MORNING ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1913. The Reason. "Why must yon have a finger In eT ery pie?" "Just to keep my hand In." LOCAL BRIEFS The spring weather has started considerable construction work in the Kansas City district. Many houses are being remodeled and a number of new ones are under con struction. The improvement of the streets in that part of the city is tell ing. Miss Elenor Brodie, of Portland, has been engaged by the school board to fill the vacancy in the fourth grade at the Barclay school which was made by the resignation of Miss Beu lah Stuart. Miss Brodie will begin her duties Monday. One egg per hen per day means a full egg basket and money jingling in your pocket. Conkey's Laying Tonic turns the trick. For sale and is guaranteed by Oregon Commission Co. - ' Miss Hazel Tooze will arrive in this city from Eugene today and will remain here until after the marriage of her sister, Miss Hilda, which will be solemnized Tuesday noon. 1 Grant Gordon, of Portland, was in 'this city Thursday in company with Samson Greenberg. They were at tending to business and looking over the town. Born, to the wife of Frank Port, of Portland, a daughter weighing 11 pounds. Mrs. Port was formerly Miss Lena Chamberlain of this city. Mrs. Peter McGrathes,. of Salem, was in this city Thursday visiting friends. She was for many years a resident of this city. Extra fancy Arkansas Blacks. They are fine and will go at $1.25 Box. The Hub Grocery. Eugene Lammers, of Beaver Creek, was in this city Wednesday attending to business. He is a prominent young farmer. Catherine Eastham, the daughter of O. W. Eastham, is confined to her home with typhoid fever. . She was taken ill during the past week. Friday and Saturday, we are go ing to give you some bargains in ap ples. The Hub Grocery. Mrs. William Wood, of Washougal, Wash., arrived in this city Wednes day evening and will spend the re mainder of the week with her broth er, Raymond Caufield. There will be something of inter est to you in this space each week. Watch for it! The Hub Grocery. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Henderson,' of Hood River, will spend the week ena in this city as the guests of relatives. Fancy Hood River Baldwins, all sound, perfect apples, at $1.15 a box. The Hub Grocery. - Oriu Cutting, of Highland, was in this city Thursday attending to bus iness. He is a well known farmer. George Porter, of Portland, has been in this city several days looking over the city and visiting friends. Grand millinery display Friday March 14 and following days. Miss C. Goldsmith. Mrs. John Humphrys is confined to her home with throat trouble. She has been ill several weeks. E. J. Lankins, manager of the Dim ick storck farm at Hubbard, was in the city Wednesday. Call and see our latest styles in tailored and dress hats. Miss C. Gold smith. Lee Armstrong, of Portland, was a visitor to this city Wednesday and Thursday. George Longwell, of Hubbard, was attending to business in this city Wed nesday. You should get the habit of using our special coffee, 35c per pound. The Hub Grocery. John Hutchinson, of New York, is registered at the Electric Hotel for a few days. J. A. Harben, of Molalla, is spend ing a few days in this city attending to business. Large Display of Spring Millinery at Jolmson-Lindquist Milliners, Red Front Hldg:, 9th & Main Streets. Ray Brennen, of Newberg, was in this city Thursday transacting busi ness. Mrs. A. D. Smith, of Portland, is in this city for a few days visiting friends. 'ntorTflS: Mother My bath vfon'i feel right without it It makes tns feel so fine-makes the water so soft makes it smell so good. PLEASE USE IT. m V': '..! Leo S. Burdon is in Seattle. B. T. McBain, mill manager of the Willamette Pulp & Paper Company, went to Seattle Thursday. -- J. R. Bowland has 10d sacks' of fine Burbank potatoes. Win sell at mar ket price. Call at . Willamette. O. B. Parker, of McMinnville, is in this city for a few days attending to business. SPRING OPENING and display of Millinery and ready made wear at BANNON'S. '.' J. K. Gribble, of Macksburg, was in this city Thursday. He is a prominent farmer. -: '. t- Call and see our hats. Miss C. Gold smith Edwin Booke is in this city for a few days attending to business. O. H. Smith, of Aurora, was a bus iness visitor to this city Wednesday. Some choice yellow Newton Pip pins. The Hub Grocery. Dr. van Brakle, Osteopath, Mason ic Building, Phone Main 399. ARE YOU TIRED OF TAKING CAL OMEL, SALTS AND PILLS FOR BILIOUSNESS AND STOM ACH TROUBLE? Then take the advice of Mr.. Roth enberger of Portland. Read what he 'has to say about Veronica Water: "STOMACH TROUBLE My praise for Veronica Water cannot be too strong, and I would not be without it in my family. My wife was very sick in bed for six months, and: could scarcely take anything in her stom ach. She was so weak that she could not stand on her feet.. The doctors gave up all hope of her recovery: Ev erybody 4n our neighborhood lsnew of her. condition. My attention was called to Veronica Water,' and from the time my wife started to use this wonderful water she began to improve in health. . She : is' how about to be gin on the third case, and she is out of bed and able to go out calling on friends. She eats regularly and has movements of bowels, something that she could not have for some time. I have recommended Veronica Water to everybody who comes in my store, and I cannot praise it too highly. It is not only the best, but the cheapest treatment I ever had for the stomach and bowels. Anybody who will call on me in my store I will gladly tell them how my wife suffered, and the condition she is in today Respect fully, H. R. ROTHENBERGER, Dealer in aDd Manufacturer of Boots and Shoes, 2926 E. Stark St., Port land, Or. Sold by Huntley Bros. Co. " APPLE SUPPLIES ARE Of POOR QUALITY The Portland market is flooded with extremely poor quality apples and this is hurting the trade. Some stock has been received from Hood River and White Salmon during the last few days that will net the shipper a loss to the amount of the freight charges. One shipper, who is well known at The Dalles, sent forward apples that have on an average of perhaps one apple to the box that is neither rotten nor specked. Natural ly this is having an effect on the trade. Most of the apples now being offer ed are of small size and big fruit is really- scarce and in demand. There is but little call for apples that are smaller than the i 1-2 tier size, but a large percent of the recent arrivals run 5 eitr to the box and are really of poor grade too. Apple handlers are making com- jilaint about this sort of stock being shipped, as it ruins the trade for good fruit. They have sent hundreds of letters to the country telling them not to send forward such supplies, but they continue to come and must be handled. PRICE OF EGGS UP. Owing to the heavy buying of eggs by consumers the price in the Oregon City market has risen slightly over what it was last week. - Many house holders of Oregon City have taken ad vantage of the low price and have stored eggs in large quantities. Wheat is selling at 93 cents, a rise of three cents over the first of the week. HEBE BATH POWDER Send 5c for trial size 25c and 50c at your Druggist cr Ph;lo Hay Specialties Co , Newark. N. J.. U. S. A. mm ra-A-T-n- FOR SALE AND RECOMMENDED BY HUNTLEY BROTHERS CO. Prevailing Oregon City prices are aa follows: HIDES (Buying) Green salted, 7c to Sc; sheep pelts 75c to $1.50 each. FEED (Selling) Shorts $25; bran $24; process barley $27 to $29 per ton. FLOUR $4.50 to S5. HAY (Buying) Clover at $8 and $9; oat hay best $11 and $12; mix ed $10 to $11; selling alfalfa $13.50 to $17.00; Idaho and Eastern Oregon timothy selling $19.50 to $23.00. OATS $22.00 to $26.50: wheat 93; oil meal selling $40.00; Shay Brook dairy feed $1.30 per hundred pounds. Whole corn $29.00. Livestock, Meats. BEEF (Live weight) steers 7 and Sc; cows G and 7 c, bulls 4 to 6c. MUTTON Sheep 5 to 6 1-2; lambs 6 to 6 l-2c. PORK 9 1-2 and 10c. VEAL Calves 12c to 13c dressea, according to grade. WEINIES 15c lb: sausage, rl5c lt. POULTRY (buying) Hens 10 1-2 to 12 l-2c; stags slow at 10c; old roos ters 7c; broilers 19c. Fruits APPLES 50c and $1. ' DRIED FRUITS (Buying), Prunes on basis 6 to 8 cents. VEGETABLES ONIONS $1.00 sack. POTATOES About 35c to 40c f. o. b. shipping points, per hundred, with no sales at going quotations. Butter, Eggs. BUTTER (1 tying), Ordinary coun try buttar ?,5c and 30c; fancy cream ery 75c to 85c roll. EGGS Oregon ranch case count 15c; Oregan ranch candled 16c. The Baby In Church. During sermon time the other day a baby began to cry, jnd its mother car ried It toward the door. "Stop," said the minister, "the baby's not disturb ing me." The mother turned toward the pulpit and made the audible re murk. "Oil. "e ain't. aiu"t 'e? But you're a disrurliiu' of 'im!" English Church Review. BONUS VOTES WITH DRUGS SATURDAY- 500 VOTES WITH EVERY 25 c PURCHASE All blue and yellow votes must be deposited Saturday Not good after March 15th Spring Sale of Household Everyday Drugs New 5-1 color or votes out Saturday All blue and yellow votes void after Marchl5th For Saturday we offer a special sale on household drugs the little things you need every day! 500 votes with each article listed below, and every item is backed by the Huntley guarantee of Purity and Quality. Check numbers you need and get the BONUS VOTES SATURDAY. SOO VOTES WITH EVERY 2Sc No. CASTOR Gti 1". CASTOR OIL . .5d 2. GLYCERINE' f ; .25c 4 TINCTURE 'ARNICA ,-..25c 4. Sjrts.CAMPHOR . .......25c 5. CARBOLKTXCID 25c 6. SWEET SPTS. NITRE 25c 7. PAREGORIC 25c 8. ESSENCE OF PEPPERMENT 25c 9. CAMPHORATED OIL ....25c 10. BAY RUM, 6 oz 25c 11. LISTERINE ....25c 1. SEWINB MACHINE OIL 25c 13. SWEET OIL, 1 pt 25c 14. SEWING MACHINE OIL .........25c No. i I .? . 1S. BOILED LINSEED OIL, 1 qt. .250 U. BORACICT ACID, 1 lb ,..!25c 17. INSECT POWDER,' f-2 Ib.'Lv .....256 18., SODA'-BICABONATE," 3 lbs. I....;...; .25c 19. ROCHLLE SALTS, 1-2 lb :. .7. ...25c 20. POWDERED ALUM, 2 lbs .25c 21. WITCH HAZEL, pint 25c 22. EPSON SAJLTS, 3 lbs. --25c 23. 3 lb. pkg. POWDERED BORAX 25c 24. FLOWERS SULPHUR, 3 lbs ...25c 5. CREAM TARTAR, 1-2" lb. 25c 26. SIENNA LEAVES, pkg. ...25c 27. GLAUBER SALTS, 3 IbsT 25c 28. BLUE STONE, 3 lbs. ... .25c PORCHAISE No. ' - - ii-A ' KX,'- '.- .. .... .' . SASSAFRAS BARK,' pkg. ...................... .25c 30. CANARY .SEED PLAIN, 3 lbs. v...25e 31'. CANARY-SEED, MIXED, 3 lbs. .25c' 3 FLAX SEED,' 3-ibsv-'. . . ; 25c 33. TINCTURE TO'DINE, 2oz .....25c. 34. CHLORIDE OF LIME, 6 lbs. . . ..25c 35. OLIVE OIL, 1-2 Pt. V ..25c 36. - VASELINE, lb. can .25 37. TURPENTINE, 1 qt 25c 38. COD LIVER OIL, 1-2 pt 25c 39. PEROXIDE 10c, 15c, 25c, 40c 40. DENATURED ALCOHOL, 1 qt 5c 41. HALL'S SQUIRREL POISON .; 25c 42. JAMAICA GINGER ...25c Buhach Insect Powder 20c, 40c, 60c, $1.00 LIME WATER TABLETS Enough to make 4 gallons Lime Water 35c Squibbs Pure Spices 2-m20c Black Pepper Ground Macr White Pepper All Spice Red Pepper Fresh and Pure Sugar of Milk 1-lb Cans Lehn & Finks, 35c Mercks - - - 35c Squibbs ... 60c Don't Forget SSTraSE Next count of rote March 15th. All Red and Yellow Votes must be de posited SATURDAY. FORMALDEHYDE ,25c 50c 75c HUNTLEY BROS. CO.. The Rexall Store WE GIVE VOTES HUNTLEY BROS. CO., V. HARRIS, STAR THEATER, MORNING ENTERPRISE ii 11 PLEASANT RELIEF FROM COLDS. One of the many things that make Rexall Cold Tablets esteemed by ev ery one who has ever used them is the fact that they are so pleasant to take. In fact, many have expressed surprise that so mild and agreeable a remedy is so thoroughly effective. No matter how deep seated your .cold may be: no matter how sick it makes you no matter what other remedies may have failed to help you, we have no hesitation in saying that if Rexall Cold Tablets do not promptly dispel your cold, restore you to health and comfort and make you quickly forget your misery and pains, they will cost you nothing because the money you paid for them will be refunded to you the minvte you tell us they have not proved satisfactory. Rexall Cold Tab lets seem to give the same laxative results as most compounds that are for laxative purposes only. This in itself is one of the main essentials in relieving colds. Price, 25 cents. Sold in this com munity only at our store The Rexall Store Huntley Bros. Co. Boost your city by ooosting your daily paper. The Enterprise should be in every home. DR. LB. FORD PLANS BIG SUNDAY SERVICE There is no relaxation on the part of Dr. T. B. Ford and his helpers in the revival campaign. Elaborate plans are being made for the Sunday ser vices. Every family belonging to the chchru is expected to be representd at the Sunday morning service, and after the basket dinner in the Wood man Hall there will be a good fellow ship meeting and all will have a part in ' the service. "Olden time" songs will be rendered. The Sunday even ing service will be evangelistic. Dr. Ford says he expects to cross the 'dead line' Sunday and " swing the whole force in a solid column into battle." The services Thursday night were well attended, the Rev. Wievesiek preaching. Dr. Ford conducted the after meeting. The sermon was. well received. v The Rev. George Nelson Edwards wll) preach this evening and the peo ple of his church have been invited to attend and manv of them will do so. Put Yourself Inside A Mover $15 -Suit-- "BREAD AND CAKE WlIH0UTriI51M"r ,1 , . 1 1 at m iltm rta r,i i a m itr ztzrKznr tSP e foremost KjjM!AD . Flour Testing IB soS wm LLboractory jJSo of the country places : J fM Wr. Fisher's Blend Flour W J ( Hide from Eastern Hard Wheat in J Western Soft Wheat) if I YOU'LL BE PUTTING $5 to $10 IN YOUR POCKET, FOR ORDINARY STORES ASK THAT MUCH MORE FOR THE EQUAL OF MOYER $15 SUITS. .' V MOYER SELLS MEN'S CLOTHING IN A BIG WAY MOYER SELECTS THE BEST ALL-WOOL FABRICS AND PRESCRIBES THE WAY-THEY SHALL BE TAIL ORED; THEN, TOO, HE SELLS AT A CLOSER PROF IT THAN OTHERS DARE SELL. THE RESULT IS, YOU RECEIVE A DOLLAR'S WORTH OF SERVICE FOR EVERY DOLLAR YOU PUT INTO A MOYER SLIT THERE'S NOTHING ELSE SO GOOD AT THE PRICE AS MOYER'S $15 SUITS. SPRIKG STYLES ARE IN ANY "MODEL YOU WANT, AND ANY SIZE YOU HAPPEN TO BE. ( Hade from Eastern Hard Wheat and Western Soft Wheat ) far ahead of all competitors. The HOUSEWIFE'S LABOR ATORY, commonly known as the KITCHEN, - invariably verifies its tests. You will get the best of results from this Perfect All -Purpose Flour. : Manufactured bjr Fisher Flouring Mills Co. " America's Finest Flourine Mills " . . . M . - -. For Sale by All Dealers First and YainhiS! 37-59 Third Second and Morrison Third and Oak PORTLAND i I nrnty aanaers. Sanders MncHoot of Peebles was a canny Scot, cautions and thrifty. Sanders., have another drink," a man saitl, euteriug t bar when; Mac Hoot was Just . tensing off a glass of whisky. "Na, na." answered Sanders. "1 winna hae anither, but ye can pay for this if ye like." Automobiles for Fiire PHONES: MAIN 77; A 193 , Miller-Parlcer Co.