r n. J MORNING ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1913. How Ha Lost It. That dull, heavy feeling all over, means Winter's impurities in your system; clean them out, drive them away with Hollister's Rocky Moun tain Tea; enjoy health and happi ness, protect yourself against danger ous Winter diseases. 35c, Tea or Tablets. Jones Drug Co. Mis Emma Van Hoy, who has been the guest of Miss Hazel Francis for several weeks, will leave Thursday for her home in Goldendale, Wash. Miss Van Hoy has been much enter tained during her visit in this city and Portland. She conducts a milli nery store establishment in her home town and has been buying her Spring stock of goods while in the valley. At the Grand Today Ito Family of Japs. S. H.-Hawkins, pastor of the Cen tral Christian . Church, Portland, will be the speaker at the regular monthly meeting of the Christian Brother hood at Gladstone Friday evening. His subject will be "Christian Broth erhood, Its Place and Power." The meeting will take place in Baddock's Hall. All men of Gladstone are in vited to attend. Miss Mrytle Cross, daughter of Frank Cross, is suffering from . the measjes. . ; Dr. van Brakle, Osteopath, Mason ic Building, Phone Main 399. At the Portland Theaters Last Car Leaves for Oregon City) At Midnight. COMMITTEE NAMED TO CARE FOR PARKS (Continued from page 1) - - i Day after day he walks the street,- looking for a present for wifey sweet- I know what will please her most," "Why are you cryiug. little boy?" "I lost the one dollar prize for being the best boy in school!" "Never mind, here's another one. How did you lose it?" "I wasn't the best boy." New York, Mail. LOCAL BRIEFS Ito Family of Japs at the Grand today An annual production of 40,000 motor cars, when mentioned in fig ures, does not mean a great deal to those not of an individual mind. But when, reduced to miles these cars will cover, the number of freight cars which would be necessary 'to transport them in a single train, were it possible, or the number of dollars of investment such production rep resents, a better idea of the magni tude of the industry can be gained by everyone. Figures recently com piled by The Willis-Overland Com pany, of Toledo, Ohio, whose annual output is 40,000 care are interesting. Should all the Overland cars produc ed at the Toledo plant for the sea son each averaging 148 inches over all be placed end to end, as closely as they could stand, the line would cover more than 93 miles of road way, or more than the distance from Toledo to Detroit. Should the cars be distributed over a straight and level road, each in sight of the one following, or one mile apart, the line' would reach 40,000 miles or one and three-fourths times around the world. A train of 50-foot automobile freight cars sufficient to haul the entire out put would reach more than 126 miles or farther than from Toledo to Cleve land. The total value of the 1913 out put of the Toledo factory is more than $10,000,000, or so great that there are but very few multimillion aires in America today who could purchase all the cars and pay cash. A part of this great system is rep resented by the Miller-Parker Com pany in Oregon City, who are endeav oring to Maintain the good reputa tion of ahe Willis-Overland Com pany. . said he, "It's Hollister's Rocky. Mountain Tea." v Jones Drug Co. Joseph Wilson, formerly a con tractor of this city, but now of Ca mas, Wash., was here on business last week. Ito Family of Japs at the Grand today ' W. P. Morton, a civil engineer from Portland, was in this city Wed nesday attending the meeting of the council. James Petty, owner of Petie Petty, the trotter, has had the horse brought to this city from Molalla for train ing. E. R. Boardman, a prominent citi zen of Aurora, was in Oregon City Wednesday attending to business, Frank Scott, a prominent farmer of Willioit, has been in this city for several days on a business trip. E. T. MUrf'nson, of Portland, was a guest at the Electric Hotel during the first part of the week. E. T. English, of Seattle, has been in Oregon City for several days trans acting business. J. B. Standard, of Portland, was an Oregon City visitor during -the fore part of the week. C. A. Blanlard,. of Colton, Oregon, was registered at the Electric Hotel Wednesday. C. W. Stubbs, of Canby, has been spending SvAeral days in Oregon City attending to business matters. W. ' C. Berreth, of Portland, is in this city for several days on a bus iness trip. ' O. M. Price, of Portland, was an Oregon City visitor Tuesday. J. W. Muncan, of Portland, was in Oregon City on Tuesday A. V. Johnson, of Portland, has been visiting friends in this city for sever al days. He formerly resided here. Isaac Williams, of Molalla, was in this city for several days this week transacting business. . O. S. Boyle's, of Crawfordsville, has been in this city several days on a business trip. At the Grand Today Ito Family of Japs. The Elevator Committee reported that plans are now being drawn for the new elevator and will probably be presented to the council at its next meeting, The hours of voting at fire elections was changed from 10 to 4 ,to 2 to 7. This was done so that the mill workers . would be able to vote. A Liberal Offer. The undersigned Druggist is author ized by the American Drug and Press Association,- of which he is a mem ber, to guarantee Meritol Hair Tonic to give satisfaction or the purchase price will be refunded. Ttis indi cates the confidence they have in this preparation. Jones Rrug Co. Brush Sale Saturday EVERY BRUSH IN OUR STORE IS INCLUDED IN THIS SALE Tooth Brushes. ..10c and up - Cloth Brushes 25c and up Hair Brushes ...25c and up Nail Brushes .....5c and up , 500 Automobile Votes with j every 25c of your purchase 1000 Votes with every 50c f purchase. I 200o Votes with every $1.00 purchase. Buy a $5.00 Coupon Book and get 5000 Votes for your candidate. Brush Sale Saturday Only Huntley Bros. Co. We give votes HUNTLEY BROS. CO. V. HARRIS THE STAR THEATRE iMORNING ENTERPRISE g ' J : ( ' i - - "1 ' ' K 1 ft- i f - t A 1st' " 5 S ir - i. w .V Sf - 1 v c MISCHA ELMAN. ELMAN COMING. Greatest Violinist of thai Age Will be Heard in Portland Feb ruary 26. The leading critics of the day are at a loss to explain the extraordin ary hold Misch Elman, the violinist, has obtained on the people. How has this youth of barely twenty years, been able to attain such interpreta tive insight into the secret meaning of the great masters of music, so that he can bring their works into the ken of his audience with such vivid and impassioned realism, such enchanting fantasy of poetry, that all who hear are transported into the seventh heaven o delight? , There is only one answer genius, such as the world has rarely Known." Elman will visit Portland February 2G, playing at the Heilig, 11th and Morrison, under the direction of Lois Steers-Wynn Coman. The sale of seats will open February 24. Mail orders are being received now. The Largest Possible Attendance Assures the Largest Measure of Success to the Exposition Sari Francisco business men realize that crowds create en thusiasm and aim to set a standard of attendance never attained by any similar enterprise hi the world. The plan of this company gives to each of its subscribers the same benefits and advantages ' that the indivdual visitor might en joy, but provides these privileges on such a wholesale basis that the cost of the trip will be materially less for each subscriber. By a system of easy payments of a. dollar or more a week the entire cost of the trip will be paid in by the time the subscriber is ready to start. The Offer of the San Francisco Exposition Tour Company 1. A First Class Round Trip Railroad Ticket, San Francisco and Return. 2. First Class Ticket for Standard Berth, San Francisco and Return.' .3. Transfer of Subscriber to and from Hotel in San Francis co. '4. Transfer of Subscriber's Baggage to and from Hotel in San Francisco. 5. Fourteen Days' Modern Hotel Accommodations at San Francisco on the European Plan. OREGON APPLES LIKED BY DENMARK'S KING The king of Denmark personally has approved the quality of Oregon apples. He expressed himself as highly pleased at the excellence of the stock. By personal letter he has expressed his appreciation of the quality of Oregon-grown fruit to L. L. Johnson of Freewater, a former subject of Denmark. The market for apples' is some what more active locally. While there is still a very large amount of stock being offered on consignment to the Portland trade, good quality is not nearly so plentiful as it was and slightly better prices are being ask ed for these. According to a prominent commis sion men, most jof the stock now be ing offered on consignment is so poor that he has been compelled to refuse the supplies and has .actually paid cash for what he wanted instead. Apple market trade in the East is not showing the slightest bit of im provement, trade there remaining unsatisfactory to both seller and shipper. .Regarding the general sit uation Egobel & Day write from New York under date of February 8 : "We are sorry that we cannot write any encouraging news about box ap ples, but as our circulars always re port truthfully the exact situation, so we give it to you and in this world we certainly have to take the bitter with the sweet" $975 completely equipped F.OJ. Oregon City $975 Compare the Studebaker 25 with any $1100 or $1200 car on the market today; it's the equal of any of them and better than most of them. . The equipment leaves nothing to buy. Silk mohair top and slip cover and Studebaker Jiffy cm-tains, ventilating wind shield, and demountable rims; one extra rim . and tire irons mounted on the running board alongside of large metal tool box with lock and keys; full 10 inches of the very best of leather upholstery; Prestolite head lights and Prestolite en gine primer which altogether does away with the objection to hand . cranking; electric horn;. Stewart speedometer; dash control -for carburator. - - . - - Come in and see for yourself, the sensation of the season. The Studebaker line for 1913 is WATCH FOR OUR BIG PAR ABE NEXT. SATURDAY Pacific Highway Garage BQMain 390. 12th & Main, POULTRY (Buying) Hens 11 to 12c; stags slow at 10c; old roosters 7 c. Fruits APPLES 50c and $1. DRIED FRUITS (Buying), Prunes on basis 6 to 8 cents. .VEGETABLES ONIONS $1.00 sack. POTATOES About 3oc to -40c f. o. b. shipping points, per hundred. Butter, Eggs. BUTTER (1 lying), Ordinary coun try butter 25c and 30c; fancy cream ery 75c to 85c roll. EGGS Oregon ranch case ' count 20c; Oregon ranch candled 21c. Four of the following Sightseeing Trips : (a) Steamer Trip around the Bay of San Francisco. (b) Trip to University of California and Berkeley. (e) Automobile Tour of San Francisco and Environs. (d) Steamers Trip, TJ. S. Navy Yard, Mare Island. Trip to Mt. Tamalpais, via Sausalito. Night Tour Through San Francisco s Chinatown. Trip to the Orchards of Santa Clara Valley. (e) (f) (g) (h) Trip to the Intensive Farming Districts. 7. Twelve Admission Tickets to the Exposition. 8. Twenty Admission Tickets to Special Attractions at the Exposition. , 9. Sunset Magazine up to the close of June, 1915. . " . Arrange your trip by the Dollar by Dollar Plan with Ohestei1 A. Elliott 4TH AND MAIN STREETS First National Bank of this city is the depository of the Company Prevailing Oregon City prices are as follows: HIDES (Buying) Green salted, 7c to 8c; sheep pelts 75c to $1.50 each. FEED (Selling) Shorts $25; bran $24; process barley $27 to $28 per ton. FLOUR $4.50 to $5. HAY (Buying) .Clover at $9 and $10; oat hay best $11 and $12; mix ed $10 to $12; selling Alfalfa $13.50 to $17.00; Idaho and Eastern Oregon timothy selling $19.50 to- $23.00. OATS $25.00 to $26.00; wheat 85; oil meal selling $40.00; Shay Brook dairy feed $1.30 per hundred pounds. Whole corn $28. Livestock, Meats. BEEF (Live weight) steers 7 and 8c; cows 6 and 7 c, bulls 4 to 6c. MUTTON Sheep 5 to 6 1-2 ; lambs 6 to 6 l-2c. PORK 9 1-2 and 10c. VEAL Calves 12c tc- 13c dressed, according to grade. WEINIES 15c lb: sausage, 15c lb. Ftit Tee Spraying According to Law by ' - Jack Gleason S Under the direction of O. E. Freytag, County Fruit Inspect or. Phone Main 6U A great majority of persons afflict ed with eczema have no other ail ment, which is accepted as positive proof that eczema is purely a skin disease. Meritol Eczema Remedy is made especially for eczema and all diseases of the skin. If you are af flicted with this terrible disease, do not delay using Meritol Eczema Rem edy, as it can always be relied upon. Jones Drug Co., Sole Agents. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Jaspar M. Lykes to Portland, Eu gene & Eastern Railway, lot 6, block 4, Oswego; $10. Henry Frick to J. R. Davies, part of the Callahan D. L. C; $300. Ellen Maria Rockwood to Maria T. Dunn, lets 1, 2, 25 and 26, block 9, Ardenwald; $1,200. George A. MUrts and wife to G. W. Wingfield, lot L. W. Robbin's Ad dition to Molalla; $150. L. W. Robbins and wife to George A. Marts, lots 19, 11 and 12 L. W. Robbins' Addition to Molalla; $350. William L. Starr to Grace Gebherdt land section 6, township 3 south, ra?e 1 east; $1,500. Olaf Larson and wife to Portland, Eugene & Eastern Railway Company property in lots A and B, tract 22, Willamette and Tualatin Tracts; $10. Matilda Wetzler (and husband 'to N. E. Moffitt; $175. Cyrus Powell and wife to William Hammond, lot 10, block 11, West Gladstone; $1. William Hammond to Cyrus Pow ell and wife, lots 1 and 2, block 9, lots 3, 4 and 5, block 10, lots 9 and 10, block 17, Park Addition to Ore gon City; $1. Ladd .& Tilton Bank to William Cherryman, lots 5, 10, 4 and 11, block 98, Gladstone; $1. William J. Jantz and wife to Clara J. Smith, lot 15, block 2, Dover Park; $10. Unsteady Nerves. - Often the result of indigestion, dyspepsia, constipation, bilious at tacks or impure blood, for all of which Meritor Tonic Digestive i3 a standard remedy that will give you instant re lief. A world famous remedy for all ailments due to a bad stomach. Jones Drug Co., Exclusive Local Agents. Rheumatism. In almost every instance is direct ly caused by uric acid in the blood. Meritol Rheumatism Powders are manufactured for the express purpose of neutralizing and eliminating the uric acid from the system. Easy to take and thoroughly effective. Jones Drug Co., Exclusive Local Agents. 1 Ours are grown on OWN ROOTS. The kind you are NOT ASHAMED TO PLANT in your front yard. They do not run into wild roses. We Replace Free Any Which Fail To Grow WE PAY THE EXPRESS And charge you no more than if you lived next door neigh bor, to us. We guarantee you the LARGEST GROWERS of ever blooming roses in the world. Our photo illustrated catalogue tells you all about it, free if you own home. Liberal inducements for CLUB ORDERS. CALIFORNIA ROSE COMPANY, Pomona, Cal. LOS ANGELES COUNTY. (22 E TO STAR AT MUSICALE TONIGHT Donizetti's ever popular "Sextette from Lucia"- will be one of the fea tures of the excellent musicale to be given tonight at Gladstone Church. Mrs. T. A. Burke, soprano, Mrs. Nieta Barlow Lawrence, contralto, Mr. Burke, tenor, and Mt. Gault, bass, will render the quartette arrange ment of this world-wide classic mus ical. Excellency will ' be maintained throughout the program of' eleven numbers, which is to be given for the benefit of the Sunday school under the direction of Mjs. T. A. Burke. Hildach's "Passage Birds' Farewell" furnishes a most beautiful duet for Mrs. Lawrence and Mrs. Burke, and one of -the main solos of the evening will be Mrs. Burke's singing of "O Mio Fernando" from La Favorita. Prof. Flechtner will furnish several violin solos of unusual beauty. Mr. Garland Hollowell of Gladstone will appear twice on the program. Miss Sadye Ford is the accompanist for the evening. The. program follows: 1. Thannhauser March Wagner Mr. Flechtner. 2. Look Down Dear Eyes, Howard Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Bruke 3. For All Eternity Mascheroni Mr. Hollowell 4 (a) Flower Song from "Faust" .-. Gounod (b) O Mio Fernando, from "aL- Favoriet" Donizetti Mrs. Burke. " 5. Passage-Birds' Farewell . . Hildach Mrs. Burke and Mrs. Lawrence: 6. Cavitina, J. Raff ... Mr. Flechtner 7. Sextette "Lucia" (quartette ar rangement) Donizetti Mrs. Burke, MIrs. Lawrence, Mr. Gault, Mr. Burke. 8. Awake Pellissier Mr. HollowelL 9. "My Heart at Thy Sweet Voice" from Sampson and Delilah, Saint Saens Mrs. Burke 10. Marguerite Waltz (Faust) Gou nod Mr. Flechtnej 11. Quartette "Good Night", Pinsute Mrs. Burke, Mrs.Lawrence, Mr. Gault, MJr. Burke. Piano used courtesy Wiley B. Allen Company. . Seats can be secured at the Jones Drug Company at 25c. The concert will begin about 8:20, giving ample time for Oregon City people who take the 8:00 o'clock car. YES, SWISSCO WILL Prevents Baldness and Dandruff, Re stores Gray or Faded Hair To Its Natural Color. His Hairs Are Numbered Are Yours? Swissco stops dandruff quickly, grows new hair and restores gray and faded hair to its natural youthful color. Swissco stops baldness, bald spots, falling hair, scabby scalp, sore scalp, brittle hair or any . hair or scalp trouble. To prove that ours claims are true we will send you a large trial bottle free if you will send 10c in silver or stamps to help pay cost of postage and packing to Swissco Hair Remedy Co., 5311 P. O. Square, Cincinnati, O. Swissco will be found on sale at all druggists and drug departments everywhere at 50c and $1.00 a bottle. JONES DRUG COMPANY POSTOFFICE ROBBED. VANCOUVER,' Wash., Feb. 19 The postoffice at Kaiama was robbed last night of stamps and money in the amount of $750. The office was literally cleaned of stamps and noth ing left on which to start business this morning. The stolen goods in clude $190 in postal savings stamps, $150 in parcel post stamps, $140 in 2-cent stamps, $59 in 1-cent stamps, $100 in special delivery stamps, $100 in 10-stamps and $20 in pennies. The robber or robbers have not been apprehended. Boost your city by boosting your daily paper. The Enterprise should be In every home.