MORNING" ENTERPRISE WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1913. 4 Phenominal Sale of Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Linoleum, Stoves, Wall Paper, Kitchen Ware, Wire Fence, Doors, Windows, Woodware, Baskets, Oils, Paints, Spray Materials, Spray Pumps, Etc., in fact our whole stock is included in this remarkable sale. The wonderful values are talked over in many a house circle, bringing hundreds of daily used articles at prices cut to bedrock m 5L Ei t la j' i v a 3fv72 Jan Mattmcr 48c 30x64 Chinese Linen 98c 36x72 Wool and Fabric $1.13 36x72 Oriental 1.28 36x60 Moquette 2.87 Bed Springs 3 cable and 13 spirel spring 'supports, regular $3.00 val ue at $1 70 All Steel Springs,, without any wood parts 2 3G Extra heavy steel frame fa bric well supported, rope edge S6 G3 Pcrr zpa: Cover Your Floors With Rixdorfer It has more points of advantage than any other floor covering so far in vented. More economical, twice as handsome and effective and just what you need in every good room in your home. RIXDORFER Parkett Floor Covering It comes in Refefl is the most sanitary, beautiful ana really necessary of floor coverings. Practically "non wearoutable' makes house work easy, simpler to clean than carpets, warmer and more elastic to tread than hard wood floors. No painful p5shing and scrubbing and no back . breaking' sweeping to keep it in good condition. It comes in rolls, 78 inches wide, in beauti ful inlaid natural-wood Sesigns. 9 Come tn and see a demonstration of the. practical uses of Rixdorfer $1.38 per yard KEEP YOUR LAWN ATTRACTIVE If you want an easy driving, self sharpen ing and practically noiseless lawn mower one that will last longer and one that will do more work with less labor than any other kind you should buy the "Mon ey back Mower." and buy it now. Prices range from $3 45 to $15 OO Pedestal Oak, Extension Tables $12.50 up. 40 inch Field Fence,' per rod 33c Mattresses Prices from $1.75 to 22.65 IP'u.iin.ituiir1- Home Queen Range ft HQ nr 6 hole, good baker ZD.uO at oatisrie 108 Square feet for 98c, as long as present stock lasts Hardie's Up To Date Spray Pumps $7.50 and up. Look at the construction hm:4 1 1 lilt 11th AND MAIN STREETS - - y Suggestive in Questions Sunday School Lessons (37) Concerning the 'Suggestive Questions on the Sunday school les son, which the Morning Enterprise is publishing an enthusiastic presiding elder of the M. E. church writes, "I am always glad to recommend a good thing and especially that which aims to get the Word of God into the hearts and minds of the pople. I am they are to the point and calculated to awaken interest." This is in sub stance what everybody says who read the stirring ' questions. We ex pect that every reader of the Morn ing Enterprise will ere long be en rolled as a student of these questions. Your Questions Answered -If you would like to have answered any particular question each or any week from "The Suggestive Questions on the Sunday School Lesson" by Rev. Dr. Linscott, send in your request to this office giving the date of the les son and the numlxar of the question you wish answered. You may select any question except the one indicated that it may be answered in writing by members of the club. Dr. Linscott will answer the questions either in these columns or by mail through this office." Don't forget to state what ben efit these "Suggestive Questions" are to you. Give your full name and ad dress. Send your letters to the Ques tion Editor of the Morning Enterprise. Questions for Feb. 23 (Copyright, 1911, by Rev. T. S. Lin scott, D. D.) Abram and Lott. Gen. xiii:l-18. Golden Text The blessing of Jeho vah it maketh rich; and he addeth no sorrow therewith. Prov. x:22. (1) Verse 1 What took Abram to Egypt, and what happened to him while he was there? (2) What can you say for or against the statement that a lie is never justifiable? (3) Verse 2 What was the busi ness of Abram? (4) Did the wealth of Abram add to his happiness, Give your reasons. (5) Which are the happier, other things being equal, those who are rich or those who earn enough to live comfortably? (G) Verses 3-4 Where was Bethel and what important events transpir ed there? (7) Why is it that certain places void of any natural attractions have such a charm for us? (8) How would you compare the pleasure derived from living in a tent, and frequently moving, to living in one place in a well built house? (9) Verses 5-6 What per cent of business partnerships, roughly speak ing, turn out to be satisfactorily? (10) What relation was Lott to Abram? " .(11) What, if any, reason is there to believe that intimate business re lationships with relatives are gener ally less satisfactory than with others Why? (13) Is it possible or impossible, and why, for two parties to quarrel without either party being to blame for the cause of the quarrel? (14) With human nature as it is and conditions as they are is it pos sible to live and do business without misunderstandings or strife? Give your reasons. (This is one .of the question that may be answered in writing by the members of the club.) (15) Verses 8-9 If you learn that one party to a dispute shows an ar bitrary spirit and is determined to fight it to a finish how would you es timate him morally and spiritually? (16) Would you regard it to be possible or not, and why, for a man to be a truly good man and yet to be quarrelsome or anything akin to I it? (17) What do you think of Ab ram's offer to settle the -dispute with Lot? (18) When a partner makes a pro position to either give or. accept cer tain conditions to settle a partnership dispute and the other partner refuses how would you characterize the two men? (19) Verses 10-13 When we have the choice of living with our families in a community of Godless people with big business possibilities or in a com munity of Godly people with doubt ful business possibilities which should we choose and why? (20) Verses 14-18 If an indus trious man acts generously with his neighbor and walks humbly with God what are his business prospects? Lesson for Sunday, March 2, 1913. God's Covenant With Abraham. Gen. DINNER FOR FEB. 22. Delightful Washington Birthday Affair Entailing Slight Expense. The grownups on Feb. 22 may have a few friends in for an informal dinner, and with an attractively decorated ta ble, reading or telling a few Washing ton tales and singing one or two na tional songs their Washington birthday celebration will be remembered. The menu should be simple, includ ing the old colonial succotash and a sugared Washington pie for dessert. The table decorations are half the af fair. One attractive arrangement is a centerpiece of greenery and small flags and several paper or ribbon streamers from this to the edge of the table. A box of homemade- candy tied with striped ribbon should be at each place, and the caudle shades will give a gay note of color if made of red paper. Each guest should wear a bow of red. white and blue ribbon or a paper cap. One of the essentials of the decorations is the place cards, and as these are rather expeusive little affairs to buy the woman who is clever with her brushes makes her own. The place cards are easy to make whether one is used to color work or not. Select appropriate designs and carry them out in washes of color, the sim plest way of working. First trace the cards on water color cards or paper, using carbon paper, with the black side next the water col or surface. Lay the design over the carbon paper and go over every line carefully with a stiletto or very sharp hard lead pencil. Remove the carbon paper and if nec essary go over the lines with a sharp pencil so that they will be clear and sharp before putting on the color. Any ordinary water color paints may be used. Even the twenty-five cent school boxes give excellent results for this work. For those who have not done any color work before it may be well to say that best results are gained in coloring cards by using the paint spar ingly and having enough water so that the paint goes on in a smooth, "even wash. Ours are grown on OWN ROOTS. The kind you are NOT ASHAMED TO PLANT in your front yard. They ri f M4 ! InA larllfj WW HWfc UM I II LIS VYI1U lUeCOi We Replace Free Any Which Fail To Grow WE PAY THE EXPRESS And charge you no more than if you lived next door neigh bor to us. We guarantee you the LARGEST GROWERS of ever blooming roses in the world. Our photo illustrated catalogue tells you all about it, free if you own home. Liberal inducements f or -CLUB ORDERS. CALIFORNIA ROSE COMPANY, Pomona, Cal. LOS ANGELES COUNTY. Women Admitted to Army League. Suffragettes receive a word of en couragement from the Army League of the United States, which has decided that its membership may include "all citizens of good repute, both men and women." The organization, while only recently formed, already includes in-its membership such names as Theodore Roosevelt, Granville Dodge. Robert Bacon, Curtis Guild, William C. Endi cott, August Belmont. Henry A. du Pont and the adjutants general and prominent militia officers of many of the states. The league is nonpolitical. French Hat Museum. The French government is planning to establish a museum of head cover ings at Marseilles. It will be amusing to see with what atrocities and dis comforts men and women have at dif ferent times sought to protect their heads from the elements. Hawaiian Islands. The total area of the Sandwich or Hawaiian Islands is about the same as New Jersey. BRISTLE GOODS SALE SATURDAY "BRUSH UP" SALE jl Don't Brush by This SALE 500 Votes With Every 2Sc You Purchase Saturday, February 22nd, we will give Bonus Votes with every piece of Bristol Goods in our store All tooth, nail, cloth, hair and bath, etc. Brushes are included in this great sale one day only. Tooth Brushes 10c to 50c Every size and style Softmedium or stiff bristles Cloth Brushes 25c up 'The kind that lasts a long, long time" 500 votes with 25c purchase Nail Brushes 5c tip Wonderfal Variety of SPLENDID VALUES HAIR BRUSHES In oar large stock we have fast the brash for yoa Bonus Votes Saturday only 500 BONUS VOTE'S FOR EACH 25c OF YOUR PURCHASE SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22nd Only HUNTLEY BROTHERS CO. WE GIVE VOTES V. Harris Star Theatre Morning Enterprise In a few days we'll have this big Touring Car on the streets for your inspection. Watch for the Howard