Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, February 09, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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rnnn thf:
k mum m
. E. BRODIE, Editor and Publisher.
"Emereci as t-ercono -class matter Jan--jary
ft, 1911, at the post office at Oregon J
City, Oregon, under the Act of March :
3 1879." :
On Year, by mall J3.00 !
Six Months by mall t 50 '
Four Months, by mall 1.00
Pr Wpck. by carrier 10
Feb. 9 In Arreric:..n K'ibry.
163ft- Massacre of bottlers hi S. lii'iuv-
tad.v. . V uy tin- l";v:u-li and In
' I77;i tlfiit-ral William Henry Ilarri-.-uiii,
n. mil jii'fsiili'iil ot Hie I'nitt'd
States, hurti : died IS-! 1 .
IS.-1 Samuel .T:mi- Tilileil. statesman,
pipsidi'iitial i inifllate in 1S7. horn:
died 1S.SC.
ISlil Jefferson Davis of .Mississippi,
former t'niled States senator, elect
ed provisional president of the Con
federate states.
188ti-General Wintield Scott Hancock,
distinguished soldier, presidential
candidate'in 1880. died; born 1824.
1904 The Onited States addressed an
identical note to the powers sug
gesting that the neutrality and In
tegrity of China be maintained.
(From noon today to noon tomorrow.)
Sun sets 5:27. rises 71. Evening
stars: Venus. Saturn. Morning stars:
Saturn. Jupiter. Mars.
nomah County, made the broad state
ment Friday that more than 50 em
ployes of the department store which
he represents do not earn their sal
aries. He might have called the "Pay"
of the employes of the store "wages".
. However, it makes no difference. The
employes need the money. But Sen
ator Joseph in his charge certainly
reflects upon some manager of the
store when he says the store has 50
or more employes who are virtually
pensioned. The Enterprise has in
terviewed merchants in this city re
garding the capability of their em
ployes and without exception they
have said they are getting value re
ceived. If employes do not earn their
salaries discharge them. Why go to the
Legislature and make a big blow
about a charity which does not exist.
The Enterprise believes that every
employe of a depatment store in Port
land earns his salary, otherwise he
would be discharged.
Sixteen years ago Congress assem
bled with a Democratic period of
full control ahead. But no good cit
izen horv.3 that the results within the
next two years will be a repitition of
Idaho has adopted constitutional
amendments for both referendum and
recall, but less than half the voters
marked their ballots on these issues.
It has been a great year for minor
-ity representation.
Callahan Belittles Jackson.
Jimmy Callahan is quoted as saying
that Joe Jackson hit .812 in Cleveland
and .007 on the road. Still other teams
could use that sort of batter aud leave
him at home when on the road.
" (CHAUFPEUR-X WISH I (XL VRy C?1UlC I rirN - .Plif H(W I f W?r BtUEVt X0
. "YOU WOULD TAKE.- jrx- NOT TO rET "TM- ( "u.u.eaA -sBSflS g CONUM ' S SEND BEAtricp oinr
No Room For Dependents
of Other Nations
By Professor CHARLES ZUEBLIN, Sociologist and Lecturer
BE DEPORTED TO THEIR OWN COUNTRIES. must be made and administered without favor, and
Nationality demands the fullest possible development of race tal
ent with reciprocity, if not unity. National welfare demands SEX
EQUALITY. The individual," the family, the state, can only fulfill
their, functions on the basis of economic justice involving scientific
production, suitable distribution, discriminating consumption. The
state is the organization of all consumers in a given geographical area
and serves its ends when all mature intelligence has a free chance for
am &
Two houses on one lot lo
cated in the Central part of
Oregon City near the bluff.
Both houses are substantially
built, have electric lights and
modern conveniences. One
house rents for $1G.OO per mo.
net, the other for $10.00 per
mo. " net. Can be bought by
paying part down and the bal
ance on time, 6 per cent inter
est. Here is a chance to make
your rent pay you out of debt.
Price is very reasonable. . See
OREGON CITY, Feb. 8 (Editor or
the Enterprise.) A. trip over the new
ly improved streets only yesterday
afternoon revealed the astonishing
fact that there were at least eight fla- j
i grant instances jvhere - unsupported I
I uanks had fallen in the street and
i sidewalks or retaining walls had not
I been made, nor attempt made to con
struct them some were dangerous.
I now name them: 1, W. A. Hunt
ley's property on Washington and
Eleventh (Streets, 12. foot perpendic
ular bank, sidewalk covered with great
rock and dirt and closed to travel.
2, V. Harris and O. W. Eastham, on
Eleventh Street, 12-foot perpendicu
lar bank, sidewalk covered with dirt
situation dangerous, no wall. 3, High
School block, street blockaded. 4,
i C. D. and D. C. Latourette, lot 2, block
144, on John Quincy Adams Street, 10
ioot perpendicular bank, dirt falling
onto sidewalk, no wall.
5, Frank Rotter, lot 6, block 144,
Monroe Street, 14-foot perpendicular
bank,, no wall, sidewalk completely
6, L. P. Horton, councilman, lot 6,
block 151, John Quincy Adams Street,
6-foot perpendicular bank, dirt prac
tically covering cement walk.
7, Oregon City Hospital, great mass
of rubbish in street.
8, Mary M. Charman, lot 5, block
144, perpendicular embankment, no
wall and dirt in street.
Of these streets Washington and
Eleventh Streets were accepted long
ago. All the other property, includ
ing mine, are in the hands of the con
tractors. It is noteworthy to remark
that none of the above parties have
even attempted to construct a retain
ing wall, and not a whisper of com
plaint lias ever been heard.
But 1 rushed in with men and teams
last fall and made an honest attempt
to build a cement wall to hold back
the immense embankment on Mon-
! roe Street and at a large cost. Now
; isrj t it pure cussedness upon the part
of the street committee, and this same
L. P. Horton is big toad in the pud
i die, witn Brother Tooze, to single
j me out from the above list of cmi
i nent ladies and gentlemen, and ma
the only one who lias even tried to
obey the ordinance, and file a crim
inal complaint against me, l-forccn
signing it, and thus hold me up to
the public as a law breaker and an
undesirable citizen.' And this same
; L. P. Horton was in the fcrelroiit in
I calling attention to the unsanitary
I condition of my barn in Block 145, a
j fact I knew nottur? of, whuo he hiui-
self was permitting a nuisance at the
1 ice plant, of which he seems to be
j part owner . Let '.he public examine
S these premises. An ice plant and a
j stable in the same building, with a
j lot of manure anl vorse drizliai;
I out from the back of the . building.
I The splendid committee of nine men
on civic affairs from the Live Wires
found this nuisance and it is one of
121 instances of unsanitary condi
tions so far uncovered. Isn't this a
glorious exhibition of an .unselfish
j uesire to Eerve the city?
I h. e. enosj
OREGON CITY, Feb. 8. (To the
Editor of the Enterprise.) In Thurs
day morning's Enterprise under the
startling headline "Cross Hits the
Council" the writer from Gladstone
seeks to enlighten the people- of this
city as to the conditions of hi3 prop
erty on tiie east side of Monroe Street.
He does not speak of the conditions
oi tiie walks on the Twelfth Street,
John Quincy Adams or the west side
of Monroe Streets, also adjoining his
property. He accuses the council of
dallying and says if Monroe Street
liLtci been completed on time he would
have had ample time to make a re
taining wall and slope the banks be
fore the winter rains set in." Now he
had nearly two years, including
months of dry weather to clear off
and keep free the Twelfth - Street
walk but he did not do so before tho
winter rains of 1912 set in. He ac
tually did build a wall on one side of
Monroe Street but built it so light
without anchors or other means of
support that it was practically sure
to fall down and was told so, we are
informed, by contractors and friends
when building it. There was plenty
of time for building this wall safe
and efficient if there was time . to
build it at all and it was built and
soon fell down, but the. dirt that had
covered the sidewalk was never re
moved for even a single day and the
walk now completely submerged has
never been in a condition fit for use.
Further, the council insisted at all
times upon the completion of the work
within the time set, but there were
many drawbacks over which the coun
cil had no control, and Mr. Cross, in
the mean time, true to his policy to
block the improvement, did every
thing in his power to embarass the
contractors, council and to block the
progress by attempting injunctions,
threats o sue, etc.
He e.ys the whole controversy U
that the council wants him to do this
at once when it is impossible to do
the work. If he had so intended why
aid he not tell the street committee
so when notice was served upon Van
to ctfiii" up the dirt befote com
plaint Mas made. But tV.s hjs not
ieeii i'is method of procedure to date
Instead oi keeping even hi?, --alk ni
rectly across from his block on Mon-
( Continued on' page 4)
Wants, For Sale, Etc
Notices under these classlneu headings
will be Inserted at one cent a word, first
insertion, half a cent additional inser
tions. One inch card, $2 per month; half
inch card, (4 lines), $1 par month.
Cash must accompany order uniese one
has ar. open account with the paper. No
financial responsibility for errors; where
errors occur free corrected notice will be
printed foi patron. Minimum charge 15c.
WANTED Boy with bicycle, $20 per
month. Apply Western Union Office.
WANTED Female Help.
GIRL WANTED Phone. Main 1501
WANTED Work by Middle aged
woman with little girl, any kind of
work. Address "E" care of Enter
prise. WANTED
Anyone wanting trees pruned call
Roy Woodworth at either Main
2274 or 1982. Have had 9 years'
experience at Hood River.
WANTED Light housework. Address
Annie Bowers, Colton, Ore.
The famous (King) coal from Utah,
free delivery. Telephone your or
der to A 56 or Main 14, Oregon City
Ice Works, 12th and Main Streets.
Farmers 187.
Il ccok-stove. Phone
FOR SALE A small house and lot
in Gladstone, snap. Terms if de
sired. Address x-2 care of Enter
prise. FOR SALE3 Fresh cows at good bar
gains by Hugh Jones, Route No. 1.
FOR SALE Wilhoit water pure and
sparkling, its use prevents typhoid
fever. Call Main 38 or A 218. Chas.
Tobin, Agent.
FOR RENT Large raucli near Ca
nemah, large house, good outbuild
ings, call Mrs. Fred Rakel, Main
Furnished house-keeping rooms for
rent, new building. Telephone Main
1292 or Home A 253.
Six room house' for rent, all conven-
iences on Main Street near 14th.
Inquire Harris' Grocery.
Furnished rooms for rent, connected
with bath, hot water, furnace heat,
electric lights. Apply 620, 12th St.
WANTED Cows fresh or coming
fresh soon, W. C. Berreth, 1480,
Macadam Street, Portland, Oregon.
Every "Dawg" Has His Day
Flechtner, from Liepzig, Germany,
is prepared to accept a limited num
ber of pupils. Mr. Flechtner may
also be engaged lor solo work or
ensemble work. Address for terms,
etc., Gustav Flechtner, Tel. M. 3471,
Oregon City.
CO , F. M. Bluhm. Wood and coai
delivered to all parts of the city
your orders. Pacific 1371, Home
Notice for Bids.
Notice is hereby given that the City
Council of Oregon City will receive
sealed proposals, for furnishing the
material and constructing a con
crete building ten (10) by twelve
(12) feet in the clear and eight (8)
feet high, Walls to be eight inches
thick with six inch footings. Walls
to be of concrete. Floor to have
one sill 4"" x 12' will run .clear
through under middle of joists,
joists to be 2" x 8" and eighteen
(18) inches apart. Flooring to be
2" x 12 feet long. Roof to be of
concrete as shown on . plan. One
door 0' x 2 1-2 feet and one window
39 ' x 40", Window and door fram
ing to be of 1" x 5" material, until
7:30 o'clock, p. m. at the Council
Chamber pn Wednesday evening,
February 12th, 1913.
Material to be furnished and work
to be done according to the plans and
specifications on file in the office
of the City Recorder of Oregon City
and bids must be accompanied hy a
certified check for $10.00 to guar
antee the entering into a contract
wun uregon city for the construc
tion of the said building to the said
plans and specifications and the
successful bidder shall forfeit said
check, to Oregon City, should he
fail to enter into said contract after
said -bid has been accepted.
A bond in the sum of $100.00 will
be required to guarantee the faith
ful completion of the work accord
ing to the contrace, plans and spec
ification. .
The City Council reserves the
right to reject any and all bids.
L. STIPP, Recorder.
Ordinance No.
An Ordinance appropriating money
for engineering instruments.
Oregon City does ordain as fol
lows: Section 1. There is hereby ap
propriated out of the general fund
of Oregon City, the sum of Three
Hundred and sixty Dollars or so
much thereof as may be necessary
to purchase one transit and one
level for the use of the City Engin
eer. Section 2. Owing to the fact that
the city is now renting the said in-,
struments for the use of the City
- Engineer's office and it is neces
sary to purchase these instruments
as soon as possible, and that this
Ordinance should become effective
immediately, an emergency is there
fore declared to exist, and this Or
dinance shall be in effect and force
from and after its approval by the
The City Recorder is hereby au
thorized to draw a warrant for said
Read the first time and ordered
published this 7th day of February
- A. D., 1913, and to come up for
second reading and final passage
at a special meeting of the City
Council to be held on the 19th day
of February, 1913, at 7:30 o'clock
P. M. .
L. STIPP, Recorder.
Order. -.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
In the matter of the guardianship
of Earl Thomas Carrico and Floyd
Houston Carrico, minors.
On this day came on to be heard
the Petition of T. E. Carrico the
duly appointed, qualified and acting
guardian of Earl Thomas Carrico
and Floyd Houston Carrico, for a
license from this Court to sell the
real property of said ;minors.
And it appearing to the Court
from the inventory in said cause
filed herein and from said petition
that said minors are the owners of
the following described real prem
ises, in Clackamas Co., Ore.:
Commencing at the Northeasterly
corner of lot numbered one (1) of
Block numbered One Hundred and
five (105) of Oregon City, County
of Clackamas, State of Oregon, as
shown and designated on the maps
and plats of said Oregon City now
on file and recorded in the office of
the Recorder of Conveyances in
and for said County and State said
beginning point being the South
westerly corner of Fourth and Jef
ferson Streets in said City running
thence on Fourth Street along the
line of said lot one (1) One hun
dred (100) feet; thence at right
angles to said Fourth Street and
parallel with Jefferson Street One
hundred (100) feet; thence at right
; angles to last line and ? parallel
with Fourth Street One Hundred
(100) feet to Jefferson Street, thenca
along- Jefferson Street 100 feet to
place of beginning.
That the next of kin, and the near
est of kin of said minors are as
' follows: -
T. E. Carrico, guardian herein,
Emil Bancke, residing at No. 915
E. John Street, Seattle, Washing
ton, Joseph Bancke, Oregon City,
Oregon,, who are brothers of said
Louise Carrico, deceased, and also
William Bancke, half brother of
deceased, of Oregon City, Oregon,
and Nettie Surface, half sister of
deceased, of No. 625 Clatsop Ave.,
Portland, Oregon, and also Dr.
James H. Carrico, brother of peti
tioner herein, whose address is
Selling Building, Portland, Oregon.
That all of the grandparents of said
minors are deceased.
That according to the said inven
tory filed herein the said real prop
erty above described has been apj
praised in the sum of $1700.00
And it appearing from said Pe
tition that the buildings' on said
premises are in need of repairs and
that certain improvements have
been made on Jefferson Street, Ore
gon City, Oregon, upon which said
property abuts and that a lien has
been declared against said real
property for said improvements
and further that Fourth Street up
on which said property also abuts
is about to he improved at consid
erable expense and that there is no
money or funds belonging to said
minors with which to improve said
buildings or with which to pay for
the improvements of said streets
or either of them or any part there
of and that it will be for the best
. interests of said wards that said
real property be sold and the money
derived therefrom be placed or in
terest until they become of age.
Wherefor, it is ordered that Emil
Bancke, Joseph Bancke, William
Bancke, Nettie Surface and Dr.
James H. Carrico the - nearest of
kin .of said minors as above , shown
and all other persons interested in
said wards appear in this Court on
or before Monday, March 16th.,
1913., at the hour of 10. o'clock A.
M. and show cause if any there be,
why said guardian should not .be
licensed to sell the interests of said
wa-ds in and to said real property
and it is further ordered ' that a
copy of this order be published in
the Morning Enterprise for at
least three Successive weeks jrior
. to said-date.
Dated February 7th, 1913.
In the Circuit Court of the' State of
Oregon, for the County of Clack
amas. --.
Delia Dark, Plaintiff,
C. G. Dark, Defendant.
To C. G.Dark, Defendant.
In the name of the State of Ore
gon you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint fil
ed against you in the above entit
led suit, within six weeks from the
date of the first publication of this
notice, towit: February 2nd, 1913,
and if you fail so to appear, for
want thereof, the plaintiff will take
a decree against you forever divor-
cing her from you and releasing
her from all obligations of the "mar
riage contract.
Service of this summons is made
upon you by publication of an or
der of the Honorable J. U. Camp
bell, Judge of the Circuit Court of
the State of Oregon for the Coun
ty of Clackamas, which order is
dated the 1st day of February, 1913.
No. 302 Failing Building, Port
land, Oregon, Attorneys for Plain
tiff. Date of first publication February
2nd, 1913.
Date of last publication, March"
16th, 1913.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Wm. T. Spidell, Plaintiff,
Minnie M. Spidell, Defendant.
To Minnie M. SpidelL Defendant.
In the name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby commanded to
appear in the above entitled Court
and cause on or before the 17th
day of March, 1913, said date being
six weeks after the date of the first
publication of this notice and sum
mons, then and there to appear and
answer or otherwise plead to the
complaint filed in the above entited
cause, and if you fail so to do, a
decree will be taken against you
for want thereof, for the relief de
manded in said complaint, towit:
For a decree forever dissolving the
bonds of matrim6ny heretofore and
now existing between the above
named plaintiff and defendant, and
for a decree of absolute divorce and
for such other and further relief as
to the Court may seem equitable
and just.
Service of this summons is made
upon you by publication in the
Morning Enterprise for six (6) suc
cessive weeks by virtue of an order
made and entered by Honorable J.
U. Campbell, Judge of the above
entitled Court on the 1st day of Feb.
Attorney for Plaintiff, 534 Cham
ber of Commerce.
Date of first publication Feb. 2,
Date of last publication March
16, 1913.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, in and for Clackamas Coun
ty. Carl Usher Somers, Plaintiff,
-. - vs. .
Myrtle Agnes Somers, Defendant.
lo Myrtle Agnes Somers, Defendant:
In the name of the State of Ore
gon: You are hereby required to
appear and answer to the complaint
filed against you in the above en
titled suit, on or before the 17th
day of March, 1913, and if you
fail so to appear or answer, plain
tiff will apply to the Court for the
relief prayed for" in said complaint,
A decree severing and dissolving"
the bonds of matrimony heretofore
and now existing between the plain
tiff and yourself, and or such oth
er and further relief in the prem
ises as the Court may deem just
and equitable.
Service of this summons is made
upon you by publication in pursu
ance of an order of the Honorable
James U. Campbell, Circuit Judge
of Clackamas County, State of Ore
gon, made On the 14 th day of Jan
uary, 1913, directing such publica
tion in the Morning Enterprise,
once a week for six consecutive
weeks, the first publication being
February 2, 1913, and the last being
the 15th day of March, 1913. '
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Thomas H. Mann, Plaintiff,
Mamie G. Mann, Defendant.
To Mamie .G. Mann, . the above
named defendant,
In the name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
against you in the above entitled
Court and cause, on or before the
24th day of February, 1913, said date
being after the expiration of six
weeks from the first publication of
this summons. If you fail to appear
and answer, the plaintiff will apply
to the Court for the relief demand
ed in the complaint, towit, for a de
cree of divorce forever dissolving
the bonds of matrimony now exist
ing between plaintiff and defendant
oh the ground of cruel and inhuman
. treatment and desertion. This sum
mons is published once a week for
six consecutive weeks by crder of
the Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge oi
the Circuit Court of the State ot
Oregon for the fifth Judicial Dis
trict. Dated this 10th day of January,
Date of ' first publication January
12, 1913.
Date of last publication February
23, 1913.
Attorney for Plaintiff, 411 Swet
land Bldg., Portland, Oregon.
. Summons.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. M. L. Morris, Plaintiff,
Jennie Harless, Irene Harless and
George Kesslering, Defendants.
To Irene Harless, one of said de
fendants: .
In the name of the State of Ore
gon: You are hereby required to
appear and answer the compliant
filed against you in the above en
titiled suit on or before Monday,
February 24, 1913; and if you fail
to answer, for want thereof the
plaintiff will apply to the court for
the relief demanded in said com
plaint. This suit is for the partition of
a tract of land situate in Clacka
mas County, Oregon, described as
follows, to wit:
Beginning at a point North 8
deg. East 20.31 chains from the
South-east corner of the J. T. Win
field Donation Land Claim No. 42,
Township 5- South,. Range 2 East of
the Willamette Meridian; running
thence North 8 deg. East, along the
East boundary line of said Dona
tion Land Claim, 20.37 chains to
the North boundary of said claim;
thence South 82 deg. West, tracing
the North boundary of said Dona
tion Land Claim 19.65 chains;
thence south 8 degrees West 20.37
thence N. 82 deg. East 19.65 chains
to the place of beginning.
This summons is published pur
suant to the order of the Hon. J.
U. Campbell, Judge of said Court,
dated the 2nd day of January, 1913,
is the simplest and most convenient way of paying bills.
Likewise the safest. It's a receipt for the debt it pays.
D. C. LATOURETTE, President-
. ' ------ CAPITAL $50,000.00 -,
Transacts a General Banking Business. Open from? A. M. to 3 P. M ..
and the first publication being dat
ed January 12th, 1913.
Attorney for plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. G. B. M. Sommerville, Plaintiff,
Dona A. Sommerville, Defendant.
To Dora A. Sommerville, Defen
dant above named.
In the name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint fil
ed herein against you, in the above
entitled Court and cause, within
six weeks from the 17th day of
March, 1913, said date being the
first day of publication of this sum
mons. If you fail to so appear or an
swer, for want thereof, the plain
tiff will apply to the Court fpr the
relief prayed for in the complaint
filed herein, to-wit:
For a decree dissolving the bonds
of matrimony now and heretofore
existing between the above named
plaintiff and defendant, and grant
ing unto the plaintiff an absolute
divorce from the defendant, and for
such other and further relief as may
, seem just and equitable in the prem
ises. This summons is served upon you
by virtue of an order made and en
tered by Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge
of the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas, dated on the 28th day of Jan
uary, 1913, and which order pre
scribes that summons in this suit
should be served upon you by pub
lication once a week, for six
consecutive and successive weeks
in . the Morning Enterprise, a
newspaper of general circulation
in the County of Clackamas, State
of Oregon.
Date of last publication, Feb. 2,
Dar.e of last publication, March
15, '13.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clacka
amas. C. E. Gorbett, Plaintiff,
J. G. Sullivan, Defendant.
To J. G. Sullivan, the above nam
ed defendant, in the name of the
State of Oregon, you are hereby
. required to appear and answer the .
complaint filed against you in the
above entitled action, on or before
Saturday, the 8th day of March,
1913, and if you fail so to appear
and answer, for want thereof, plain
tiff will apply, to the Court for a
judgment against you for the sum
of Five Hundred and Fifty Dollars
($550.90) with interest thereon at
the rate of 7 per cent per annum
from the 27th day of October, 1909.
and for the further sum of One
Hundred Dollars ($100.00) attor
neys fees, and for Plaintiffs costs
and disbursements herein and for
an order for foreclosing the mort
gage as set out in the complaint on
file herein, and for an order of sale
of the following described real
property, the North-East Quarter of
the North-East Quarter of Section
36, Township 4 South, Range 3
East, of the Willamette Meridian,
Clackamas County, Oregon, to sat
isfy the said mortgage, according
to the provisions of this Court, and
the laws governing the sale of real
estate upon excusal, that the de
fendant and each and all persons
claiming any title through him be
f6rever barred of any right, claim
or interest in said property.
Service of this summons is made
upon you by publication thereof, b
order of the Honorable J. U. Camp
bell, judge of the said Court, which
said order was duly made, dated
and entered on the 21st day of Jan
uary, 1913, and directed that publi
cation of summons be made in the
Morning Enterprise, a newspaper
of general circulation, published in
Oregon City, Oregon, and that said
publication be made once a week
for six successive weeks.
1st publication dated Jan. 22,.
Last publication dated March 5
Atty. for Plaintiff.
F. J. MEYER, Cashier.