Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, March 20, 1913, Page 3, Image 3

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Getting Even.
"I a ui going to
get three teeth
pulled this after
noon.' "Toothache?"
"Then why the
"Dentist owes
me a bill, and I
can't get It out of
him any other
Maud Isn't 5 and 30 too old to
hope for any improvement? I should
say not. One just begins to live.
Take Hollister's Rocky Mountain
Tea; you will be blooming fair at
GO. 35c, Tea or Tablets. Jones Drug
M!iss Hazel Francis has resigned
her position at the Duane Ely store
on Seventh Street. - Miss Francis,
who resigned on acount of illness,
has been employed by Mr. Ely for
five years.
Makes the stomach and bowels
healthy and regulates the little one's,
brings them healthful and natural
sleep. Hollister's Rocky Mountain
Tea is the best family remedy. 35 c.
. Jones Drug Co.
F. A. Dry den, western representa
eive of the Remington Arms-Union
Metallic Cartridge Company, was in
this city Tuesday in company with
P. J. Halahan, representative of Du
pont Powder Company.
Roy Alphin, formerly of the firm of
Alphin & Wilson, Oregon City con
tractors, was in this city Wednesday.
He is now proprietor of the Milwau
kie Tavern.
W. A. Harris, of Portland, was in
this city Wednesday attending to
business. He is of the John Wood
Iron Workers Firm.
Saturday Club Easter Market Sat
urday, March 22, in lecture room of
Congregational Church, 1 o'clock.
Candy, cookies, Easter eggs, cakes,
pies for sale.
Born, to the wife of Ellard Bailey,
at their residence on Ninth Street,
a ten-pound toy. Both mother and
child are doins well.
Mrs. O. Smith, of Canemah, is con
fined to her home with the measles.
She has been employed by the Pa
cific Telephone Company.
The Hub Grocery has Hunt Bros.
Canned Fruits. They are. -fine, and
cost no more than ordinary kinds,
25 cents a can. .
Miss Dorothy Gay, the small daugh
ter of Mrs. and Mrs. R. A. Gay, is
confined to her home with an attack
of scarlet fever.
S. R. Brand and wife, of Cottage
Grove, was in this city Wednesday,
while Mr. Brand was attending to
Mrs. Walter Tooze has returned to
her home in Salem after attending
th Tooze-Cooper wedding in this
Hat Cross Buns for Good. Friday,
15 cents per dozen, at The Hub Gro
A. M. Kirchem, a prominent farmer
of Logan, was in Oregon City Tues- and Wednesday attending to bus
iness. Miss Amelia Beckwith, of Port
land, has returned to her home in
that city after visiting relatives here.
John Y. Humphry, a prominent
citizen of Sandy, was in this city
Tuesday attending to business.',
B. Wally, of Canby, and S. S. Wal
ly, of Portland, were in this city
Wednesday attending to business.
Louis King, of Milwaukie, was a
business visitor to Oregon City the
first part of the week.
Bet us have your order for Hot
Cross Buns for Good Friday, 15 cents
per dozca, Hub Grocery.
B. P. Phillips, of Seattle, is in this
city for a few days and is registered
at the Electric Hotel.
Mlrs. J. W. Thornton has returned
to her home in Wilsonville after a
visit in this city.
M. f . McCown, ot Molalla, was an
Oregon City visitor the first part of
the week.
N. P. Gleason, of Moro, Or., was in
this city Monday and Tuesday at
tending to business.
B. C. Ellsworth, of Portland, was
in this city AVednesday transacting
George Gregory, of Molalla, was in
' this city Wednesday attending to bus
iness. J. Fenton, of Chicago, is in this
city and is registered at the Electric
J. B. Dodge, of Mulino, was in this
city Tuesday attending to busi
ness. C. F. Zinzer, a prominent citizen
of Lentz, was in this city Wednesday
attending to business.
C. P. U'Ren, of Wasco County, is
Visiting his brother, W. S. TJ'Ren.
Fine Line of Pianos at Electric Ho
tel Building.
Dr. van Brakle, Osteopath, Mason
ic Building, Phone Main 399.
Do not give the little baby cough
syrup designed for older people. The
tender organism requires something
specially designed for it.
The ver7 best remedy, we believe,
"is Rexall Baby Cough Syrup. There
is nothing in it that can harm .the
most delicate infant, although it is
most efficient in the treatment of
coughs, hoarseness, whooping cough,
and similar diseases of the air pas
sages. It is so pleasant to take and so
pleasant in results that we . know,
once you use it for baby, you will be
grateful to us for having recommend
ed it to you. We promise that if you
do not find it exactly what we have
claimed for it, and if it does not re
lieve baby's cough and cold, the
money you paid for it will be refund
ed immediately upon your telling us.
Price, 25 cents. Sold in this com
munity only at our store The Rex
all Store Huntley Bros. Co. -
Boost your city by boosting your
"aily paper. The Enterprise should
he In every home.
NEW ORLEANS, March 19. Charg
ed .with defrauding banks In this
country and Europe of approximate
ly a million dollars, Antonio Musjca,
of New York, and his three" sons,
George, Arthur and Phillip, were "ar
rested today on the Steamer Heredia.
Two daughters of the elder Musica,
Louise and Grace, also were detain
ed. The party was taken into cus
tody just before the departure of the
Heredia for Colon.
When searched at police, headquar
ters $50,000 was taken from Arthur
Musica and about $10,000 more from
other members of the party.
The Musicans carried with them
nine pieces of baggage, which the po
lice hauled to headquarters. It is
believed that much more money and
valuable papers will be' recovered
when their trunks are opened.
The party will be taken back to
New York at once.
. Extensive plans are being made
for the big Commercial Club dance
which will be given in Busch's Hall
on the evening of Khrch 25. The
-committee in charge of "the entertain
ment has announced that the even
ing will be full of surprises for the
guests. At 8:30 dancing will begin
for all persons who are in costume.
The following prizes will be given
to those who are masqued. $10 to
the best original couple in costume,
$5 to the best original lady's cos
tume and $5 to the best original
men's costume. Many people are
having beautiful 'costumes made and
the affair is destined to be a great
success. At 10 o'clock the floor will
be thrown open to those who are not
masqued and dancing will be partic
ipated in by all. Fox's six-piece or
chestra will furnish the music. Cap
tain Charles W. Evans will have
charge of the refreshments. Mem
bers of the club have also promised
several L.iecial features in the way
of comic teams.
Especial attentien will be paid to
the care of both ladies' and gentle
mens' cloaks. No persons will be ad
mitted without cards of admittance
or without being identified.
The Commercial Club committee
at its meeting Tuesday arranged for
prizes for the maskers as follows:
Best original character team or cou
ple, $10: best original character wo
man, $5; best original character
man, $5.
The maskers will have full sway
until 10 P. M., when the Grand March
will take plp.ce.
Many hundreds are expected. Ov
er hoO invitations have already been
sent out and more are in demand.
Everything points to the greatest
event in the history of the Club,
Tuesday, March 25, 1913.
Men Forfeit Bonds.
Joseph Blair, arrested on a charge
of being intoxicated, forfeited his
bail of $5. Joseph Hennesey, arrest
ed on the same charge, forfeited his
bond of $10. Both men were arrest
ed by Policeman Cooke .
NEY YORK, March 19. After "buy
ing" the Brooklyn Bridge for $500
and paying $100 for a contracts to
shave 13,000 policemen every morn
ing, Karl Hoopes, a Holland barber,
is on his way back to The Hague.
Hoopes came here with several
thousand to "blow" on investment.)
that would realize enormous mart
gins. The first individual he confid
ed in was a manufacturer of gilded
cobbles. Hoopes "fell" readily for
the information that the stranger
owned the Brooklyn Bridge, but was
soured on it because it didn't realize
$5000 a day. He readily accepted
$500 for the big structure.
Seeing Hoopes was "easy" the
knight of the ochre bricks then sold
him the barbering contract. He was
just pawning the Flat Iron Building
to Hoopes when the Dutchman smell
ed a rat. The "con" man escaped
with all the coin.
Perfume 1 ippiers.
'"Then- iiiv srores of women in Lon
don wlin (i riii I; riiu lie cologne." says a
dmlor. '"Severn! society women are
known t iniike large purchases of
this perfume. ;unl the sellers never for
a moment iuuigiue that their fashion
able customers buy it for drinking in
stead of perfuming purposes. It is pos
sible to become quite intoxicated by
tukiug e:iu le ologue. This scent is
really alcohol, and many women drink
it neat.
"Essence of lavender is also drunk
by women of England, and it has much
the same effect upon the system ns
eun de column, ruining the lining of
the stomach :iud undermining the
health." - London Answers.
National Gardens
There are two gimiens of England
unmely. Kent and Worcestershire. That
of Ireland Is usually said to be Car
low, in Leinster. Italy and Belgium
are both called t lie garden of Europe,
while th;it of France is Amboise. in the
department or ludre-et-Lolre. The gar
den of It.'ily is Sii-ily and of Spain An
dalusia. In the east Ceylon and Bur
ma luive both received the title, and
the disfrh-t of India so honored is
Otide Glamorganshire Is often spoken
of as the garden of South Wales. To
the region vv?st of our noble Missis-
siiuii the title "Burden of the world'
has been given, and not without Jus
tice. Exchu nge.
Kid Gloves.
The. modern kid glove goes through
the hands of 235 workmen before it is
Mlrs. Alspaugh and Ella Lockeby
were the guests of Mrs. J. W. Dowty
Mrs. H. Barton called on Mrs. John
Githens Saturday afternoon.
John Githens pas all kinds of mu
sic at his house now as they have
purchased a piano and sewing ma
chine. A number of young people from
here attended the dance at Eagle
Creek Saturday night. Another dance
will be given there April 5 by Sandy.
William Githens, of Canby, has
been spending a few days here visit
ing his parents and friends.
Myrtle Butler attended the enter
tainment given at Garfield Friday
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ely spent Sat
urday evening at the home of John
Githens. -
Fifty new buildings, for 1913 will be
no mean pace for growing Molalla.
Gravel is being hauled for the con
crete work of the Molalla State Bank
No new cases of scarlet fever have
developed in the Echerd family.
With two railroads coming to town
this year, and two more dentists to
locate here, there will be no urgent
need of going abroad for dentist
treatment unless you just want to
ride on the new railroad any way.
C. W. Herman has secured a saw
mill to be moved on to his ranch this
summer. Ties will be cut for the P.
E. & E. railroad and hauled to Mo
lalla, a distance of 5 miles, this will j
be the nearest sawmill to town.
Herman and Phelps are making land
plaster sowers for themselves.
Have you seen Molalla s newspaper
yet? And are you going to be one of
its 500 subscribers for 1913? The
"Molalla Pioneer" would make you
glad every week.
Our special road improvement has
received a set back which means
more mud plodding next winter.
W. W. Everhart has a new hog
house just completed.
J. R. Cole, has received a fine hog
from Illinois, the freight being ,30
cents per pound. -
H. S. Gibson made a brief business
visit to Portland one day last week. .
Dr. Adix made a professional' call
on Mrs. Ed Douglass, who has the
measles, Saturday. Mrs. Douglass is
Walter Douglass made a return trip
to Portland last Tuesday.
Earl Gibson and German Stone, of
Barton, were visiting the former's
uncle, Dick Gibson, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Woodle entertain
ed Mr. and Mrs. Murphy, Miss Meda
and Perry Murphy at dinner Sunday.
Miss Dora Judd has been on the
sick list, but is better.
Last Saturday Eagle Creek Grange
met with about twenty-three of the
members present. There were eight
new applicants sending their names
in for membership. All spent a pleas
ant and instructive time together and
a fine dinner was served. A commit
tee of five was appointed to make
arrangements for the Grange's Annual
May Picnic.
Mrs. R. B. Gibson called on Mr.
and Mrs. Howlett Sunday.
Mrs. Clester and family have rent
ed the Harvey Gibson place and will
live there for a time.
Mrs. Lewis, of Highland, was roll
ing logs, one log rolling back crush
ed his leg.
Mr. Lewis Maxson jumped down
from the hay loft, his foot hit the
tongue of the sled and hurt his ankle.
Miss Esther Stout is home from
Portland. V
Mr. Widner purchased some sheep
from Mrs. Lee last week.
Miss Bernice Schute, of Highland,
is working for Mrs. William. Marshall
at present.
Mr. Gergman and Mr. Buche are
plowing on the Sherruble place.
Sam Elmer is breaking new land
to sow grain.
Otto Buol is plowing on the home
place at present.
Jerome Parementer was working
for Mrs. Lee on Lewis Maxson's place.
Mrs. Nicholas and Mrs. Graves, of
Highland, visited their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. C. N. Larkins last Sunday.
Mr. Widner purchased some hogs
in Clarkes last week. '
Mr. Shirley left Wednesday for
Wheeler to work in the logging camp.
V. Simmonsen leaves this week for
The Dalles.
Mr. and Mrs. Van Natta were in
Sandy Saturday.
Mrs. DeShazer spent the day Tues
day, with Mrs. Keith.
Miss Alice Berghouse has gone to
Kelso to work.
Mr. Garver has rented his farm for
five years to a Swedish man.
Nancy and Lee Cooper are clear
ing land for Mr. Mach, of Firwood.
A number of the Dover people spent
Saturday evening with Mr. and Ed
Grandma Mbrrision is sick this
Gaylord and Helen Keith were home
from Estacada the last of the week.
Mr. Kleinsmith has rented the Nel
son farm.
There will be Easter exercises next
Sunday morning at the M. E. church
at 10:30.
An open lane has been completed
running from A. Olson's place to the
main road.
Henry Hatler has been setting some
hop poles.
Caus Herman, a prominent Molalla
farmer, was transacting business in
Marquan Wednesday. Rudolph, the
German boy, is again working for him.
' Mr. Herman calculates to have a
steam saw mill running on his place
in the near future. By so doing his
timber will be sawed into lumber, fur
nishing him material to build a house,
barn, and other necassary buildings
on his place.
Alfred Olson has moved his family
into Dolph Myers house in Marquan
and renting the Schumaker building
has opened up a pool room. Judging
from the crowd in attendance on the
epening night we would predict that
it will prove a money making business
Mrs. Cathrine Jones having im
proved in health of late, her nurse
has returned to Salem and her grand
daughter, Miss Webb of Woodburn,
is attending her.
A trained nurse has lately" been
employed to wait on Mlrs. Bentley.
Mrs. Bolden of Marquan, acom
panied by Mrs. Annie :Ridings spent
several days in Portland last week
procuring an up to date supply of
This Is Recall Week
Rexalt Remedies
There are more than 350 each
designed for an ordinary ailment
made from a prescription used
sucessfully by prominent physi
cians. Rexall Orderlies,
the pleasant-tasting, effective
laxative 10c, 15c, 50c
Rexall Cherry Bark Cough Syrup,
agreeable to the tast 25c, 50cj $1
Rexall Celery and Iron Tonic,
for strength and health $1
Rexall Liver Salts,
agreeably laxative. 25c, 50c
Rexall Kidney Pills
For all Kidney ills.. 53c
Rexall Vegetable Compound,
especially for women $1
-Rexall Rubbing Oil,
to relieve lameness 25, 50c
Free Tooth Brush
Rexall Week
This is a Tooth Brush sold by
many druggists at 25c by us as
a special 15c value. We give, one
free with each purchase of a 25c
case of Rexall Antiseptic Tooth
This Tooth
Powder is safe
to use. Keeps
the teeth
clean and
white and is
the f a v o r ite
dentrifice of
particular peo
ple. 25c per
Rexall Perfumes are a revelation
to lovers of good perfume.
Jockey Club
Heliotrope '
50c. oz.
(Sweet Violet)
Toiiet Preparations
Each a marvel of daintiness,
both in package and contents.
Violet Dulce Cold Cream, 25 & 50c
Violet Dulce Extract, per oz. 5Qc.
Violet Dulce Face Powder, 50c
Violet Dulce Sachet, per oz., 50c.
Violet Dulce Soap, the cake 2c
Violet Dulce Talcum..... 25c
Violet Dulce Dry Rouge 25c
Violet Dulce Toilet Water, 75c and
Violet Dulce Vanishing Cream, 50c
Violet Dulce Liquid Face Powder,
50c and$1.
200 Auto Votes
with every 25c purchase of
Rexall Goods during Rexall
The cold weather of the past few
days has had the effect of causing
the price of chickens to rise slightly
in the local market. They have thus
far only advanced about one cent in
price. Mohair has entered in the
Oregon City market and is selling
at 32 cents. Wool is selling from 18
to 20 cents.
Prevailing Oregon City prices are aa
HIDES (Buying) Green salted, 7c
to 8c; sheep pelts 75c to $1.50 each.
MOHAIR 32c; wool 18 to 20c.
FEED (Selling) Shorts $25; bran
$24; process barley $27 to $29 per ton.
FLOUR $4.50 to So.
HAY ( Buying) Clover at $8 and
$9; oat hay best $11 and $12; mix
ed $9 to $11; valley timothy $12 to
$14; selling alfalfa $13.50 to $17;. Ida
ho and Eastern Oregon timothy sell
ing $19.50 to $23.
OATS $22.00 to $26.50; wheat 93;
oil meal selling $38.00; Shay Brook
dairy feed $1.30 per hundred pounds.
Whole corn $29.00.
Livestock, Meat.
BEEF (Live weight) steers 7 and
Sc; cows 6 and 7 c, bulls 4 to 6c.
MUTTON Sheep 5 to 6 1-2; lambs
6 to 6 l-2c.- -
PORK 9 1-2 and 10c.
VEAL Calves 12c to 13c dressed,
according to grade.
WEINIES 15c lb: sausage, 15c lb.
POULTRY (buying) Hens 11 to
13c. Stags slows at 10c; old roos
ters 7c; broilers 19c.
APPLES 50c and $1.
DRIED FRUITS (Buying), Prunes
on basis 6 to 8 cents.
ONIONS $1.00 sack.
POTATOES About 35c to 40c I.
o. b. shipping points, per hundred,
with no sales at going quotations.
Butter, Eggs.
BUTTER (I lying). Ordinary coun
try butter 25c and 30c; fancy creani
ery 75c to 85c roll.
EGGS Oregon ranch case count
15c; Oregan ranch candled 16c.
A Strong Endorsement.
W. H. Holmes, of the Decorah, Io.,
Journal says, "I have been a sufferer
from Piles and Hemmoroids for years.
I got no relief until my druggist rec
ommended Meritol Pile Remedy. Be
fore I bar" taken half the package the
distress was gone and I have had no
trouble since. I would not take a
thousand dollars and be back in my
former condition."
Jones Drug Company, Exclusive
Chicago's Rats. -
Chicago has more rats in proportion
to its size than any other city on
a 9
is is Eexa
at the Rexall Stores
All over the United States 5000 of the
leading druggists are celebrating Rex
all week, and familiarizing the public with
Rexall products, starting originally with 15
medicines there are now over 350. Limited
at first to Household Remedies the line now
embraces Toilet Articles, Rubber Goods,
Candy, Perfumes, Brushes of all kinds.
No articles is offered through the Rexall
Stores that is not the best of its kind. Do you
get this kind of a guarantee with any other
article that you buy?
The Rexall Guarantee
If this article doesn't give satisfaction go back to
The Rexall Store where pou bought it and get your
money; it belongs to you and we want you to have it.
Does any other store any other line of goods
give you protection like this ?
Huntley Brothers
The Rexall Stores
Rexall Goods are sold only at our stores in Clackamas
County. The Rexall guarantee means exactly what it
says: "Satisfaction or your money back."
If you are looking for a sure thing
Tiere are a few things for you to
think over.
It is a sure thing that a plant is
going to be put on the property of
the Ogle Mountain Mining Company.
It is a sure thing that our home peo
ple have furnished the money to put
the ore in sight. It is a sure thing
that the same people have signed
for a good block of stock to install
the plant. It is a sure thing that
some one is going toTurnish the bal
ance. It is a sure thing that if our home
people don't furnish the balance
some one will, and it is a sure thing
that if outside capital furnishes it,
just that much of the output will be
sent away from home.
It is a sure thing that the price
of stock is going higher, and it is a
I hereby subscribe for and purchase shares of Treasury Stock of the Ogle Moun-
tain Mining Company at the agreed price of 70 cents a share, total $ . .1 hereby agree to pay for
same on the following terms: 25 per cent when the machinery is or-dered and work starts, and 25 per
cent on the first of each month there-after until full amount is paid, said stock to be issued on finai payment.
Signed -
Date, March
at All Recall Stores
11 lAT 1
sure thing that the stock will be off
the market as soon as we have the
required amount to install the plant.
Under these conditions don't yon
think it would be a wise idea to get
in and help finance the proposition?
We are not here to beg, hut are
here with a business proposition that
will stand the test of any reputable
mining engineer. This we know as
the mine has stood the tests and
been pronounced all O. K. by repu
table engineers. You don't need to
be afraid to pay 70 cents a share, for
it is going higher beyond all ques
tion of doubt.
The men that back their own judg
ment with their own money are the
men to place your money with if you
want to win and if you place your
money with us that is what you will
be doing. Look out for the men that
RexaH Remedies
Each is guaranteed to give sat
isfaction to do all that you ex
pect it .to or money back. There
is no red tape about this offer.
Rexasl Dyspepsia Tablets,
for stomach health.. 25c, 50c, $1
Rexall "93" Hair Tonic,
for glossy, luxuriant hair 50c, $1
Rexall "93" Shampoo Paste,
for health of the scalp 25c
Rexall Eczema Ointment,
soothing, cooling, healing 50c, $1
Rexall Nerve Tablets, )
soothing to the nerve. . . . .50c, $1
Rexall Mentholine Balm,
for all surface inflammation. .25c
Rexall Tooth Paste
The ideal antiseptic dentrifice,
' 20c.
Rexall Shaving Lotion,
Ideal for use after shaving,
35c, 50c.
Double Stationery
Values Rexall Week
A double box of Library Linen,
50 sheets and 50 envelopes, to
match the kind you pay 50c for
regularly. On sale Rexall week
for just 1-2 price, 25c.
Pocket Pencil Free
A 25c box of writing paper with
a 10c Pocket Pencil for men's vest
pocket or ladies' bag 35c worth
for 2c
A 15c cake of Harmony Glycer
ine Soap with a 50c bottle of New
England Toilet Wabi.
New England Harmony Toilet
Water '
Rose Bud
Wood iVolets
Trailing Arbutus
Lily of the Valley
Our advice to parents is to con
sult your physician regarding your
children's ailments. However to
parents who do not feel it neces
sary to consult the doctor, we rec
ommend Mother Kroh's Baby Remedies.
They are safe and efficient and
being Rexali Remedies are sold un
der the regular Rexall guarantee.
Mother Kroh's Colic Remecy..25c
Mother Kroh's Cough Syrup.... 25c
Mother Kroh's Diarrhoea Rem
edy 25c
Mother Kroh's Soothing Syrup, 25c
(Contains no Opium.)
Mother Kroh's Worm Syrup.... 25c
Mother Kroh's Laxative Syrup.. 25c
There is no secrets about
Rexall Remedies. We
will tell you exactly what
is in any one,so that you may
know what you're taking.
do all the talking and never put up
their own coin. The men at the
head of this proposition are putting
up what they can and are going to
put in their time installing the plant.'
Besides this we have men that are
going to furnish teams to help do the
hauling and take their jay in stock,
also men that are going to work on
the construction work and get their
pay the same way. These men see a
future ahead or they would not .. do
this. They are not doing this for
their own health or for fun. Under
these conditions don't you think it
would be. a gooa place to Jn vest a
few dollars on the following terms?