Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, March 20, 1913, Page 4, Image 4

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This is Rcxall week all over the United States and England, and five thousand Rexall stores
are featuring this incomparable line of remedies. This will probably be your last opportunity
to secure extra, votes with any purchase of any one of this celebrated guaranteed line of
preparations. Send or call for the "Blue Line to Health ' which gives a list of the com
plete line. 'Tis Free.
Two Hundred Yotes With Every 25 Cents Purchase Al
HUNTLEY BROS. CO., The RexaU Store
V. HARRIS, Quality Grocer; STAR THEATRE, Up-to-date Vaudeville, First Run Pictures; MORNING ENTERPRISE, Your Home Daily
Suggestive in Questions
Sunday School Lessons
(41 ) A pastor In a leading Pres
byterian Church in writing to the
author of the Suggestive Questions
on the Sunday School lesson says:
lou are a stranger to me dui i
have to say I admire your Suggestive
Questions, as published in the Morn
ing Enterprise very much. They
will greatly increase interest in
Bible study. Calling the atteneion
of the first teacher I met to them I
found she had used them and intended
calling the attention of her class to
them a class of high school girls."
This is the way all students of these
Questions feel concerning them.
office. Don't forget to state what ben
efit these "Suggestive Questions" are
to you. Give your full name and ad
dress. Send your letters to the Ques
tion Editor of the Morning Enterprise.
Your Questions
: Answered :
If you would like to have answered
any particular question each or any
week from "The Suggestive Questions
on the Sunday School Lesson" by Rev.
Dr. Lijscott, send in your request to
this office giving the date of the les
son and the number of the question
you wish answered. You may select
any question except the one indicated
that it may be answered in writing
by jiembers of the club. Dr. Linscott
will answer the questions either In
these columns or by mail through this
Questions for March 23i
(Copyright, 1911, by Rev. T. S. Lin
scott, D. D.)
Isaac and Rebekah. Gen. xxiv.
Golden Text In all thy ways ac
knowledge him and he will direct thy
paths. Prov. iii:6.
(1) Verse 1 Should a good old man
be s bright in his mind and as glad
in his heart, as when he was younger?
(2) Verses 2-9 What would you
say in value of a faithful workman or
foreman or an absolutely trustworthy
confidential secretary to an employer?
(3) "What, if any, value is an oath
over a straight promise to bind the
conscience of an intelligent man?
(4) Isaac was thirty-six years old
when Abraham, his father, sent his
servant to seek him a wife. Would
you say tl:at every man should marry
and if so, at what age?
(o) If a son is not interested to
get a wile, ought his parents put a
pressure on him to do so?
(6) What importance should be
Four generations
Have Used
Tar Honey
Oougfca, Cold, Oris, Asthma, Whoop
tig Cough and Boranen of tb Throat,
CUst and Lnaga
Superior Merit accounts tor the great
and increasing demand for this old rem
edy . Which la aa "Good as Ever."
o Opiates
AH ingredients shown In plain type
on carton. Remember there Is only one
gen nine Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar Honey.
$1.00 50c and 25o
attached to nationality, family and re
ligion, as compared with personality
in choosing a wife or accepting a
(7) How much does God do in the
selection of tiie wife of a truly good
(8) Would you say or not, ana wny,
that all true marriages are made in
heaven? J
(9) Verses 10-20 If an industrious
man in an honorable calling constant
ly seeks help from God, may he with
safety quiet his heart from all anx
iety and be assured of success? Why?
(10) How much consideration
ought a woman, when her hand is
sought in marrjage, give to her suit
or's wordly possessions?
(11) If two salesmen, both Chris
tiansen of equal ability, start out to
sell goods, and one prays for success
with every prospect, while the other
does not, what would be the difference
if any, in their degree of success?
(12) Whether a man is rich or
poor, which woman would make him
the better wife, other things being
equal, one who knows how to work,
or one who has been raised in luxury
without work? Why? -
(13) Verses 21-28 What is the
difference in the restful assurance
produced by faith and that which
comes from faith being actually real
ized through fact?
(14) Verses 29-42 Who was La
ban and what part does he play ir
Bible history? -
(15) Why is it that presents form
such an important part in courtship
and marriage V
(16) Why is it unwise in these
days for cousins to marry?
Verses 43-49 Of two young wo
men, the one frank, cheerful, commun
icative ana obliging; the other timid,
reserved and self contained, which is
the one more likely to get a good hus
band? (This is one of the question"
which may be answered in writing by
members of the club.)
(18) Verses 50-53 Why would you
say or not that all the goods things
which we get come from the Lord?
(19) What effect does a devout re
cognition of God's benefits have upon
our generosity?
(20) Verses 54-61 What can you
say in favor of the man who is in a
hurry to get home as soon he has
finished his business.
(21) Verses 62-67 When you
know a man meditates in the fields
at nights how would you estimate
his general character?
(22) What great historic signifi
cance is there in the marriage of
Isaac and Rebekah?
Lesson for Sunday, March 30, 1913.
Review The God of Our Fathers.
Stops Dandruff and Restores Gray or
j Faded Hair to its Natural Color
Meritol Rheumatism Powders.
Stand as the result of the highest
medical achievement of modern sci
ence, and we guarantee to give per
manent relief in all cases of Rheuma
tism. If you suffer from Rheumatism
give this wonderful remedy a triaL
. Jones Drug Company, Exclusive
Mothers who valne their own comfort and the
welfare of theirchildren, should never be without a
box of Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children,
for use throughout the season. They Break np
Colds, Believe Feverishness, Constipation, Teething
Disorders, Headache and Stomach Troubles. Used by
Mothers for 22 years. THESE POWDERS KEVER
FAIL. Sold by all Drugstores, sc. Dot. t accept
any tubatitutt.' Sample mailed RREB. Address,
Allen S. Olmsted, Le Soy, H. Y.
A small classified ad will rent that
vacant room. -
Why Wear Yourself Out Fixing Up
Old Switches, When You Can Have'
A Beautiful Head of Hair All
Your Ovn.
Swissco grows all the hair you
want. Changes gray or faded hair
to a youthful color without dyeing
or staining. Stops- dandruff and all
hair and scalp troubles.
Send 10c in silver or stamps to
pay for postage, etc., to Swissco Hair
Remedy Co., 5311 P. O. Square, Cin
cinnati, O. and get a large free trial
Swissco is on sale everywhere by
druggists and drug departments at
50c and $1.00 a bottle.
Mht a
Pat's Remsdy.
Irish wit is a well head that has nev
er been kuowu to run dry. Pat Ma
guire hitd been misbehaving and ap
peared before bis commanding officer
chiirged for the third time with drunk
enness. Pat stated his 6ide of the case with
all the eloquence at bis command, but
the colonel was unmoved.
"Eight days In the guardhouse." he
said rternly.
But in writing the "8" on Pat's de
faulter sheet the pen spluttered. Pat
noticed this and leaned forward.
"Thry if 'twill make a '3' anny aisier,
sorr." he suggested lu a persuasive
Miss RRachel Spencer who has
been on the sick list is improving.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Mitts and son,
Erman, of Albany, visited the former
parents the latter part of the week
returning home Friday.
L. L. Lantz and son, Cecil, went to
Canhy Saturday.
The sale at Mrs. B. F. Smith's Fri
day was a great sucesss. Everything
sold high. About a hundred . teams
were present.
Carl Casedy who has been working
for J. E. Mitts returned to his home
at Carcus Monday. - '
The Same Light at Less Cost
The famous Mazda Light will give you lasting
satisfaction in every way. It throws a clear, strong,
white light, the nearest imitation to sunlight it has
been possible to get. As superior to the old carbon
light as they were to the candle of our grandfathers.
Note to exceptional prices below.
Watt Candle Power Price, Clear Price' frosted
15 12 35c 40c
20 16 35c 40c
25 20 35c 40c
40 32 40c 45c
60 ' 50 55c 60c
100 80 80c 85c
150 120 $1.25 $1.35
250 200 $1.90 $1.60 Special
We carry in stock at Portland prices everything
in the electrical line to Hqhlen labor in the household
Portland Railway, Light & Power Company
Beaver Building, Main Street
Austin Taylor made a business trip
to Canby Saturday.
"J. E. Mitts and son, Lewis, are work
ing on the telephone lines' in the
Cconce neighborhood and through to
Many people were taken by sur
prise when they heard Wednesday,
mg at the home of Mrs. H. Jackson's.
A very enjoyable time was had by
all present. The next meeting will
that Miss Kate Spagle was married, be March 22nd at the home of Mrs.
The Ladies club held its last meet- Eugene Mitts.