r m i MORNING ENTERPRISE SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1913. County Court (Continued from Page 3.) Geo. Coffman 6.00 District No. 22 Oregon City Courier Pub. Co. 5.00 J. H. Powers 6.00 G. Hungate 6.00 Clay Engle 4.00 G. Feyrer .. 12.00 A. Engle . . . .v 5.00 District No. 24 Geo. Askln 1.00 A. Kauffman 2.C0 G. E. Wyland 10.00 Citizens Mutual Tel. S. B. Berg Co. . . 1.25 . . 2.3d C. E. Miller 13.o0 M Faulk 4.0!) P. H. Miller 4.00 C. Gelbrich '.. 1.00 Expenditure of Clackamas County for the Month of January, 1913. GENERAL FUND. County Court. W. H. Mattoon 39.00 William Sheahan 1.70 "N; Blair 36.60 R. A. Junkin 1.20 A. O. Aldridge 1.20 J. M. Tracy 1.20 Geo. Dunmire 1.70 Circuit Court. T. M. Miller 72.00 Chas. E. Runyon 30.00 H. Babler 40.80 J. M. Tracy ...j 27.50 J. M. Nicholson 41.00 Lorenzo Tenny 38.80 George Sawtell 24,60 C. Hettmen 21.30 WA. Hedges 21.20 W. S. Halliman 22.00 S. E. Card 27.00 Cornalius Pierce 7.00 William Davis . 4.60 Fred Pierce 7.00 J. F. Jones 15.00 E. P. McFarlane Roscoe McFarlane S. B. West Alfred Dale Roy Thomas 6.00 4.00 4.00 5.50 3.00 C. Locinger 2.00 Ben Thomas 4.00 Abe Hardee 12.00 6.00 12.00 8.00 Ralph Hardee Chas. Hardee Ben Sherman W. Ferlane 10.00 John Bagby 10.00 Wm. Owings 20.00 Tom Leffler 2.00 James Adkins Lumber Co 285.84 W. H. Mattoon 22.00 N. Blair 15.00 R. B. Eeatie 9.00 City of Oswego 185.88 R. C. Ganong 250.00 A. Gebhardt 3.50 J. Bushbaum 4.00 R. deNeul 9.00 Oswego Lumber Co 19.25 Tualatin Lumber Co 18.20 Carl Alt 6.00 Gotfreid Stuck! 6.00 W. L. Wilkins . . 6.00 James 1 .amner 4.00 T n 19 hA Paul R. Mleinig 3.50 J. L. Stanton 3.00 W. F. Stanton 3.75 P. E. Jones 10.00 i Redland Lumber Co 102.91 1 L. D. Lynch 8.18 1 Expenditure on General Roads for the! Month of January, 1913. Pope & Company 1.1j j J. C. Tracey l.0 Jack Fierry : 36.00 John Heft 114.00 j I Gottlieb Fierry 18.00 C. Shickley 12.00 j John . Green 82.5H ' I Scripture & Beauliau 2.80 ! I Frank Busch 63.25 L. F. Churchill 2.00 John Green 9-00 John Heft 12.00 j W. Waldorf 2.75 i James Beeson 5.00 j Ed Taylor 4.00 j H. Holland 4.00 ' Fred Brunner 30.35 Cf Hansen b.00 Nat Scribner 13.53 District No. 58 David Posey .. 2.00 M. Erickson 1.25 B. L. King 5.00 E. Martin 5.00 Ed Cox ." 4.00 T. Brown 4.00 John Miller 11.25 John Wymore 3.50 T. Brown, Jr 3.00 R. W. Lemon 17.25 District No. 52 Oregon City Enterprise 5.00 District No. 55. Oregon City Courier Pub Co. 5.00 District No. 56. Oregon City Courier Pub Co. 5.00 Frank Nichols 3.00 Jesse Mayfield 6.00 G. R. Miller 6.00 Geo. North " 4.00 D. H. Watts 8.75 District No. 47. H. E. Sharrow .75 Coast Culvert & Flume Co 19.20 W. H. Counsel! 59.00 O. P. Roethe 12.50 Wm. Rail 4.00 District No. 48. Paul R. Meinig 11.25 Eastern Clackamas Journal . . . 3.68 District No. 49. Phil M. Wagner 129.00 E. - J. Steinman . 14.35 Geo. Hathaway 2.00 L. H. Burd 2.00 G. T. Hunt 35.75 H. O. Sanford , 16.00 Ben T. Rawlins 1.50 Art Perry 4.50 Alexander Taylor 11.00 J. Striland 4.00 K. Gregerson 12.10 J. H. Judd 24.00 District No. 44. Wm. Caseday 3.00 i W. R. Osburn 2.00 j Chas. Rider . . .' 5.00 District No. 45. j Walter Cox 4.00; Jesse Cox Walter Cox .. John Scott M. Rydzenpski M. Gronatzki . A. Vallen Otis Vallen Mat Jagmin .. Joe Powers A. V. Bogden Jess Cox District No. 46. Orvell Watts Irwin Hawk '. J. J. Hattan W. Wonner H. W. Combs Ralph Terrill .... E.. A. Pace A. E. Thomas John Scott A. C. Warner Mrs. Ellen A. Lawrence ... Lizzie Pierce Wm. Gardner Harold Searle E. P. Canfleld Glen Hammond John C. Bradley. Wm. Monk E. D. Closner Elmer Evans E. A. Pace W. H. Lawrence Geo. W. Grant N. R. Graham E. D. Tong ... C. A. Johnson Th03. Kelland W. J. Miley H. Longcoy S. M. Warnock B. F. Weddle J. H. Broetje J. E. Mitts F. H. Cross Mrs. Moreland Ora Clifford Mrs. C. J. Parker Justice Peace Dist. No. Chas. Hunter 'Geo. F. Cromer Jack Parsons T. R. Worthington E. C. Warren Geo. Bigham J. E. Pomeroy E-. L. Davidson N. O. Say F. E. Davidson William Dyer W. W. H. Samson A. Moser J. K. Morris W. W. H. Samson D. E. Frost S. E. Smith Tressa Riggs Christina Smith : Henry Krebs C. D. Latourette T. J. Myers C. H. Caufield J. H. Vernon E. R. Todd , F. H. Dungan Sheriff B. J. Staats E. T. Mass 2.50 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 1 1.00 1.00, 4.00 j 4.00, 3.75 I 15.00 ' 15.00 j 3.00 ! 3.70; 6.00 j 2.20 4.90 j 7.60 7.60 36.S0 10.80 7.00 2.20 2.20 4.20 2.20 21.o0 5.20 25.00 5.00 14.40 . 8.80 11.00 41.00 38.00 27.00 36.60 40.00 36.80 37.00 34.20 37.20 39.00 36.20 6.00 23.00 43.40 11.00 22.90 22.90 2.00 2.00 3.J0 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 2.U0 2.00 34.95 33.80 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.73 1.70 2.00 2.00 3.00 .95 48.50 A. Ernest Mass, Jr. F. A. Miles E. C. Shell R. A. Junkin Adah Mass j , C. G. Miller Oregon City Courier Pub. Co. H. H. Hughes The Western Telegraph Co Pacific Highway Garage Wilson & Cooke A. L. Pike W. S. Eddy F. A. Miles Tax Department Geo. F. Johnson Clerk The Irwin Hodson Co The Title Guaranty & Surety Co , H.,.S. Daulton F. W. Greenman W. L. Mulvey Bannon & Co. Extending Tax Roll G. F. Johnson Ona Renner Cis B. Pratt Georgia Cross Rose Justin Kathryn Sinnott . . . Elmina Kelly 'Recorder. Glass & Prudhomme Co. . . N. E. Derby Mata Graff A. R. Williams , Lou Cochran E. P. Dedman Edith Smith Treasurer. Alice Dwiggins Coroner Wm. J. Wilson Dr. M. C. Strickland Dr. Townley Tom J. Myers D. E. Frost M. E. Dunn F. C. Burk S. S. Walker -. E. P. Elliott Arthur Davis Ed Mkddox '. H. Balle T. C. Miller Dr. C. H. Meissner Gilbert L. Hedges John Kent E. L. Johnson Kasper Krapp Conrad Priester E. T. Mass John L. Cameron Ed Bettner Supt. of Schools Christ Haag J. C. Wilson .' H. T. Melvin W. P. Kirchem R. Schuebel ;. H. S. Anderson C. F. Zinser ...... J. R. Carr " .... C. M. Richmond J. A. Scott T. C. Thomas H. Walker T. W. Blanchard John Walczak 4.00 18.75 6.00 22.45 43.00 3.00 1.90 5.00 2.40 12.00 27.20 4".80 2.00 7.73 .35.00 54.00 49.50 10.00 .50 30.00 63.00 63.00 58.50 59.63 59.63 59.63 3.15 13.10 9.50 5.00 70.00 5.00 65.00 30.00 32.10 15.10 5.00 3.90 2.40 1.20 1.20 2.40 2.40 1.70 1.70 4.50 1.70 . 10.00 17.15 1.20 1.20 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 '2.30 Cms 240 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 The Largest Possible Attendance Assures the Largest Measure of Success to the Exposition San Francisco business men realize that crowds create en thusiasm and aim to set a standard of attendance never attained by any similar enterprise in the world. The plan of this company gives to each of" its subscribers the same benefits and advantages that the indivdu'al visitor might en - joy, but provides these privileges on such a wholesale basis that the cost of the trip will be materially less for each subscriber. By a system of easy payments of a dollar or more a week the entire cost of the trip will be paid in by the .time the subscriber is ready to start. . . The Offer of the San Francisco Exposition Tour Company 1. A First Class Round Trip Railroad Ticket, San Francisco and Return. 2. First Class Ticket for Standard Berth, San Francisco and Return. . 3. Transfer of Subscriber to and from Hotel in San Francis co. 4. Transfer of Subscriber's Baggage to and from Hotel in San Francisco. 5. Fourteen Days' Modern Hotel Accommodations at San Francisco on the European Plan. 6. Four jof the following Sightseeing Trips : (a Steamer Trip around the Bay of San Francisco.- (b) 'Trip to University of California and Berkeley. (c) Automobile Tour of San Francisco and Environs. (d) Steamers Trip, U. S. Navy Yard, Mare Island. (e) Trip to Mt. Tamalpais, via Sausalito. (f) Night Tour Through San Francisco's Chinatown. (g) Trip to the Orchards of Santa Clara Valley. (h) Trip to the Intensive Farming Districts, ' 7. Twelve Admission Tickets to the Exposition. 8. Twenty Admission Tickets to Special Attractions at the Exposition. 9. Sunset Magazine up to the close of June, 1915. Arrange your trip by the Dollar by Dollar Plan with CTbiester1- A. Elliott 5TH AND MAIN STREETS First National Bank of this city is the depository of the Company ft I 3 II Unqualifiedly the Best LEDGER The De Luxe Steel Back New improved CURVED HINGE allows the covers to drop back on the desk without throwing the leaves into a curved position. Sizes 8 1-4 to 20 inches OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE Headquarters for Loose Leaf Systems Mrs. A. Splinter 2.00 H. H. Udell 2.00 Geo. Rueck 2.U0 Geo. W. Atwood 2.00 Mrs. Nora Miller 2.00 G. F. Pottratz 2.00 Nannie Terry 2.00 L. Stout 2.00 J. P. Wilmarth 2.00 J. A. Kuks 2.00 F. A. ' Samuelson 2.00 Ed. Shearer 2.00 Maggie Johnson 2.00 John J. Wallace . 2.00 H. J. Hoffmeister 2.00 J. T. Fullam 2.00 John Putz : 2.00 Ben Forrester 2.00 J. P. Davis 2.00 Hugh Hall 2.00 R. S. McLaughlin 2.00 Jas. S. Imel 2.00 P. O. Chindgren 2.00 J. W. Braker 2.00 Mrs. M. C. Young 2.00 F. E. Davidson ..." 2.00, Mat Perlot 2.00 Geo. M. Lazelle 2.00 Wm. Koellermeier 2.00 C. T. Blackburn 2.00 N. P. Woodle 2.00 Aug Rothenberg 2.09 N. H. Smith .'. 2.00 W. J. Flick : 2.00 Griffith Roberts 2.00 Chas. Menke 2.00 F. J. Kraxberger 2.00 John Gaffney, Jr. 2.00 F. W. Lehman 2.00 Mike McCormick 2.00 Carl Potwin i 2.00 F. Keller 2.00 E. L. Sharp : 2.00 A. Kensen 2.00 Alvin Trafton . 2.00 W. J. Wilson 4.00 Oregon City Courier Pub. Co. 5.00 M. L. Fulkerson ..." 26.30 Lilli Schmidli 3.00 C. F. Anderson 4.50 D. E. Frost 14.05 Mrs. Margaret Curran 101.12 J. E. Calavan 110.15 H. M. James 131.55 Assessor Gertie Willson 54.00 Surveyor D. Thompson Mfeldrum 36.80 Bud Thompson 22.80 Paul Dunn 22.80 Harry Gray 10.00 S. A. D. Hungate 12.60 H. H. Johnson ..; 26.00 Kilham Stationery & Printing Co. 2.80 Fruit Inspection O. E. Freytag : 21.80 Board of Health C. H. Dauchy 43.00 FOR THE PUBLIC HEALTH TRADE MARK TootE Paste IS IN A CLASS BY ITSELF; A DELIGHTFULLY EXQUISITE TOILET PREPARATION CONTAINING THE (MOST AGREEABLE ANTISEPTICS KNOWN. YOU WILL USE NO OTHER KIND IF YOU TRY IT. WE USE IT OURSELVES AND WE RECOM MEND IT HIGHLY. YOUR MONEY BACK IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT. Meritol Peroxide Cream has no equal Jones Drug Company EXCLUSIVE MERITOL STORE John Erickson 2.00 W. J. Wilson 11.50 Tax Rebate Harry M. Courtright 12.21 Rebecca Deetz . 3.60 E. T. Mass 137.59 Current Expense - Huntley Bros. Co 22.83 Home Telephone Co. 17.20 Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co 24.10 Court House j Jos E. Hedges, agt. 65.80 C. H. Dye, agt. 84.60 Board cjf Water Commission ers 15.00 Ja'l L. Adams '. 5.46 E. T. Mas3 117.70 County Poor. A. J. Rossiter 5.00 L. Adams 3.50 Mr. J. W. Strauzer 10.00 Wm. McCord 3.00 F. T. Barlow 51.40 Oregon City Hospital 34.00 Jones Drug Co '. 21.75 W. J. Wilson 2.00 A, R. Stephens '. 3.00 Fred Baker 5.00 R. B. Beatie " 18.00 The Crown Drug Co 7.00 Mrs. G. E. Woodward 14.28 Louis Nobel 61.24 Farr Brothers 16.74 F. Clack 7.00 Roswell L. Holman '. 29.00 P. M. Doyle 5.00 R, B. Beatie 1.60 Waterbury & Chapman ...... 4.45 J. Bickuer & Sons 19.55 E. D. .Slevers 5.15 H. D. Aden 16.62 C. R. Thorpe & Co 11.05 Mr. Seeley 8.)0 City of Oregon City 55.00 The Hub Grocery 8.30 Electric Hotel 20.00 John Steiner 33.00 Estacada Furniture Co 20.00 Wm. Hammond 6.00 J. Levitt 5.65 George Harding '. 4.9a H. D. Harms 9.85 Palace Meat Mlarket 6.00 Denis Donovan 12.50 Indigent Soldier Fund. D. H. Hasbrouck 10.00 Chas. El Jerrette 10.00 James R. Flower 15.00 - Insane Hugh S. Mount 5.00 Election John C. Elliott 4.90 Oregon City Enterprise 422.85 Oregon City Courier Pub. Co. 29.40 Wild Animal Bounty E. T. Davis 2.00 S. Turel 7.50 Roy Strong 12.00 R. J. Mattoon 1.50 C. A. Purvis 2.00 David Hoffmeister 1.50 Trace Vonderhoof 7.50 Juvenile Court Mrs. C. J. Parker 16.40 D. E. Frost 1.90 . Gilbert L. Hedges "10.00 . ' - ' . .v.--":'- !