Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, February 15, 1913, Image 4

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Stories from Out of Town
It froze a little every night for the
past, week, but days are bright, with
some wind. If the frost would leave
with a lain, our kale and cauliflower
might come out pretty good, other
wise they will freeze in a few days
more, but we are enjoying the bright
days and good roads, free from mud
Louis Nemec, it is reported has pass
ed the crises of typhoid fever, and
can soon dispense with the special
nurse, but he is still very weak and
nearly helpless. He has been
subject to nose bleed occasionally,
and he had 'one last week one njght.
wuluu was aiuium iiuiju&muie to con
tril, which must have farther weak
ened him.
A baby girl arrived at the home of
August Delkar last Saturday.
Mrs. Mient Peters, who is with her
daughter, Mrs. Shipley, at Willamette
and seemed to be getting a little bet
ter since being removed there a few
weeks ag, is reported this wek as
not being as well. She is under the
care of Dr. Strickland. Her's is a
peculiar case, as she has not been
able to taste anything for a number
of years, and she is but a shadow of
her former self, although she is able
to be up a part of the time.
Mrs. Boekman returned to her
daughter's house, Mrs. Claus Peters,
last week after a short time spent
with her son and family.
- - Joe Nemec did not take a contract
to rent a hop field, and returned to
bis mother's house last week, and
was seen busily engaged clearing the
vines from her hops and getting ready
for the plow, and doing her chores,
which Is a great help to her.
A so-called mass meeting was call
ed at the school house last. Saturday
evening to decide a "tempest in a
tea pot." It appears that the teach
er had brought up the idea which has
been worked out in Polk county, of
trying to stimulate boys and girls in
home industry, by giving a half holi-i
day at the end of every month to all
who had lived up to the requirements,
which were that all living within a
mile of the school should work will
ingly 45 minutes, two miles 35 min
utes, and three miles 25 minutes,
they should keep their own time, thus
putting them upon their honor, and
the last day of every week the par
ents or guardians should examine the
report, and if correct, sign it and
send to him, and those- who had thus
earned it should have a half holiday
at the end of the month, under his
supervision, that is, they should ob
serve and treasure in incidents of
those hours to be used in writing
their essays, thus teaching them hab
its of observation and the art of ex
pressing themselves on paper. Some
one had started the mistaken idea
that Mr. Larkins wanted to give mon
ey prizes at the close of school, and
take said money from the public
school fund, hence the mass meeting,
and the sitting down hard on all
things excepts the three R's: read-
in', ritin' and ritmatic, but we feel
assured if the people had understood
the proposition they would have tried
to work hand in hand with teachers
for all things which would be of int
erest to the pupils
tained a large number of friends In
a delightful manner on Wednesday
evening, February 5th, at their com
modious and beautiful home near our
village. "Five Hundred" and "Pit"
were the games of the evening and
afforded a great deal of pleasure to
the . guests. At the close of the
games, Mr. Jake Peters was found to
have the highest score and was
awarded the prize after a unique
hunt gotten up by the hosess. The
guests followed Mr. Peters from one
place to another in eager anitcipation
until the prize was finally discovered
in a book upon the scretary's desk,
and Mr. Peters received congratula
tions. An elegant collection of good
We are glad to report that Rosa
Ellegsen, who underwent a critical
operation for appendicitis, returned
SSSS.tS t .r1ay lDd S?mB be things was prepared in the dining
gradually regaining her strength. j T0Q and tn were allowed to
The Ladies' Aid of the German help themselves in splendid cafater
Baptist church, held their monthly ! ian stye. The following friends en
meeting at the church on Wednesday ; joyed the hospitality for which Mr.
and Mrs. Young and family are fa
afternoon of this week.
The Ladies' Circle will meet with
Mrs. Nussbaum next week, Thurs
day, at 10:30 A. M. All are invited
to come and join, and get acquainted
with their neighbors.
Mr. Weddle and Dick Oldenstadt
baled hay for Jack Ellegsen on the
old Papenburg place on Wednesday.
Unsteady Nerves.
Often the result of indigestion,
dyspepsia, constipation, bilious at
tacks or impure blood, for all of which
Meritor Tonic Digestive i3 a standard
remedy that will give you instant re
lief. A world famous remedy for all
ailments due to a bad stomach. Jones
Drug Co., Exclusive Local Agents.
White Ribbon Remedy
is an honest attempt to aid
friends of drinking men to rem
edy what is really a dreadful
This remedy is
And may be given secretly.
Oregon City
Roy Baker went to Portland on
Saturday to have dental work done.
The Parent-Teachers' Association
held its regular meeting in the
school house on Thursday, v
Mrs. Mallory has been visiting her
sister, Mrs. Jake Peters.
Mrs. Howard and Rose Graham
visited the Young family on Wednes
day. Jud Seely went to Portland on Tues
day on business for the Onion
Growers' Association.
Our train schedule has been some
what changed, leaving out -the 10
o clock car, but we' still have fine
Anything regarding the parcel post
law will be clearly explained bv onr
oblinging postmaster.
Aden's store has taken the aeenev
for the McCall, patterns, which is
a great convenience to home dressmakers.
Mrs. John Murray, who died sud
denly on Sunday morning was well
known in Wilsonville, and had a
host of friends, who were severely
t shocked to learn of her death. The
"remains were interred in the Butte
ville cemetery on Wednesday. The
relatives have the sincere sympathy
of the community.
Mrs. McCcnne" who died of Dneu
monia a few weeks ago, leaving an
infant child, has been followed to
the grave by the little babe of three
weeks. The baby was well cared for
by Mrs. Aaron McConnell, and Dr.
Brown did all in his power to save
the little one's life, but he succumbed
to acute indigestion and died on Sat
urday evenling. He had been named
Harvey Nelson, and was laid to rest
on Monday at Pleasant Hill ceme
tery. Mr. McConnell and relatives
have the sympathy of all in their sad
The school house yard was all
cleaned up and a splendid walk laid
by the boys, while the eirls en Invert
their sewing class on Friday afternoon.
ine :cke was on Justice of the
Peace Say on Saturday evening, when
a man with foreign accent called to
him on Wilsonville's main street to
"take care of his keg of beer for
him," while he went to catch his run
awayteam. Mr. Say cannot be blam
ed for being more interested in look
ing out for his own life, as well as
that of his son, John, when the team
went spinning by, within an inch or
two of their toes, and they had barely
time to jump on the steps of the
hardware store, and escape with
their lives. We have not heard what
became of the keg of beer or the
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Young enter-
mous: Mrs. Howard, Rose Graham,
Mrs. Mallory, Mr. and Mrs. Aden,
Mr. nad Mrs. J. Peters, Mr. and Mrs.
Myers, Mr. and Mrs. J. Thornton,
Kate Wolbert, Mr. and Mrs. Reed
Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Say,
Helen Murray, Sherman Seely and
Mr. and' Mrs. Norris Young.
Mr. Marion Young, Mrs. Norris
Young and Mr. Murray went to Ore
gon City on Saturday evening to take
in the basket ball game.
Mrs. Pettlnger, of Oswego, will lec
ture at Wilsonville on tf'riday even
ing, in the school house.
A. great many people in this -vicinity
attended the funeral of Wm.
Scott on Tuesday.
A great majority of persons afflict
ed with eczema have no other ail
ment, which is accepted as positive
proof that eczema is purely a skin
disease. Meritol Eczema Remedy is
made especially for eczema and all
diseases of the skin. If you are af
flicted with this terrible disease, do
not delay using Meritol Eczema Rem
edy, as it can always be relied upon.
Jones Drug Co., Sole Agents.
The few days of sunshine has en
couraged the farmers to begin their
-Spring work. (
Miss Mabel Chindgren visited her
sister-in-law, Mrs. Milton Chindgren,
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Chase visited
the latter's brother, Mr. Brown, at
Barlow a couple of days last week.
Charlie Holman, of Portland, visited
at his son's, Ralph Holman, Saturday
and Sunday.
Will and Fred Bohlander took a
couple of loads of potatoes to Ore
gon City Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McClure visited
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Orem Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Chindgren and
daughter, Mabel, called at Ralph Hol
man's Sunday afternoon.
J. M. Larkins, of Maple Lane, vis
ited his brother, A. L. Larkins, Satur
day and Sunday.
Myrtle and Hazel Larkins called on
Mabel Chindgren Thursday afternoon.
George, John and Walter Hof stetter
and Paul Shieve visited at P. O.
Chindgren's Sunday.
Martin and Arthur Johnson called
on Will Bohlender Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Will Bohlender and son, Hugh
visited her folks at Mulino a couple
of days.
Mr. Benson, of Oregon City, was
visiting friends at Meadowbrook Sun
day. Mr. and Mrs. Will Kerns made a
business trip to Oregon City Friday.
Votes with
each 25c
of Soap .
with each
of Soap
For our special contest sale Saturday. 500 bonus votes with every
25c worth of soap purchased. Get a supply of your favorite soap and help
your candidate with the bonus votes.
We can mention but a few of the many brands carried in big stock
but we have them all.
The Spring energy of the ranchers
has been awkened by a week of bright
sunshine. These are tokens of an
abundant year. Even in the frosty
nights that succeed these days of
sunshine. The nightly cold retards
the growth of the fruit buds, which,
without the check, would be opening
too early for safety in the spring
frosts. The sunshine is rapidly dry
ing up the flooded roads and prepar
ing the fields for the plow. Those
unerring prophets, the song birds,
are filling the air with their tuneful
promise, of an early spring. Con
stantly the reports of blasting meet
the ear, each telling that some huge
encumber of the soh s scattered in
1 box 6 cakes Maxine Elliott Soap
3 cakes Palm Olive Soap
3 cakes Dr. Macks Skin Soap
6 cakes of any of our 5c soaps
Colgate's Soap
25c A BOX
The Recall Store
. CO,
The highest tower ever built by man
is to be erected at the 1 91 5 Exposition.
Arrange with San Francisco Tour Co.
for yotif passage on easy payment plan.
Don't delay this matter come to
For further information
5th St. near Main - Oregon City, Oregon
Huntley Bros. Co.
J. Levitt The Star Theatre
The Morning Enterprise
the air. The frosty nights are made
bright by the clearing fires. Tvery
where are to be seen huge pils of
cord wood, where but a few weeks
ago, were only the prostrate, black
ened trunks of giaat trees, ah me
while the "hew railroad is coming
nesror and nearer, cheerusing us
with the prospect of a market within
easy reach.
The parcel post is furnishing a new
impetus, especially to the poultry
raisers, who can now send their eggs
tn the laree cities and receive for
them the counsumers price. This,
with the new enthusiasm created by
the iuvenile fairs has aroused the am
bition of the children, who are viemg
with each other in the race for pre
cedence with products of the ranch
The neat wire fences are adding
greatly to the. appearance of the Roth
and Hilton premises.
Mr. Geo Koch and his son Ed, are
making noticeable progress in clear
ing their ranch.
Mr. Sol Struhbar is gradually re
covering from a very severe attack
of grippe and hopes to be out in an
other week. Pete Christner is grub
bing Mr. Struhbar's ranch.
Mr. Christner has taken the cream
route this week.
Mr. A. A. Baldwin is quite ill of a
cold. A doctor was called on Satur
day, who advised several days of
Supervisor Calavan was making his
regular visit at the Macksburg school
on Friday. When Mr. Baldwin was
obliged to go home Mr. Calavan took
the room for the remainder of the
session and improved the time by
giving a lesson in physiology.
Mr. Baldwin hopes to be able to
return to school in a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kraxberger
have returned from Pasadena, Cal.
Mr. Elmer Wills has charge of the
mail route on No. 4.
The children of Mr. Fred Walsh
are very ill of whooping cough.
Mr. Baldwin - received a call from
Mr. Charles Kraxberger on Sunday
Mrs. Jess Heppler is enjoying a
visit from her sister, Miss Gage, of
Eastern Oregon.
Miss Margaret Zinger, who has
been seriously ill in Portland, is de
cidedly better.
Mrs. Rudolph Klaus, with her little
daugher, Marie, visited Mrs. Geo.
Koch on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Smith received
a pleasant visit from Needy relatives
Mr. J. E. Mitts, who has been in
Oregon City on the jury, is home
Mrs. Stuckey, who has been con
fined to her bed for the past month
is thought by Dr. Dedman to be im
proving. "-
Mr. and Mrs. George Mitts, of Can
by were visiting the former's parents
at Needy Sunday. ,
The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
H. Hilton, who had penumonia is
quite well now.
Mrs. Jim Mitts and brother are vis
iting their sister, who lives in South
ern Oregon.
There will be' preaching at the
Dryland school house Friday and Sat
urday evenings and Sunday by a
Christian minister.
Miss Lucy Mitts, who has been
working near Molalla is home now.
A Liberal Offer.
Tlie undersigned Druggist is author
ized by the American Drug and Press
Association, of which he is a mem
ber, to guarantee Meritol Hair Tonic
to give satisfaction or the purchase
price will be refunded. This indi
cates the confidence they have in this
preparation. Jones Rrug Co,
The weather at present writing
makes one think of sun bonnets and
garden seeds.
Mr. and Mrs. TimmersteV of Tilla
mook, are visiting their daughter, Mrs.
F. Haberlach.
Mrs. E. R. Capps, of Portland, has
been visiting with her brother, Pres
ley Welch.
The East Clackamas people, old and
young, have formed a debating society
which meets every two weeks on
Thursday. The topic of the past
week was: "Resolved, that there are
more deaths caused through Ignorance
than in War." The negative side won.
The topic for the next debate is: "Re
solved, that dotora have done more
good than lawyers." The next meet
ing will be February 20th. W. M.
Mondhenke and Mrs. L. Heinrich are
leaders. Everyone is invited.
Edwin Dane visited his parents
Sunday. Their home is in Logan.
Katie Clarke called on Mrs. F. H.
King, of Logan, Sunday.
Will You SendThemRightUp?
g S this the outfitters ? Let me talk to Mr.
I Swasey, please. Swasey, this is Mr. Home,
at the Oxford. I'm packing to leave on
tonight's limited. Find I need a couple of dress
shirts. Will you send them right up?"
"Sure, Mr. Home. Is there anything else?
I'll have them up to you inside of half an hour."
Your tradesman will always respond to an
"eleventh-hour" call on the Bell Telephone.
Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co.
Every Bell Telephone is a Long Distance Station ;
We ' are having spring weather at
All the farmers are busy plowing.
A number of people in this vicinity
saw an airship pass by Wednesday af
ternoon. Mrs. John Githens and daughter,
Echo, were Estacada visitors Satur
day. Misses Alta Saver and Hazel Git
hens attended the dance at Spring
water Saturday night and reported a
fine time.
John Githens butchered eight large
hogs one day last, week which he
shipped to Portland.
H. Barton is cutting cord wood for
John Githens.
William Kadde and Clyde Havens
are hauling wood for Edgar Heiple
which he is sending to Portland.
Ray Dallas is bailing his hay. He
intends to move away in the near
Adine social was held at .Currins
ville Saturday night. A
Neale Tyson of Portland, tfaf visit
ing at the home of John Githens Sunday.