4 .MORN ING ENTERPRISE SATURDAY, MARCH 8, 1913.1 $8 WEEK ENOUGH FOR mm RICH f4AN CHICAGO, March 7. There was a tense dramatic moment at the end of the forenoon session today of the State Senate "Vice Commission. Julius Rosen wald, president of Sears, Roebucit & Co., multimillion aire, philantropist and employe ,of over 4000 women, himself at one time head of a vice investigation commit tee, had been on the witness stand for hours, testifying to the wage scale of his company, and explaining that in his "judgment wages pnd -the im morality ot women had little to do with each other. The small room where the sessions are being held was packed with a well-dressed crowd, many of them women. Tiien a young woman, clad, in black and answering to the name of "Em ily," took her seat in the front of the inquisitors and by trie side of Rosen wald. She had been employed by Sears, Roebuck, but left there to take a bet ter position. Her only criticism of the firm was that tlie forewoman "scolded," and made some of the luck less culprits, guilty of some infrac tion of the rules or making a mistake, sry. This did not occur every day, however. Suddenly attention became acute as Lieutenant-Governor Barratt O'Ha ra, a young man, leaned over and asked the witness a question which he found difficult in wording: "We have a great deal of philos ophy here today from men; now let's find out what's yours. If a girl was getting $8 a week (the minimum paid by Sears, Roebuck & Co., to girls living alone) and had to support a widowed mother, would you blame the girl if she if she committeed a crime?" the witness looked puzzled for a moment and then, comprehending, looked up frankly and replied: "No; I wounldn't." "Would you blame her if she kill ed herself?" "No, I wouldn't," came the emphat ic reply. "And would you blame her if she committed a greater crime?" The young Lieutenant-Governor's meaning was in his embarrassed tones and his blushes and by now the girl was the more composed of the two. She paused just a moment and then repeated distinctly: "No; I wot'M The room had been painfully quiet, but at this there was a sound of ap plause, led by the women spectators and the first general spontaneous out burst of the session. "Emily" was then dismissed. It is asserted by Lieutenant-Governor Barratt O'Hara that in Chicago alone 50,000 women are employed at a wage of $5 a week or less. A Cure For Eczema. Eczema in any form, whether acute or chronic, is easily and rapidly over come by the use of Meritol Eczema Remedy. Gives positive relief when all others fail, and we heartily rec-o-nmend it to any sufferer. Jones Drug Company, Exclusive Agents. LUXURIOUS ROOMS TAKEN FROM BOURNE WASHINGTON, March 7. Senators who have been enjoying luxurious suites of rooms in the Capitol and Senate Office Building will have to surrender them. Of course such Sen ators have been Republicans. The Democrats now demand that Republi can Senators be given just as little consideration as Democratic Senators have received. "There has developed some caus tic criticism," says the Post, "of so called Republican greed in this re spect. One Democrat who has been looking about a bit, informed the cau cus that Senator Jonathan Bourne, of Oregon, had two rooms in the Capt tol Building and six in the Office Building. That, they thought, came near being a trifle more than one man's share." It was also remarked that Senator Bourne had "six clerks, where most Senators were allowed but three." Bourne remains on the pay roll himself for another year, but his lux urious and spacious quarters will be reduced. Accuracy ot Statement. "Have you a good cook?" "A very pious one. but her cooking's diabolical." EVErir rrtivliLY Needs a genuine Anti-Sep ic in the nome. There is hardly a day that some member of the famiiy doesn'; surfer from Burns, Cuts, Scalds, Chapped Hands an; Lpe, Tetter, Scald Head, Eczema, Sun Burn, Corns, etc. Dr. Beh's Antiseptic Salve is an old-time fully guar anteed remedy for these trou bles. 25 cents a box. Covered With Sores But Entire ly Cured Gentlemen Af.er spending many dollars and trying many doctors in treating my lit le boy, I saw your Dr. Bell's Anti Septic Salve advarajti, pur chased a box, and though he was covered with sores from hepd to foot he v.as entirely uired after ur'nir en!-.- two boxes of Dr. Bali's Antisep.ic Sai.e. Verv tri.i.s MRS. S. M. G. BYiU). Route 3, Box 2, Blackstone, S.'C FOR SALE BY THE JONES DRUG COMPANY GITY ENGINEER'S REPORT C. S. N6ble, city engineer, has made the following report to the City Council: March 1, 1913. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Oregon city. Gentlemen: I hand you herewith a detail report of the -work done for the month of February by the City Engineer's office: Name J. R. Stafford C. S. Noble W. Ml Strohmeyer Geo. C. Yale J. R. Stafford C. S. Noble W. M. Strohmeyer Geo. C. Yale J. R. Stafford C. S. Noble W. M. Strohmeyer Geo. C. Yale Geo. C. Yale C. S. Noble J. R. Stafford W. M. Strohmeyer J. R. Stafford C. S. Noble W. M. Strohmeyer Geo. C. Yale C. S. Noble J. R. Stafford W. M. Strohmeyer Geo. C. Yale W. Ml Strohmeyer J. R. Stafford C. S. Noble J. R. Stafford C. S. Noble Geo. C. Yale J. R. Stafford C. S. Noble W. M. Strohmeyer Geo. C. Yale W. M. Strohmeyer C. S. Noble J. R. Stafford Geo. C. Yale J. R. Stafford C. S. Noble Date Feb. 1, 1913 Feb. 1, 1913 Feb. 1, 1913 Feb. 1, 1913 Feb. 3, 1913 Feb. 3, 1913 Feb. 1, 1913 Feb. 3, 1913 Feb. 4, 1913 Feb. 4, 1913 Feb. 4, 1913 Feb. 4, 1913 Feb. 5, 1913 Feb. 5, 1913 Feb. 5, 1913 Feb. 5, 1913 Feb. 6, 1913 Feb. 6, 1913 Feb. 6, 1913 Feb. 6, 1913 Feb. 7, 1913 Feb. 7, 1913 Feb. 7, 1913 Feb. 7, 1913 Feb. 8, 1913 Feb. 8, 1913 Feb. 1913 Feb. 10, 1913 Feb. 10, 1913 Feb. 10, 1913 Feb. 11, 1913 Feb. 11, 1913 Feb. 11, 1913 Feb. 11, 1913 Feb. 12, 1913 Feb. 12, 1913 Feb. 12, 1913 Feb. 12, 1913 Feb. 13, 1913 Feb. 13, 1913 W. M. Strohmeyer Feb. 13, 1913 Geo. C. Yale W. M. Strohmeyer C. S. Noble J. R. Stafford Geo. C. Yale J. R. Stafford Feb. 13, 1913 Feb. 14, 1913 Feb. 14, 1913 Feb. 14, 1913 Feb. 14, 1913 Feb. 15, 1913 W. M. Strohmeyer Feb. 15, 1913 C. S. Noble Geo. C. Yale C. S. Noble Geo. C. Yale C. S. Noble J. R. Stafford W. M. Strohmeyer Geo. C. Yale W. Ml Strohmeyer C. S. Noble J. R. Stafford W. M. Strohmeyer Geo. C. Yale C. S. Noble J. R. Stafford Geo. C. Yale J. R. Stafford C. S. Noble W. M. Strohmeyer Geo. C. Yale W. M. Strohmeyer J. R. Staffrod C. S. Noble Geo. C. Yale J. R. Stafford W. M. Strohmeyer C. S. Noble Geo. C. Yale C. S. Noble W. M. Strohmeyer J. R. Stafford Geo. C. Yale C. S. Noble Feb. 15, 1913 Feb. 15, 1913 Feb. 16, 1913 . Feb. 15, 1913 Feb. 17, 1913 Feb. 17, 1913 Feb. 17, 1913 Feb. 17, 1913 Feb. 18, 1913 Feb. 18, 1913 Feb. 18, 1913 Feb. 18, 1913 Feb. 18, 1913 Feb. 19, 1913 Feb. 19, 1913 Feb. 19, 1913 Feb. 20, 1913 Feb. 20, 1913 Feb. 20, 1913 Feb. 20, 1913 Feb. 21, 1913 Feb. 21, 1913 Feb. 21, 1913 Feb. 21, 1913 Feb. 22, 1913 Feb.. 22, 1913 Feb. 22, 1913 Feb. 22, 1913 Feb. 24, 1913 Feb. 24, 1913 Feb. 24, 1913 Feb. 24, 1913 Feb. 25, 1913 W. Ml Strohmeyer Geo. C. Yale T. R. Stafford W. M. Strohmeyer J. R. Stafford C. S. Noble Geo. C. Yale J. R. Stafford . C. S. Noble W. M. Strohmeyer Geo. C. Yale W. M. Strohmeyer J. R. Stafford Geo. C. Yale (Card Index System) Feb. 25, 1913 Feb. 25, 1913 Feb. 25, 1913 Feb. 26, 1913 Feb. 26, 1913 Feb. 26, 1913 Feb. 26, 1913 Feb. 27, 1913 Feb. 27, 1913 Feb. 27, 1913 Feb. 27, 1913 Feb. 28, 1913 Feb. 28, 1913 Feb. 28, 1913 Report Estimate of number of houses north and south of 7th St. ior elevator. Monthly estimates Estimate for elevator General work 8 hours running levels on John Adams Street d Monthly estimates sewers, Main St., and etc., John Adams Street General work 4 hours John Adams, 4 hours office plans for Fire Alarm House Monthly estimate, specifications for concrete house, office work John Adams Profile, office work, Cen ter Street Profile General work General work Reports, estimates, etc., for monthly meeting. 8 hours on John Adams Street. Office work, Main Street, Worked on High Street 2 hours, 6 hours in office tracing J. Adams. Explaining grades on 4th and High to property owners, etcdifferent sketch and general traffic. Center St., curb grades, office work. Beneral work Levels on High Street, general office work. General office work and profile John Adams Street, 5 hours, sidewalk on Center Street 3 hours. Main Street excavating for wall, Ore gon Engineering & Constructing Co. contractors. Curb has not moved the last two or three days. 15 men. , General work Main St. excavating for wall; Oregon Engineering & Constructing Co. contractors. Curb is sliding a little in front of Busch's store 10 men. Set grades at 4th and High Streets. Made tracing of fire station. General work Measuring up Monroe Street. Monroe Street General work. Sorting maps from City Hall, and plat ting Y's in sewer District No. 2 Explaining grade to Bitner, Stafford and Mr. Fouts, etc., computing Mon roe estimates, etc. Monroe Street. General work M'ain street, 15 men, building retain ing wall; Oregon Engineering & Constructing Co., contractors. With assessment committee in sewer District No. 7. Odd jobs in office. General work. Inspection. Working on assessment of sewer dis trict No. 7, general office work. Main Street, 20 men, building wall, Oregon Engineering & Construction Co., contractors. General work. - Main street, 15 men, building wall, Oregon Engineering & Construc tion Co., contractors. Report for City Council. Meeting with district No. 7 sewer committee attended Council meeting. 16th Street assessment. General work. In office and field on 16th street as sessment. . Main Street, 13 men, laying walks on wall. Oregon Engineering & Con structing Co., contractors. 16th street, estimate, etc. General work. General office work. General work. General office work. Worked on 16th street assessment. Main Street, 8 men, building wall; Ore. gon Engineering & Constructing Co. contractors: Main street 1-2 day; office 1-2 day. General work. Main street, 10 men, building retain ing wall, Oregon Engineering & Con structing Co., contractors. Checking 16th street for assessment. Assessments on Main St. and 16th St. Assessments for Main Street. General work. Checking profile of John Adams st. Main Street assessments. General work. 1-2 day on Center street for Henry Hughes, 1-2 day on Main st. assess ment. Working on J. Adams profile. Center street. General work. Hawley steps; pavement samples. 1-2 day on the hill, 3rd and J. Adams 1-2 day Hawley P. & P. stairway. Levels on John Adams street, etc. General work. Half day on Hawley Saturday. Hawley steps. Profile and grade of J. Adams street and office work. General work. Office work. Center street 1-2 day; office work 1-2 day. 4 hours Center street walks, 4 hours office. General work. John Adams and High streets profile tracing High for assessment com mittee, etc. Office work. General work. Hawley bridge and office work. Fire alarm house. Hawley bridge. Assessment of High street report; office work. General work. 6 hours Main street, 2 hours Hawley bridge 16th street assessment, etc. Office work. General work Main street sewer.' Main street sewer. General work. Yours truly,. C. S. NOBLE, City Engineer. . Per Assistant Engineer. TO DECIDE ELECTION the" women in Milwaukie are tak ing more interest than ,the men in the special (City election March 18, and they may decide the fate of the five measures pending. The Suffra gette Association is composed entire ly of property owning women. They favor two measures: the bond issue of $20,000 for a municipal water plant and the amendment for opening streets. Mrs. Maggie L. Johnson said here Friday that the women want plenty of water and more streets. The library, which was taken over by the School Board from the Moth ers and Teachers' Circle, and moved from the city hall into the school house, united the libraries of the cir cle with that of the school, making a circulating library of 1200 volumes. The Milwaukie Woodmen are con templating erecting a hall on the site of the former building on Main Street. USE YOUR TALENTS. Men are the architects of their respective fortunes. It is the fiat of fate, from which no power of genius can absolve us. Genius, however great, unexerted, is like the poor moth that flutters around a candle till it scorches itself to death. William Wirt "Today Is The Day We Give Votes Away" VALUE TO $1.50 FOR VALUE TO $1.50 FOR SOc Automobile Contest Book Special2000 Votes With Each Book For "Saturday Special" we have selected a choice assortment of two hundred splendid books ranging in value from 50 cents-$1.50. Saturday only you may have your choice for 50 cents each and receive two thousand bonus votes with. each book. In the assortment will be found just the kind of book you want. - CHARMING ROMANCES GRIPPING TALES OF ADVENTURE STANDARD REFERENCE BOOKS ATTRACTIVE BOOKS OF VERSE, ETC. Books are now on display in our window. Pick out the ones you want. HUNTLEY BROS. CO. THE REXALL STORE WE GIVE VOTES Huntley Bros-Co. V. Harris Star Theatre Morning Enterprise ITOP! ILiOOlC! LISTEN! A Chance To See San Francisco in 1915 This means EVERYBOBY. Fourteen days of continual ROUND of PLEASURE and SIGHTSEEING Now is the time to begin your subscription. Read our iron-clad contract below. APPLICATION. For Tour Privileges made to San Francisco Exposition Tour Co. From Chicago, Illinois, to San Francisco and return with Standard Lower Berth from Chicago, during the holding of the PANAMA PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION. Consideration: The payment by the applicant to the Company's Agent of the sum of Ten Dollars (J10.00) with this application, and the further sum of One Hundred and Sixty Nine Dollars ($169.00) at the Old Colony Trust & Sayings Bank, of Chicago,-111., for the account of the Company, in 24 monthly installments of Seven Dollars ($7.00) and in 1 monthly installment of One Dollar ($1.00). I hereby promise to pay the sums of money above named as above provided and I agree that no person has authority to change or modify the printed terms of this application or the Certificate and its endorsed guaranteed tour privileges and conditions, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, or to enlarge, restrict or modify them or either of them in any mam sr. . - - Signed, A. B. JONES, Applicant. Dated at Chicago, Illinois, this 35th day of November, 1912. SPECIMEN CONTRACT Agent for the Company. ADVICE No. 482 La Salle Street. To San Francisco Exposition Tour Co., San Francisco, California. City and State, Chicago, Illinois. I have this day applied to you for a Tour Privilege Contract and have signed your printed application blank without any erasures, additions, waivers, or other modifications, and have paid Mr Ten Dollars (f 10.00) as the initial payment. Dated at Chicago, 111., Nov. 15, 1912. SPECIMEN Applicant CERTIFICATE San Francisco Exposition Tour Co., San Francisco, Cal. . Chicago, 111., Nov. 15, 1912. This is to certify that A. B. Jones has paid to the soliciting agent of the San Francisco Exposition Tour Company the sum of Ten Dollars (J10.00) on account of his application for a Tour to San Francisco and return, this day made, and that upon the payment in accordanme with said application of Seven Dollars monthly for 24 months, and One Dollar monthly for 1 month, to be paid to the credit of the Company at the Old Colony Trust & Sav ings Bank, in the city of Chicago, State of Illinois, he shall be entitled to the guaranteed tour privileges subject to the conditions enumerated on the back hereof at any time during the holding of the Panama-Pacific International Exposition at San Francisco, Cal., in 1915. The Company is only bound by the printed terms on the back hereof and no agent has authority to add to, restrict, change or otherwise modify the same. ; , . . SAN FRANCISCO EXPOSITION TOUR CO. Accepted: Wm. Bull Pringle, President. A. B. Jones, Applicant SPECIMEN CONTRACT, Agent for the Company Not Valid until Countersigned by Agent. GUARANTEED TOUR PRIVILEGES AND CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT. 1. "First-class round trip transportaton ticket from place designated in contract to San Francisco. 2. Ticket for Standard Pullman double lower berth, from place designated in the contract to San Francisco and return. 3. Removal of baggage by a transfer company to and from the hotel upon arrival and departure from San Francisco. 4. Vehicle transportation for person to and from the hotel upon arrival and departure from San Francisco. 5. Fourteen days' modern hotel accommodations in San Francisco, Euro pean plan, in private room with full-size bed. If applicant does not desire hotel accommodations, he shall notify the com pany in writing to that effect on or befre July 1st, 1914, and there will be re funded to him at the office of the Company in San Francisco, the aum of $24.00. Two adult applicants may occupy the same room and bed at hotel if . desired, provided written notice of such desire, with names of both parties, is given the Company on or before July 1, 1914, in which event a refund of Six Dollars ($6.00) to each of said applicants will be made to them by the Com pany on their arrival at San Francisco. 6. A subscription during the construction of the Exposition and up to and inclusive of June. 1915, to an illustrated magazine which will report progress of the Panama-Pacific Internationail Exposition. Should more than one adult in a family apply for these Tour Privileges, subscription for two different magazines will be furnished -the family. 7. Four of the following eight trips in and about San Francisco to be se lected by the applicant. 1 A steamer trip around San Francisco Bay. 2 A trip to the University -of California and Greek Theatre.' 3 Automobile trip through principal sections of the city. y 4 A steamer trip to Mare Island Navy Yard. 5 A trip to Sausalito, Mill Valley, and up Mt. Tamalpais. 6 A trip through Chinatown. 7 A trip to the orchards of Santa Clara Valley. 8 A trip to the intensified farming districts. 8. Twelve tickets for admission to Exposition Grounds. 9. Twenty tickets for admission to attractions in Exposition Grounds, to be, selected by the Company. 10. The Company will purchase the applicant's transportation from the Railroad" Company nearest the starting point. The tour to and from San Francisco during the continuance of the Panama-Pacific International Exposition may be made at the pleasure of the appli cant, provided, however, that the applicant must give the Company thirty days' notice of the date of his arrival in San Francisco. Upon receipt of such notice the Company will immediately arrange for transportation and other ac commodations herein provided for. In case of the death of the applicant, if all payments then due to the Company have been made, the entire amount then paid in by the applicant shall upon satisfactory proof of death be paid to the applicant's heirs, execut ors or adminisitrators. In the event of a termination or abandonment of this contract prior to July 1st, 1914, all moneys paid by the applicant will be returned Dy the com pany to him on demand, except the sum of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) and in the event of such termination or abandonment of this contract after July 1st, 1914, all moneys paid by the applicant will be returned by the Company to him on demand, except the sum of forty dollars ($40.00), which amounts it is agreed are the costs per capita, during the respective periods, to the Company of securing the contract and preparing for the. tour, and such amount shall be retained by the Company to cover such expense. THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES PROVIDED FOR BY THIS CONTRACT MAY BE ASSIGNED AT ANY TIME PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE! OF THE RAILROAD TICKET, PROVIDED SUCH ASSIGNMENT BE IN WRITING AND THE COMPANY DULY NOTIFIED IN WRITING THEREOF. The time limit and other conditions of the transportation ticket, will be goverend by the rules and regulation of the railroad companies and the rules and regulations prescribed by legal authority in force at the time of the Tour. The Company's rates are based upon the various railroad companies' and the Pullman Company's rates from the various localities, via regular direct routes. The applicant may select any one of the regular direct routes, born going and coming, or he may select any other route, both going and coming. If he sielects a route either going or coming other than one of the regular direct ' routes and any additional charge is made by the railroad or Pullman Company, he must pay such additional charge. If applicant shall at any time before taking his tour change his residence ' to a locality where the published railroad or Pullman rates, via regular direct routes, are different from the place designated in his contract, then the amount to be paid in under this contract shall be changed to apply to the new locality as per this Company's rates from such locality. It is understood and agreed that the San Francisco Exposition Tour Com . pany in arranging and carrying out the details of this contract is acting in the capacity of agent only. All tickets for conveyance of persons or property, in cluding berth tickets by rail, steamboat, boat, coach, carriage, launch, car or automobile over any route or trip are Issued by the Company as agents for the companies or proprietors controlling or operating such routes or conducting such trips, and in all other cases the arrangements are made by the San Fran cisco TJrjyiition Tour Company as the agent of the applicant. AtiA rV is further understood that the San Francisco Exposition Tour Com pany cannot accept any liability and is not liable for any loss, accident, delay or irregularities which may occur or be occasioned through the negligence or default of any company or person not in the employment of said San Francisco Exposition Tour Company concerned in the carrying out of any of the arrange ments herein provided for, or of any company or person with whom it contracts as the agent of the applicant, or of any company or person in whose behalf ii contracts as agents with applicant. When the full amount called for by the contract has been paid, a certificate certifying to that fact specifying the privileges to which the applicants is en titled will be forwarded to the applicant. When the order for the railway transportation and Pullman service Is Is sued by the Company, if the Pullman service available is other than lower berth in standard sleeping car and is accepteid by the applicant, the differenice in price between the lower berth and an upper berth or tourist berth will be re funded by the railway agents at the starting point. Come and see us and we'll tell you how its done on the easy payment plan Phone, write or call on C -'A. E L L I O TT 5th Street Near Main, Oregon City Phones: A 18 Main 1361