MORNING ENTERPRISE THURSDAY MARCH 6, 1913. Sufficient Reason. "Why do you wish to get a di vorce?" "I am so fond of strawberry shortcake." "What's that got to do with your m a r r i-e d life?;' "Please, your tiouor, my wife Insists on giving me prune pie ev ery day In the strawberry sea son." "Granted! That Is cruet and un usual punishment." v LOCAL BRIEFS Mr. and Mrs. Charles Caufield, who are now in the East, and were in .Washington to witness the inaugura . tion of President Wilson sent a tele gram to their son, Raymond, Wednes day morning in which they state that Congressman Hawley secured good seats for them in the grandstand and that they were able to see the entire ceremony, both the parade and the President taking his oath of office. They left Washington Wednesday for ' Philadelphia and New York. The pupils of the Carus school un der the direction of their teacher, Miss Oswa'rd.'are planning on giving an interesting play in that place the end of the week for the benefit of the - schoo.l The play will be "Box and Cox" and will be played by Harry Shinburn, Harvey Schubel and Elsie Shinburn. A basket social will fol low the entertainment. Music will also be a feature of the evening. The Busch wall and sidewalk on Main Street have been completed. The contractors were delayed quite a while on account of frosty weather. The cluster lights will be installed by . Mr. Busch as soon as the cement has hardened. - The home being built for Dr. C. H. . Meissner on Washington Street, be tween Ninth and Tenth is nearly com pleted and the doctor expects to move into it some time next week. It is one of the first residences to be completed in this city this spring and will be one of the finest in the city. Howard Brownell has returned to ' this city where he will make his fu- - ture home. He has been deputy dis trict attorney in Astoria for a number of years. He has gone into partner ship with B .N. Hicks. At present ' he is making his home with his father, George C. Brownell, at Concord. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Avison have left for Portland where they will make their future home. They will live in the Woodstock district. Their son, Bothwell, will still reside in this city . and wii'i make his home with hiss is t?r and broiner-iu-law, Dr. and Mrs. Meissner. Ma)-es Eick folks well faster than any other remedy. Brings strength, heultu and iaf:iuess to the whole family. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea deserves a thorough trial. 35c, ?lea or tablets. Jones Drug Co. William Schatz, of Stafford, has re turned to this part of the country af ter a triu to the East. While .ie was in Oregon City Wednesday he stated that there is no place like Oregon for him. Misses Bertha and Celia Goldsmith have returned ot this city after a so journ in San Francisco and Sacramento where ti-.ey transacted business and visited their sister, Miss Lena, and 'brother, Charles. Old married couples, young uns too, With no little ones to bill and coo, Should not pine their lives away in wishing; Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea is a wonderful blessing. Jones Drug Company. Mlrs. Anna Holden has returned from a trip to Mount Vernon, Wash., where she was visiting friends and is now stopping in this city with her daughter, Mrs. F. W. Greeuman. The Pacific Highway Garage has re ceived a fine Studebaker 25 from the factory and the car is now on dem onstration. It is a five-pessenger ma chine and presents a fine appearance. A. K. Landers, of Butte, Bont., i3 in this city for a few days looking over the city and county while on a trip up and down the Pacific Coast. J. O. Kruse, of Stafford, was in this city Wednesday attending to business matters. He was formerly a member of the Legislature from this county. The Aurora Commercial Club will hold an interetsing meeting in the near future at which Judge Dimick will be the principal speaker of the evening. Born to the wife of S. B. Shady March 4, a girl, The little one has been named Virginia Martin Shady. Both mother and child are doing well. W. A. Heylman, of Estacada, was a business visitor to this city Wednes day. He was formerly mayor of that thriving town. Adolph Ashcoff, a prominent farmer and hotel keeper of Marmot, Or., was in this city Wednesday attending to court matters. W. A. Rogers, road supervisor of Union precinct No. 9. was in this city Wednesday attending to business. L. W. Robbins, of Molalla, has re turned to his home in that place after several days spent in this city. . S. N. Strubhar, a prominent farmer of Aurora, was transacting business in this city Wednesday. f Lydia Ludlam, of Portland, is in 10,000 SQUARE FEET 5c a foot. Heart of Gladstone. Easy terms. Also two corner River Lots across bridge from Gladstone. Still cheaper. Same terms. All Phones. ( JOHN W. LODER, Owner. Stevens Bldg, Oregon City. this city for a few days visiting friends. A surprise was given in honor of Miss Ruby Ross on her fifteenth birth day at her home in Willamette, March 1st. The girls enjoyed their selves with both indoor and outdoor sports. They were served with a very nice lunch by Mrs. Ross. Those present were Marie Britton, Anna Isnogh, Ethel Gordon, Erma DeBok, Pearl Ross, Nellie Capen, Ruth Wright Opal Ross, Crystal Ross and Ruby Ross. Norma, the little daughter of George Griffith, who was operated upon in Portland Tuesday for a disease of her right ear, is improving rapidly. There is every indication that a permanent cure will be effected. Fred Heft, of Beaver Creek, an nounces that his pacer, "Billy Sunday" is showing fine form. He expects to win first prize with the animal throughout the fair circuit the com ing season. The county court Wednesday con sidered applications for the building of several county roads. Fred Schaffer, the sawmill man of Molalla, was in the city Wednesday on business. Mr. and Mrs.- Charles Van Norden have gone to Eureka, Cal. to live. J. T. Sampon of Portland has been in this city for several days attend ing to business matters. C. L. Crator of Hood River, has been in this city for several days and reg istered at the Electric Hotel. J. F. Lewiston of Seattle, is in this city for several days attending to business matters. J. S. Calvin has gone to Molalla for a few days where he will attend to school business. . IA-. and Mrs. F. C. Vonderahe were guests of friends in this city Wednesday.- Tyra Warren, of Concord, was in this city Wednesday. Miss Clara Fields was a visitor in this city Wednesday. Fine Lire of Pianos at Electric Ho tel Building. Dr. van Brakle, Osteopath, Mason ic Building, Phone Main 399. CORRESPONDENCE MUL1NO Mr Berdine lias a crew of men hauling travel on the roads. We ex pect to have better roads another win ter as Mr. Berdine i-i a rustler. Bert Wallaco bought a cow from Mr. Fredericks and thinks he has a bargain. Mr. Christensen of Willamette, was an over Sunday visitor in this burg last Sunday. Mrs. Berdine and daughter, Ida, spent Saturday and Sunday in Wil lamette. Mr. Jones who has been in the hos pital for sometime, returned home Tuesday. He is quite weak ye and it is hoped that he will soon be able to resume his school duties. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Davis were call ed to the bedside of Mr. Cleister last Friday who died the same afternoon an! was buried at Eagle Creek Sun day. Mr. Evans moved to Liberal last week where he has been employed to haul ties for the railroad. A Cure For Eczema. Eczema in any form, whether acute or chronic, is easily and rapidly over come by the use of Meritol Eczema Remedy. Gives positive relief when all others tail, and we heartily rec omxnend it to any sufferer. Jones Drug Company, Exclusive Agents. M EA DOW BROOK P k v H 1 '1 I IT a3b 'J-AU-" r i a . i a ii 1 i I !r W i JUL ' J Y ? ULiLl. FIT t ire r a White Ribbon Remedy Is an horlest attempt to aid friends of drinking men to rem edy what is really a dreadful evil. This remedy is ODORLESS, COLORLESS, ; TASTELESS " And may Be given secretly. JONES DRUG CO. , Oregon City Mr. and Mrs. Ramb and two child ren of Highland, spent Sunday at J. F. Chase's. We are glad to hear that George Ilofstetter, Jr., who underwent a .sti;jus 4HaiaUon for appendicitis, at Portland, is improving rapidly. R. L. Oren is laid up with a lame back which he hurt while working on a ditch. Glenn Larkins called on Ruben Chindgren Sunday. A number of parents and friends at tended the program and debate given at tne school house last Friday, Mrs. Batey and Mrs. Bonaciier call ed on Mrs. Sflephard Friday afternoon. MARQUAM Every man and woman should visit the various sections of our store and learn there of 1 the savings possible through the. selections here where the stocks are complete and prices I are the lowest. Regular Price 55c Advertised in women' magazine You will use "Wear-Ever" Aluminum Utensils always, if one such utensil is placed in your home so the manufacturers believe. That is why they sacrifice their profit and we cut ours in two on this one-quart ty Saucepan, which is yours JIf at the Special Price, Replace utensils that wear out with utensils that " Wear-E W TIN DISH 1 7 uarL ! 9 Cents All lines of tinware Greetly Reduced 40c White Wash Brush'. : WALL PAPER. Per Double R.o!i 5 Cents $1.25 TEA KETTLES fj'ii'iiwki'i!1: ili! Mil? iiiilll; .iliniiFtlliJiilll.,; ifiS $1.50 WASH BOILERS Kxtra heavy tin, heavy copper gauge bottom, ISo. 8 size, on special saie Substantially made, heav ily Fiickle plated, full 8 quart size. On sale now at the extremely low price of only, QQ ru for cash t3Ju 10 Cent DUST PANS 6 Cents 7-inch handle, securely rivited in back, Japaned, cn sale at Srass bound, good stock bristle cas ng, 7-inch block 3 H il 1 Garden Tools 6c Hardware, Crockery, Stoves, Furniture, 1 Carpets, Rugs, Etc. $1.15- u m 65c Galvaniz ed Wash Tub Full size, full weight Tired top, malleable iron bardie on sale at the low price of only Sc 5c Long Handle b hovels yQ : ioc Uaraen Kakes .SOo Garden-Rakes 25c Garden Hoes. j Qq 30c Pruning Sheers 10c Garden Trowels 85c Hunt's Cru ( U::'. Ii-.:' a finer tool is not made, forged mo one piece of tool steel, tempered, hardened head, finely ground bit, excellent white hickory handle se curely wedged. For Hard practical use. On sale at ... 39c kl?X , TO) sad IHE HOUSEFURNiSHER. . W I BJB Doors, Windows, Oils Paints, G3gss, and Builders' Material A large attendance was present. In the near future a parents-teach- ers meeting will be held at the school j house with the object of arousing ; interest and furthering plans for the juvenile fair next fall.. WILLAMETTE CHEAP AS DIRT Four Willamette Lots. On car line. Level. 50 x 100 feet, $100 each, Terms. ' All Phones Rev. B. A. Smith will preach at Willsyme-tte Wednesday evening sat 7:30. He will call at homes Wednes day evening. Sunday he will preach at Logan in the morning and in the evening. The ladies of Logan will in the near future, give a basket . social to help to defray the expenses of re plastering the church. The Redland Lodge band continues to practice and Mr. Smith often visits JOHN W. LODER, Owner. Stevens Eldg., Oregon City. respected citizens, Thomas " Kelland, in hnlri nrint. whn hart hppn nrrpsfpr! anu helps out once in awhile with ! for stealing wood. Mr. Kelland sold some wood to some certain people in .us cornet. TWILIGHT Canemah by the name of Lamb, who would not pay for same. Mr. Kellanl , i informed them that he would take -a. very pieasant dinner party was back nis property which he did and pamcipacea in by Mr. and Mrs. Schmeidecke, Mr. and Airs. A. H. Har vey and B. L. Harvey at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Keiland last baturday evening. Mr. JacK, who has purchased the later was arrested on the complaint of such people for stealing wood. Of course the judge dismissed the 'case but not until after our neighbor was at considerable expense tor attorney fees vhile the other parties were at iarni ol Cuarles Schmeidecke, wiii j no expense as the case , was institu ina.e extensive and immediate im- : ted bv the district attorney. This provements on tne place, among j does not seem like justice but it only which will be a new garage, electric ; proves that honest labor is fined on ligat generating plant, alterations to every - hand. tne barn and house ana all of the i ,r tt.;,! ; Muilumgs on the place will be thor- t y-m- -T u ougnly repainted. Juch improvements ; Zl't Roy Niholson while splitting wood last Monday with an ax cut his left thumb off at the second joint with the exception of a small piece of skin. Dr. R. E. Kleinsorger of Silverton, dressed the liand. At latest report he was resting as well as could be expected. F. J. Ridings was itown Monday buying wire preparatory to building a wire fence on his farm two miles west of town. M'rs. Catherine Jones is a great deal better. They have let the nurse return to Salem. Guy C. Larkins and wife of Staf ford, were calling on relatives and friends here last week. Mrs. Altha Roberta went to Port land last week. Lee Roberts left for Eastern Oregon to remain there until fall. MiS3 Echo Larkins was home from Oregon City Saturday and Sunday where she has been attending high school. The hop men are quite busy plow ing and putting in poles and wires for there was a large acreage planted last spring near here. Mr. Hoag of Idaho, is here visit ing his old friends. He lived here several years ago. - Alfred Olson went to Portland Mon day on business. KELSO Mr. Schimmel who had his leg broken recently by a tie falling on it is steadily improving. Saturday evening, March 8th, was the closing meeting of the Kelso de bating society. Instead of a debate an excellent program was rendered. will move onto the place in the near future. Mr. Elliott will retain his gar age business in Oregon City and will make the distance to his work each day in a Buick 40 over the famous Pacific Highway. 4 Twilight is sowing grain between showers and doing well considering the weather and now has plated" sev- QUIT IT! SWiSSCO STOPS IT LARGE TRIAL BOTTLE FREE nil! not only bendit Mr. Jack's farm but will be a stimulus to the entire community towards better buildings aud improvements. Mr. and Mrs. JLilings, cf Salem, are visiting witu the former's pareuts iu UiLs neigiiuorhood. George Lazclle and M. J. Lazelle were anions' those who. artpndp.ri thf commercial Club smoker in Oregon ' fera hun'3re(1 acres City last Tuesday evening. , They re- j port a most enjoyable time. Among those from Twilight who ' have joined the Farmers' Society of Equity, are A. H. Harvey, J. C. M. i Dodds and the Laxelle Dairy Co. The j organization of tiie farmers is certain- ly a step in tae rignt direction and i3 j. much needed by this class of people, I who are gviug taeir support to a i worthy cause even if they cannot have a local in their own community. George Schremer is much improved in health. George Schreiner made a business trip to Portland one day last week, j That the dairy industry is making j rapid headway m this neighborhood j is quite evident. Several more silos j w ih be built this summer and be in i readiness to be filled with corn the j last of September. Among those to.j be built will be L. E. Bentley, . Mr. ! Reed, Lazelle Dairy Co. and J. Ml C. j Dodd. Ouite a number ot cows have oeen purchased and all of the farmers j , Dandruff Is Maddening, are raising their heifer calves. The i 1 Swissco stops dandrufE quickly, improvement of the stock in this con-! grows new hair and restores gray or munity is largely due to the interest ; faded hair to its natural youthful or W. J. McCord, the veteran Jersey I color. breeder, who has brought some very j Swissco stops baldness, bald spots, iiign class cattle into the neighbor- falling hair, scabby scalp, sore scalp, hood. With the organization of the ! brittle hair or any hair or scalp Lazelle Dairy Co. and the moving of j trouble. their herd o registered Jersey cattle ! To prove that our claims are true into this district to increase their we will send you a large trial bottle herd to fifty cows of the very best . free if you will send 10c in silver or producing strain. Twilight will grow I stamps to help pay cost of postage clover, kale and corn to perfection, i and packing to Swissco Hair Remedy Why not have a hundred dollar cream ; Co., 5311 P. O. Square, Cincinnati, O. check at least. i Swissco will be found on sale at all Some time ago the county papers j druggists and drug departments ev presumedly made mention-of a com-j ery where at 50c and $1.00 a bottle. mon thief in a common way and in! fOMF HDIIC f 0MP1MY fact gave the name of one of our most ( JVilLJ lHLIU vAJlUrlllI The Same Light at Less Cost The famous Mazda Light will give you lasting satisfaction in every way. It throws a clear, strong, white light, the nearest imitation to sunlight it has been possible to get. As superior to the old carbon light as they were to the candle of our grandfathers. Note to exceptional prices below. Watt Candle Power Price, Clear 15 12 35c 20 16 V 35c 25 ' 20 35c 40 32 40c 60 50 55c 100 ; 80 80c 150 120 $1.25 250 200 $1.90 Price, frosted Base 40c 40c 40c 45c . 60c 85c $1.35 $1.60 Special We carry in stock at Portland prices everything in the electrical line to lighten labor in the household ortiand Railway, Light & Power Company ; Beaver Building, Main Street Miss Eleanor Brodie, of Portland, who was formerly a teacher in the Twilight school, called on Mrs. La zelle last Monday. , Thomas Kelland and Charles SchmeHecke, with their families call-? health and hag resumed her duties vx MAIlKliC UUiiUDUU, Ul yCtUtJllldil last Sunday. Miss - Alta Ramsby, teacher of the Twilight school, is much improved in Among those clearing land are Cur tis Dodd, L. B. Bentley, J. F. Spiger , and A. H. Harvey. More good land at Twilight means more good crops.