MORNING ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1913. 3 Final Wind up of the Season's Business All fall and winter goods MUST BE SOLD. Kuppenheimer, Society Brand and Schloss Bros Clothes all go at sacrifice prices. Now is your chance to lay In a good supply. Bet ter come in and look them over. Everything in the Store Reduced J. Levitt Suspension Bridge Corner Easy. ' 1P6 "What did Tetterly make his money on?" "On faith." "Faith?" "Yes the other fellow's." LOCAL BRIErS J. Nelson Wisner, of Montavideo, Uraguay, will leave for that city -the last of the week. On his return trip he will go by way of New York, Lon don afid Lisbon, Portugal. ' Mr. Wis ner, who is superintendent of the fisheries of Uraguay, is having a vessel built in England for the South American government. Mrs. Wisner, who is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Patt will not return to South America for several months. If taken this month, keeps you wsll all Winter. Makes the little ones eat, sleep and grow a tonic for the whole family. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35c. Jones Drug Company. . At the Baptist Church this evening the pastor will illustrate the points of. similarity and of difference be tween the world's great religions, us ing charts. Visitors are cordially welcomed at these services. Mrs. William Woods will return to her home in Washougal, Wash., about the end of the week after visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cau field. Martin G. Montazza, of Portland, was in this city Wednesday attend ing to court matters. He is an at torney in the metropolis. N. M. Jenninson, of Estacada, was in this city attending to business at the courthouse Wednesday. He is a prosperous farmer of that section. W. H. Hurst, of Los Angeles, has been a guest at the Electric Hotel while visiting friends and attending to business in this city. - Friends of E. D. Fields will be pleas ed to hear that he is' somewhat im proved, but is still confined to his room. J. A. Stone, of Portland, was in this city Tuesday and Wednesday and was registered at the Electric Hotel. H. W. Hagaman, the prominent Clackamas County farmer has been in Oregon City' for several days. Fred S. Baker, of Sherwood, has been in this city for several days transacting court busines. William Muritz, of Dayton, Oregon, is in this city on a business and pleas ure trip. The haif back on the College team in younger days was lank and lean; but now he's big and strong as three,. Built up by Rocky Mountain Tea. Jones Drug Comjany. Dr. A. J. Murdy,. of Canby, was in this city Tuesday evening to attend the dance given by the Willamette Club. J. V. Baker, of Aurora, was in this Fttiit Tree Spraying According to Law by Jack Gleason Under the direction of O. E. Freytag, County Fruit Inspect or. . Phone Mala i6tt city on court business the first part of the week. James Partlow, of Twilight,' has bought the popcorn business of A. D. Vatcher. Mr. Partlow will conduct the business in the wagon at Seventh and Main Streets in the future. George E. Stries, of Elpton, Ore gon, is in this city on a business trip. J. E. Nitts, of Aurora, was in this city Tuesday on a business trip. E. B. Brown, of Bocateels, Idaho, is spending a few days in this city. Smelt 5c pound, 51. '0 box at Brown Fish Market. N. R. Groham, of Woodburn, was in Oregon City Tuesday on a busi ness trip. Dr. van Brakle, Osteopath, Mason ic Building, Phone Main 399. POTATO MARKET IS STILL AT LOW EBB " The market for potatoes is showing no signs of improvement. Califor nia mail advices indicate that the trade there is still over-supplied with spuds and no changes are shown in the price. The extreme quotation for Oregon potatoes in the San Francis co market is $1 per cental and this is obtained only for branded sacks and very few even of that class went above 95c. The general run of stock went a nickle below this. The absence of a demand for seed stock is causing much disappointment to . the local trade, as well as to Cal ifornia interests that had speculated in this stock earlier in the season. While the planting of potatoes in the south has been quite liberal to date this season, outside seed require ments were nominal because of the heavy purchases of Oregon stock last season. A small amount of business in po tatoes is still passing with Arizona and Texas, but the volume is consid erably smaller than usual at this time of the season. Very liberal shipments are being made to Califor nia at this time, but all of the bus iness was closed some time ago. No sales are being made by dealers for that account at the present time and therefore there is little buying in the country. STATE CAPITOL, Salem, Or., Feb. 5. Although Representative Schue bel, of Clackamas County, thundered volleys of charges and insinuations K against "certain members" of the House, declared the "Portland Rail way, Light & Power is an offspring of the Standard Oil Company," etc., his bill to regulate the rates to be paid the state for water power per horse power met with defeat in the House upon rollcall today. Mr. Schuebel especially attacked the power company, saViag it had "expended more money in lobbying to defeat, his bill than it would cost it to carry the measure to the Su preme Court, if it passed, and have it declared unconstitutional, as cer tain gentlemen on this floor have al ready said it is." The till, according to Mr. Schuebel would not affect irrigation, and when it was referred to the committee on irrigation, the other day, he charged it was for delay. Today he said that the lobbyists of the Portland Rail way, Light" & Power Compaily were the only ones to appear before that committee to be heard. The bill sought to establish a grad uated scale of rates for water power rights. Opposing members declared it would cripple the irrigation pro jects of the state and injure the farm ers. While not all of them were op posed to it as to its application to the big power companies, they said they would not support it on the ground that it would work an injury to the others concerned. Prevailing Oregon City prices are at follows: HIDES (Buying)- Green salted, 7c to 8c; sheep pelts 75c to $1.50 each. FEED (Selling) Shorts $25; bran $24 ; process barley $27 to $28 per ton. FLOUR $4.50 to $5. HAY (Buying), Clover at $9" and $10; oat hay best $11 and $12; mix ed $10 to $12; alfalfa $15 to $16.50; Idaho timothy $22 and $23. OATS $25.00 to $26.00; wheat 85; oil meal selliing $42.00; Shay Brook dairy feed $1.30 per hundred pounds. Whole corn $30. ' Livestock, Meats. BEEF (Live weight) steers 7 and 8c; caws 6 and 7c bulls 4 to 12c. MUTTON Sheep 4c to 5c; lambs 6 to 6 l-2c. PORK 9 1-2 and 10c. VEAL Calves 12c to 13c dressed, according to grade. . WEINIES 15c lb; sausage, 15c lb. POULTRY (Buying) Hens 11c; stags 11c and old roosters 8c. Fruits APPLES 50c and $1. DRIED FRUITS (Baying), Prunes on basis 6 to 8 cents. VEGETABLES ONIONS $1.00 sack. POTATOES About 40c to 45c f. o. b. shipping points, per hundred. Butter, Eggs. BUTTER (I tying). Ordinary cou try butter 25c and 30c; fancy cream ery 75c to 85c roll. EGGS Oregon ranch case count 23c; Oregon ranch candled 24c. . REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Thomas J. Whittier to Georgia M. Whittier, lots 10, 11 and 12, block 15 Oregon and Steel Company's First Addition to Oswego; $5. Anna Schroeder to Rudolp Schro der, land section 5, township 3 south, range 1 eastr $2,800. Cora Ten Eyck and husband to Ed ward Webb, land section '32, town ship 1 sonth, range 2 east;. $450. Henry Ingram and wife to Perry A. Cunningham, section 17, township 3 south, range 3 east; $1,500. R. H. Sawtell and wife to W. H. Cook, land section 20, township 5 south, range 2 east; $4,080. William Grant Markham to Ira R. Aldrich and Anna Nora Aldrich, land section 6, township 5 sonth, range 2 east; $2,000. I. T. Hart and wife to Laura Rip ley Mack, land section 30, township 2 south, range 5 east; $1.- SCHUEBEIS WATER POWER BILL LOST At the Portland Theatres LAST CAR LEAVES FOR OREGON CITY AT MIDJflGHT ZIMMERMAN WOULD LIKE TO HAVE EVERS' BRAINS. Joe Tinker tells a bit of Inside . baseball uUmt a Brooklyn game. Nap llucker was pitching against (he Cubs and had nothing except npee;l: otherwise be was defl- Unit, but lie was shooting them oxer so fast ihe Cubs were look in;? for iife insurance agents be fore jjoiiiK to the plate. Among those present was Johnny Evers, known as one of the craftiest ex ponents of the higher baseball. Another prominent figure was Heinie Zimmerman, whose prin cipal weakness is that he has arm trouble. which prevents him from batting more than .400. Mr. Zimmerman, however, " has no reputation; whatsoever as a star at inside baseball. Evers birely dodged a high Inside shoot from Rucker that would have brained the earnest second baseman. Frank Chance was sitting on the bench and gasped out: "Gee! Nap nearly scattered Evers brains over the whole Infield!" "I wish be had." remarked Zim. "I'd teaT"but there and get a future emergencies!" Whietf would ftrdicate that Zim agrees with his critics and does not think be knows It all. Diplomacy. Diplomacy consists in first present ing your ultimatum, then seeing how much of It yon ran collect. Punch. I J I L"" 1 Z '-.-'V i 1 Ma Edith Luckett, Marie Taylor and Grace Morrison in "Broadway" Jones at the Heilig Theatre, Portland. . HEILIG THEATRE. "Broadway" Jones,. George M. Co han's latest and smartest play is to the attraction at the Heilig Theatre for three nights and a Saturday mat inee, beginning Thursday night, Feb ruary 6th. Messrs. Cohan and Harris, the pro ducers have sent "Broadway" Jones to the Pacific Coast almost direct from the Atlantic side, and in the routing of the play to Portland, but few stop-overs were made, these at Denver, . Salt Lake City, Los Angeles and San Francisco. "Broadway" Jones proved a sensa tion in New York where it enjoyed a long run and also the approval of each. nd every dramatic critic' efj that city.,' It- has been conceded the; best play -George Cohan has everpsyritten and It. is doubtful if a better, play has", teen - seen on . ; Broadway, The young, author has, put a touch jf na ture into - his' latest work that lives long in the membry of his audience, the comedy is clean and ,willi'ft"ppeal to everyone. The ' plot -""woven around characters chosen from the walks of every day life. It tells a true story of a young Connecticut youth" who has squandered a" fortune in an endeavor to "burn np Broad way." Just as he thinks he has it properly inoerated, there comes the inevitable smash and his money is all gone. Not only this, but he is heavily in debt. In despair he con sents to marry an heiress old enough to be his mother. This is the pre dicament one finds "Broadway" Jones in, when the curtain rises on the be ginning of the play. The rapid lire dialogue of the play is- said to be woderful, the audience catches the enthusiasm with which Mr. Cohan has imbued his play, and the applause is constant and inspiring. A Liberal Offer. The undersigned Druggist is author ized by the American Drug and Press Association, of which he is a mem ber, to guarantee Meritol Hair Tonic to give satisfaction or the purchase price will be refunded. This indi cates the confidence they have in this preparation. Jones Rrug Co. Force of a Hurricane. A hnrricaue of 1(K) miles an hour rep resents a force of 49.200 pounds per square foot. A great majority of persons afflict ed with eczema have no other ail ment, which is accepted as positive proof that eczema is purely a skin disease. Meritol Eczema Remedy is made especially for eczema and all diseases of the skin. If you are af flicted . with this terrible disease, do not delay using Meritol Eczema Rem edy, as it can always be relied upon. Jones Drug Co., Sole Agents. Domestic Felicity. No money is better spent than what is laid out for domestic satisfaction. A man is pleased that bis wife is dress ed as well as other people, and a wife Is pleased that she Is dressed Dr. Samuel Johnson. - - . White Ribbon Bemtdy x is an honest attempt to aid friends of drinking men to rem-, edy what is really a dreadful evil. This remedy is ODORLESS, COLORLESS, TASTELESS And may be given secretly. JONES DRUG CO. Oregon City More Light at Same Cost : The Same Light at Less Cost The famous Mazda Light will give you lasting satisfaction in every way. It throws a clear, strong, white light, the nearest imitation to sunlight it has been possible to get. As superior to the old carbon light as they were to the candle of our grandfathers. Note to exceptional prices below. Watt Candle Power Price, Clear Price' l 15 12 .35c 40c 20 16 35c 40c 25 20 .... 35c 40c 40 32 40c 45c 60 50 55c '' 60c 100 80 80c 85c 150 120 $1.25 $1.35 250 200 $1.90 . $1.60 Special We carry in stock at Portland prices everything in the electrical line to lighten labor in the household Portland Railway. Light & Power Company Beaver Building, Main Street Palmist and Clairvoyant And Card Reader The Gormans Now Located at 524 Main St. Electric Annex Hotel Where they may be consulted upon all affairs of life. Such as business, love, marriages, changes, buying or selling prop erty, investments, where and in what you will best succeed. They will tell you who and when you will marry, what your lucky days and months are. Their Extraordinary Clairvoyant Power Combined with a su perior knowledge of ocaiilt forces enables them to read your life with unerring accuracy from infancy to old age. All this and much more is told without asking a single question. They have helped others, why not you? Partake of these advantages freely and you will be spar ed the saddest of all sad words, "It might have been.' Come all you sick people. Tells name, names of friends or enemies and exactly what you called to know. . SPECIAL for one month only readings $1.00. Hrs. 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. daily. HOTEL ELECTRIC ANNEX THREE EXTRA PRIZES THREE SPECIAL DAYS THREE CHANCES TO WIN Saturday, Feb. 8Coupon Book Day A BEAUTIFUL 42-PIECE DECORATED DINNER SET WILL BE PRESENTED TO THE CONTESTANT SELLING THE LARGEST NUMBER OF HUNTLEY BROS. CO.- COU PON BOOKS THIS DAY ONLY. COUPONS MAY BE USED AS CASH AT ANY TIME BUT MUST NOT BE DETACHED FROM BOOK. ' . Wednesday, Feb. 12-Special Vote Day A HANDSOME CABINET OF SILVERWARE, WILL BE AWARDED THE CONTESTANT DEPOSITING THE LARG EST NUMBER OF VOTES THIS DAY ONLY. Saturday, Feb. 15-Coupon Book Day ANOTHER SET OF DISHES WILL BE GIVEN THE CON TESTANT SELLING THE LARGEST NUMBER OF COUPON BOOKS THIS DAY ONLY. -' : . . 5 ". , SEE PRIZES IN AUTOMOBILE WINDOW. READ THE ENTERPRISE EVERY DAY FOR" OTHER IMPORTANT AN NOUNCEMENTS. WE GIVES VOTES Huntley Bros. Co. J. Levitt V. Harris The Star Theatre The Morning Enterprise Unsteady Nerves. Often the result of indigestion, dyspepsia, constipation, bilious at tacks or impure blood, for all of which Meritor Tonic Digestive is a standard remedy that will give you instant re lief. A world famous remedy for all ailments due to a bad stomach. Jones Drug Co., Exclusive Local Agents. His Ancestors. An Irish gentleman was once Attend ed by an eminent London physician, who, pausing and looking at him with an inquiring glance. s:iid: "I should like to know, sir, if your family have been long lived?" "Long lived, is It?" responded the pa tient thoughtfully. "Well., doctor. I'll just tellyou how it is. Our family is a west of Ireland family, and the age of my ancestors depended entirely on the judge and Jury who tried them." Strand Magazine. ! EXATION BILL PASSED BY SENATE (Continued from Page 1.) bring the mill properties across the river from Oregon City into the city limits to compel them to pay city taxes. "Robery," "thievery," . "mean and hoggish", were some of the ep ithets which Dimick hurled at the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company when arguing in favor of his bill. The measure provides for annexation by a city without the con sent of the territorp annexed. Representative Gill introduced a bill in the House today which would prohibit advertising or soliciting the sale of cigarettes. Tomorroy is the last day which is allowed under a joint resolution to introduce bills and while the number of bills which has been received extend beyond anything ever before seen in an Oregon Legis lative Assembly it is probable that there will be an avalanche of them tomorrow. After that date none can be introduced without the consent of at least three-fourths of the body in which they are introduced. Road lobbyists came in for a grill ing in the Senate today when mem bers declared that had it not been for the interference of a large number of them at committee meetings that the work would have progressed satisfactorily. Perhaps the most im portant individual achievement of either house today, was accomplish ed by the Representatives when they passed the workmen's compensation bill to send to the Senate. Some amendments were obtained in con nection with the bill. It may have difficulty ' in. the Senate as Day, of Multnomah, has another compensa tion bill which differs materially from the one passed, being the bill framed Governor. YES, SWISSCO WILL GROW YOUR HAIR Prevents Baldness and Dandruff, Re stores Gray or Faded Hair To . Its Natural Color. His Hairs Are Numbered, Are Yours? Swissco stops dandruff quickly, grows new hair and restores gray and faded hair to its natural youthful color.- - ' ' Swissco stops baldness, bald spots, falling hair, scabby scalp, sore scalp, brittle hair or any hair or scalp trouble. To prove that ours claims are trfie we will send you a large trial bottle free if you will send 10c In silver or stamps to help pay cost of postage and packing to Swissco Hair Remedy Co., 5311 P. O. Square, Cincinnati, -.0. Swissco will be found on sale at all druggists and drug departments everywhere at 50c and $1.00 a bottle,. JONES DRUG COMPANY