MORNIN G ENTERPRISE, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 1913. COUNTY COURT Expenditure of Clackamas County for the Mo.nth of February, 1913. 57.75 20.00 6.00 G.O0 7.50 12.00 12.03 Qistrict No.'3. , W. W. Cooke A. W. Cooke Herman Ritseau 32.0U Henry Bock 19-00 Victor Gustavason Harold Hillerary . Leslie Dallas J. H. Bowermaij .M. V. Newell ...... V. Earl Sliearer ... 1 19.00 Christ Eckert 16.00 Fred Eckert S.00 F. O. Cooke 12.00 Herman Siebert 15.00 Herman Gerhardus v 18.00 .Joe Pilster 15.00 , Lee Stradley :'. 2.50 C. Wolfhagen 9.25 j J. C. Elliott & Co. 43.55 - District No. 5. Jonsrud Bros. 174.67 W. E. Wheeler 7-00 M. H. Wheeler .... 12.50 District No. 6. City Carriage and Shoeing Shop 7.50 Jonsrud Bros 132.63 R. E. Jarl 3.15 Nick Schmitz 33.05 Chas. Krebs, Sr 50.60 Chas. Krebs, Jr 1.50 Herman Luebke 1-00 A. Johnson 2.00 M. Boitano 3.0 J Smith Bros. .50 Anton Jobs ." 2.00 District No. 7. Takao Bros. Lumber Co 50.00 Paul R. Meinig 4.15 Carl Aschoff 6.00 Otto Aschoff 5.00 Gus Aschoff j.OO J. Mclntyre 4.00 J. Phelps 2.00 M. Knight 3.00 M, Cooke. 6.00 Ortie Allen 10.00 Ed Ten Eyck ..... 36.00 E. R. Leaf 45.00 District No. 11. P. E. Jones 9.00 J. R. Livesay 13.00 C. R. Livesay 11.25 Wm. G. H. Kruger 3.20 District No. 12. Fred Gengler .... 5.00 Harry Babler I 4.00 G. Fisher 4.25 . Moser Bros 13.62 Henry Babler 3.50 District No. 15. Coast Culvert & Fume Co 37.27 ' . District No. 17. Tvan Dimick 1.0 00 L. Jackson 8.00 F. Reace 3.00 D. R. Dimick 5.25 George Koehler 2.00 Adan Bany 2.00 District No. 19. ' . W. J. Wilson & Co 15.00 A. Mather 9.73 Fred Churchill 22 00 E., Berdine 22.00 E, P. Berdine 54.60 L. Churchill . 36.00 R. P, Walles 30.00 T6m Fish 56.09 Ren Atkins --12.00 Carden Smith 18 00 Frank Kimmly 9.00 Wm. Walles 20.00 Fred Murry 23 00 Murel Jones . 8.00 O. Davis 4.00 Edwin Foust 4.00 Wm. Bohlander 2.00 Mac Husk .' 11.80 District No. 20. R. A. Putz 9.00 H. C. Wolfsen 16.50 A. F. Buche 3.00 F. Baurer 4.00 P. F. Putz ; XT. S. Dix" 2.25 R: Haag 2..KI F.Nicolas . S.y) J. Putz 5.00 District No. 23. W. A. Winder 13;.G0 R. W. Zimmerman p. .... . 9?.0O R. Fish , l -l.OO J. F. May I2.0i) D. Heppler 36.00 V. Berg 4S.O0 H. R. Zimmerman 36.00 . District No. 25. John Winegar 4.00 Tom Evans- ... 1.00 Andy Gribble ,6.00 A. D. Gribble 9.00 Chris Lorenz 39.00 Ensley GriWe . . . . . ., 9.00 John Graves ............. 9.U0 Ed Graves 1 ,54.23 Helper & Walch .'. 16.42 C. S. Hoskins & S. M. R. De- sart 1 54.23 D. D. Hostetler ." 31.77 District No. 26. J. V. Harless 30.00 I. C. Steininger 15.00 J. Steininger ...... 5.50 C. Glenn 2.00 R. V. Stubbs .' 14.00 W. W. Everhart 35.00 OU Looney . . . : 8.00 W. H. Engle 6.00 D. H. Ranisby 2.00 S. A. Douglas 3.60 Thos. Miller 24.00 H. N. Everhart . 30 Robbins Bros. . ' 3.08 District No. 27. Albert Barth 16.00 Orville Jackson 12.00 Fred C. Mott 8.00 John Barth 10.00 District No. 28. C. Johnson 2.35 A. L. Brougher 37.15 E. Sowa 38.50 J. J. Michel 33.00 Geo. Michel 22.00 Joe Michel 46.40- 35. G. F. V. G. A. J. G. Plantz 36.00 Pratt Bachert . . Skimmer Loveland . Bachert . Lettman . Watts ... 24.00 21.00 1S.00 13.00 Il.ttO 25.00 19.03 John Ferguson . . . ; 42.50 Frank Holt 2.50 Freeman Thomas 6.00 W. C. Huitt . 38.50 High Edwards 39.50 Ed Wyland 17.00 Ben Thomas 52.50 James Nickelson 8.00 Floyd Ferguson 8.00 Dan Groshong . . . . r. 4.00 Clarence Myers 15.50 E. Foshey 11.50 Roy Crite 14.00 W. E. James 32.75 A. L. Gray 20.00 L. D. Shank 55.00 Nick Sabe 20.30 Reynolds & James 381.3S Coast Culvert & Flume Co 82.56 Pope & Co. 7.75 Ben Wade 40.50 N. B. Wade 42,00 Ray Wyland 43.00 Al Wyland 80.00 Perry Vorheis '. . . 47.50 C. G. Vorheis 57.00 Blaine" Bird 35.00 Earl Bird 40.50 W. M. Bird 52.00 Harry Kneib 43.00 Charley Bitzer . 33.50 Andy Matzingo . 25.00 Ralph Slaughter 23.00 Ed Crite 10.00 Charley Early 13.00 Vincent Sowa , . 44.00 Charley Slaughter 14.00 Omer Williams 33.50 Roy Thomas 24.50 Lee Paquett 19.50 Leslie Shank 67.50 District No' 29. W. Sporalsky 14.00 Sidney Graham 10.00 J. Resch . 28.20 W. A. Rogers 26.00 District No. 30. J. K. Worthington ; . 4.00 Ed Wanker 2.50 District No. 31. L. Schaber 6.00 E. Athey 6.00 R. Bushbaum 6.00 C. C. Schroeder 12.00 H. A. Baker 1.00 A. H. Schatz 4.00 "A. Gebhardt 2.00 H. Gebhardt ... 1.00 A. H. Borland .". 2.0u J. Bushbaum 30.00 R. de Neui 49.00 W. Z. Simmons 6.45 Wilson & Cooke 6.05 W. J. Powell 2.00 District No. 33. Henry Cromer 146.53 F. N.- Cadjiough 12.50 Frank Renner 4.50 Earl Mathews 11.75. Henry Wornock .'. 23.75 G. Wilcox 17.00 Tom Watson 40.00 C. Shutter 4.50 Ed Young 4.50 John Arkquett 41.75 C. W. Wianer 29.25 Lawrence Baker 40.75 Jack Grindstaff 11.25 John Closner W. Strur.k I. M. Park Press Howell C. Potwin 22.00 S. H. France 15.00 A. Pratt 18.24 7.00 ... . 7.00 ......... 4.23 ........ 1.S0 1.2.50 19.00 5.00 F. Lettman ML Ban . ........... Saddler & Krause ." Canby Hdwe.' Co. J. Erickstm . J. J. Kopper ' G. Loveland G. Goetz ; l.oo District No. 24. J. L. Smith 10.85 H. Jackson : .40 Carlton & Rosenkrans Co. ... 3.00- C. G. Hoffman 10.55 Philip Mohr ' 2.75 Ben Jackson 1.25 Fred Mohr . .V. 1.25 F. E. Fish,...' 4.0 John Rogie 6.03 Solen Kinzer H. Jackson ....... C. E. Mitts H. Johnson- . , . , . E. Werner ...... Ezerck Yoder Clarence Johnson George S ether" Carl Sether J 13.50 4.00 31.25 . 2.00 4.00 3.00 11.00 1.25 i:23 John Kiggins ' 22.50 12.00 19.75 33.25 36.00 Henry Wornock 42.00 Clyde Schock James Marshbrenk Romert Mattoon . . Carl Howell Hay Wilcox C. S. Bard , . : . J. A. Reid ... John Keller ...... Herald Woster .:, 11.75 2.00 48.00 81.50 55.00 58.30 17.00 38.00 35..30 T. H. Hayner ; 68.00 E. H. Tison 11.50 Joseph Guttridge 80.00 W. Closner" . 70.50 W. A. Speer 43.09 Earnest Genserowski 15 JO Harry Howell . . i'. . , 47.00 Willes Yonce 22.50 C. E.' Dubois. 2.50 W. A. Jones 10.00 O. H. Schock 8.00 E. Hunt . . 5.0) W. E. Hurst 5.00 Ira Neil ... 17,00 A. J. Poulson 17.50 James Sbibley ......... 9.50 Ed Jackson ... .". 10.00 District No. 34. Coast Culvert & Flume Co. ... 529.38 L. Bacon ........... .......... 5.59 E. Gross "'. . .'. . . G. Gross C Christensen H. Melvin R, Parker O. Tonkin J. Rincman . . .- T. Loirenoe O. Melvin ' T. Loirence C. Fendo .'..."' D. Howell W. Richter E. Tiec'.eman C. Zimmerman E. Richardson A. Shephard G. Harpes S. J. Dickens ......... J. Zimmerman J. ' Miller VV. McNeil ...... C. Parker O. Priesier "Owen G. Thomas Scripture & Beauliau . Wilson & Cooke A. H. Averhill .'. W. Kaisre ' . I V District Noi Fred Wagner .... Wm. Booth District No. 38. Coast Culvert & Flume Co. .. East Side Mill & Lumber Co... J. Baumartner F. V. Munger J. W. Holmes District No. 39. Herman Fisher Jacob Schait Ferdinand Fisher 1 District No. 41. John Bews , , Weber Roberts , .- Alfred Shirley Mr. A. Upderave Chas. Updegrave Wm. Updegrave ' Earnest Evans A. J. Morrison Victor Bodly J. Morrison H. H. Udell Harold Miller C. A. Keith P. R. Meinig H. A. Perret District No. 42. Oren Giger Arent" Loe S. Westbostad Ralph Yoder ' Mitchell J. J. Yoder , Ed Loe J. W. .Watson Ot Owens A. L. Yoder D. D. Hostetler Carlton & Rosenkrans . . .. . . . Fermann Co District No. 43. Estacada Progress .. Ed Still District No. 46. J. H. Hattan Orvel Watts Melvin Leach . . . ". B. Heigh ton Delmer Heighton ........ Emerson Watts . . C. R. Livesay Grenlund & Beck D. H. Watts , District No. 47. H. E. Sharrow ............ O. P. Roethe Ira Hart , District No. 48. Paul R. Meinig , District No. 49. Matt Anderson , Garfield Mercantile Co. Delft Creek Lumber Co. .. F. H. Davie Otis "Wagner N. Elling H. O. Sanford , G. H. Sanford ' Ben T. Rawlins Paul Sauer G. T. Hunt District No. 52. Chas. Betz' Will Ulrich Otto Brookman Simon Becker v. . Ed Hartung J. D. Henderson C. C. Henderson J. Bowers Joe Rushford C. F. Zinser H. W. Kanne Multnomali County ....... District No. 54 Wm. Owings . . C. W. Owings W. F Stanton District No. 56. Louis Martin Nat Scribner , District No. 57. L. J. Lantz Otto Bixel Wm. H. Stuwe .' A. F. Eyman O. H. Kylo O. Bergstrom J. W. Nozler E. Bixel H. Helgerson , C. Bixel M. F. Lantz C..E.,-Mitts C. Chrietner : . . . . A. R. Stoufer L. L. Lantz L. MasMberger ' P. L. Schamel G. W. Schramlin E. Burkholder Pete Christner . . . ....... . District No. 58. A. Mather H. F. Gibson T. Brown . .. B. L. King .,..L..r...t..., Grant Mumpower ......... B. Breithaupt . .'. ; . . Ed Cox 17.00 17.00 19.00 21.75 18.00 26.25 19.50 7.00 19.00 7.00 9.00 9.00 7.00 10.00 12.00 5.00 "5.00 5.00 20.00 32.00 20.00 18.00 40.00 5.00 . 7.95 5.50 11.65 6.85 3750 1.50 7.15 25.50 7.24 13.48 3,00 i.25 18.00 6.03 9.00 10.00 12.00 1200 16.00 6.00 6.00 8.00 16.00 10.0.3 1.00 .60 6.00 23.00 25.15 .40 27.00 24.00 12.00 8.00 4.00 2.00 .00 22.50 3.00 2.65 5.90 17.09 2.69 5.00 2.00 2.00 12.00 10.00 11.00 11.50 5.00 12.00 2.80 16.25 3.50 24.75 4.00 52.00 1.25 6.10 5.00 "52.00 9.00 2.00 26.00 . 20.00 18.00 8.00 " 40.00 4.50 6.25 8.25 13.75 13.75 13.75 13.75 13.75 13,75 14.75 25.33 24.25 2.00 2.00 1.25 ' 1.50 ; 3.00 John Wymore ., Ross Crafton .... Carl Mumpower John Miller 4.00 6.03 8.00 12.50 Expenditure on General .Roads for February 1913. , - Robbins TBros. :...... 26.89 George Lammers 150.00 Owen G. Thomas 3.00 Stefani Lumber Co. 48.30 Coast Culvert & Flume Co 190.00 Oregon Electric Railway Co... 575.00 Kelly Hardware Co. 3.50 East Side Mill & Lumber Co. 48.00 Wm. M. Moehnke . ... 17S4.74 F. Kamrath ... , ,15.00 John Green '. . 36.00 Chas Shockley t 51.00 Roy. Thomas 3.00 Lester Riggs 7.00 John Hft 72.00 L. Bacon 16.00 E. Gross 18-00 G. Gross ." 16.00 C. Christensen ..." . 16.00 J. Shaw . ... . .-. .... ...... 1.00 Wilson & Cooke - 5.50 W. Kaiser .....7. . .. 22.50 R. de Neui 7.00 C. C. Schroeder 4.00 A. H". Schatz .i 4.00 E. Athey ; 4.00 R. Bushbaum 2.00 A. Gebhardt ..v...... 5.25 N. Blair 17.50 Coast Culvert & Flume Co..... 22.15 W. H. Mattoon ... 22.00 R. B. Beatie ... 9.00 Expenditure of Clackamas County for the Month of February, 1913. GENERAL FUND. ": County Court. ' W. H. Mattoon "...:..:. 22.00 N. Blair 13.20 Nora B. Criswell 20.00 E. L. Johnson Sheridan Lillie Otis Engle SI3 ght at Same Cost 23.75 23.75 41.50 13.35 5.25 5.25 1.50 13.75 8.00 1.50 9.85 1.50 13.35 1.50 3.50 7.00 21.00 7.35 4.85 6.00 3,75 4.10 23.00 10-00 6.00 2.00 22.00 1.20 3.60 9.80 J. H. Darling ...... .4 1.20 .......... 4.90 .......... 1.70 .......... 1.70 9.80 1.70 Wm. Morey .y. Emll Guenther .' Bertha Guenther Edgar May"."."; '. C. H. Meissner Circuit Court. Mrs. Moreland ....... . 15.75 .M. Warnack 26.00 E. D. Tong 31.00 B. F. Weddle 26.40 A. C. Warner 27.45 David Scherruble 2.00 E. P. Elliott ........ .7 2.00 Fred Kamrath ..... 2.00 W. W. Myers 2.00 S. S. Walker :, 2.00 J. Gorbett 2.00 E. B. Anderson 2.00 R. D. Wilson "...." 2.00 Dave Caufield ... 2.00 Mat Justin .............. . . . 2.00 W. J. Miley ........ ... . . .?. . . 19.00 H. Babler " 28.80 J. E. Mitts 30.00 J. M. Tracy - 25.50 J. H. Broetge 16.20 F. H. Cross 15.20 H. Loncey 25.80 Lorenzo Tenny 29.60 N. R. Graham 34.00 Thos. Kelland 25.20 J. M. Nicholson 34.00 T. M, Miller 21.00 Justice of the Peace Dist. No. W. W. H. Samson . . 37.55 D. E.Frost 21.60 W. T. Griffith 2.40 E. "L. Shaw 1.70 Chas. Dickey .- 1.70 Peter K!oostra . : 1.70 Frank Cross 1.70 W. H. Phelps 1.70 C. Bailey 1.70 John,T. May . 1.70 Harold Pratt . 1.70 Geo. Gardner 1.20 John Gillett 1.20 W. W. Myers 1.20 J. L. Swafford .'. 1.20 James Wilkerson 1.20 E.M. Kellogg w. 4.45 W. Givens .- 3.00 J. F. Lovelace ................ , 2.00 Edwin Bates 2.00 H. W. Thompson 12.00 Hugh Mendenhall ..." 12.00 A. W. McMillan -. .' 7,60 Sheriff. E. T. Mass . ......... 26.90 Oregon City Courier Pub. Co. 12.50 S. B. Cook 2.50 Fashion Livery Stable 6.00 C A. Elliott . . Jones Drug Co. F. A". Miles .". Clerk H. S." W. L. Daulton Mulvey Recorder. 1.50 4.20 54.60 48.00 10.00 10.00 E. P. Dedman Edith Smith 65.00 Louise Cochran ... 65.00 Treasurer , Alice Dwiggins . . . . . .. ,1 46.00 Coroner. Wm. J. Wilson . . . ... .7. . 13.00 Supt. of Schools. D. E. Frost 5.10 T. J. Gary 35.50 Fashion Livery Stable . .. 7.00 Mrs. Margaret Curran 133.85 Hi M. James 130.90 J. E. Calavan 118.95 Assessor. The J. K. Gill Co . 6.25 J. E. Jack 2,00 Gertie' Wlilson 48.00 Clara Mitchell . 49.00 Surveyor. D. Thompson Meldurm . . . 133.30 Harry Gray .'. 26.25 Bud Thompson 38.80 Paul Dunn 38.80 Fruist Inspector. O. E. Fieytag .......... . . v, 35.30 Board of Health. W. J. Wilson 9.50 C. H. Dauchy 68.05 , Tax Rebate. Thos. J. Noud ...... .... '26.46 C. M. Giddings 17.35 More Li The Same Light at Less Cost The famous Mazda Light will give you lasting satisfaction in every way. It throws a clear, strong, white light, the nearest imitation to sunlight it has been possible to get.' As superior to the old carbon light as they were to the candle of our grandfathers. Jote to exceptional prices below. i Watt Candle Power Price, Clear Price' jfrosted Base 15 12 35c X 40c 20 16 35c 40c - 25 20 , 35c 40c 40 32 ' - 40c 45c 60 50 55c 60c 100 80 80c 85c 150 120 $1.25 $1.35 250 200 ' $1.90 $1.60 Special We carry in stock at Portland prices everything in the electrical line to Harden labor in the household Portland Railway, Light & Power Company Beaver Building, Main Street Cafeyr &" Kerr T.7.'". .17... 75.31 R. H. Cuchun 35.48 . Current Expense Carl A. Forsberg ....... '.. 67.70 Home Telephone Co.'".' 16.35 Huntley Bros. Co. ..1": 22.25 Pacific Telephone & Tel. Co... 17.00 Court House. Wm. Whitfield & Co. 125'.00 H. M. Miller 22.28 Jones Drug Co. 7.00 Dillman & Howland 56.40 Louis Nobel Jr. . . : 2.65 Wilson & Cooke. .15 Huntley Bros. Co 3.30 Jail. Huntley Bros. Co.'.. .35 Bannon & Co. . . . .75 Straight & Salisbury 10.50 E. T. Mass - 96.68 ... . County Poor. SarahUGibbons 16.00 Alice Carr 10.00 Mrs. Lucy Clark . ." 4.00 Mrs. W. C. Whitfield .10.00 Emma Milsted .'.... 20.00 L. Baker 20.00 H. D. Harms'" 6.00 H. D. Anen 11.80 P. M. Doyle : 5.00 Colin Mclver .' 30.00i Mrs. Jane Mclver 16.00 Jones Drug Co 12.85 The Crown Drug Co 1.25 Roswell Holman i 22150 J. P. Finley & Son .'..";. 2.50 The White Grocery Co 19.55 Patton Home 38.45 Louis Nobel, Jr 64.57 F. Cla;k 7.00 Palace Meat Market 2.55 Dr. J. T. Townley . ... 15.00 Mrs. G. E. Woodward 20.00 Beverlin's Grocery 4.70 Robbins Brothers 3.85 Lone Oak Cemetery 10.00 Cross & Hammond .1 6.00 Denis Donovan . . : 12.50 C. R. Thorpe & Co 28.2J Waterbury & Chapman 4.33 Walter T. Brown 2.60 A. King & Co 28 50 J. W. Roots & Co 19.70 M. R.. Maddox 4.00 Indigent Soldier Fund. Meade Post No. 2........... 15.00 Insane. F. A. Miles 9.00 R. de Neui 2.50 Hugh S. Mount , 15.00 Donahue & Bell ...... .. 16.85 Election. Charles Vosberg 10.00 Printing and Advertising Oregon City Commercial Club. . 150.00 Oregon City Courier Pub. Co.. . 38.10 Oregon City Enterprise . . .". . 86 35 Wild Animal .Bounty. W. Dixoa 2.0.) W. A. jStoneV ... 10.00 L. G. Roisland ...... 6.00 Richard Palmateer .... . . 2.U0 Henry Miller 12.00 Robert Putz . . 2.00 A W. Lee v 2.00 H. W. Thompson . 57.50 F. F. Davis , 6.00 --Juvenile Court. Mrs. C. J. Parker 20.'7! You'll get yours if you place an early order. Every day adds to tie already unprecedented de mand for Ford cars!- In spite of the greatly en larged production late buyers .are almost sure to be disappointed. Get yours today. Our last big carload of 8 Fords is nearly gone. "Everybody is driving a Ford'" more than 200, 000 in service. New prices r u n a b o u t 525 touring car $600 town car $800 with all equip ment, f. o. b. Detroit.- Get particulars from Pacific Highway Garage 12th and Main Streets Take your pick of these Victor-Victrolas . TV' VI "''w . IX.'. $15 $25 $40 $50 It isn't necessary for you to buy one of the higher priced Victor-Victrolas to have access to all the wonder ful variety of. Victor music. . Any instrument from the Victor-Victrola IV at $15 to the $200 Victor-Victrola XVI will play every record in the Victor catalog. t Select the instrument that is best suited to your home and start in to enjoy the music and fun. Come in and see us about it today. Make Easter a joyous one for your friends Huntley Bros. Co. Victor Agents D.. E. -Frost , OOBTJrstaats ... 32.00 Damages ., Cis B. Pratt ....... ....... .-. 55.00 Drs. Mount & Mount . T 25.00 Ona Renner . 55 00 ' Collection of Taxes. Rose Justin ............. . 50.6 R. A. Junken 60.10 Kat Sinnot 49.50 G. F. Johnson 11.20 Maud Moran ................. 37.15 J. 0. Staats 16.50 Ernest Mass, Jr. . . . ...... . 57 '0