Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, February 27, 1913, Image 4

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e is nea? the bottom give him a boost next Friday. This is
m ji TOM. ir b. v mvL ii id UN
if h
one of the fa?e chances of a lifetime to help a friend by helping
And A Leather Bound Cook Book With Every Subscription Next
The Maple Lane Improvement Club
have purchased twenty-eight dollars'
worth of planks for sidewalks which
is a great aid in getting to the school
The residents of Maple Lane have
purchased road planks enough lor
about one thousand feet of road with
$150 from the county commissioners
which greatly improves traveling ov
er the mud holes near Grange Hall.
The entertainment given at Grange
'lall February 22nd, was a great suc
cess. All seemed to have a good
time. Pie sale netted over $23.
Miss Thompson, of Salem, came out
Saturday. She formerly lived here.
She is a dressmaker In Salem.
Doc Logan is having some grubbing
Mr. J. H. Bolton, one of the mer
chants here, just received a two car
shipment of wire fence.
Mr. Andrew Bentley, of Oregon
City is up to see his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. G. W. Bentley.
Miss Myrtle Larkins and her broth
er, Gleen of Meadow Brook were
visiting at their uncle's, J. D. Larkins,
Saturday and Sunday.
There was a large crowd at Mrs.
Jack's funeral last week. Several
went ever from here to pay their last
respects to her.
Mrs. John Barth has made another
road drag. We all hope it will be a
success this time.
Rev. Mr. Childs is going over to
Gresham to meet his family this week
to be gone a few days.
Mr. C. L. Sheppard, of Meadow
Brook, passed through town Monday
on his way to Scotts Mills.
Quite a lot of grain is being sowed
this fine weather and some early gar
dens are being planted.
Quite a sensation occurred recently.
A man was missed and could not be
located. The telephones began to ring
about 9 or 10 o'clock at night, mak
ing inquiries about a certain individ
ual, and behold, they finally located
him two miles from home in an old
bunk house with other parties. Then
peace reigned at home.
The people of this vicinity are talc
ing advantage of the good weather
and are very busy farming.
Misses Hazel and Echo Githens were
Estacada visitors Saturday.
Mis Deasel O'Leary after spending
a week with Hazel Githens was call
ed home Friday evening as her moth
er received a telegram stating that
her daughter was ill in Montana. Mrs.
O'Leary left for Montana Saturday.
A five hundred party was given at
J. W. Dowty last Tuesday evening.
Dave Hoffman and Charles Sparks
being the winners of the prizes. Af
ter partaking of refreshments they
departed at a late hour.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sparks spent
Saturday evening at John Githens.
"Miss Hazel Githens and Deasel
O Leary were the guests of Mrs. Hat
Gordon last Thursday..
Lawrence Alspaugh has been visit
ing his parents for the past week.
Fred Ely has secured a position as
real estate agent in Portland.
A number of young people of this
vicinity attended the dance at Sandy
Saturday night and report a fine time.
Edgar Hieple took his two year old
mare to Estacada to have her weigh
ed an-1 she weighs over 1700 pounds.
John Githens butchered three hogs
last Saturday.
Mrs. C. Full was the guest of Mrs.
Davis of Barton Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Githens entertain
ed at dinner Sunday Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Githens and daughter, Ruth,
Mrs. and Mrs. Dick Githens and son,
Mrs. Frank Boyer and son, Arthur,
and Miss Dora Curran.
George Batdorf, one of our popular
merchants, had a accident Sunday.
In trying to open a can of spray in
some way it flew up in his eyes and
he is in a very bad condition. His
many friends hope his eyes can be
saved from blindness.
MissOna Hyatt has been on the
sick list and your correspondent was
down with the grip for two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Gotlieb Cross cele
brated their golden wedding at their
home here Saturday. A number of
friends made a pleasant time for them.
Mrs. Meint Peters of Stafford, Is
visiting her daughter, Mrs. Frank
Vestal Bennett enlisted in the U. S.
Cavalry for seven years.
Mrs. E. M. Lyons was in Portland
An old friend of Mtiss Jessie Bow
land's from Toledo, Ohio, is visiting
her. "
Where was the town flag on the
Wahington's birthday. A few private
residences displayed flags but no bus
iness house, or the town flag.
;.-There were Washington birthday
programs in the three lower rooms at
school, but the two upper ones had
theirs together and had a long and in
teresting program and a new silk
flag and a protrait of George Washing
ton occupied a prominent place on
the walls.
Unqualifiedly the Best
The De Luxe Steel Back
New improved CURVED HINGE
allows the covers to drop back on the desk
without throwing the leaves into a curved
Sizes 8 t 4 to 20 inches
Headquarters for
Loose Leaf Systems
More Light at Same Cost
The Same Light at Less Cost
The famous Mazda Light will give you lasting
satisfaction in every way. It throws a clear, strong,
white light, the nearest imitation to sunlight it has
)een possible to get. As superior to the old carbon
light as they were to the candle of our grandfathers.
Note to exceptional prices below.
Watt Candle Power Price, Clear Price'
15 12 35c 40c
20 16 35c 40 c
25 20 35c 40c
40 32 40c 45c
60 . 50 55c 60c
100 8(K 80c 85c
150 120 $1.25 $1.35
250 200 $1.90 $1.60 Special
We carry in stock at Portland prices everything
in the electrical line to lighten labor in the household
Portland Railway, Light & Power Company
Beaver Building, Main Street
The literary society Saturday even
ing was lagely attended and a very
fine program given in keeping with
the day. A splendid drill by ten girls
ana boys of the seventh grade was
warmly applauded. The Misses Nell
ie Capen and Beatrice Oliver gave a
piano selection. There were a num
ber of amusing dialogues. In the rec
itation class there was one by Lydia
Bunkey in German, Neta Higinbotham
with her dolly. The girls of the
third grade gave the"Children's Hour"
by Longfellow in concert, other recita
tions,, a petty song was "The Red,
White and 31ue" By Evelyn Courtney
Verda Andres and Hazel Kennedy.
Huntiagton ranch. I
Mrs. Bews , returned Wednesday
from Portland where she visited her j
daughter. i
David Miller was home last week I
on a visit to the home folks. '
The box social at the school ho.ise j
February 22 was well attended and '
a good program was given by the pu-i
tainment at the school' house Friday,
the 2l3t. An interesting program
was given after which supper wa3
served. Each gentlemen and ladv
were given a half heart and when com
pared those matching were partners
for supper. Quite a number were
present and taken altogether it was
a very enjoyable affair.
Charles Updegrave has taken a po
sition with the Firwood Lumber Co.
M. M. Reid is home from Salem.
Mrs. Kitzmiller and son, Walter,
were up to the ranch Sunday.
Gaylord Keith was home- for the
week end.
Fred Linns was delivering oats to
C. E. Seward last Friday.
Mr. Affholter bought some cows
from Frank Ahnert, of the German
Miss Eleanor Bews is home from
school, confined to the house with a
very bad attack of the grip.
Joseph DeShazer has . rented rJie
Sinnester place.
Mr. Thayer left Tuesday for the
Mrs. Frank Wells and Mrs.) F. W. !
Graves were luncheon guests of
Mtrs. J. B. Lewis Monday.
j The Ladies' Aid met at the church
Thursday. A business meeting was
j held and refreshments servei.
j An Old Maids' social will be given
I at Green's hall Friday. All are in
vited. Admission 25 cents.
Four cottages- are being planned
for Oak Grove and will soon be in
course of construction.
Several real estate deals have bpen
made the past month and business is
quite brisk in Oak Grove at present.
Mrs. E. Emmons entertained the
Dorcas Club Thursday at her home on
Cedar Ave. An interesting paper was
read by Mrs. "Rice and current events
discussed by the members. The next
meeting will be held with Mrs. Alex
ander and Longfellow's "Spanish Stu
dent," a play in 3 acts, will be taken
up by the members as a study.
The Mothers' Club gave an enter-
White Ribbon Remedy
is an honest attempt to aid
friends of drinking men to rem
edy what is really a dreadful
evil. . .
ThiB remedy Is
And may be given secretly.
Oregon City