Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, March 07, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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    iTfcOD THE
'JUST CrOT A WIRE. FROM THE. B0SS:gll life AY MtfTER.CAH Ou pTttE. VOOIHCP I gfVK tfTmT Sj jfj yS
SEX-get .htermew wrrH Jtell me. WHtRt x ca iBllSlIlP' UV I 1 I" 1 1 WHrre. Housed N W
Ufte " ToV '
E. E. ' Brodie, Editor and Publisher.
"Entered as second-class matter Jan
uary 9, 1811, at the post office at Oregon
Citv. Oregon, under the Act of March
3. 1879."
One Tear, by mail $3.00
Six Months, by mail 1.50
Four Months, by mail 100
Per Week, by carrier 10
March 7 In American History.
1771 British parliament Hosed the
port of Hoston The "Boston teii
party" of Dei-. !:. 177:!. led to re
taliiitory iriejisiiirs jis soon ;is news
of tlie IT:iii ri'.-ii licd p.-irluimenf.
1874 Millurd I- illmoiv. thirteenth pres
ident of (lie I i .:) j suites, died:
born isiHi.
1911 Ke:ir Admiral .lolin C Kremont,
U. S. N ..soti of the late General
.Toll'. C. Fremont. C. S. A. (The !
Patlihnden. died in. Boston; horn
(From noon today to noou tomorrow.)
Sun sets 5:57. rises 6:25. Evening
stars: Mercury, Venus, Saturn. Morn
ins stars: Jupiter, Mars.
ENDING OF A If there is such a
VICE TRUST thing as an organized
"white slave" traffic in this country,
the decision of the United Sttes Su- j
preme Court will
arm the officers of
the law with full powers to soon ex-
tirpate it, if such powers are vigor-:
ously used. The court decided, .in a j
case coming up from the New Orleans J
Circuit, that the interstate commerce j
law applies to such a traffic 'as fully
as to any other, when it can be shown !
that it is organized for profit and j
uses interestate lines of travel and j
communication to further its ends.
The case grew out of the transpor
tation of a number of women for al-
leged immoral purposes, from - New mr al!u urS- Barnes made a busi
Orleans to Beaumont, Tex. The ness trip to Oregon City Monday,
"state rights" contention had been' Mrs. Joe Thornton has been quite ill
, , , . v. t 4.u 1 but is about again,
set up by the defendants, but the j q60 Ryan who is Vorking for M.
court, in the opinion delivered by : c Young is sick with quinsey sore
Justice McKenna, is evidently of opin- j throat. Dr. Brown is attending and
ion that state wrongs, masking state j has lanced his throat.
. . . . , t The measles are quite prevalent in
rignts, can not be made paramount I and abouJ. Mallory 11
to public decency. The decision seems ; The parent-Teacher association met
to rest more upon a basis of public : at -the Mallory school Friday with
policy than unon any interpretation ! Mrs. R. H. Tate, President of the Ore-
. . , t i,-a I gon Congress of Mothers, in attend-
of the interstate commerce law s ala0 Mra. Dr. Brown and Mrs. M.
meaning and intent. ! c. Young of Wilsonville. Mrs. Tate
"Our dual form of government has
its perplexities," said the justice
"state and nation having different
sphere of jurisdiction, but it must be
kept in mind that we are one people,
and the powers reserved to the states
an dthose conferred in the nation are
adopted to be exercised, whether in
dependently or concurrently, to pro
mote the general welfare, material
and moral.
tuis ubi-js.uii uiijucs
of a number of like cases pending in j
the court and will send a number of ,
men and women to prison. It can
not be expected to end vice, but if
'there has been such a thing as a vice :
trust the decision will, if it is follow- j
cu up u, i
of federal and state law omcers, give ( Hospital in porUand, owing to his age !
it a deadly blow. Newspapers have ; which is past 86 and sickness of his
for some t'me been so ' filled with ' son, A. P. Tood, with whom he re
charges of this character that it will sldes- .
,. . , . . j , i, Mr. Batalgia, who has been so ser-
be a relief to be rid of them. lously nl of neuraigia caused from bad
m m teeth was able to be moved to Port-
3 Given Jail Sentences.
Peter MfcGill, Ed Allen and Mike
Connelly, arrested by Policemen
Cooke and Griffith Wednesday night,
were sentenced to serve five days
in jail each by Recorder Stipp Thursday.
Immigrarion Killing OfF
Older American Stock
By WALTER. F. WILCOX. Statistician ?n1 Sociologist
jf Those who make up the most desirable element from r
eugenic viewpoint, including in ibis element COIXEC:
proportionate numbers as in the past, and the nation is the worse; o1;
for the fewer children of desirable parents.
The large families of less desirable parents among the classe?
where surroundings arc not the best are PLACING. A CHECK
The old American stock is apparently losing ground in the face
of recent immigration. -
Furniture to furnish 16 rooms,
Range, hot water tank, 3 heat
ers, 2 dining room tables, 16
chairs, 4 rockers, dishes, silver
and kitchen utensils. $450.00,
$250.00 cash, balance on time.
Di!Iman& Rowland
Weinhard Building.
On account of unavoidable delays,
j the Oregon City Library Asociation
has not been able to move the library
into the new home in the Seventh I
Street Park and the library is still I
I in the basement of the Masonic Build- '
j ing. The present quarters are com-
j fortable and well suited to the needs I
! of the library. The basement, which
! is of unusual heigth, is well lighted, !
! ventillated and finished in an attrac-1
I tive niner. The rooms that are oc
cupied by the association are finished
in burlap and present an attractive
appearance. Many new books as
well as a large number of magazines
have "been added to the already large
list and the wants of most any read
er can De satisned. The rooms are
reacnea tnrougn tne mam entrance
and by going down one flight of stairs
jn the rear.
; Mrs. William . Brobts visited her
i daughter, Mrs. H. Clutter, of Mallory,
1 Saturday.
i M. C. Young made a business trip to
Oregon City Monday.
talked on child welfare. All enjoyed
the splendid talk and trust to have
other speakers in the near future.
Punch and cookies were served.
The Wilsonville basket ball boys go
to Forest Grove Friday evening to
play the school team there. A num
ber of our ladies will accompany them.
The farmers will meet in the A. O.
U. W. Hall Frilay evening at 7:30 P.
M. to organize a Farmers Equity So
ciety. Hon. H. T. Cutting, National
niofQni7or nf Tn Hinnn nnlis Tnd will He
iiver an address and help organize.
The Wilsonville school, under the
able management of its principal, Mliss
Helen Murray, will give an entertain
ment and shadow social Saturday eve-
i nine in the scnool house.
All are
cordially invited to attend.
1 -i j rr j l n ..nn4--.r
vjrauupa. loou wuu ien uu a, iiuotj
walk and broke his arm at the wrist
last week, was taken to St. Vincent's
land Monday by Dr. Dedman and the
I nurse, where he will have his teeth
extracted and properly cared for. j
Miss Mattie Hayman, sister of Mrs. i
Fannie Young, is improving so rapidly j
she will be able to resume her duties
in the school room at New Era by the :
first of April. j
Yoir Can't Stump Scoop - He, Got The. Interview
Eggs probably reached the lowest
mark Tuesday that they will during
the coming year. The price was 14
and 15 cents Wednesday and Thurs
day in this city. The chances are
pretty fair that before many days are
past they will again be on the upward
grade, as egg merchants have already
begun ;storing. Hens .have taken a
drop of one half a cent during the
past week and will remain stationary
; for some time.
; Prevailing Oregon City prices are as
j follows:
I HIDES (Buying) Green salted, 7c
j to 8c; sheep pelts 75c to $1.50 each.
! FEED (Selling) Shosts $25; bran
I $24; process barley $27 to $29 per ton.
' FLOUR $4.50 to $5. .
! HAY ( Buying) Clover at $8 and
!$9; oac hay best $11 and $12: mix-
ed $10 to $11 ; selling alfalfa $13.50
to $17.00; Idaho and Eastern Oregon
timothy selling $19.50 to $23.00.
OATS $24.00 to $26.50; wheat 90;
oil meal selling $40.00; Shay Brook
dairy feed $1.30 per hundred pounds.
Whole corn $28.
Livestock. Meats.
BEEF (Live weight) steers 7 and
8c; cows 6 and 7 c, bulls 4 to 6c.
MUTTON Sheep 5 to 6 1-2; lambs
G to 6 l-2c.
PORK 9 1-2 and 10c.
VEAL, Calves 12c to 13c dressed,
according to grade. -
WEINIES 15c lb: sausage, 15c lb.
POULTRY (buying) Hens 11 to
13c; stags slow at 10c; old roos
7c; broilers 17c.
APPLES 50c anj $1.
DRIED FRUITS (Buying), Prunes
on basis 6 to 8 cents.
ONIONS $1.00 sack.
POTATOES About 35c to 40c f.
o. b. shipping points, per hundred,
with no sales at goingTtruotations.
Butter, Eggs.
BUTTER (I tying), Ordinary conn
try butter 25c and 30c; fancy cream
ery 75c to 85c roll.
EGGS Oregon ranch case count
14c; Oegon ranch candled 15c.
The revival meetings In the Meth
odist Episcopal Church continue to
grow in attendance and Interest. The
meeting Thursday evening was well
attended and enthusiastic. Dr. T. B.
I Ford delivered a sermon and conduct-
ed the after services. Frank Alldredge
led the singing. Richard P. Harri
son rendered a solo which stirred the
congregation. The altar services
were characterized by deep earnest
ness and the prayers were burdened
with sympathy and sincerity. Dr.
Ford said he was enccuraged by the
progress of the woik. Services this
evening" will start at 7:30 o'clock The
Rev. George Nelson Edwards will
preach, and Dr. Ford will conduct the
after meeting. A cordial invitation
is extended to all to attend ttf meet
ings. All The World
Contributes To
Your Happiness
By John P. Fallon
The natives of Celyon send
their choicest teas, the peas
ants of Switzerland supply the
daintest needlework, France
contributes marvellqus silks,
Ireland linens and England
suitings of wondrous texture.
The products of the world are
brought by boat and rail to
your very door.
Merchants, eager to please,
fascinate and gratify your de-'
sire for "something new," ran
sack the earth to secure the
things that will delight and
captivate the hearts' of their
The new things for Spring
are budding out.- Every day
from now on stories of new
millinery, new apparel and new
fabrics will be told. It is the
most interesting news of the
Read the advertisements in
THE ENTERPRISE closely and
constantly every day, then you
will, be well informed regarding
the styles for Easter, the latest
importations from abroad and
the newest ideas for furnishings
in the home. Besides, you will
know of every opportunity to
If you have ever used Rexall Grippe
Pills you know how quickly the mis
ery can be dispelled. .
We always recommend them in all
severe cases of the grippe because
we know what they are made of be
cause hundreds of people have tes
tified to their beneficial .effects be
cause we believe they are the one
best remedy for the grippe, in any
We do more than recommend Rex
all Grippe Pills, however. When you
buy them it is with the distinct un
derstanding that you can use them
entirely at our risk. If they do not
give you all the relief and satisfac
tion we claim they will give you,
and if you are not entirely satisfied
in every way, the money you paid for
them will be refunded without ques
tion of any kind. If they do not help
you we want you to tell us and'per
mit us to refund your money, because
it belongs to you and we want you to
have it. We would much rather you
would have both the remedy and the
money too, if Rexall Grippe Pills do
not completely relieve and 'satisfy
you. For the grippe and all its com
plications to allay the discharge
from the nose and throat; to relieve
the aches and general miserable feel
ings ; to reduce the fever Recall
Grippe Pills.
Price, 25 cents. Sold in this com
munity only at our store The Rex
all Store Huntley Bros. Co.
Wants, for Sale, Etc
Notices under these classified headings
will ne inserted at one cent a word, first
insertion, half a cent additional inser
tions. One inch card, $2 per month; half ;
inch card, (14 lines), $1 per month.
Cash must accompany order unless one
has an open account with the paper. No
financial responsibility for errors; where
errors occur free corrected notice will be
printed for patron. Minimum charge 15c.
Eggs for Hatching.
White Leghorn, $1.50; Barred Rocks,
$1.00 per 15; Indian Runner, $1.00
l irt,. 4.1 I
pel eiy veu. i lie tuiiu mat my a'
Corespondence solicited. V
Oregon City, Oregon. I
FOR RENT One fine room, furnish
or unfurnished, all modern conven
iences. Suitable for office. Phone
WILL TRADE one binder for cow,
horse or buggy. Inquire this office.
The famous (King) coal from Utah,
free delivery. Telephone your or
der to A 56 or Main 14, Oregon City
Ice Works, 12th and Main Streets.
FOR SALE Wilhoit water pure and
sparkling, its use prevents typhoid
fever. Call Main 38 or A 218. Chas.
Tobin, Agent.
FOR SALE The New American En
cyclopedic Dictionary, and Compre
hensive Encyclopedia. 10 large vol
umes, a bargain.
Route No. 1, Molalla, Or.
FOR SALE Two grey 4-year-old
brood mares, well matched. Inquire
James Petty, Oregon City, Oregon.
FOR SALE 1500-gallon tank, 1-2 H.
P. Engine and one pump. Address
S. K. Blount. Gladstone, Oregon.
FOR SALE 5-year-old mare, harness
and two-seated hack. Address Post
Office Box. 124, City.
FOR SALE Restaurant and lunch
counter for reasonable price. Ad
dress, J. B., Enterprise.
Why pay rent when you can buy a
lot in Gladstone for $1.00 down and
$1.00 a week. See C. A. Elliott,
5th Street near Main.
Painting, decorating, hard wood fin
ishing. F. E. Hill, Oregon City,
Room 19, Beaver Bldg.
WANTED Cows fresh or coming
fresh soon. W. C. Berreth, 1480,
Macadam Street, Portland, Oregon.
Don't Pull Out
brings back the natural color of youth,
to grey and faded hair, gives new life
and growth to thin, dry hair and stops
falling out.
If you have Dandruff, there's noth
ing that will remove it so quickly
that will keep it out so effectively, as
HAY'S HAIR HEALTH. It is not a
dye but a hair food nourishing the
roots perfectly harmless to use. Will
not. soil your skin or linen, and be
sides, no one will know you are us
7, - 1913.
The best made to measure corset, un
equaled for style and comfort, an
official guarantee with each corset
will be pleased to call and take
your measure. Mrs. Adalyn Davis,
Corsetiere. Phone 3552, Room 4
Willamette Bldg.
CO., F. M. Bluhm. Wood and coai
delivered io all parts of the cf.y
your orde-s. Pacific 1371, Home
Ordinance No. .
An Ordinance changing the grade of
John Adams Street, Oregon City,
Oregon, from the North line of
Third Street to the South line of
Fifth Street.
Oregon City does ordain as fol
lows: -
Section 1. The grade of John
Adams Street, Oregon City, Oregon,
from the North line of Third Street
to the South line of Fifth Street is
hereby changed to the followinj; de
scribed grajle:
Beginning at the Nonh line j
Thirri s treet at an i leva-.hni of 222
feet, thence Northerly on a Sescend
ing grade to the South line of
Fourth Street at an elevation of
218.5 feet on the esi line of John
Adam.' S 'eet and a jl-vation of
219.o on Kz Ea;l line of John
Adams Street, thence level across
Fourth Street, thence Northerly on
an ascending grade to the South
line of Fifth Street at an elevation
of 222 feet.
Read first time and ordered pub
lished at a regular meeting of the
City Council held on the 5th day of
March, 1913, and to come up for
second reading and final passage
at a special meeting of the said
City Council to be held on the 19th
day of March, 1913, at 7:30 o cIock.
L. STIPP, Recorder.
Ordinance No. .
An Ordinance granting to A. L. Beatie,
his heirs, successors and assigns
for a period o$ 25 years, the right
and privilege to erect, maintain and
operate an illuminating gas plant
in .Oregon City, Oregon, and the
right and privilege to construct un
derground conduits and mains with
all necessary manholes and other
appliances in and under the streets
and alleys and public highways of
Oregon City, for conducting and
conveying illuminating gas for pub
lic and private use, and to mako
the necessary connections therefor,
- and to charge rents and tolls and
to collect the same, and making 1c
a misdemeanor for any person to
interfere with or molest the said
grantee, his successors or assigns in
the enjoyment of the privileges
herein -granted upon said streets,
alleys and public highways afore
said. Oregon City does ordain as fol
lows: Section 1. A. L. Beatie, his heirs,
successors and assigns are hereby
granted subject to the considera
tions and conditions in this ordi
nance contained, the right and priv
ilege to erect, construct and main
tain illuminating gas plant, in Ore
gon City, Oregon and the right and
privilege to manufacture illuminat
ing gas, and to construct under
ground conduits, mains and pipes
with all necessary manholes and
other appliances, in and under the
streets, alleys and public highways
of said City, for conducting and
conveying said gas, and to charge
and collect tolls therefor.
Section 2. All rights and privi
leges hereby granted shall expire
at the end of 25 years from the
' date of the acceptance of the terms
and conditions of this ordinance,
by the said A. L. Beatie, and in the
event the said A. L. Beatie, bis
heirs or assigns, shall fail, neglect
or refuse to perform any of the ob
ligations or requirements imposed
by this ordinance, the grant and
privileges herein made shall be ter
minated and annulled by the Coun
cil of the City of Oregon City and
the said grantee, his heirs or as
signs shall be deemed to have for
feited all the rights and privileges
hereby granted.
Section 3. Wlien any excavation
shall be made in any of the streets,
alleys or public highways of the
city aforesaid, and for the purpos
es of carrying out the rights and
privileges granted herein then the
said grantee, his heirs or assigns,
shall restore the portion of the
.street, alley or public highway so
Yovt Gsey Hai
ing it. The first application will con
vince you that after a fair trial, you'll
have no more grey hair or Dandruff.
Pon't wait to think about act now.
to-day. You 11 never regret it.
The following druggists guarantee
to refund your money if you are not
satisfied with HAY'S HAIR HEALTH
after a fair trial.
FREE: Sign this adv. and take it to
any of the following drug
gists, and get a 50c size bottle of
HAY'S HAIR HEALTH and 1 cake
of HARFINA . SOAP FREE, for 50c;
or $1 size bottle of HAY'S HAIR
HEALTH and 2 cakes of HARFINA
SOAP FREE, for $1.
excavated, to the same condition
in which it- waa prior to tie open
ing thereof, and all of the work
shall be done in strict compliance
with the rules, regulations, ordi
nances or orders now in force, or
which may be adopted from time
to time, during the continuance of
the life of this franchise, by the
council of said city, or as may be
otherwise provided by law.
It is further provided that the
proper city authorities may require
that any opening or excavation in
any hard surface pavement, in any
of the streets, alleys or public high
ways of said city, shall be filled in
and the pavement replaced by the
city authorities, and the cost there
of, including the cost of inspection,
and supervision-shall be paid by
the said grantee, his heirs, or as
signs, and the city authorities may
require a deposit with the city
treasurer of a sum of money suffi
cient to pay said cost, by said
grantee, his heirs or assigns, be
fore such opening any of the said
streets or alleys o public high
ways shall be begun.
Section 4. The power and right
to at all times reasonably regulate
in the public interests the, exercise
of the rights and privileges herein
granted, shall remain in, and be
vested in the Council of said City.
- Section 5. The said grantee, his
heirs or assigns, under the direc
tion of the street committee of the
Council, may make all necessary
excavations in any streets, alleys
or public highways of said city for
the purpose of laying down, con
duits, mains or pipes, and the nec
essary manholes and other applian
ces for making connections thereto;
and for the..purpose of repairing
and operating the same.
Section 6. Nothing in this ordi
nance shall be construed as in any
wise to prevent the city of Oregon
City, from sewering, grading, pav
ing, planking, repairing, altering
or doing any work that may be de
sirable on any of the streets, alleys,
or public highway of said city
but all work shall be done,
if possible, in such manner as !
not to obstruct, injure or pre
vent the free use and opera
tion of said gas system of said
' grantee, his heirs or assigns. But
in case it may be necessary to re-
jnove or lower any of the conduits,
mains or pipes aforesaid in the im
provement of any street, alley or
public highway, then the said
.grantee, his heirs or assigns, shall
after notice to do the same, make
all changes necessary when called
for promptly and at his or their
cost. And if after notice as afore
said, the said grantee, his heirs or
assigns shall fail, neglect or refuse
to remove, lower or change any
conduit, main, pipe, or manhole or
otbse'r appliance in connection there
with as aforesaid, then the city of
Oregon City by its properly consti
tuted authorities may do the same,
and charge and collect the cost
thereof, from the said grantee, his
heirs or assigns.
Section 7. The rights and privi
leges granted herein are granted
upon the conditions herein named,
and upon the following considera
tions. 1. The said grantee shall, with
in thirty (30) days from and after
the final passage and approval of
this ordinance, file in the office of
the Recorder of Oregon City his
written -acceptance of the same,
subject to all the terms, obliga
tions, restrictions and provisions in
this ordinance contained, together
with a duly executed surrender and
release of all rights granted to said
grantee under Ordinance No. 513
of of the City of Oregon City, ap
proved Mtay 4th, 1911; and if, upon
the expiration of said thirty days,
the grantee shall have failed or ne
glected to file such acceptance and
such surrender and release, this or
dinance shall become wholly void,
inoperative and of no effect.
2. The said grantee, his heirs or
assigns, hereby consents and agrees
to perform and abide by all the
terms, requirements and conditions,
required or imposed by any provis
ions of the City Charter upon the
granting of franchise rights and
privileges, whether recited herein or
3. The said grantee, his heirs or
assigns, shall not be compelled to
pay to Oregon City any compensa
tion for the rights and privileges
' filled with bank notes and loose change is bulky and incon
venient while a check book is very handy and just as serviceable.
D. C. LATOURETTE, President.
CAPITAL $50,000.00 .
Transacts a General Banking Business. . Open from 9 A. M. to ? P. M
, dv nui
herein granted, for the first eight (8)
years of the life of this franchise,
but after the expiration of said
period, the said grantee, his heirs
or assigns, shall pay annually to the
City of Oregon City the sum of
$100.00 for the remaining term of
this ordinance or franchise, for the
rights and privileges herein granted,
Section 8. The said grantee,
his heirs or assigns shall furnish
to the city of Oregon City, upon
request such lighting service as
the said city may require, and at
a reasonable cost therefor.
Section 9. The said grantee, his
heirs or assigns do hereby agree
to furnish said gas to consumers
at a cost not to exceed $1.50 per
1000 cubic feet.
Section 10. The said A. L.
Beatie, his heirs or assigns
hereby agree and covenants to
indemnify and save harmless the.
city of Oregon City and the
officers thereof against all damages,
costs and expenses whatsoever, to
which it or they may be subject
in consequence of the acts or ne
glect of said grantee, his heirs or
assigns, his or their agents or ser
vants, in any manner arising from
the rights and privileges hereby
. i .... .i , . , .1 rr-1 , ;., , t. ; ,
giauicu. XLtlUMULbtS ami Lilt?
rights and privileges granted there
under shall not be construed as
any limitation upon the city of Ore
gon City(through its proper author
ities, to grant rights, privileges or
authority to other persons or cor
porations, similar to or different
from those herein set forth, in and
under the same streets, alleys and
public highways.
Section 11. It shall be unlawful
for any person or persons, unless
authorized by the grantee, his heirs
or assigns, or by the City of Ore
gon City, by its properly constitu
ted authorities, to interfere with,
meddle with, injure or remove any
of the underground conduits, mains,
pipes, or other appliances or appa
ratus used in or as part of the. gas
system or plant herein provided
for upon or under any of the streets,
alleys or public highways of Ore
gon City, and any person or per
sons violating" any of the provis
ions of this section shall be deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor, and up
on conviction thereof shall be pun
ished by a fine of not less than
$10.00 or more than $100.00, or by
' imprisonment in the ' city jail, not
less -than 5 days nor more than 50
days or by both such fine and im
prisonment. m
Section 12. The grantee, ' his
heirs or assigns, shall be prepared
to furnish gas to consumers in the
business district of said Oregon
City within 18 months from the date
of the approval of this ordinance,
and shall be required to make rea
sonable extensions of its distribu
tion system for the purpose of sup
plying gas to consumers outside of
the business district of said Ore
gon City with reasonable, diligence
thereafter. .
The grantee, his heirs or assigns
shall before exercising or availing
himself or themselves of any of the
privileges and rights herein granted
or excavating for the laying of any
conduits, mains or pipes as afore
said in or under any of the streets,
alleys and public highways of Ore
gon City, execute to said City, a
good and sufficient bond to be ap
proved by the Council of said City,
in the sum of $1000.00 conditioned
upon the '.faithful performance of
the terms and conditions of this
ordinance, and to indemnify the said
city against any loss, by reason of
tearing up any street, alley or pub
lic highway, by the said grantee,
his heirs or assigns, in case he or
they should fail or refuse to replace
the same in as good condition as
before excavating. Povided that if
after the said grantee, his heirs or
assigns, has constructed in Oregon
City, so much of said plant or sys
tem that the same is a valuable as
set, then the said bond may be can
celled, otherwise to remain in full
force and effect.
Read first time and ordered pub
lished at a regular meeting of the
City Council held on the 5th day
of March, 1913, and to come up for
second reading and final passage
at a special meeting of the said
City Council to be held on the 19th
day of March, 1913, at 7:30 o'clock
sr. iv.
L. STIPP, Recorder.
F. J. MEYER, Cashier.