c, bulls 4 to 6c MUTTON Sheep 5 to 6 1-2; lambs 6 to 6 l-2c. PORK 9 1-2 and 10c. VEAL, Calves 12c to 13c dressed, according to grade. WEINIES 15c lb: sausage, 15c lo. POULTRY (buying) Hens 12 1-2 to 14c. Stags slow at 10c; old roos ters 7c; broilers 19c. . Fruits APPLES 50c and $1. DRIED FRUITS (Buying), Prunes on basis 6 to 8 cents. - VEGETABLES ONIONS $1.00 sack. POTATOES About 3oe to 40c t. o. b. shipping points," per hundred, with no sales at going quotations. Butter, Eggs. BUTTER (I lying), Ordinary coun try butter 25c and 30c; fancy cream ery 75c to 85c roll. ' EGGS Oregon ranch case ' count 16c; Oregon ranch candled 18c. MOOSE LODGE TO GIVE BIG DANCE SHERIFF WORD TO ADDRESS W. C. T. U. MEETING HTRE TUa State Executive Committee and Civic Committee of the Woman s Christian Temperance Union will hold a two days' meeting at the First Bap tist Church in this city, beginning to day. This evening and Wednesday the meeting will be open to the pub lic Among the speakers to address the meeting will be Tom Word, sher iff of Multnomah County, Mrs. Ada Wallace Unruh, president of the Portland W. C. T.'U. and Edith Hill Booker, a national evangelist. This evening s, program will be devotional services conducted by Mrs. Sleeth. Music by Oregon City W. C. T. U., address by Tom Word, music; ad dress "Women and the . State" Mrs. Hackson Silbaugh, of Seattle. The Loyal Order of Moose has ar ranged for a big ball April 2o Boos ter Day at Busch's Hall. The best orchestra will be obtained. Follow ing are the committees that will have charge: Managing Committee C. S. Noble, Louis Miller and A. A. Price! Decorating Committee Miss McGa huey, Mrs. Noble, Miss Kruger, Mrs. T. B. Davenport, Mrs. T. Silver, George Young, Arthur J. McAnulty, J. E. Downie, T. B. Davenport; Floor Committee Louis Miller, T. E. Da venport, F. McLarty, F. McGahuey, Ralph E. Green, G. Reynolds, John R. Osborne; Reception Committee D. F. Skeene, R. T. Shepherd, W. H. Way, Dr. M. C. Strickland, Dr. Hem sted and Dr. C. H. Meisner; Refresh ment Committee William Kruger, E. T. McFarland and Calvin Price. What Is Caddie? Is It a corruption of the word "cad dy," meaning one who hCda the "tee?"' Or is it the diminutive of cad a small cad? Or is it from "kados," the Doric form of the Greek word "kedos," meaning "one who suffers sorrow-or affliction" one who mourns, one who attends a funeral procession?" Or is it from another Greek word, "kados," which may mean either 'a c-olleoting box",' or "a cask containing liquor?" World of Golf. Boost your city by boosting your daily paper. The Enterprise should be in every home. : Prevailing Oregon City prices are as follows: HIDES (Buying) Green salted, 7c to 8c; sheep pelts 75c to $1.50 each. MOHAIR 32c; wool 18 to 20c. FEED (Selling) Shorts $25; bran $24; process barley $27 to $29 per ton. FLOUR $4.50 to S5. . - HAY (Buying) Clover at $8 and $9; oat hay best $11 and $12; mix ed $9 to $11; valley timothy. $11 to $13; selling alfalfa $13.50 to $17; Ida ho and Eastern "Oregon" timothy sell ing $19.50 to $23. OATS $22.00 to $26.50; wheat 93; oil meal selling $38.00; Shay Brook dairy feed $1.30 per hundred pounds. Whole corn $29.00. ft 15 Four Generations Have Used Fine Tar Honey FOR Cough, Colin, Oris, Astkma, Whoop teg Cough and Sotwmm of the Throat. Chest and Longs Superior Merit accounts tor the treat and increasing demand tor thla old rem edy. Which la as "Good as Brer." No Opiates All Ingredients shown in plain typo on carton. Remember there Is only on genuine Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar Honey. 51.00, 50c and bottles For Sate by JONES DRUG COMPANY, I DEVICE FOR UMPIRES. Invention May Assist In Decisions on Balls and Strikes. If 'resident Kan Johnson of the American' league has his way fans this season won't see any fun at the ex pense of the umpires, and the good old game may go to the bow-wows. The rotund league president, according to advices, is going to investigate the merits of an invention of a Bedford. Mass., man, who claims he has a de vice that will make the umpires infalli ble on balls and strikes. The idea of the invention is patterned after the telescope running the game by ma chinery, as it were. If the newfangled arrangement proves all its owner claims for it the Ameri can league president said he would adopt it for all the league's games this season. 1 More Light at Same Cost The Same Light at Less Cost The famoiASJVIazcla Light will give you lasting satisfaction in every way. It throws a clear, strong, white light, the nearest imitation to sunlight it has been possible to get. As superior to the old carbon light as they were to the candle. of our grandfathers. Note to exceptional prices below. Watt Candle Power e Price, Clear Price' frosted Base 15 12 35c 40c 20 16 35c 40c 25 20 35c 40c 40 32 40c , 45c 60 50 55c 60c 100 80 80c 85c 150 120 $1.25 $1.35 250 200 $1.90 $1.60 Special We carry in stock at Portland prices everything in the electrical line to lighten labor in the household Sappho. Saiph5 was loru in Lesbos about the end of the seventh century B. C. In antiquity the fame of S.ippbo rivaled that of Homer.. She was called "the poetess:" be was called "the poet." She was styled "the tenth muse." "the flower of the graces." "a miracle," "the beautiful." But few fragments of ber works are preserved! and these only incidentally by other writers"; Portland Railway, Light & Power Company Beaver Building Main Street . Completely Equipped $985 F. O B. Factory Self-Starter 30 Horse Power 5-passenger Touring Car 110-inch Wheel Base ' Timken Bearings Center Control Remy Magneto Warner Speedometer Mohair Top and Boot Clear -Vision Wind . Shield Prest-o-lite Tank HIGH PRICED FEATURE No. 3 They have put the very best and most expensive bearings Tim ken and Hyatt into the Overland Model G9 T. They are the same brand as used in $5000 and $6000 cars. The sturdy I-beam section, drop forged Overland front axel is equipped with Timken bearin gs. The Three-quarter Floating rear axel is equipped with Hyatt bearings. The Overland 69 T Motor possesses a fiv bearing crank shaft not a three bearing! An4 the action of the Overland 69 T trans mission is secured by more high-grade and expensive bearings. Quantity production 40,000 cars yearly alone permit these high priced features. A post card will brin a catalogue, which explains the many high-priced features on this moderate-priced car. Please address us. JVIiller-iRarlcer Co. OREGON, CITY, OR. Overland Model 69T y ' DISCOVERY Makes A Sound Stomach The country is filled with half sick, listless people afflicted with debility and stomach trouble. Are you one of them? Do you feel tired all the time with no ambition or energy ? Do you get up in the morn ing after a poor night's sleep feeling worn out as when you went to bed ? Is your circulation poor ? Have you an irregular appetite ? Is your stomach out ; f order most of the time? Are you nervous and depressed in spirits? These are the symptoms of stomach trouble, Cooper's New Discovery is bringing back health to thousands who are thus afflicted. If you are struggling along in this miserable run down condition, trying to do your work when you feel like going to bed, you can get a new lease on life by using " Cooper's New Discovery This medicine acts so quickly that it astonishes those who try it for the first time. From the first dose, the t'rd, despondent feeling begins to disappear, and sound sleep ar.J gcod digestion return in a few days. Then health and ren.ved energy bring back happiness and am bition. Don't drag about half dead any longer. Get this medicine at once. You will be thankful you did so the longest day you live. It it does not do you more good than anything you have ever tried you can have the pur chase price returned by your druggist. Go get a bottle now and begin using it. Jones Dftig Company ONE A D mm RESTORES COLOR 10 GREY THE OR FADED HAIR Simple- -Easy Safe With Hay's Hair Health Why have unsightly grey hair why look prematurely grey and years older than you are why look unattractive and lose your charm and beauty? ' If your hair is grey, faded, streaked lookirg, Hay's Hair Health will change it bring back the natural color, life and lustre quickly, effectively. . No one can tell that , you are using it. You'll be eufprised at the quick results from a few applications, the grey hairs will gradually. disappear, leaving your, hair in its natural, youthful condition, full FOR SALE AND RECOMMEND of life, radiance and beauty. For those who are troubled with Dandruff there is nothing that will re lieve the irritation and itching and cleanse the scalp so quickly and thor-i oughly as Hay's Hair Health.- Dan druff causes the hair to turn grey, be come thin and faded, and gradually to fall out. Get rid of it at once. Druggists will refund your money if you are not satisfied with Hay's Hair Health after a trial. Free: Sign this adv. and take it to the following druggists and get a 50c. bot tle of Hay's Hair Health and a 25c. ' cake of Harfina Soap for 50c.; or $1.00 bottle of Hay's Hair Health and two 25c. cakes of Harfina Soap Free, for " ED BY HUNTLEY BROS. CO. Meritol Rheumatism Powders. manent relief in all cases of Rheuma tism. If you Buff e from Rheumatism Stand as the result of the highest give this wonderful remedy a trial. r medical achievement of modern sci- Jones Drug Company, Exclusive ence. and we guarantee to give per-Agents.