I ' - 7 J SCOOP THE REPORTER gsyxM OUD SCOUT, BoT XM pSZTgg FIRST DAY OF SPWNG-,) jp . aMl eP!!11-00 A SORRY POR YOU-CJlW' llP - ' OLD KD-COAL. JL 2 1? ( M ' OU A -SlS ( THE. LAST DAY YOULL (VH!) GrOES OUT OT- xT P7 V Ji I y ".fe-V Of SPR,H6- HAV THAT .TOR - 5SL" A "Ff I I STfLE. "TiiTiAY ' v'?)N, ' TT. MORNING ENTERPRISE OREGON CITY, OREGON. E. E. Brodie, Editor and Publisher. j . '"Entered as Second-class matter Jan- j uary , 1911, at the post office at Oregon ' City, Oregon, under the Act of March I 3. 1879."' TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. j One Tear, by mail $3.00 i Six Months, by mail 1.50 ; Four Months, by mail 1.00 Per Week, by carrier 10 CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER ! March 21 In American History. Njlti-Death sit Grnvesend. England, of t'oi-n liontsis. " tlie celebrated In dian heroine of the Virginia colony; born 11 limit lf!r ., 18!)0-Genernl George Crook. TJ. S. A.. noted Indian lighter, died; born 1S2S. j1S!H - General Joseph E. Johnston, noted Confederate leader, died; born H),. 1011 -Tlie United States battleship Texas, ot S;nlingo bay fame, was sunk by high explosive projectiles in a test. ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. From noon Onlay to noon tomorrow.! Sun sets liilli, rises 0:02. Evening stars: Mercury. Venus, Saturn. Morn ing stars: Jupiter, Mars. Good Friday. : Tand respect the restraints of consti- FOR PEACE AND ORDER President : tutional provision. ' IN THE AMERICAS Wilson's frank; Here at home it may seem unnec- and explicit declaration of the atti- j essary for the President to declare tude of his administration toward j the other American republics is a I model of- stalwart and sane Ameri-; canism which citizens of the United States and all parties nvust applaud.; It is also timely, for undoubtedly various ambitious persons and turbu lent dispositions in several Latin American states have been looking forward to the change of administra tion at Washington as likely to af ford them an opportunity to grasp power, with bullets instead of ballots. President Wilson serves notice tip- on such persons that there has been j . turto nf thp TTnite:! States toward ililU Will UC 11U UliaiJ;C Hi Llic Our , his oppressor, whichever may best them and their schemes. In a word,' . . . . -. i serve, his turn of the moment. There Mr. Wilson makes the Latin-Ameri-1 . . , . , . , i fore, the contrary truth is one which can policy of his predecessor his, . , 1 ' H ! must be continually reiterated. own. !,-' President Wilson declares that one of his "chief object" is to "cultivate : the friendship and deserve the confl- j dence of our sister republics," and to ; promote in every proper way the common interests of all the Ameri cans by cooperation between their : peoples and leaders, and truly says: .1 "Cooperation is possible only when ; uii v , ly processes 01 jusi guvm iiuieui uus- ed upon law, not upon arbitrary or irregular force. no freedom without order based upon ; Stock Exchange Is Not a Place For Safe Investments t By CHARLES G. DAWES, Banker, of Chicago K-4-t-M-M-I-M-M-I-1 I I I i HE STOCK EXCHANGE IS NOT A PLACE FOR SAFE INVEST . MFNTS. Tlie man who patronizes stockbrokers is buying goods from a public show window managed by SELLERS WHO HIT)E LN.THE DARK. He does not know the' conditions which surround the investment be is asked to make. . ' Take tl stock of railroads for vhich manipulators desire a sale at a high price. They arrange with other large holders of stock jo form a pool. Now, that is. not a pool of money to. buy sorriething. But it is at first a pool to keep something from being sold. Why? Be cause they have got to do a little buying themselves "to , KEEP THE PTOJrfcf INTERESTED. - They have got something to sell, but in order to get you interested in the uptrend of the stock they buy a little at first. Then come what are known as the "wash sales." One firm of brokers will bid the stock -np and down by prearranged . transactions with other brokers. UNDER . THESE CONDITIONS WHAT CHANCE HAS THE ORDI NARY MAN WHEN HE CAfl HAVE NO CONFIDENCE IN THE RE LIABILITY OR FAIRNESS OF THE CONDITIONS WHICH UNDERLIE STOCK EXCHANGE PRICES? YOU CANNOT. BEAT THE GAME. If you have money to invest on which you wish to bring good in terest the safest and best way is to INVEST IT WITH SOME SUCCESSFUL MAN YOU' KNOW PERSONALLY and 'invest it in the business in which that man is successful. City Property 9-room plastered 2-story house bath and toilet up stairs. Toil et down stairs. 2 large halls. 5 lots, each 50x100, partly set to fruit. $2750.00, $1500.00 cash, bal ance on long time. Dillman&Howland Opposite Court House law." Unsuccessful politicians who appeal from the ballot to the . bullet ' and seek to make the rifle the court of last resort are plainly warned that such methods will find neither sym pathy nor support at Washington. As President Wilson says again: "We can have, no sympathy with those who seek to seize the power of government to advance their per sonal interest or ambition. We are the friends of peace, but we know there can be no lasting or stable peace in such circumstances. As friends, therefore, we shall prefer those who act in the interest of peace and order, who protect private rights that "the United States has nothing to seek in Central and South Amer ica except the lasting interests of their peoples, the security of govern ments intended for the people and for no special group, and the develop ment of personal and trade relation-, ships which shall redound to the profit and advantage of both and in terfere with the rights and liberties of neither." Yet it is ' well that President Wil s6n says it thus plainly and clearly. The most incessant falsehood of the Latm.American revolutionist is that . T . r,,.. : n tne univea states is nis partisan or, . . . - Unclaimed Letters. The following is a list of unclaim ed letters at the Oregon City postof fice for the week ending March 21, 1913: . ; ';' ... Women's List Durkey, Mrs. C; Foster, Mrs. H. J.; Jones, Miss L.; Mitchell, Clara; Moore, Ina;; Peel, Mrs J T?nes Mpn W7 Y7iT'lan TVtTa ' ' '' ' - Men's List -Angus, Geo.; " George Boehmer Musie-Cp. 2) ; Frost, C. J. Levers, D. O.; Neal, T. A. (3) ; Mc- There can" be r Lam- Meorge; Martin, Frank; Rob re can i inson, iLouis; Royal, L. L.; Shepard, D. " ; ' ... I M H-I-I-l-I -I I I I I-M"! 'I M -I-H-I-l4 MORNING ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1913. Life Is One MSi HUM 'NAMED HEAD Of LADIES' AID The Ladies' Aid Society of the Presbyterian Church met Wednes day afternoon in the church parlors there being more than 38 members present. Each member had the priv ilege of bringing one guest to the meeting. The afternoon was spent at quilting and sewing. The annual elec tion of officers resulted as follows: President, Mrs. N. McGinn; vice-president, Mrs. E. L. Shaw; second vice: president, Mrs. L. A. Pace; treasurer, Mfrs. C. Sehuebel; secretary, Mrs. McDonald. Refreshments were served by the ladies whose names begin with E, they being Mrs. O. D. Eby, Mrs. O. B. Edwards, Mrs. George Eberly, Mrs. D. C. Ely, Mrs. Charles Ely and Mrs. George Ely. $19,000 WARRANTS OF CITY TO BE PAID The money for $19,000 bonds was received Thursday by City' Treasurer M. D: Latourette from Morris Bros., of Portland. The bonds will be used in paying off the present city war rants on Water Street,' Monroe Street, Fourteenth Street, Washington'Street and sewer district No. nine. The bonds carry $130 premium and $60.70 accrued interest. The city will not on ly be benefitted by a lower rate of interest on these bonds, but It will be much simpler to carry the large hond issues than it is at the present time, of having several hundred, city warrants. A Korslizing Burglar..' ' ; Fpuii co!itineit:il lOurope comes the story of a burglar, who left the 'follow ing note pinned U the pillow in a man sion he had ransacked: "In the.Hible it says. 'Lead us not . into teuiptatiiu.' You and your show of wealth tempted me. and 1 fell, though an honest wofk ingiuan Therefore you are the sin ner, not I. Repent before it is too late ' " -. Wants, For Sale, Etc NoJ.ices under these classified headings. will.De inserted at one cent a .word.' first insertion, half a cent additional - inser tions. One inch card, $2. per month; half inch card, (14 lines), $1 per-month. -' . Cash nsust accompany order unless' one has an open account with the-paper. No financial responsibility, for errors; where errors occur free corrected notice will be printed for patron. Minimum charge 15o. WANTED Work -on farm or in prfc vate family for. chores. Apply toF. -''H.,. care Enterprise. . '-. DRESSMAKING Mrs. Fank Hill, 19 Beaver Building, Phone Main 403. FOR RENT DESIRABLE ROOM for rent. 9x14 newly furnished. Bath, Toilet -and Fhonev $8.00 per , montX"--Main Street.. Phone '.-Mala 261T..1 -' " . , FOR SALE . . v ; COAL v- . COAL The. famomV. (King) coal from Utah, 'free delivery. Telephone your or der to A 56 or Main 14, Oregon City Ice Works, 12th and Main Streets. FOR SALE The New American En cyclopedic Dictionary, and Compre hensive Encyclopedia. 10 large vol umes, a bargain. " OTIS RAY DAUGHERTY, Route No. 1, Molalla, Or. FOR SALE Two grey 4year-old brood mares, well matched. Inquire James Petty, Oregon City, Oregon. FOR SALE 8 lots, 8-room house fur nished, barn, chicken. t house, ; tool house, several springs on place, 4 blocks from "school and car line: Price $2,000, owner M.' D. Telford, Oregon City, Oregon, Canemah. Eggs for Hatching. v White Leghorn, $1.50; Barred Rocks, $1.0" per .15; Indian Runnsr, $1.00 pet eleven. The kind that . lay. Corespondence solicited. . , LAZELLE DAIRY CO., . r , - ' Oregon City, Oregon. EARLY MONTANA POTATOES If you want to raise good clean po tatoes, plant -new seed. " The Early Montana is the coming Potato as a money maker; for seed inquire of J. R. Livesay, R No. 6, Oregon City? .. Shadeland Challenge White Seed Oats. FOR SALE Shadeland Challenge White Seeds Oats, B. C. Fouts, Clear Creek, one mile from Logan on Clear Creek Road. WILL TRADE almost new piano for cow (Jersey preferred) and some cash. -For particulars address F. W. Prudhomme, box 373, Gladstone, Or. Dawgone Thing The 100,000,000 M'Lean Baby And His Little Negro Valet mm lit-' f ' Vis. mm 41 t'2 - '' - I Photo by- American Press Association. K course you have heard about negro playmate, now his valet.'' Of your opinion about this idea or Edward V. McLean of Washington. "1 don't want my son to grow up a snob." was the way Mr. McLean explained why he provided a little ner" child for his son's companion.. This picture of the two children, one whit "and the, hej,- to milliousv and the "other black and penniless, was taken on the exclusive boardwalk at 1'iilm Beach. Kla.. where the'' McLewns are spending the winter From all accounts the tot's became the best of chums. How will .the plan, work V 'As Sir. Itogerde CoverTby remarked, "There's much to be said u both sidp3,-of the "oiiestioh." '. - REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. Why -payment when you can buj a lot in Gladstones for $1.00- down and $1.00 a- week. See - C- A. .Elliott, . - 6th Svreet Bear Main. - ' . , '" '-.. THE SPJRELLA' CORSET The" best made, to measure, corset, ub- equaled for-- Style and comfort,, an official' guaranteewito eachv corset Mvill be pleased to" call and take - your measure. Mrs.. Aflalyn-' Davis, ' Corsetlere, ' Phone4 '3552 Room : 4 Willamette Bldg.: - .- ' : - FOR TRADE WILL TRADE one binder for; cow, horse or1 buggy .' Inquire this office. WAN T"D L IVES TOW WANTED C6ws fresh- or corning fresh .r-ppn.:' W;. C.? BerrethJ14Sfti .Macadam" Street.' Portland; rOreron- WOOD AND GOAL OREGON CfTf WOOD AND FUEL CO, F. M. Blunm. Wood and coal delivered to all parts ofHhe city 8 A WIN" A SPECIALTY. PUonr your orfle-s. Pacific 1371, Home HOMESTEAD CLAIMS. We, do homestead locating ani have six good . homestead locations in Crook County, Oregon. Good farm land, some relinquishments. In quire at U'Ren & Schuffbel's office, - City. . V : NOTICES Notice of . Application for-Liquor Li cense. ...;' , . Notice is hereby given that I will at the next'regular .meeting of the City Council apply for a license to sell liquor at my place of business 417 Main' Street for a period of three months. - . . E. A. BRADY. NtrticeJ.- of1 Application for Liquor ' ' . "?.t- License. Notice is hereby given that we will at the next regular meeting of the City Council apply for, a license to sell liquor at our place of business 4th & Main Streets for a period of . three - months. - HUNSAKER & TAYLOR. Notice of Application - for Liquor License Notice is hereby given, that I will at the next regular meeting of the City Council apply for a license to sell liquor at my place of business 520 Main. Street for a period of three months." FRANK UDERMAN. Notice of Application for Pool Hall - ' - License Notice is hereby given, that I will at After Another ). ;S':- :Wi?:':: V" i ' ' ' V- -- A. f mm "the y(H),MMMXK baby' and ins little ' Equally, of course, you have formed the little heir s parents. Mr. aim Airs the next regular meeting of t'ae City Council apply for a license to run-. and regulate a pool room at my place. 6f business i Mountain View for a period of three months. : ''-.".'.?"-' F. f CURRAN. -j' Ordinance No. An Ordinance appropriating $1000.00 "' out of the 'General Fund for the jiui-pose of carrying out the recom ." mendations ,. of Engineer Dieck re t: specting the - investigation of la water supply Wa. the Mount Pleas-"-ant country and also investigate '- the water supply near Canby. . Oregon City does cidain as fol--lows: . ' . - . Section J. There is hereby aj- propriated out of the General Fund of Oregon City $1000.00 or so much thereof as may be necessary for the purpose of carrying out the - recommendations of Engineer Dieck . respecting the investigation of a water-supply in the Mount Pleas ant -'country and also investigate . the water supply near Canby. Section 2. Whereas the health and safety of the people of Oregon City requires a . supply of pure . water, this Ordinance ; shall take - effect and be.'in force immediately ' 'upon its approval by the M'ayor. Ufe2. PLEASE" THERE'S NO OTHER QUITE SO COOD - SO DELIGHTFUL, 'SO RE- FINED TO USE AS HE BATH POWDER You'll never be without it after you have once tried it anJ appreciated its wonuer ful, invigorating- refreshing and cooling qualities. ' Send 5c for trial size- 25c and 50c at Druggists or Philo Hay Specialties Co., Newark, IS. U. S. A. FOR SALE AND RECOMMENDED BY HUNTLEY s BROTHERS CO. , . SMCfi ' -Z" f A m .i I ' -1 BE (C) 13 - .IHTU-SYMO Aa.t02o"biles for1 Fiire PHONES: Read first time and ordered pub lished at. a special meeting of the City Council held on the 19th day cf March, 1913, L. STIPP, Recorder. In Bankruptcy. In the District Court of the United States, for the District of Oregon. In the matter of M. Barde and J. Lej'itt, partners as Barde & Levitt, and M. Barde and J. Levitt as in dividuals, Bankrupt. To the creditors of M. Barde and J. Levitt as partners and as indi viduals of Oregon City, in the Coun ty of Clackamas and district afore said a bankrupt. Notice is hereby given that on the 7th day of March, 1913, the said M. Barde and J. Levitt partners as Barde & Levitt, and M. Barde and J. Levitt as individuals were duly adjudged bankrupt; and that the first meeting of their creditors will be held at Court House in Oregon City, Oregon, on the First day of April,- 1913, at one o'clock in the afternoon, at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt and transact such other business as may properly co'me before said meeting. B. N. HICKS; Referee in Bankruptcy. Summons.- In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Delia Ross, Plaintiff, vs. Allen G. Ross, Defendant; To Allen G. Ross, Defendant: In the name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint fil ed against you in the above entit led suit on or before the 28th day of April 1913, and if you fall to ap pear and answer said complaint on or before said date which is six weeks from the 'date of the irst .publication of this summons, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said com plaint, to-wit: for a decree of di vorce on the grounds of desertion. This summons is served upon you by publication once a week for six consecutive weeks in the . Morning 'Enterprise, by order of the Honorabl R. B. Bea.tie, County Judge in the absence of J. U, Camp bell, judge of sthe aboie. entitled court made and entered in said suit on ,the 13th day of March 1913. Date of , first publication March 14th, 1913.. - : -.;; ' V Date of. last-, publication April ' 18th, 1913. '- r ' - JAY H. UPTON, . Attorney for Plaintiff. Summons. In the Circuit Court cf the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas, Dept. No. . j Melvina Matney, Plaintiff, . vs. .' ' James" Matney, Defendant. To James Matney, Defendant. In the name of the State of Ore gon: You are hereby required to "appear and answer the complaint - filed against you in the above en titled action on or" before the 26th, day of April, 1913, and if you fail ,to answer, for want thereof the - plaintiff will take a decree annull ing, setting aside and holding for WE REPAIR ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING MILLER-PARKER COMPANY Next Door to Bank of Oregon City THE FIRST STEP To a successful career is the establishing of a sound, . safe bank connection. This bank will welcome you as followers ' in the footsteps of the many successful men who began their career by opening an account with it. THE BANK OF " OLDEST BANK IN D. C. LATOURETTE, President. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OREGON CITY, OREGON ' ' CAPITAL $50,000.00 Transact a General Banking Business. Open from D A. M. to ? p M By X SHOULD WORRY AriD GET (K vsRMKLfc CL. START CRlVUMG- AM - BACTO -FAD. MAIN 77; A 193 FarScer Co. naught the marriage relation now existing between you and the de fendant and giving the care and custody of their minor child Mann la Matney to the plaintiff. Service of this summons is made upon you by publication in pursu ance of an Order of the Honorable R. B. Beatie, County Judge of Clack amas County, Oregon, the Circuit Judge being absent from said coun ty and state, said Order was made on the 13th day. of March, 1913, di recting such publication in the Morning Enterprise, once a week for six consecutive weeks, the First publication being on the 14th day of March, 1913, and the last being on the 25th day of April, 1913. ' . HICKS & BROWNELL, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Notice is hereby given that -the part nership heretofore existing between Earl Alphin and George Wilson, under the firm name of Alphin &. Wilson, was dissolved in December, 1912, and said George Wilson has no authority, over my sub-contract with the Oregon Egineering & Con struction Co. EARL ALPHIN. - Notice of Application for Liquor Li .cense. Notice is hereby given, that we will at the next regular meeting of the City Coun'cil apply for a. license to sell liquor at "our placet of business, "Hub Saloon" 523 Main Street for a. period of three months. ZAK BROS. Notice for Bids. Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals for the furnishing of all labor and 'material for improving Thirteenth Street, Oregon City, Oregon, from, the West, side of Jack son Street to the East side of Mon roe. Street, will be received by the Recorder of Oregon City, until 4 o'clock P. M. of Wednesday, March 26tli, 1913. Plans and specifica tions containing further informa tion and the kind of improvement to be made will be furnished upon" application to the said City Record er. . " Each bid must be ac'companied i.f A n.;finj i 1- 1 4- a utiuueu ciJteun. cijuai lu live - per cent of the total amount of the bid, which, sum will be subject to L' forfeifjtts to Oregon City in case Of the failure of the successful bidder '"to enter i into a yritten contract . witn ussgon city ana to iurnisn the required bonds for said work, if called upon so to do, within the" time specified for same. Proposals must be made upon blanks furnished by Oregon City. The right to reject any and all bids is hereby reserved to Oregon ; City or to accept the bid consider . ed most favorable. Each proposal must state the time kt-i tirn tit nt 17 jit coin c rronr w ri n n , improvement must, be done accord ing to the Ordinances of Oregon City and the Charter thereof and . the plans and specifications govern ing such work. ' " . ; ' ' This notice is published pursn-v ant to au oruer oi me yiiy vuuu cil of Oregon City made and enter ed at a special meeting thereof heli on the 12th day of March, 1913. L. STIPP, Recorder. , OREGON CITY CLACKAMAS COUNTY F. J. MEYER, Cashier.