3&sessss5sess THE WEATHER 3 Oregon City Probably fair; S easterly winds. S $ Oregon Fair east, probably fair S &'west. Easterly winds. ? J Washington F&ir today; eas-S Sterly winds. ? Idaho Fair; continued cold. 3 33S$SS$SS$3tSS S.3 $$ssse.$s$ss3s ?Are you, in -need of a position? j The Morning Enterprise will run$- an advertisement "u its classified 3 columns free of charge. Since we $ announced this offer a number of ? S unemployed men ard women have1 '$ found situations through tie ool-3 Sumns of the Morning Enterprise. $ WEEKLY ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED 1866. r i " i VOL. V. No. 33. OREGON CITY, OREGON, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1913. Per Week, 10 Cents $8,000,000 HAY ENGLISH FLEET N SLAYS THE JOKER IN THE PARCEL POST. EE'S SALARY BE APPR0PRIAT NEGRO WORKER RICH 1 ENGINE Si TO i . . , ION GOES TO TURKEY W IU YALt LEGISLATURE PROBABLY WILL SET NEW RECORD EOR MONEY EXPENDED ORDER THOUGHT TO MEAN THAT CONSTANTINOPLE WILL FALL H0RE THAN $5,000,000 IN REQUESTS Ways and Means Committee Is at Work With Pruning Knife Asy lum Estimate Cut BOMBS DROPPED FROM AIRSHIP SALEM, Or., Feb. 8. (Special.) The magnificent total of $8,237,819. according to official figures, as near as can be estimated now, will be the requests that the present Legislature will be called on to face in the shape of appropriations. This will be a record-breaker for requests, but there is no reason to believe that when the smoke ' has blown away and the final tale has been told that this will be a much more expensive Legislature than the one two years ago. In fact there are indications that the amount may be reduced below that of two years ago. The scythe is al ready beginning to mow down appro priations bills, over $100,000 being ' lopped off today. The committee of both the House and the Senate hav ing to do with the ways and means, are slashing right and left on institu tional and other appropriations. Already over $5,000,000 in requests have been put in, and the list shows not only the appropriation bills that nave been introduced, but the esti mates that have been made for the "various state boards, commissions, offices and institutions, so that it gives a fairly adequate idea of the entire financial situation that now pre sents itself to the Legislative Assem bly. It is a problem from the standpoint of the taxpayers' purse, the like of which no Legislature has had to con front in the history of the state, the demands of two years being in the neighborhood of $7,000,000. The ways and means commictee, as a criterion of the manner In which it intends to handle the estimates as to appropria tions, has already cut nearly $140,000 from the Eastern Oregon Asylum es timates, and' so far has probably knocked out nearly $1,000,000 of the requests that have been made, al though all of these reports have not found their way into the Legislature. Adrianople, Weakened by Bulgarian Fire, will be Stormed by Allies Early Today LONDON, Feb. 8 That the fall of Constantinople is believed to be near, is seen in the announcement today that the British Admirality has de cided to seiyi the entire Mediterran ean squadron to Turkish waters. The foreign office today requested the Porte io permit three British war ships now at Malta to enter the Dar danelles and proceed to Constantino ple. The foreign office later semi-offi-cially stated that the Ottoman minis-, terial council at Constantinople is considering the request. What is characterized here as the most daring feat of the war was per formed yesterday by Captain Marit mas, a Greek aviator, who soared ov er the Dardanelles in a hydroplane and aimed three bombs at the arsen al of Maides. Looking down on Galliopoli penin sula, Car .ain Maritmas saw red bursts of flame, indicating that the guns of the warships were trying to reacli him. The aviator declared today be made valuable observations of the Turkish fortifications. VIENNA, Feb. 8. Adrianople, weak ened by the Bulgarian fire, will be stormed tomorrow. This is the gist of private dispatch es from Sofia. While no details are given, it is believed that the heavy cannonading by Bulgar and Serb siege guns has so weakened the beleaguer td fortification that General Savoff Mas decided the time has come when human life is no longer to be consid ered, and that he will throw his whole force against the Holy City in one grand assault. RTfWtf5 N art ' Ti j YOUTHFUL SUPERINTENDENT IN INDIANA PICKS OUT. MEN SURRENDERS SELF AFTER LONG DRIYE LIQUOR IN "DRY" COUNTIES IS BARRED WASHINGTON, Feb. 8. The Webb bill to prohibit the interstate ship ment of liquor into dry states for pur-, poses of sale "or in any manner used in violation o' the state laws," was passed by .the House today, 240 to 65. 'Hie passage of the bill ended one of the most stubbornly-fought all-day contests of this Congress. At The Grand You Can Learn Something & -V. I si:S:i'iS:fcS3.i COPYRIGHT UNDERWOOD UNDERWOOD- N Miss Esther Cleveland, who has just made her debut. She is known the country over as "The White House Baby." $sssess& $ S $$ S S $ E SPECIAL EDITION t . IS GIVEN PRAISE $ Enterprise: Gentlemen The writer's attention has just been $ called to .the Progress and Anni i versary Edition of the Morning $ Enterprise and is delighted with ! the descriptions of your beautiful city. In this addition he finds a $ description of the Jfines Drug $ store, and is exceedingly pleased with it. He notes with much sat- - istaction that you have been suc- :$-cessul from the start, and that $ you are now doing a thriving Lus I $ iness. This little write up is al- j most as good as a persanal ac $ quaiutance and the writer hopes i 3 some time to make a trip to your I country and if he does, he will certainly make it a point to caP on you and the enterprising edi I $ tors oi the Enterprise. I Wishing you every possible suc- $ cess, ' am, Sincerely yours. !.8 J. W. BRUNT. $ Secretary American Drug & Press Association, Decorah, la.-. AUTOMOBILE ORDER ROSPERITY SIC! The first car load of " automobiles that has ever been shipped to this city arrived Friday morning and was unloaded and taken to the Pacific Highway garage at Eleventh and Main Streets. The cars were five passenger Fords and several of them have alrpady been sold. There were eight of the machines in the car. The Pacific Highway Garage and several or the other garages in thi3 city have ordered car load lots which will be delivered later. If the automobiles that are being ordered can.be taken as an indication, prosperous times may be looked for in Oregon City during the Goming summer. Every Sunday. THE GRAND shows an Industrial, Educa tional or Scenic Picture which entertains and at the same time leaves an everlasting impression on you. TODAY Yosemite National Park and The Big Trees of California A peep into California's wonderland of giant trees, show ing mammoth El Capitaa, a solid rock reaching 3,300 feet to ward the sky, beautiful wind-whipped Bridal Veil Falls, ihe massive Half Dome and other equally famous points. Mr. Bolter's Niece (Comedy) Featuring the only "Fatty Bunny", you all know him. How They Got The Vote (Comedy.) YOU MUST SEE "THE TWO RUBES" And have a hearty Laugh today, nothing better after a full meal. SPECIAL FEATURE FOR MONDAY "The LITTLE MINISTER" In three parts (From J. M. Barrie's Novel of the Same Name.) Most Popular and Engaging Play Ever Produced. A young Scotch minister falls in love with a Gypsy girl. The ban of the "Kirk" and the condemnation of the austere town folk intervene as barriers to their marriage. Unexpected circum stances of a startling nature happen and their prejudice and intolerance are removed. Love conquers. The Little Minis ter and "Bobbie" are married. ' E GETS $75 Fi LED RAILROAD THE PHOTO PLAYS SHOWN AT THE STAR JHEATRE ARE OF THE BEST PRODUCTIONS. THEY ARE HIGH GRADE AND THE SUBJECTS ARE NEW AND INTEREST ING. THESE SAME FILMS SHOWN AT THE STAR ARE ALSO SHOWN AMONG THE SEST PICTURE THEATRES IN PORTLAND, SUCH AS: PEOPLES ARCADE TRIVOLI ECHO . PALACE EMPIRE HIPPODROME OH JOY ODE ON AND MANY OTHERS. THERE ARE OVER 60 PICTURE HOUSES IN AND AROUND PORTLAND AND TWO-THIRDS ARE USING THE SAME FILMS AS SHOWN HERE ATTHE STAR THEATRE. THAT SPEAKS FOR ITSELF. PHOTO PLAYS THE ROSE OF MEXICO Exquisite Photography, A Drama of Love and Sacrifice, and replete with Nature's B eautiful Settings. (American Production.) - . EDUCATIONAL OHIO VALLEY FLOOD A Day with Elbert Hubbari . (Royal Roycrofter) (Gaumont Production.) HER NEPHEWS FROM LABRADOR (A Thanhouser Production.) VAUDEVILLE Margaret Rosa and Bob Burke In a "WHIRLWIND OF MIRTH" John Lowenberger, who sued the Southern Pacific, won a good verdict because he got energetic lawyers. He was awarded a verdict in Justice of the Peace Samson's Court of $50. His lawyers, Messrs. Sievers & Fischer, appealed to the Circuit Court, and a jury Friday rendered a verdict of $75 in favor of the defendant. A cow be longing to the plaintiff was killed by a train. Murderer Thought Mentally Unbal anced, Is Denied Bail Ex citement Is Great EVANSVILLE, Ind., Feb. 8. Three negroes who were employed in his millionaire father's wood-working es tablishment were shot and instantly killed here today by Allen Von Behren aged 22. Then the young man drove to the police station in his automo bile and surrendered. 'T had to kill them," Von Bohren told the police. "They swore to get me." The dead men are Walter Washing ton, John Gordon, and Henry Gordon. All factories in the vicinity of the shooting, were closed after the triple murder. The negro population, thor oughly aroused, are congregating in saloons and a race riot is feared. Ten years ago 16 negroes were slain in a race riot here. Young Von Behren is superinten dent of his father's establishment. He had announced bis intention of arm ing himself and today carried two re volvers. The police assert the youth deliberately picked out his three vic tims. . - The sUun men met death in differ ent parts of the shop. John Gordon was working " in a shed when Von Behren, without warning, placed th. revolver against the negro's head and fired. Gordon dropped dead in his i tracks. Von Behren then went into another department and shot Henry Gordon, the bullet almost tearing off the top of his head. He then hurried to a third department and shot Washing ton through the heart. A panic followed in the workshops, the negroes jumping through windows and hiding behind lumber piles. Von Behren went into his office, changed his clothing and drove to tho police station. The police refused to release the young man on bail. He is believed to be insane, as he sud denly claimed the negroes were tiy ing to run the factory. B. V. Von Behren, the young man's father, is one of the most prominent citizens of Evahdville. The police this afternoon prepar ed rifles for possible riot duty tonight and the older officials say the situa tion is ominous, and that trouble be tween the whitesand blacks is more than probable. Von Behrerf s mother is prostrated" from the saock attendant upon his act. The young man's father is try ing to secure his release on bonds. The police, it is said, are planning to secretly remove the killer from tha city, fearing that when night falls the negroes will attempt to storm the jaii in which he is held. OFFICIAL, WHO RESIGNS, MAKES DEAL WITH FORMER ENGINEER ASSISTANT TO GET $120 MONTH Yale's Resignation Said to be Result of Understanding Whereby He Might Remain in Office Major C. S. Noble, appointed city engineer by the city, council Thursday evening, has named G. C. Yale his assistant. Mr. Yale was appointed 1 - , - V Mnior C. S. Noble, Oregon City's new City Engineer. A small ciassiried ad win r!ni tnat vacant room. engineer by the cojincil, but resigned when it was charged that he was not a resident of the city. It is understood that Mr. Yale will receive $150 a month, the salary of the engineer, and Mr. Noble $120 a month, the salary of the first assistant. Major Noble formerly was the city engineer. Mr. Yale's resignation was due to the fact that he has not resided in the city one year. Henry Meldrum, a former city engineer, filed suit for an injunction asking that Mr. Yale be enjoined from holding the office. The city charter specifically states that a per son occupying the office of city en gineer must have lived in the city, one year before being appointed. Mr. Yale's resignation and subsequent ap pointment to the office of assist ant engineer to Mr. Noble, was an understanding reached by them where by Mr. Yale might still remain in of fice and be city engineer, although another man might be actually the city engineer. Boost your city by boosting your daily paper. The Enterprise should be 1n every home. (CO! BUT WE ARE HERE FIRST DAINTY SPRING FOOTWEAR FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN "WHITE BUSKIN" Just "BLACK BUSKIN" Arrived From The Factory Button and Pump Styles AND BCD Widths VELVETS TAN SUEDE Change of Pictures Monday SPECIAL LOT ON SALE Ladies, Children and Men Shoes, values to $3.50 On sale Monday - - - - - $1.00 Adams Department Store Ask for Red Trading Stamps 1