7 " MORNING ENTERPRISE, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 1913. Ask for the Red Trading Stamps. They are better Adams Department Store Clever Things For Easter at the Busy Store There are no more up-to-date stylish suits or Spring Coats than the popular PALMER GARMENT. New Spring styles of these garments are now shown in our suit room. We feature for Easter Sale three special prices. $20.00, $22.50, $25.00 The Queen Suit for Ladies A superior quality at more moderate prices in all the new shades and styles, specially for Easter Sale at $15.00 and $17.50 The Palmer Spring Coats of the most clever styles are shown here in various Spring shades, silk lining throughout, $15.00, $20.00, $25.00 Easter Millinery Individual styles in ladies' hats shown in our new Spring styles. Every hat a new hat and prices most reasonable, from $2.50 to $15.00 SPRING & SUMMER DRESS SKIRTS A select variety to choose from ranging in price from $5.00 to J15, but for this Easter Sale we offer a special good assortment at $6.50. LADIES TAILORED WAISTS The Acorn brand made of fine white material, pleated or em broidered front, new collar and cuffs, price $2.00 THE QUEEN WAISTS, made of fine chear Marquesette pleated or lace trimmed front, latest style. Price, $2.00. MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S SPRING COATS. We have just opened a handsome selection of children's spring coats, braided sailor collar. Nor folk styles, smaller size, $3.50; larger and better to $7.00. YOUR EASTER GLOVES should be the Fownes. We have them in shades that will match your Spring Suit or coat, price $1.50 THE FOWNES SILK GLOVES in black, white and colors, price, 50c. Hart-Shaffner & Marx New Spring Suits There is an absolute certainty in buying the Hart Schaffner & Marx suit. You cannot go wrong if thr, name is on the label, new styles are here. We feature three special prices, $22.50, $25, $27.50 MEN'S SUITS FOR EASTER in new Spring shades, colors and make perfectly good at lesser cost. Easter Sale, $12.50, $15.00 Easter Furnishings for Men Smart styles in dress shirts and neckwear for all. White laundered shirts and fancv stripes all sizes, $1.00 Easter Neckwear . The four-in-hand new Spring cut. We specialize good styles at 25c and 50c IVIallory Hats Good as the best, better than some Buy it at Adams. Price $3.50 Spring Mats for Men Up-to-the-minute in style, black and colors. We name two that are extra good: Conqueror $3.00 Warsley $2.50 Easter Shoes For Ladies For Men You will find the new styles in shoes at the Adams Shoe Store. The dress shoe for ladies in patent, vici, buck, suede, velvet, prices notably $3.00, $3.50, $4.00 Men's Dress Shoes. The Crossett, the Abbott, the Selz, the Dougherty and others. We feature strongly in prices Good Shoes Better Shoes Best Shoes $3.50 $4.00 $5,00 Easter Shoes for Boys and Girls The boys and girls will have no difficulty in finding the right shoes here. Our Spring stock of shoes is coming in fine. Shoes for girls come in patent, vici kid, gun metal and tan ' $2.00 and $2.50 Boys shoes in lace or button, black or tan, alf SIZiS $2.00 to $3.00 mss3 Standard Model 5-passenger, 110-inch Wheel Base, Long Stroke Motor, Three Speeds, Inclosed Val ves, Bosch Magneto, 32x3 1-2 inch tires Fully Equipped V ill y SS. Mode! Equipped, Gas Tank, De- : mountable Rims, and one ex- f tra rim, 32x3 1-2 inch tires, f Tire Irons, Splitdorf Dual Ig- V nition This Car is equipped with 5 Enameled Electric Lights An Astonishing Price An Astonishing Car Buy the Car Value that Beats It if you can find one. The first thing will strike most people in reading of the R-C-H will be the price. And this is natural. For a completely- equipped car of this type has never been offered at anything ap proaching this figure. Judged on price alone the R-C-H Touring Car, Roadster or Coupe stands in a class of its own. Buts it's not on price it's on what you get for the price, that we want you to judge the car. What Makes the R-C-H Possible Briefly, the most thorough systematization of factory and cost problems that the automobile industry has ever seen. Little leaks, small wastes, lack of cooperation between different depart ments these have been features of motor-car manufacture. Such leakage, wastage and .lack of system lost only a few dollars here and there, but they made in the aggregate a wonderful differ ence in the price, you paid for your car. AVe made up our minds that with manufacturing, factory and purchasing problems simpli fied, a high-grade car could be produced at a price that would be revolutionary in the industry. And the R-C-H turned out in the R-C-H plants, has proved our contention. Go through the R-C-H plants from end to end and you'll see all the mechanism of the vast business working with ahsnlntp nTwisirm f7r rwrfWtinn. lmt vmi won't fhul n dollar wnstod mnn- ey, or an hour of wasted effort. i ' How the R-C-H is Made 't We coulcl not build better for a car at any price. Chrome nickel steel is used throughout all shafts and gears in the .transmission and rear ax le, and high carbon manganese steel'in all parts requiring special stiffness. 244 drop forgihgs are used a larger number than in any other car in the world irrespective of price. The R-C-H crank-shaft is as large as that in many 40-horse power cars. The radiator has one-third more cooling space than in any other cars of this type. The long-stroke motor (3 1-4 5) develops exceptional power and speed. The springs -fiill elliptic rear and semi-elliptic front insure easy riding. You owe it to yourself to investigate the R-C-H thoroughly, and if we can get you to doth-U Ave 're satisfied. For if the R-C-H will not sell itself to you on your own investigation and judg ment wre don't want you to buy it. Compare it, detail for detail, with any car you have in mind at $1500 or even higher. 1T know this is one of the moat practical cars sold in Clackamas County and it is especially adapted to the hard wear a car will undergo on our hills. We have this car in stock and will give a demonstration at any time. Our garage is equipped to handle all kinds of repair work on short notice. All R-C-H parts are always kept on hand, meaning extra quick service. Telephone Main 119, A-72 HUGHES eumdL HUGHE! FOURTH AND MAIN STREETS OREGON CITY, OREGON I 5V - f -V