Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, January 30, 1913, Page 4, Image 4

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    OH 3
But Champion Wrestler Says
Pole Must Defeat All Comers.
If Foreign Mat Artist Is Successful In
All Coming Bouts He Will Be Given
Chance to Tackle Holder of World's
Frank Gotch, champion wrestler,
will come out of retirement before
many weeks have passed. Gotch gave
up the heavyweight championship be
cause there was no worthy opponent
to contest bis honors.
The combined lure of fame and mon
ey has caused the big farmer to ban-
i 1 , 1 I
Photo by American Press Association.
ker for one more bout Gotch has final
ly decided that he will meet Zbysco
the last week in April, provided the
giant Pole in the meantime disposes
of all the other big fellows who have
been howling for a chance at Gotch
ever since the latter sought seclusion.
If the championship bout between
Gotch and Zbysco materializes it is
likely to be held either In Salt Lake
City or Indianapolis. Both cities have
offered a purse of $30,000 for the bat
tle. If the contest is held in Indiana
polls it will probably be staged In the
open on Memorial day.
South African Association Indorses
Plan to Pension McArthur and Lewis.
The executive committee of the South
African Amateur Athletic and Cycling
association has indorsed the recom
mendation of the chairman, Henry
Nourse, to purchase annuities for Mc
Arthur and Lewis as a reward for their
successes in the Olympic games at
Stockholm last July.
This is to take the form of a pension
of $10 a month. The prevailing im
pression when the last mail left Cape
Town was that the various centers of
(the South African association would
jdecliue to support the executive pro-.posal.
Robert Stewart Accepts Defi of Alfred
Jordan For a Match.
Allied Jordan, who recently put up
$30-with F. F. Fitzpatrick, president of
the National Checker association, to
play for the title lately held by the
late Richard Jordan of Glasgow has
been accepted by Robert Stewart of
Paisley, Scotland.
He lias placed a $130 deposit with the
Glasgow Herald as forfeit for a match
of forty games under the rules govern
ing the national Scotch -tournaments.
Important Bills Presented
In House and Senate
By Senator Calkins
A bill for an act creating a right
of action for damages against any
person who shall bargain, sell, ex
ihange of give to any intoxicated
.terson or habitual drunkard intoxica
n'g liquors.
r Be it enacted by the people of the
of the State of Oregon:
Be it enacted by the Legislative As
of the State of Oregon:
Section 1. Any person who shall
bargain, sell, exchange, or give to
lrunkard, spirituous, vinouse, malt or
intoxicating liquors shall - be liable
for all damages resulting in whole or
in part therefrom at the suit or action
of the wife, "husband, parent or child
of such intoxicated person or habitual
. Section 2. The act of an agent, em
ploye, bar tender or servant shall be
deemed the act of his principal or
employer for tue purpose of this act.
By Senator Smith.
A bill for an act to compel all em
ployers of labor, corporate or other
wise, to maintain sufficient cash re
serves to meet all accounts for wages
due and providing penalities.
Be it enacted by the people of the
of the State of Oregon:
Be it enacted by the Legislative As
of the State of Oregon:
eSction .1 All corporations, par
tnerships, firms or individuals em
ploying working men or workingwom
en at a regular salary or rate of wa
ges, or purchasing supplies for the
maintenance of their business, shall,
before entering into such employment
or hiring, or before making said pur
chases, and continuously thereafter
while such employment lasts, or such
purchases continue to be made, pro
vide and maintain sufficient cash re
serves in money of the United States
to meet all accounts due for such
wages and supplies.
Section 2. On or before the 15th
of each and every month, every cor
poration, partnership, firm or individ
ual operating in this state shall pay
all wages due employes for labor or
services performed In and during the
preceding month, except as provided
in Section 3 of this act.
Section 3. If, for any reason, any
employe of a corporation, partner
ship, firm or individual operating in
this state shall be discharged from
such employment, the wages or sal
ary earned by such employe shall be
paid in full following such discharge;
nd such employe shall be entitle
to full wages up to the date of such
payment. And any employe who
shall give six day's notice of his or
her intention to resign the . employ
ment at which he or she shall have
been engaged, shall be entitled to
full payment of all salary or wages
due at the time the expiration of
such six day's notice.
Any firm or individual who shall
wilfully and knowingly violate any of
the provisions of this act, shall be
deemed guilt of a misdemeanor and
fined for each separate offense not
less than twenty:five dollars, nor
more than one hundred dollars, or
punished by imprisonment in the
ountr 111 for not more than ninety
days, or by both such fine and im
prisonment in the discretion of the
Section 5. All acts and parts of
acts in conflict herewith are hereby
is engaged in the sale of liquor.
Be it enacted by the people of, the
of the State of Oregon:
Be it enacted by the Legislative As
of the State of Oregon:
Section 1. That Sec. 4938 of Lord's
Oregon Laws as amended by Chapter
119 of the general laws of Oregon for
1911, be and the same is hereby
amended to read as follows:
Sec. 4938. No person shall be per
mitted to sell, give or in any manner
dispose of any spirituous malt, vin
ous liquors, near-beer, or femented
cider, commonly known as hard cider
in this state outside of the limits or
boundaries of any incorporated city
or town; provided, however, that no
near-beer shall be sold inside of in
corporated cities or towns where pro
hibition prevails.
Section 2. That Sec. 4947 of Lord's
Oregon Laws be amended to read as
Sec. 4947. If any any person vio
lates any provisions of this act, such
person shall be deemed guilty of a
misdemeanor, and upon conviction
thereof shall be punished by a fine of
not less than two hundred and fifty
dollars ($250) nor more than five
hundred dollars ($500) or by impris
onment in the count jail not lest
than sixty days (60) nor more than
six (6) months, or by both fine and
Section 3. The possession or a
federal license by any person shall be
prima facie evidence that said person
is engaged in the sale of Intoxicated
Section 4. Sees.. 4349, 4940, 4942,
4943, 4944, 4945, 4946, and 4949 of
Lord's Oregon Laws are hereby repealed.
By Senator J. L. Hoskins
A bill for an act to prohibit the lo
cation or, maintainance of any saloon
or the sale or giving away of intoxica
ing liquors, in, or within three hun
dred feet of any depot, or station build
ing, and providing a penalty for viola
tion thereof.
JBe it enacted by the people of the
of the State of Oregon:
Be it enacted by the Legislative As
of the State of. Oregon:
Section 1. It shall be unlawful
hereafter for any person, firm or
any saloon or to sell or offer to sell
or give away any intoxicating liquor,
in, or within three hundred feet of,
any railway, interurban railway, or
street railway depot or station build
ing. ,
Section 2. Any person, firm or cor
poration violating the provisions of
the preceding Section shall be fined
in a sum of not less than $100, nor
more than $500, or by imprisonment
in the county jail for not less than
two months, nor more than six mon
ths. Justices of the Peace shall
have jurisdiction in all violating of.
this act.
Intercollegiate Rowing Association De
cides on Dates For Next Three Years.
Dates up to y)15 have been set for
the regattas of the Intercollegiate Row
ing association that are held at Pough
keepsie, N. Y., annually. The races
this year are to be held on Saturday,
June 21, almost a week earlier than
usual, and only a day after the Yale
Harvard race on the Thames.
Next year the regatta is to be held on
Friday, June 20. and in 1915 it will be
rowed on Monday, June 28.
Detroit's New Clubhouse.
The Detroit Athletic club is to build a
new ten story clubhouse, costing $750,-000.
' The Eoard of Fire Commissioners
met Wednesday evening in the
rooms of the Columbia Hook and Lad
der Company when the matter of
changing the time of voting was tak
en up and it was decided that the
time in the future would be from 2
P. M. until 7 P. M. Instead of 10 A.
K. until 4 P. M. as in the past. This
change was made for the sake of ac
comodating those who work in the
mills and are unable to vote under
the old voting hours. Several other
matters were discussed.
By Senator Barrett i
A bill for an act to authorize each
county treasurer to deposit public
funds in National Banks and State
Banks doing business within the state
declaring what security for such de
posits shall be furnished, and the
amount thereof, providing for the
rate of Inteest to be paid upon such
deposits, limiting the amount to be
deposited in any one bank, and regu
larly deposited in each bank.
Be it enacted by the people of the
of the State of Oregon:
Be it enacted by the Legislative As
of the State of Oregon:
Section 1. The county treasurer
of any county within this state is
hereby authorized to deposit any pub
lic funds in his hands not required
for immediate use in an bank doing
business within the state, organized
under the national banking laws of
the United State, or under the laws
of this state; provided, that at' or or
before the date of such deposit the
bank receiving the same shall fur
nish to said officer, as security for
moneys so deposited, bonds -of the
United States of America, or of the
State of Oregon, or of any county
municipality, or school .district with
in said state, to be approved, in case
of deposit by any county treas
urer, by the county court of
the same county, the market least
ten per cent in excess of the amount
of such deposit.
Section 2. Money so deposited
snail be subject to call, and the bank
of deposit shall pay interest thereon
at the rate of two cent per annum on
the daily balances, as shown by the
books of said bank, all said interest
to be credited by said treasurer . to
the general fund of state or county,
as the case may be.
Section 3. No deposit shall be
fmade in any one bank which shall
exceed fifty per cent of the paid-up
capital of said bank, and at the time
of making application for such de
posit said bank shall furnish, to the
officer to which such application is
made, a statement of the bank's re
sources and liabilities, together with
a certificate signed by one of the .of
ficers of the said bank, verified under
oath, that the said bank has been ex
amined within the past six months
by the National Bank Examiner of
the district, or by the State Bank Ex
aminer of the state, according as the
bank may be National or State Bank,
he shall have authority to cause a
special examination to be made, and
it shall be discretionary with such
treasurer to grant or refuse an ap
plication for such deposit.
Section 4. No treasurer shall de
posit at any one time in any one
bank more than twenty per cent of
the public moneys in his hands avail
able for such deposit while there are
such deposits, and it shall be his
duty to distribute the funds equita
bly as far as possible, among solvent
and substantial applicants.
Section 5. All acts and parts of
acts in conflict herewith are hereby
Introduced by Senator Burgess
ATsill for an act to amend Section
32 of an act entitled, "An act provid
ing for regulating the use, registra
tion, license, identification, conduct
and operating of vehicles operated up
on the public roads, streets and high
ways of the state of Oregon; to reg
ulate and license the persons who
drive the same;, to prescribe penalties
for violation hereof; and to promote
the unauthorized possession or use
bf a vehicle, and to provide penalty
therefor; to license and identify all
motor vehicles; to limit the authority
of cities and towns on like subjects
concerned with said vehicles; and to
repeal all acts and parts of acts
either in conformity or in conflict
herewith." Being Section 32 of Chap
ter 174 of the Session Laws of the
State of Oregon for 1911.
Be it enacted by the people of the
of the State of Oregon:
Be it enacted by the Legislative As
of the State of Oregon:
Section 1. That Section 2 of Chap
ter 174 of the Session Laws of the
state of Oregon for 1911 be and the
same is hereby amended to read as
Sec. 32. Any sum of money or
balance that shall be or remain in the
Motor Vehicle on the 31st day of De
cember of ejich year after payment
of the claims of said year under the
provisions hereof, shall be remitted
and transferred by the state teasurer
to the county treasurer of the various
counties of the state of Oregon in
proportion to the amount of such
fund which shall have been received
from such county for licenses, and all
moneys so returned to and remitted
to such county treasurer by .the
state treasurer shall be appropriated
and paid -into and be and become a
part of the general road fund of such
said list for each successive set of
ballot forms. As nearly a possible
an equal number of ballots of each
set, which have been previously
"gathered" shall be delivered to each
election precinct. The sample -. bal
lots now required by law to be print
ed previous to the day of election,
shall be printed from the first or offlc
ial form of the ballot only.
By Senator Wood
ls- bill for an act to prevent the
barter, sale, trading, giving or furnish
ing of intoxicating liquors or any co
caine, opium, morphine, codeine,
heroin, alpha eucaine, beta eucaine,
novacaine or chloral hydrate, or any
salts, derivatives or compounds of
the foregoing substances to any con
vict or prisoner in the Oregon State
Penitentiary, or in any county or
municipal jail, or any inmate of any
state penal or eleemosynary institu
tion. ,
Be it enacted by the people of the
of the State of Oregon:
Be it enacted by the Legislative As
of the State of Oregon:
Section 1. Should an person, other
than a convict serving time In the
Oregon State Penitentiary, barter,
sell, trade, give or furnish, or aid in
the barter, sale trade, giving or fur
nishing of any intoxicating liquors
or any cocaine, opium, morphine, co
deine, heroin, alpha eucaine, beta eu
caine, nova caine, or chloral hydrates
or any of the salts derivatives or com
pounds of the foregoing substances
to any convict or prisoner sentenced
to serve or serving a term in the
Oregon State Penitentiary or any
county or municipal jail, or to any
inmate of any state penal or eleemosy
nary institution, shall be guilty of a
misdemeanor and shall be punished
by a fine of not less than fifty dollars
nor more than two hundred and fifty
dollars, or by Imprisonment in the
county jail' for a period of not less
than thirty days nor more than six
months, or both fine and imprison
ment. '
Section 2. Should any convict ""or
prisoner sentenced to serve, or serv
ing, a term in the Oregon State Peni
tentiary, or in any county or munici
pal jail, in this state, be found guilty
of violating any of the provisions of
the preceding section imposed be re
quired eo serve in said jail or prison
double the minimum sentence which
he may be then serving.
By Senator Bean
A bill for. an act to amend Section
7196 of Lord's Oregon Laws, the same
.being Section 5412 of Bellinger and
Cottons Annotated Codes and Statu
tes of Oregon, relating to registration
of land titles and legalizing registra
tion procedings heretofore had.
Be it enacted by the people of the
of the State of Oregon:
Be it enacted by the Legislative As
of the State of Oregon:
Section 1. That Sec. 7196 of Lord's
Oregon Laws be and the same Is
hereby amended so as to read as fol
lows: Sec. 7196. The notice provided for
the next succeeding section shall be
forwith served, in the same manner
that a summons is served in civil
action, upon each defendant named
in the application, whose residence
Is shown to be in the state of Oregon
and if such defendant, if served in
the county where said proceeding is
pending, is not served ten days be
fore the (time) stated in said notice
as the time within which he shalFap
pear, then he shall have ten days af
ter said service to so appear, and If
he be served in the state but outside
of said county, he shall have in any
event twenty days after such service
to make appearance In said proceed-
It answers the puzzling question, of "What
will I get her"
We have a display of Electric conveniences
that will gladden the heart of any woman
Only those who have some labor saving elec
tric utensils can appreciate their work;below we
give just a suggestive list: Electric Chafing Dish
Electric Discs, Electric Toasters Electric Irons,
Electric Percolator, Electric Table Lamps.
The Portland,
Railway Light
and Power
Main Street
We give the same low prices as our
Main Store in Portland, and the. same
courteous service.
ing. As to all unnamed defendants,
unknown, and defendants named
but whose residence outside of the
state of Oregon; the provisions
named but whose residence is
hereafter made for the publication
of said notice and the mailing thereof
shall be deemed full and . complete
service of said notice upon each and
all the same, and shall give the court
full and complete jurisdiction of each
and- all of said defendants for the pur
poses of this proceeding.
Section 2. All registration pro
ceedings heretofore had in this state
in which the notice provided for in
Sec. 7196 of Lord's Oregon Laws
shall have been published as therein
provided and a decree for the regis
tration of a title entered therein, are
hereby in all things legalized and
validated notwithstanding any failure
iu issue ana serve summons, or irre
gularity in issuing and serving sum
mons as heretofore provided in Sec.
5412; first referred to, unless an ac
tion or other appropriate proceeding
is begun to test the sufficiency there
of within one year from the time
this act takes effect.
A small classified ad win rant ttat
vc?". room.
By Senator Hoskins
A bill for an act to amend Section
4938 of Lord's Oregon Laws as
amended by Chapter 119 of the gen
eral laws of Oregon for 1991, to
amemd Section 4947, and to repeal
Sections 4939, 4940, 4941, 4942, 4944,
4945, 4946, and 4949 of Lord's Oregon
Laws, and to make a federal license
prima facie evidence that, a person
By Senator Barrett
A bill for an act to amend Section
1 of Chapter 252 of the general laws
of Oregon for the year 1911, entitled
"An act to require the rotation upon
election ballote of the names of sev
eral candidates for nomination to the
office, and to provide the manner of
printing the same; to remove from
ballots the numbers placed opposite
names of candidates and measures,"
and to impose penalties for violation
of this act
Be it enacted by the people of the
of the State of Oregon:
Be ' it enacted by the Legislative As
of the State of Oregon:
Section 1. That Section l.of Chap
ter 252 of the general laws of the
state of Oregon, for the year 1911
entitled "An act to rotation upon the
election ballots of the names of the
to the same ofiice, and to provide the
manner of printing the same, to re
move from ballots the numbers
placed opposite names of candidates
and measures and to impose penalties
for violation of this act be, and the
same is, hereby amended so as to
read as follows:
Sec. 1. In every case when five Of
, more persons are candidates for nom
ination for the same office, except a
..precinct office, at any general elec
tion, or direct primary election, the
number of ballot forms required shall
be divided into sets equal to the
greatest number of candidates for
any one office on said ballot and the
names of said candidates with their
respective numbers for each office
where the number of said candidates
is equal to five or more shall, begin
ning with a form arranged In alph
abetical order as provided in Section
3371 of Lord's Oregon Laws, be ro
tated by removing one name with its
number from the top of the list for
each office and by placing said name
with its number at the bottom - of
Couple Gets License.
A license to marry was issued
Wednesday to May Wellington Day
and Wlnfield Emmons, of .2836 Sixty
Second Avenue, South East; Portland.
Unqualifiedly the Best
The De Luxe Steel Back
New improved CURVED HINGE
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Sizes 8 1-4 to 20 inches
- Headquarters for
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