- MORNING ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1913. COMPLETELY EQUIPPED Timkn BearinKS Center Control Rem Mavnets Warner Speedoi MoKair Top and Bool Clear Vioo Wird SkteM Pmt-04jl Tank XT XT ' ERE attention can be called only to bare' tacts. I his is the car- a big, powerful, spacious, beautiful, comfortable, self starting, thirty-horsepower, five-passen ger touring car fully equipped, all ready for service. Built of the best materials, by the best mechanics ot the automobile industry, in the most efficient automobile shops in America. And the price' is only $985 f. o. b. Toledo. The positive statement can be made, without any reservation whatever, that this car is the automobile industry's record value. Come into the show room and examine the hew Overland. Get an explanation of the many exclusive features of Overland design and construction. Better yet, get a demonstration ride. It costs you nothing and we consider it no trouble even if you are not quite ready to place your order. Phone, call, or write. You will have out' immediate and careful attention PULLER-PARKER CO. " " -"Ti TrrrrnimiMiiii mi a m -"-". These prices are F.O.B. Toledo, Ohio ""Siitjr SJ'ftMenger Touring Cm est tSTwSSs. rr 1 1 j " The Psychological Moment. M V3S? sSJfl ! idiy , V!' Wit A ,': Ik '4 Growler (to distressed harrier) Keb, sir ? Punch. I I I Born to the wife -of S. J3. Shadle, March 4, a girl. The little one has .been named Virginia Martin Shadle. Both mother and child are doing well. Mirs. Wayne Robins, of Molalla, (fas in this city Thursday attending to business and visiting friends. Albert Notz, of Clackamas, was in this city Thursday attending to court matters. Emmet J)rake, of Potland, was in i ytV I this city Thursday attending to bus y,1 , ? i iness. . The Hub Grocery has a baragin for you in oranges. J. E. Talbot, of Clackamas, was an Oregon City visitor Thursday. Sweet, juicy, naval oranges. Buy them this week at 15 cents a dozen. Huh Citv Grocery. ' Dr. van Brakle, Osteopath, Mason j ic Building, phone Main 399. OGLE MINE STOCK FINE INVESTMENT 'his Is a Real Gold (Mine, Not a Stock Jobbing Proposition LOCAL BRIEFS REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Ulrich Gantenbein to Selena Gan tenbein, land section 7, township 2 south, range 4 east; ?5. Hans Anderson and wife to Marlin Anderson, land section 6, township 2 1 south, range 4 east; $800. Calvin Jones to Lydia Wright, land . . . ! D. L. C. No. 38, township 4 south, The foundation for the building range 2 east- $1 which is being put up for Prank E. coalman and wife to John R. Busch for the. Pacific Highway Ga-. Maroney, land sections 13 and 24, rage, has been completed and the , township 3 south, range 8 east; $10. erection of the building is now taking ; Edward C. Rickemeyer and wife to place. The concrete walk in front of Frank W. Walther, land J. Garrett D. the Busch property has also been L c section 31j township 1 south, completed. range o east; 10- Mrs. Leila Miller and son, Hugh, of j John H. Gibson and wife to Pete Gladstone, Mrs. Una Stuchel, of Port-, McCarthy tract 30 Gibson's Subdivis land and Miss Lulu Miller, of Aurora, ion of tracts 10, 11, 12 and 13; $1,100. spent Saturday and Sunday with their . Enos Cahill to Charles Stehlik, parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Miller, , land section 20, township 3 south, at their home on Falls View. j 'anee 2 east; Sin. The social given at District No. ! Anna Long to Anna Stehlik, land 93 was a decided success, the receipts section 20, township 3 south, range amounting to $54.20. The school has 2 east; $1. purchased a new organ and framed a : Ira L. Boyer o Bell Chaffer land number of nictures with the nroceeds. section 2, township 5 south, range 3 Mr. Poultry man: When you see. your chickens moping, wheezing, swol-' lenheaded and sneezing, we recom mend Conkey's Roup Remedy. Guar anteed by Oregon Commission Co. Dr. Ernest Sommer was in this city Wednesday attending to busi ness. Dr. Sommer was formerly a physician of this city as well as its mayor. F. A7 Burden, of Gladstone, Iras about recovered from his recent at tack of pneumonia and is able to be on the street again. v J. P. Gribble, of Aurora, was in east; $10 J. C. Chalupsky and wife to Knut T. Bestul and wife, land section 25, township 4 south, range 1 east; $10. W. H. H. Wade to D. M. Marshall, part W. N. Wade D. L. C, township 3 south, range 4 east; $1,250. A. G. Loundagin and wife to M. C. Davis and Arthur Davisk land section 36, township 1 south, range 1 east; $100. W. H. H. Wade to Mae B. Howe, part, W. N. Wade D. L., C, township 3 south, range 4 east; $250. L. H. Wang and wife to Jess M. Bartlett, lots 1 and 2, block 19, or- We are going to install a 100 ton cyanide plant on our property. TVe have proven beyond all question of doubt tnat the ore is there in pay ing quantities to keep said plant in operation for years to come. This mine is located in our own county and own ed by your own people and under these conditions it is bound to be of great benefit to our county as all the mon ey extracted will be distributed right here at home. We have a mine and not a hole in the ground called a mine that so many have bought stock in. When we say a Mine, we mean that the ore bodies are locate! to the extent that it shows that it will take years to worit them out. If you have old stock stored away ask yourself whether it was a hole in the ground or a mine you invested in, and if you will look it up and find your stock is worthless you can't help but see that you invested in a hole in the ground and not a Mine, so don't con demn a mine or place it in the same ranks. Be broader minded. Statistics show that there was produced in the year 1010 dver $127,000,000 in gold and silver in the Ujiited States and as this is a fact you cannot say that mining does not pay. If we get our plant in operation this fall it is rea sonable to believe that we will be handling 500 tons daily in five years from now, and that means an output of about $1,000,000 a year. It has tak en, years of labor to make the mine what it is today and as we are only short $10,000 to carry on our work to completion we think this a very small amount to ask our friends who have not already helped, to raise. Think it over! Cut out the following contract, sign up for a block of stock j and you will congratulate yourself by saying you helped put the finishing touch on the plant that made Ogle Mountain famous. this city Thussday. He is a promi- iginal town of Estacada; $400. nent farmer of that section. ; A nine-pound bag of pure Buck wheat flour at the Special Price of 40 cents per bag at The Hub Gocery. Mrs. E. L. Harmon, of San Francis co, is in this city for a few days vis iting friends. " Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Stafford left for Salem Thursday evening for a sever al days' visit with Mr. Stafford's brother,. E. R. Stafford. Good size oranges, and free from frost, 15 cents dozen the The Hub Grocery Dr. Calvin S. White was in this city Thursday presiding over the speiss-Norris hearing. i Tumbledown Acapulco. Acapiilcn. .Mt'xifo, with one of the finest hnrbors in the world, is one of tne most wretclii'd towns in the entire country. It is poorly built, the houses bs-inj; for the greater part composed of iidobe with tiled roofs, while the majority of the poorer class can afford nothing better than rude huts built with poles stuck in the ground, the fronds of the ooeoanut pnlni woven Into the sides and the whole thatched Numerous earthquakes have damaged the buildings, and scattered ruins and cracked walls give the town a wretch- Stock fully paid and non assessable Capital 1,000,000 shares par value $1. I hereby subscribe for and purchase shares of treas ury stock of the Ogle Mountain Min ing Company at the agreed price of 70 cents a share, total $- I hereby agree to pay for same on the following terms: 25 per cent when machinery is ordered and work starts, and 25 per cent on the first of each month thereafter until full amount is paid, said stock to be is sued on final payment. Signed Address Mrs. C. Reveman, of Clackamas, was in this city -Thursday attending ments of an-v tin(1- 110 sewers wa er to business. j works, telephone nor(electnc lights. C. Schuebel has gone to Salem for j ArK0"!1"- a few days where he will attend the ! If it nappwned it Is In tne . Eilter closing of the Legislature. i prise. Automobiles for Mire PHONES: MAIN 77; A 193 IVIillej-lParfer Date, March . Accepted, OGLE MOUNTAIN By 1913. MINING CO. PR ODUCTIVE LABOR. There is pleasure in mere slrug gle, so if be not hopeless, and in overcoming resistance, obstacles and hardships. When 'o the p'easure of exertion is added the satisfaction of producing a new value and" the further satis aclion of earning a live lihood through that new value we have then ihe common pleasurable conditions o! productive labor. Charles W. Lliot. . CHEAP AS DIRT Four Willamette Lots. On car line. Level. 50 x 100 feet, $100 each, Terms. All Phones JOHN W. LODER, Owner! Stevens Bldf Oregon City. Hats at Table. It was the correct thing in the sev enteenth century for men to wear their hats at table. HEALTH OFFICER (.Continued "on Page 4.) hearty endorsement of all the Oregon City physicians and Judge Beatie stated that if anything the Doctor was too strict with the quarantine laws instead of being too lenient as was stated by the prosecution. When asked by Dr. Norris' attor ney, C. D. Latourette, if he had re ceived any criticisms of Dr. Norris, Judge Eeatie said: "I have received probably a dozen criticisms of the county health officer from people over the county, but they were all to the effect that he was too severe in the matter of quaran tines. I have not known of any per sons complaining to me that Dr. Nor ris was too lenient." Dr. H. S. Mount and Dr. M. C. Strickland testified that Dr. Norris was fauthful and competent and fur ther that they had never known him to be guilty of any willful neglect of duty. Among the witnesses introduced by the prosecution were Albert Notz, Alex Robinson and J. C. Webb. Mr. Notz and Sir. E.obinson had children who were ill with fever. Mr. Robin son is principal of the Clackamas school. Mr. Webb stated that the two Robinson children had returned to school before they should have done so. Dr. Norris stated that he had al ways tried to do his duty to the best of his ability and believed that he had as far as it was possible for him to do it. He stated that in a territory as large as Clackamas County, It was impossible for him to visit all the cases of contagious diseases and that he was forced to rely upon the report furnished him by physicians in charge of the cases. He stated that all plac es where he had found such diseases were fumigated by the health officer or his deputies. He stated that he had always kept the spirit of the law when attending patients having con tagious diseases. After all the testimony had been given Dr. Calvin S. White,- speaking for himself and the other member of the State Board of Health, Dr. Pierce, said that the evidence that had been received would be presented to the State Board of Health at its regular quarterly meeting at the end of the present month. A report of their findings will be made public about March 28. Sievers & Sievers repre sented Rev. James Spiess. The following is a copy of a letter which was introduced by the defen dant: "la behalf of Dr. Norris and his work as health oflicer of Clackamas County, we, the undersigned practic ing physicians of this county, wish to state our approval of Dr. Norris' con scientious and faithful work as health officer. So good that it's not economy for you to spend $5 or $ 1 0 more when youca n have unlimited service of a Moyer Spring Suit for $ 1 5. They're more than good-they outrank by far the suits sold ordinarily for $20; there's the same good fabrics and the same careful tailoring in them. that you expect to find only in suits sold at a higher price. We want you to know Moyer $15 Suits if you will call in any of the great Moyer Stores we will be glad to show you the road to good-clothes economy. All sizes and models for a men. When you see if in our ad, it's so First and Yamhill 57-59 Third Second and Morrison Third and Oak E5E3a 1 Mfi'Fl!u lO) ! PORTLAND "Every physician is familiar with ' the unfavorable and undesirable du-. ties of the health officer and quaran- j tine man, for, however hroad and lib- erai minded a man may be in other' matters, lie is invariably against you when he and his family are placed : under quarantine and can never be ; relied upon to aid the health officer ; in maintaining strict quarantine. i "Dr. Norris has not only done his duty faithfully, working harder than ; his physical condition would warrant, ; but he does the work for less than , One half the renumeration that he is , entitled to, in fact it would be difficult ' to procure another that would be as ; competent and do the work that Dr. j Norris does for twice the money he' gets out of it, and we, as practicing physicians of this community, who come in contact with Dr. Norris al most daily in contagious diseases that we encounter, have found him just in his dealings with all; strict in his endeavors to prevent the spread of contagion; careful and con scientious in the expenditure of coun ty funds, but generous to those cases that are worthy and need assistance. We believe it would be difficult to find a competent man that would give the time and consideration to the work that Dr. Norris does. Signed M. C. Strickland, ' C." H. Meissner, W. E. Hemstead, H. S. Mount, Guy Mount, H. C. Schultze, C. A. Stuart." 10,000 SQUARE FEET 5c a foot. Heart of Gladstone. Easy terms. Also two corner River Lots across bridge from Gladstone. Still cheaper. Same terms. All Phones. JOHN VV. LODER, Owner. Stevens Bldg, Oregon City.