- j. s . $ SThe Enterprise has a few of it9$ Progress and : Anniversary- hook-1 3 4 lets on hand, copies-of which may 3 jbe- obtained by applying at thisS v. office.- The edition contains 64 .3 pages, and Js. one. of. the. best ad-4 . $ vertisements of the city and 3 county ever issued. Send one East. $ 4 4 4 S S S 883S3 .THE. WEATHER S . Oregon City Rain or snow to-3 day;. . continued cold; -.northeast- erly. winds. $ S Oregon Rain or snow west, S snow flurries east; colder east S portion ; northeasterly winds. ' J Washington Rain or snow. " S j $ $ J S. $ 8 3 WEEKLY ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED 1866 VOL. V. No. 30. OREGON CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1913. Per Week, 10 Cents " " ' '" " ' ' SHP FLOUND RS RW IS MISSING BARK PICKED UP BY BRITISH VESSEL NEAR PORT ARTHUR JiO REASON FOR QUITTING VESSEL I COST WOULD BE NEAR SlOOj BRIDGE ACROSS CLACKAMAS URGED COUNTY COURT IS PETITIONED TO ERECT SPAN AT ONCE Drifting Craft Boarded and Cabel Is ' Franchise Is -Granted Multnomah Rail- Attached to Rescue Ship i way Company for Tack From Line Broken by Heavy Sea ' NEWPORT NEWS, Va., Feb. 5. Another myster of the deep, prac tically paralleling the unexplained disappearance of the crew pf the Schooner Marie- Celeste several years ago, has been reported by the Brit ish tank steamer Roumanian. On January 19, churning along near the Azores, she picked up the Norwegian bark Remittent, seaworthy, provis ioned and fully rigged, but without a soul on board and with no' indication of the crew's fate. The Roumanian after towing the Remittent to within 100 miles of Cape Henry, lost her in a violent gale. The Marie Celeste was found at sea with a pot boiling in her galley and her captain's papers on the cabin table and every indication that her crew had been aboard within a few hours of her discovery. But nothing ever was heard of her skipper or crew. The story of the Remittent is scarcely less strange. The Roumanian sighted the Remit tent in latitude 40 degrees 30 minutes and longitude 27 degrees 30 minute3, riding a heavy swell without, a hand to guide her before the breeze. The big tank steamer's lookout then re ported her as a ship out of control and Captain Claridge set out in pur suit. While the Roumanian was coming (Continued on page 4) Portland to Sandy The county court Wednesday grant ed the Multnomah Central Railroad a franchise to build its tracks across the county roads in the neighborhood of Sandy. The railroad will be built between Portland and Sandy. A mort gage for $200,000 on property in this county was recently given by the company. A petition for a steel bridge acrcss the Clackamas River near its mouth was presented to the court by Charles W. Risley. The petition is signed by more than 100 property owners. It is further urged that a public high way be opened between this city and the proposed bridge so as to provide a shorter route to Portland. The court and several of those in terested in the bridge, including Charles W. Risley, H. K. Starkweath er and John Risley, will have a con ference early next week regarding the proposition. A proposition to erect a steel bridge near the mouth of ttie Clackamas was made several years ago, and has been urged at various times since then. The court authorized the surveying of routes for several county roads upon petition of property owners. The bridge and approaches would cost almost $100,000. A small ciassiried ad will rem that vacant room. . CORSET SALE W. B. NUFORM STYLE 55 A low bust model for average fig ures. Plenty of diaphram room, yet yery snug over the hips and back, showing exceptional long straight lines. The material is coutil, of great strength, yet very kid-like in its clinging qualities. Prettily lace 1 rim med and large satin bow. Hook be low front steel insures smoothness of fit over abdomen and hips. Two pair hose supporters. Sizes 18 to 30. Regular $2.00 Corsets Special $1.50 Adams Department Store Ask for Red Trading Stamps v PERPETRATED BY WALT AcDOUGALL A MAN LIKE TMIS MAS BUT FEW FRIENDS ! PERHAPS OU KNOW THAT If OOK E.Ye.5 wfcKfT SENSmvt TO THE VIOLET RAYS OF THE. SPECTRUM OR THE ULTRA-VI OL T" AK-E Vol) awRE'MlSS SN'&eS.QP THE. APPARANTj I hDiULU -K-..A-T- . . . r ...... r- C ' 1 PERHAPS TOU KNOW THAT If OUK E.Ye.5 wfcKfT V- . c cm A.-t-twir fn mv W1A CT Piv! OF THF SPECTRUM 1 J rC. I nH DATHPC TuC , .TtJA-VIOL T I J K " 1 VNIH.L MAKE A 1 f , , Pays THINKS VUOIILD I ' I THEY NOW ATTRIBUTE THE SPLENDID L '' "' - - I ACOUSTICS OP GREE k AMPHI THEATERS -w CARBON BEING LiNOXIDIZABi-E. IN $ffc Ji VZ THE RADIO ACTIVE ENERGY OF THE Jm$z I AIR MAY BE. So UTILIZED AS To feN jtZSi. EARTH ITSELF I ENABLE. US. TO ACTUAUY HEAR A. I SEE THAT A StfULLOF THE ' '' . ' (PnECANTHROPLlS EWECTUfeHAS ;. T70W you're W yV ( ) - - ANNEXATION BILL BY SENATE PASSED DIMICK WINS SIGNAL VICTORY IN HAVING MILLS TAXED BY CITY SENATOR SCORES P. U. & P. CO. ENGINEER SCORES! STREET ESTIMATE YALE DECLARES THAT PREDE CESSOR WAS NOT ACCUR- : . ATE IN WORK MONTGOMERY MAKES EXPLANATION Workmen's Compensation Measure Is 'Council Favors Giving Health Officer Passed by House and Goes ... . . to Senate for Ac- tion " i SALEM. Feb. 5. fSnerinl 1 Tho bitterest battle which has been enact ed in the State Senate was fought today where Senator Dimick of Clack- r f$mmw MELDRUN ASKrTHAT I YALE BE REMOVED I Upon information by Henry Mel ! drum, formerly city engineer of Ore- gon City, a suit was filed Wednesday by the district attorney asking that George C. Yale, present city engineer, be removed from office. The relator ; asserts that Mr. Yale was not a res-: j ident of this city when, he was ap . pointed city engineer by the city council January 6, 1913. He calls at tention to a section of the city, char ter which provides that the city en gineer must be a resident of the city one year before appointment. Mr. Yale asserts that he had been a res ident of the city more than one year before his appointment and that he has not voted any other place. Senor Moret Prendergast, new ident of the French Chambe Deputies. If yon saw It Id th Knterprts If - WIRES TO HAKE TRIP ON NEW RAILROAD Park Trammell, Governor-elect of Florida.: . . ' ' ; , . - Silverware Cleaned Free Wednesday, Fefo. 12, 1913 BRING IN A FEW PIECES OF TARNISHED SILVERWARE TO BE CLEANED NO CHARGE ONLY A PLEASURE TO SHOW YOU THERE IS NOTHING TOO HARD FOR US TO CLEAN SAFE Absolutely harmless no poison. CLEAN ' . Y . V No powder to get on hands or clothes. EASY No rubbing Just washing. ANTISEPTIC Sterilizes and polishes.- - - INEXPENSIVE No costly powder used. DURABLE Will last for years.- " DIRECTIONS FOLLOWED Results guaranteed. SALT One spoonful. '' . BAKING SODA One spoonful. WARM WATER One. quart and the SILVER CLEAN PAN Will clean all your silverware in three minutes. It is an electro-magnetic process, that removes all oxides and sulphides, and does ' not attack the silver. Leaves the silver bright as a dollar, including every recess or beading. - . THIS MAGIC PAN HAS BEEN ADOPTED BY LEADING HOTELS, RESTAURANTS AND SILVERWARE MANUFACTURERS ALL OVER THE WORLD, INCLUDING THE COMMUNITY AND 1847 ROGER BROS. FACTORIES. Oregon City Jewelers Sc ANDRESEN Suspension Bridge Corner The Live Wires are planning tc have an excursion on-the Clackamas South ern Railway next Tuesday, . immed iately following the weekly luncheon. County Clery Mulvey, County School Superintendent Gary and M. D. Lat ourette have been appointed a com mittee to arrange for the affair. Dr. George Hoeye and George Randall were admitted to membership in th.e Live Wires Tuesday. V HAVE Thirty young women attended the first annual banquet given in the par lors of the First Methodist Episcopal Church by the Bithiahs. The organ ization is composed of the young women of the church. The banquet table was beautifully decorated with red carnations and the color scheme of red and white was carried out in Valentine effects, hearts and cupids being extensively used. A delightful program was enjoyed while the guests encircled the banquet board, and all pronounced the event a most success ful one. The menu was as follows: - Fruit Cocktail -Salted Almonds - Celery ' Sticks - Potato Salad . Cold. Chicken Dressing Current Jelly V Stuffed Olives Cake-. .." ... Coffee Those present included: . Emma Draper, Mabel Morse, Anah White, Elva Blanchard, Nettie Kruse, Ivy Ford, Saydee Ford, Genevieve Capen, Mabel Myers, Pauline Hicks, Mrs. William Stone, Mina McDonald, Myr- ! tis Henderson, Mrs. Daisy Mallot, Mrs. Emma Johnston, Mrs. John Bolle, Adah Hulbert, Mrs. A. L. Blan chard, Lillie Miller, Mrs. Grace Cox, Annie Myers, Kathleen Harrison, Wilma Myers, Evadne Harrison, Mrs. Edna Miller, Myrtle Cross, Nellie Swafford, Mrs. Hazel Humphrys An na Larson. HOFFATT IS HERO; SAVES BURK'S LIFE . J.. W. Moffatt, president of the Ore gon Engineering & Construction Com pany, had a narrow escape from death Wednesday. F, C. Burk, street in-i spector, fell upon ,Mt. ,'Moffatt. .Mr. Moffatt's head ''was-bruised and Mr. Burk's right leg-" lacerated. The street inspector was superintending work at Eleventh and Main Streets when he fell into a hole at the side of the street. Mr. Moffatt was at work underneath the street and Mr. Burk fell upon him. Charles Bab cock, street commissioner, went to the rescue of the injured man. He said, after the injuries of Messrs Burk and Moffatt had been given at tention, that Mr. Burk probably would ,have been killed had he not fallen upon Mr. Moffatt. Mr. Burk fell about eighteen feet and the earth below was covered with jagged rocks. If It aappuned it Is In tne Enterprise. E TO BE COLLECTED BY CITY The committee on police and health of the city council has arranged for a wagon to go to homes and business houses to collect garbage. The wagon will be started next Monday and that day will make a tour of Seventh Street, between Jackson Street and the bluff. Councilman Albright, chair man of the committee urges all housekeepers to have garbage barrels or boxes in front of their homes. The next day the wagon will collect garbage north between Taylor Street and the bluff. Wednesday the collec tions would be made downtown. Mr. Albright announced "that heTeafter collections would be made the : first Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of each month. . . . Walter A. DimicK, Clackamas County Senator who,vwins fight In State Senate to have mill property incor porated in city limits. the bill and Kellaher a minority re- amas County made an attack on the Jfortiand Railway, Light & Power Company. His attack was charged with bitter invective. It came when the question of whether the. Dimick bill providing for a method of ex tending the boundaries, in, inpnrnnr. ated cities and towns should find its way on the calendar-was before the Senate. Senators Joseph and Lester had filed a maioritv rfinnrt ns-ninHt port in its favor. The minority , re port won. The bill as stated openly uy us iniroaucer on tne noor Of the Senate has no other purpose than to (Continued oa page 3) Higher Salary Janitors of Schools Made Special -. Police - - At the regular meeting of the Coun cil Wednesday evening regular - re-' ports were read and the council was kept busy nearly three hours.'. A motion providing that the com mittee on health and police stipulate the duties of the city health officer and that his salary be increased to corform with these new duties was ' passed. Councilman Tooze said that the city health officer held a very re sponsible position and. that the coun cil should make it possible for him to devote more of his time to his du ties. It also was urged that greater cooperation with the health officer should' prevail, especially in regard to the medical profession. The salary of Miss Dollie Pratt, in the city recorder's office was raised from $50 to S65 a month Mavnr Jones appointed each one of the jan itors in tne three school houses spec ial policemen to serve without pay. Mr. Tooze announced that he would in the near future bring before the council the matter of providing for a plumbing inspector. The report of City Eneineer Yale was discussed.- Mr. Montgomery . former city, engineer, and Mr. Cromp ton, of the Montague-O'Reiley Com Danv both stated that the miatnlra in estimates was due to the fact that the city at first figured on paving beneath the streetcar tracks .In the matter of -fiidewalke Mr. Monteromerv stated' that at first it was figured that ce ment sidewalks should be laid the en tire distance of the paved area and mat later wooden sidewalks were al lowed to be put down. Mr. Yale's re port follows! On. making up the final statement of work done on Main Street by Messrs. Montague-O'Reilly, contract ors, and to be done before final ac ceptance of same, I find the discrep ancies so great between the actual amount of work to be done and the (Continued on page 4) . At The Gancl SID COMMENCING TODAY IRENE Vinipenf and Lorne .-.'-.' ' i ; ..' Presenting , ; . A COMEDY SINGING AND TALKING SPECIALTY PICTURE PROGRAM . WHY TIGHTWAD TIPS (Comedy) THE PEACE OFFERING (Comedy) '' ;.' '.: THE MOTHER'S STRATEGY " ' (Drama) - : - , , A ROUGH RIDE WITH NITRO-GLYCERINE (Western Drama) - . - . - TwcnReel Feature for Friday, Feb. 7 ; The Wives of Jamestown Bryan 0'SuHivan, an Irish lad of humble birth, rescues .Lady Geraldine from drowning as her boat capsizes, thereby meriting her lasting gratitude. Forgetful of his station, Bry an falls madly in love with Lady Geraldine, who momemtar ily listens to his pleadings. Her acceptance of attentions from O'Rourke angers Bryan and he upraids her for falseness. The nobleman draws his sword, but Bryan wrenches it from his hand and breaks it to pieces-,.. Knowing that he cannot now remain, Bryan bids farewell to Lady Geraldine and sails . for America. Bryan O'S ullivan, -Irishman, ' becomes John Pierce, Colonist of Jam estpwn, Virginia. - Yeai later Lary Geraldine Buffers many vicissitudes;- her castle is besieged by the Cromwellians and .she with many others is sent to James town to be sold to the . colonists as .- wives. John Pierce is startled to see Lad Geraldine, but she fails to recognize him because of a heavy beard. Seeing that he is an honest man, " she offers to become -his wife; He takes her to his cottage and stepping into another room shaves oft his beard, and be gins to" play the flute, wh ich he so dearly loved in days gone .by. Lady Geraldine, who is about to end her life, hears the music and stepping to the door recognizes John Pierce, her husband, as Bryan O'Sullivan, her lover, and love claims its own. DO YOU LIKE THESE HIGHER CLASS PHOTOPLAYS OR DO YOU PREFER THE SHORT ONE-REEL PICTURE? We have made a rule here to show a two or three reel photoplay EVERY MONDAY AND FRIDAY. If you like the "higher class films come on these days. THE LITTLE MINISTER In three reels next Monday, Feb. 10th. Boost yur city by Doosting your daily paper. The Enterprise shouts' be Ik evsry home. Jas. Wilkinson Roy Baxter WILKINSON & BAXTER FLORISTS Next door to Star Theatre Phone Main 271