M ORBING ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1913. n32 v. I ""H f ryrh vri I Gj" a if Of St. Helens Store-M. Sallam closed. STOCK PLACED IN THE CHICAGO STORE, 4 Doors South of Postoffice, Oregon City 0 9 0 o 11 M en's Suits, Shoesf Hats, Furnishings, Women's and Children's Shoes, ordered on 171 For the Money It will Bring and f VI 1-1 member Nothind will be Reserved. Everything in the Store Must Go at Once Stock consists of high grade Men's Suits, all new and tip-to-date styles, Men's Hats, Men's Furnishings, Dress and Heavy ..WcrK Shoes, Full lines of Women's and Children's Shoes. 3 OlJLGTSATI.nj 10c Men's Sox 3c 15 and 20c Men's Sox 9c 25 and 35 Wool Sox V.. I 9c 35 and 50c Silk Ties . . . 19c 35 and 50c Suspender Specials . . . ... I 9c 50c Heavy Suspenders 29c 25c Paris Garters ... . I 5c $2.00 Boys' and Girls' Shoes $1.39 $2.00 Ladies' Shoes $ 1 .39 $2.50 Ladies' Shoes $ 1 .59 $4.00 Ladies' Shoes : ... 1 $2.79 $15.00 Men's Suits $7.98 $2.0.00 Men's Suits 10.98 $25.00 Men's Suits 12.98 $2.75 and $3 Men's Pants $1.98 $5.00 and $6 Boys' Suits $3.49 $4.00 Boys' Suits $2.93 $1.00 Men's Hats L 59c $1.50 and $1.75 Men's Hats 95c $2.50 Men's Hats $1.59 .50 and 60c Men's Work Shirts ... 39c $1.00 Dress Shirts 59c $2.50 and $3.00 Wool Overshirts $ 1 .59 50 and 60c heavy ribbed Underwear 39c 75c and $1 heavy ribbed Underwear 49c $1.50 and $2.00 Wool underwear 95c $4.00 Men's Florsheim Shoes... $2.95 $5 & $6 Men's dress & heavy Shoes $3.49 Chippewa Logger Boots at same Reductions 25c Dry-Foot Shoe Oils 9c Big Cuts in Rubber Rain Coats and Working Coats NOT. ONE ARTICLE HELD BACK EVERYTHING IN THE STORE IS GOING Watch for the Big Sign 8 in 1 -imK a - r-..a 13 nJ 1 ae krea n t H E list: y i Hi JL y Everything must go. Every article will be marked in plain figures so the public can select for them selves, and in order to insure quick riddance of this big stock, merchandise will be handed out to the public on Public Sale, Wholesale and Retail 01 g Marcli IStlTL, at 8 A. M, LfMLail ) Zaa U t o Four Doors South of Post Office OREGON CITY, OREGON THOSE COMING EARLY WILL AVOID CROWDING