Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, February 25, 1913, Page 4, Image 4

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mu im TiwTr nil Mimi umm w n i i
2nd A Leather
Cook Book Willi Every
scriprion iNex
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At s he
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a neaires
Last Car Leaves for Oregon City at Midnight
.... t " -4 . . . 4 v , , ' p , " . '
I I, f , IU kuit i-W' . i. .ruiL- l4 u -3
Charles Frohman will present the favorite player, Donald Brian and a big supporting company in the musical comedyr "The Siren" at The
Heilig Theatre for 3 nights beginning Thursday, February 27. Spec ial price matinee Saturday.
(Continued from oage 1)
Six' h and Seventh Slreeto will be
eii'ier condemned or . purchased.
The report may not tavor any plan
to go beneath the Southern Pacific
tracks and of erecting the elevator
against the bluff and may Indicate
the location of the elevator at Sixth
Street presents engineering difficul
ties that, would make its location at
this place too expensive, and that the
Your Stomach Ss Your
Best Friend or Your
Worst Enemy
A bad stomach will cause you to have sick headaches,
indigestion, belibusness, irregular appetite, insomnia, con
stipation, feel tired and all run down and depressed and
nervous in spirit.
Cooper's New Discovery will tone up a rundown, over
iworked stomach, help digest your foQd, strengthen the ner
vous system and restore the stomach to a healthy condition
so that you may eat what you please without fear of in.
digestion or stomach trouble.
will rid your body of all poisons, excessive acids and
stomach gas, which sour your entire meal, and enable
your stomach to perform its duty so perfectly that every
particle of food will aid in nourishing the body and giving
tone and strength to the entire system. It will also reg
ulate your bowels and relieve you of constipation, help the
liver and kidneys and restore your energy, ambition and
appetite. That nauseous feeling (will leave you, and in
fact, you will feel fine generally.
Don't delay, but go to your druggist anw get a bottle
of Cooper's New Discovery, take three doses one before
each meal and if you don't think its the best medicine
you ever used, your money will be refunded. After tak
ing a full bottle you will feel like a new person.
Jones D tig Company
tail less expense.
A suggestion has been made
the city to sell the present city hall
property on Main Street and buy the
Fouts property at Sevenffi Street an i
Railroad Avenue, .on which a new
city hall would be erected and the
elevator shaift extend upward from
this property. It is stated that the
shaft could be located In the corner
of the building and used in the city
hall as well as for use going up and
down the bluff. Stops could be made
at the two or three floors of the
I building and then the shaft would go
j out through the roof and to the lev
j el of the bluff, from which place a
span would connect with the bluff in
I the same manner as is provided iD
i the reported plan of the Hurley-Ma
son Company.
A delightful gathering of a num
ber of the young people of this city
was the party given by Miss Annabel
Levitt at her home on Fourth and
Madison Streets Friday evening. The
evening was pleasantly tepent play
ing games and dancing. The prize
at. auction was awarded to Kent Wil
son. The house was prettily decorat
ed with greens, flags and pictures of
George Washington. Afterward dainty
refreshments were served. Clever
favors were given to each guest.
Among the guests present were,
Misses Lillian Schirgi, Adah Mass,
Rose Justin, Lila - Marchand, Etta
Long, Edith Alldredge, Ezota Bade,
of Portland, Fanny Giettlman, of
Portland, Joe Hedges, Kent Wilson,
Arthur Farr, Gilbert Morse, Tom
Sinnott, Ally Levitt, Hal Barde, of
Portland, and Edward Rosenburg, of
The schools of - Gladstone were
closed Monday for one week as a re
sult of Grace Owen, seven-year-old
daughter of C. B. Owen, having been.
stricken by scarlet fever. The girt
was stricken Friday afternoon, and
her condition was much improved;
Monday: H. O. Paddock, president
of the board, and Hugh Hall, one of
the directors, issued the order clos
ing the cchools. The Gladstone schools.
have about 190 pupils.
So good fhoNt's not economy for
you to spend $5 or $ 10 more when
you can have unlimited service of
a Moyer Spring Suit for $15.
They're more than jood--they outrank by
far the suits sold ordinarily for $20;there's
the same good fabrics and the same careful
tailoring in them that you expect to find
only in suits sold at a higher price.
We want you to know Moyer $15
Suits if you will call in any of the
great Moyer Stores we will be glad
to show you the road to good-clothes
economy All sizes and models for
all men.
When you see it in our ad, it's so
Ted Go she's very punctual. Nett
Why, it's safe to call for that girl in a
taxi! .Iude.
First and YamhilL
57-59 Third
Second and Morrison
Third and Oak
In almost every instance Is direct
ly caused by uric acid in the blood.
Meritol Rheumatism Powders are
manufactured for the express purpose
of neutralizing and eliminating the
uric acid from the system. Easy to
take and thoroughly effective; Jones
Drug Co., Exclusive Local Agents.
Arctic Thunderstorms.
Contrary to popular 'belief, thunder
storms are by uo nieaus rare In the
arctic rctrions. ,
Shellhorn Lady Suffered a Great
Deal, Bat Is Ail Riht Now.
Shellhorn, Ala. In a letter from thla
plaoe, Mrs. Carrie May says: "A short
time ago, I commenced to have weak;
spells and headaches. I felt bad all
the time, and soon grew so bad I
couldn't stay up. I thought I would die.
At last my husband got me a bottle
of Cardul, and it helped me; so he got
some more. After I had taken the
second bottle, I was entirely well.
I wish every lady, suffering from -I
womanly trouble, would try Cardial.
It Is the best medicine I know of. It
did me more good than anything I ever
Cardul Is a woman's toniii a
strengthening .pedicine for women,
made from ingredients that act spe
cifically on the womanly organs, and
thus help to build up the womanly con
stitution to glowing good health.
As a remedy for woman's ills, It has
a successful record of over 50 years.
Your druggist sells it Please try it.
N. B. Write to: Ladies' Advisory Dept., Chatta
nooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn-.for Special
Instructions, and 64-page book, 'Home Treatment
for Women." sent in plain wrapper, on request.
t Continued from page 1)
ernor. Four men are guarding the
bills in the Governor's office. Repre
sentative Hagood, of Portland, said
he was authorized to say that Gov
ernor West would be in Salem to
night, and would show up at his of
fice in the morning after a week end
stay at his summer home at Cannon
Beach. Leaders in the House and
Senate are particularly anxious to
"present" the bills to the Governor
in accordance with the provision of
the constitution, so that they can
-'f- ije-S
For all eye troubles such as Granulated Lids, Sore Eyes, Weak
Eyes, Dimness of Vision, Tired Eyes, etc. " 25 cents a tube. Money
back plan. "Good 'or nothing but the eyes."
he will be in a position to flood both
get them back before Saturday when i houses of the Legislature with vetoed
they are sceduled to adjourn. Some go many WUb are nowJn chief
of the leaders declared they wanted exeCutive's office that should any
to stay in session until every bill number of them be vetoed, the Leg
had emerged from the Governor's j isiature would hardly be able to com-
ouice. yu Luc ui-iici nauu u-6 ""Vpiete Jts work this week.
After being reconsidered in the
House Dimick's bill regulating the
issuance of marriage licenses passed
that body today. - It had previously
been passed, but on motion of Lof
gren, it was reconsideed and laid on
the table. Today it was taken off,
and amended to require a medical
examination not more than ten days
before the issuance of the licenses.
instead of twelve hours as in the or
iginal bill. An" attempt to amend the
bill to include both male and,.female
in the medical examination feature
failed The bill now takes its place
among the great mass in the Govern
or s otnee.
debate in the House, Lawrence, or
Portland, said he intended to go home
tomorrow night, and dared any ser-geant-at.-arms
to bring him back.
Others are thought to be in the same
mood and it is extremely doubtful if
a quorum can be kept until the last
of the week.
The Governor has Teen away since
Friday afternoon. Should he return
and receive the bills in the morning
Unsteady Nerves.
Often the result of indigestion,
dyspepsia, constipation, bilious at
tacks or impure blood, for all of which
Meritor Tonic Digestive i3 a standard
remedy that will give you instant re- '
lief. A world famous remedy for all
ailments due to a bad stomach. Jones
Drug Co., Exclusive Local Agents. ,