Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, January 31, 1913, Image 5

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    ailroad, Electric Line or
Steamboat Fares Refund
ed to All Purchasers at
the Rate of One Mile
f " " - - - -
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IS 0j ."Pfflfflffll fi SASH AND DOOR FACTORY i - ij J.
$ 5v,s 4
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j sjnidicate which will control the entire
Eastern factorys we are
dull U U U
ly means much for the people of Clackamas County and surrounding country when you come to figure
ie half on your entire purchase
whether it be Furniture, Carpets, Hardware, Tools, Fencing, Roofing, Paints, Wall-paper, Beddings, Kitchen
Household Article.
iry 1, rain or shine, and lasts for Fifteen Days Only
into detail here to list and quote the thousands of articles, real
th sale. Come and be convinced.
Wall Paper
Wall Paper
pee the Latest Designs just added to our stock.
iir i . i.- l i i .
rvenave 5ume i eiiiiiaiiis ui uign priced paper mai
we will sell while they last at
er Double Roll S Cents
1800 Yards Carpet
We have many remnants of Brussel Carpets, some
pieces contain as much as 20 yards
The Entire Stock on Sale!
Not one Single Item Reserved!
for Each Dollar Purchase
All Goods Sold Strictly For Cash
Dinner Pails, Collapsible ...1 9c
Dish Pans, 1 7 qt... J 9C
J -2 Gal. Granite Pails, Coveted J 3C
Mirrors, good size 9C
Sofa Pillows - . j 9C
Jar diners, regular 50c..:.: , 9C
Cream Cans, Steel Clad 69c
Large Willow Clothes Baskets 55c
Wash Boilers, Hand Made, Metal Bottoms 95c
Garbage Pails, Sanitary Self-CIosing,
regular $2.75 all go at $1.68
Bed Springs, Woven Wire, supported by
1 4 copper spiral springs and 3 cables $ 1 .69
Coaster Sleds, Steel constructed .. .68c
Chairs, Dining High Back 73c
YOU don't buy hardware frequently. If you buy the
wrong kind, you have bought troublethat lasts a long
time. The essential thing about buying hardware is to
know that it is good. The least skillful buyer can come
here and be sure that what he buys is good, because we
make it good.
Furniture! Furniture!
NO Matter what the price or quality of furniture
you may want, you can find in our mammoth stock at
practically your own price. A few items here will
give you some idea of values.
China Closets, .... reg. $28.00 to go at $ 4 50
Dressers, 3 dr. large French beyel mirror,
golden oak finish $15.00 value to go at 7.48
Dressers Solid Ash, Mission finish a beauty f 3.85
Chiffoniers Golden Oak 40 in. top
5 deep drawers $18.00 value to go at 8.98
Couches 6.75
Hpey Sofa Beds J 2.48
Rockers, good and comfortable, each ... ,00
Art squares Fancy Moquette 1576
Kitchen Queen, top and bottom t.. 675
And so on throughout our entire stock. Look the bargains over.
Made of Cotton are absolutely clean, sanitary, germ
and vermin proof.
Texas Cotton Matresses, not pure white in color, fancy
striped ticking, hand tufted, in many respects superior to
cheap felts, each full size :. ....$5.35