Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, March 11, 1913, Page 4, Image 4

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Mohair Top and Bool
Clou Vio Wind Skirl
rmt-O-Uio Took
HERE aitention can be called only to bare)
facts. This is the car- a big, powerful,'
spacious, beautiful, comfortable, self
starting, thirty-horsepower, five-passenger
touring car fully equipped, all
ready for service. Built of the best materials, by
the best mechanics ot the automobile industry, in
the most efficient automobile shops in America.
And the price is only $985 f. o. b. Toledo.
The positive statement can be made, without I
any reservation whatever, -that this car is the
automobile industry's record value.
Come into the show room and examine the -new
Overland. Get an explanation of the many
exclusive features of Overland design and
Better yet, get a demonstration ride. It costs ,
you nothing and we consider it no trouble even if
you are not quite ready to place your order.
Phone, call, or write. You will have our
immediate and careful attention
These prices are F.O.B.
Toledo, Ohio
fJt!Try iOIOoT Sotf-Sttrto, Took. Boorm,
. 30.HorPowor Center Control
J oKJ S-PeMn-er Tool in, Co, Rom, Movooto
Hold-outs Would Make All Star Team
That Would be Cham
pions of the
(Written especially for Enterprise.) j
NEW YORK, March 10.
The 1913 "hold-out" league lost sev
eral notable members the past week j
or two, but still Includes in its ranks '
many ot the stars of the game. The :
Boston Red Soxs corralled two illus
trious "rebels" in Joe Wood and Tris
Speaker, but advices from other in
surrectionary camps report little
change in the situation.
Detroit and Pittsburg are the great
est sufferers, with Ty Cobb, Sam
Crawford, Oscar Stanage, Oscar Vitt
and Jean Dubuc of the former, and
Dots Miller, Bobby Byrne, Claude Hen
drix and Max Carey of the latter club
firm in their demands for bigger wages
but these teams are not alone in
their troubles.
The New York "Giants have report
ed for spring training minus Rube
Marquard, the record breaking twirler
of 1912, and Arthur Shafer, the in-j
field star, while Jimmy Archer, of
the Cubs, Ed. Konetchy, of the Cardi
nals, and Mike Donlin of the Philne3.
are still loyal to the "union". Even
the lowly St. Louis Brovns have not
escaped the general hold up, Bert Shot
ten, their crack outfielder refusing to
"sign the papers" for 1913.
What a great club could be grafted
from this army of "strikers." It
would take the field with the follow
ing line-up: Konetchy, first base;
Miller, second; Shafer, short -stop;
Byrne, third; Cobb, center; Crawford,
right; Donlin, left; with Vitt substit
ute infielder and Carey and Shotwn
as extra gardeners. For battery
strength the club would be second to
none in professional base ball with
Marquard, Hendrix and Dubuc com
prising the twirling staff, and Archer
and Stanage on the receiving end.
Some club, what?
With the full hitting strength in tag
field, which would call for Claude Hen
rix in the box, and Jimmy Archer back
of the bat, the grand, batting average
of the "hold outs" would be a shade
undgr .314, or about 28 points better
than the Giants average last season
and 32 points higher than the athle
tics who led the American league in
batting in 1912.
Talk about an all American ball
club this bunch would compare fav
orably, both in offense and defense,
with any nine that might be selected
from the combined -rosters of the Na
tional and American leagues.
Only four more weeks and another
base ball season will be upon us. Lo
cal interest has already reached a
point far in advance of the usual
standard for this time of the year.
The newspapers are devoting page:?
to the doings of our pet atheletes at
the trainingcamps in Bermuda and
Marlin. and the fans are looking for
ward to the rapidly approaching sea
son with great satisfaction.
It is safe to predict that when John
McGraw and his Giants open the sea
son at the Polo grounds a record
breaking crowd will be in attendance
to greet the "little Napolen" and his
merry men including that well
known initmate of royality, James-Drag-His-Rope-Thorpe.
And when
the Highlanders assemble on the same
field a week later Frank Chance will
find an equally large assemblage to
bid him welcome to Gotham.
Clarke Griffith says there are no
good left hand pitchers in the game
today. Well, outside of Eddie Plank,
Rube Marquard, Slimm Sallee, Nap
Rucker, Eppa Rixey, George Wiltse,
Vean Gregg and half a dozen others
whose names the writer can't recall
at the instant, "Grif" is about right.
Possibily the fact that there is not a
good port-sider on the Washington
pay roll explains the Griffith wail
about the decline of the left handers.
"Mack" is in receipt of a letter
from Frank Chance in which the
peerless leader" praises Bermuda a
a training camp and predicts that a
month's stay at the resort will have
every member of the New Yorkers in
the best possible physical condition...
"If the men do not play good ball
it will not be due to lack of condition,"
writes .the big boss, "but because it
isn't in them. Barring a series of
acidents or something of the sort the
New Yorks should open the season
ciose to their top form. I want to
have the boys in the best of shape,
and going at full speed as early in the
season as possible and I believe a
month here will do the track."
Incidentally, Chance is not making
any predictions concerning the team's
chances in the 1913 race, but says he
will do his level best to develop a
winner. A man can do more.
. The writer, like thousands of others
has great faith in Chance's abilty,
but is not foolish enough to imagine
that he can make a winner out of a
tail end club in one short season.
Frank is a great leader, as he proved
beyond all question by his record
with the famous Cubs, and if given
proper support and encouragement
will build a winner for the local own
ers. But it will" take time. Rome
was not built in a day. Neither is a
pennant winning club.
While Chance' had a wonderful suc
cessful career in Chicago, the writer
believes his greatest feat .was that of
last year in keeping the remnants of
the once great Cub machine in the
race throughout the season, and by
finishing a bang-up third right on the
heels of the strong Pittsburgs. The
spurt made by Chance's men in mid
summer when they came from twelve
or thirteen games back and almost
made it a dead heat with the Giants
was the sensation of "the season.
It was Chance's constant driving and
particularly clever handling of al
Four Oensrafions
Have Used
4 fJVu
'Mm im -
ino Tar Honey
Coughs, Colds, Grip, Asthma, Whoop
tag Cough and Soreness of ths Throat.
Ovsst sad Longs "
Superior Merit aoconnta for ths great
and Increasing demand for this old rsss
dy . Which 1b as "Good as Ever."
No Opiates
All Ingredients shown In plain type
on carton. Remember there Is only one
genuine Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar Honey.
$1.00 50c and 25o
Real Facts In Regard To F. R.
sfaffman's ISIness. Relief Ob
tained By Curing His
Stomach Ailments.
Waynesville.N.C Mr. F.R. Huffman,
of this city, says: ; " I suffered dreadfully
with what I thought was heart trouble,
and tried various medicines in vain.
After other remedies had failed, Thed
ford's Black-Draught restored me to
health. I would not feel safe without
Black-Draught in the house. I consider
It worth its weight in gold.
It cured my indigestion, and by this
means I was restored to health. I can
not express my gratitude for its benefits."
Good health depends on the condition
of your digestion. Poor digestion and
good health do not go together.
Thedford's Black-Draught will
thoroughly cleanse and set in order your
digestive system.
It has done this for others, during the
past 70 years, and is today the mosi
popular vegetable liver remedy on tha
market. . Try it. ,
Insist on Thedford's. Price 25c
weak pitching staff that kept the Cubs
from dropping into the second divi
sion. .
More and better bouts are sechuled
at local boxing clubs this week
than for sometime past. The larger
clubs will be in operation and there
will be something doing every night
in the week.
The most interesting event is, of
course, the ' MacFarland - Britton
Madison Square Garden. After many
attempts the mmatchmakers clinch
ed this match, which promise to be
the feature bout of the season from a
scientific standpoint. j
Britton and MacFarland are the
most skillful boxers of their weight
in the profession today, and as the ar
ticles of agreement permit the - con
testants to weigh in at 136 ponds at
3 o'clock in the afternoon "there can
be no excuses of lack of condition on .
the part of the loser. Both Packey
and Jack scale a few pounds too heavy
for the lightweight limit and neither
could hope to reduce to 133 without
loss of stamina and vitality.
These boxers embody in their skill
all that the friends of boxing claim
for the sport, and the match should
prove one of the finest exhibitions of
scientific boxing ever seen in this
city. So far as the relative merits
of the men are concerned the
bout looks to be a fairly even thing.
MacFarland probably is the cleverer
of the pair, but Britton is a more ag
gressive type of miller and the hard
er hitter.
Another good match is the Jack Dil
lman Jack McCarron bout arranged,
for Thursday evening at the Forty
fourth strret sporting club, of which
Abe Attell, former featherweigh cham
pion, is now matchmaker and general
factotum. Dillman hails from Indian
apolis and is ranked, as one of the
leading middleweights of the country
McCarron Is a protege of Philadelphia
Jack O'Brien and in a recent local
exhibition with Young Kurtz, the Jer
sey City middleweight created a
favorable impression on the fight fan
atics. . Ad Wolgast failed to show his old
time form in the contest with Harlem
Tommy Murphy at San Francisco last
week. While he held Mlurphy to a
twenty round draw and was unques
tionally the stronger of the two at the
finish of the bout, his former dash
and stamina were lacking and his
failure to decisively defeat Tomy does
not augur well for his future in the
ring. Expert opinion is that he
would have little chance " to regain
the championship in a return match
with Ritchie.
Joe Rivers, the Mexican demon, eli
minated "knock-out" Brown from the
list of lightweight championship as
pirants, by stopping the New York
boxer in the tenth round of their
match at Los Angeles on Washington's
birthday. To those Gothamites who
had seen Rivers "handle" Leach Cross
at a local club early this year the re
sult of the contest was no surprise.
Rivers has wired the Empire Athel
etic Club, of this city, that he will
start east within the next few days,
and will be prepared to take on any
of the lightweights over the ten
round distance. He Is also negotiat
ing for a match with Willie Ritchie
for the championship. The latter In
formed the whiter while In New York
last week that he would gladly ar
range a match with Rivers in the
event of the latter's success in the
Brown contest.
Bombadier Wells and Gunboat Smith
have accepted March 14 as the date
for their ten round battle. The win
ner will be matched against Jess Wil
lard, the Kansas giant, the following
week. Then Luther McCarty can have
a go with 'the winner if he Is still In
the humor for fight.-
Luther's belated announcement
that he wants to box Wells Is probably
the result of the severe criticism that,
has been heaped upon him since tt
became known that he refused a
$10,000 guarantee to meet the English
champion. He has learned that the
Stop Straining
Your Back!
You'll never know the real mean
ing of the words "labor saver," as .
applied to farm implements, until
you come in and experiment with the
Safety Hoist and Wire Stretcher
This is the only combined wire
stretcher and hoist with a positively
safe and sure automatic lock on the
pull rope.
Stretches wire to perfection. Lifts
and holds load in mid-air until you are
ready to lower it. It has the only
Grip Thai Can't Sri p
Nine different sizes; lift
ing capacity from 400 lbs.
to 5 tons. Saving time,
temper and trouble for
thousands. Drop in
at once ana see this
wonderful labor
saver tn
C. W. Fredericks
Seventh and Center Streets
public has little use for a fighter who
refuses to figth.
What You Have Been Looking For.
Meritol White Llnament is a prep
aration that gives universal satisfac
tion in every instance where a pain
killer and healer is needed. We do
not believe you could get a better
linamant at any price.
Jones Drug Company, Exclusive
Agents' '
The regular monthly meeting of
the Deutsche Verein of Oregon City,
held at Knapp's Hall Sunday after
noon, Gustav Schnoerr presiding, was"
well attended by members and their
families. The following program was
well rendered:
Opening Address, President Schnoerr
Song Der Gute Kamerad
Recitation Ed. Miller
Piano Duet
...Mrs. P. and Miss Clara Winkle
Recitation ... Master Gus. Schnoerr
Dialoge ... : '
..Miss Hoppe and Mr. E. Schmidt
Recitation 'Miss Louise Rotter
Vocal Duet
Miss Hopp and Mr. Schueldt
Recitation F. Weinert
Vocal Trio
Mrs. Winkle, Miss Hopp, Mr. Rotter
Address D. M. Klemsen
Comic Song A. .Pfeiffer
Song ... "Die Loreli"
Closing Address ... Gustav Schnoerr
At the close of the program all
partook of a bountiful German din
ner, after which a pleasant hour was
passed in music, song and games.
If tt nappened it Is In tne Enterprise.
Used The World Over
For Stomach Trouble
The tremendous amount of rush .and hustle which is
necessary to keep abreast of the times these days has cre
ated a condition of nervousness which is affecting the ma
jority of people in the United States. That dec-vn-an-out
nervous conditions is nothing more nor less than stomach
trouble, now generally recogTiized as the great American
A man or woman in this "condition can get little hap
piness or success out of life. They feel tired all the time,
have no energy or ambition, and are gloomy, timid and
despondent. They do not sleep or eat well, or feel well,
and. life instead of being a pleasure, is more of a burden.
Are you one of these half sick, listless, tired, nervous
people? If you are, you should know that these is a
medicine that has brought back the old energy and pleas
, ure in life to thousands who have tried it. The name of
it is
Cooper's New Disco very
It has been pronounced the greatest medicine ever sold to
the public. Cooper's New Discovery is sold by all drug
gists, who will refun dthe purchase price if it fails to give
you full and complete satisfaction. It will build you up
and bring back your strength and vitality. You will be
astonished how quickly it acts. The first few doses will
convince you of its merits. Cooper's Nifv Discovery is
used the world over ofr stomach trouble.
Mrs. Sarah A. Rivers died at 1;40
o'clock Sunday morning at her home
in Willamette, after an illness of six
weeks. Death was due to pneumonia.
She was born in Canada, April 16,
1846, and had been a resident of Wil
lamette for the last 10 years. Six
children were born to her, of. which
three survive: Charles Kenney, of
Willamette; Austin Kenney, of Ka
milhe, Wash,, and Mrs. Grave Miller,
of Valdez, Alaska. Her husband, I.
W. Rivers, also survives her. Mrs.
Rivers is mourned by a large circle
of friends. The funeral services will
be held this afternoon at 1:30 o'clock
at the First Baptist Church in Ore
gon City, Rev. W. T. Milliken officia
ting. .The remains will be sent to
Snohomish, Wasih., for interment.
Stops Dandruff .and Scalp Diseases,
nestores uray or raaea Hair to
Its Natural Color.
A Cure For Eczema. '
Eczema In any form, whether acute
or chronic, is easily and rapidly over
come by the use of Meritol Eczema
Remedy. Gives positive , relief when
all others fail, and we heartily rec-o-nmend
it to any sufferer.
Jones . Drug Company, . Exclusive
Swissco Will Do This For You.
Swissco produces astounding re
sults so quickly it has amazed those
who have used it. We will prove it
to you if you will send 10g in silver
or stamps to pay postage and we will
send you a trial bottle and our won
derful testimonials. ,
There is no excuse for baldness.
Write today to Swissco Hair Remedy
Co., 5311 P. O. Square, Cincinnati,
Swissco is on sale at all druggists
and drug departments at' 50c and $1.00
a bottle.