Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, January 25, 1913, Image 3

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Great Bargains
For Men,
and Boys Dur
ing Our Big
Clearance Sale
Suspension Bridge Corner
Poverty Stricken.
Mabel Her face is her fortune.
Ethel How unfortunate, with every
thing so lii.rli! New York Globe.
To the Public: I. J. Man would like
to say to the people of Oregon City
that I bave a neat little restaurant
with a nice private room for ladies
and gentlemen. I serve fresh oysters,
clams and also fresh every day hot
chicken tamales, which will be sold
at 10c each, and fresh chili "con carne
with the best of service No smok
ing or" loafing. Chicken tamales and
cnui made by Air. u. w. uariton, Det
ter known as Casey, night cook, Mrs.
Kate Ellis, day cook. Would be pleas
ed to serve you at any time. Open
day and night.
W. A. Beck, of Molalla, met with
a peculiar accident Wednesday while
he was en route to Oregon City from
his home. The horses were run
ning away when Mr. Beck started to
jump out of the buggy and
grab them. Just at this moment
one of the horses dropped dead
and the rig was brought to an
abrupt stop. The result was that Mr.
Beck was thrown to the ground and
received a sprained ankle and was
more or less bruised, but other than
this he was not hurt.
Abernethy Grange, Patrons of Hus
bandry, will hold its annual installa
. tion of officers Saturday at Parkplace.
At noon a dinner will be served and
it is expected that a large crowd will
attend as the District Deputy will be
present. All members of the grange
: iare "invited jtb BeprsenC -J''
; Harry tj. Myers-has purchased . the
barber shop of John Anderson and
take charge of his new establish-
- ' ' bent' in a "sHort; time." .!2?5j!5 t
rVmove,to Gladstone in about . two
weeks,. J ;
: "H Miss - Ethel, - Grf eaves, daughter of
' " Mr. and Mm.1 R. L; Greaves, leaves
- Saturday morning for Olympia, Wash-
ington, where she will spend a few
weeks with her cousin, Mrs. George
, A. Lee.
August Hodes, of Corvallis, brother
of Carl Hodes, is in this city to as
sist in the search for his brother
who mysteriously disappeared a week
ago from his home.
Miss Hazel Francis was a member
of a theatre party which witnessed
David Warfield in "The Return of
Peter Grimm" the the Heilig Thurs
day evening.
C. E. Spence, State Grange Master,
4 is in Salem attending the legislature.
Mr. Spence will probably be at Sa
lem during the remainder of-the session.
Raymond Caufield and Bothwell
Avison will leave Saturday evening
for Washougal, Wash., where they
will spend several days with Mr. and
Mrs. William Woods. Mrs. Woods
was formerly Miss Clara Caufield.
Rex Stubbs and William Vaughn,
both of Molalla, were in Oregon City
on a business trip the middle of the
David Hawkins, of Portland, was
in Oregon City on a business trip
H. E. Dover, of the Orego Hotel,
Portland, was in Oregon City on a
business trip Friday.
C. A. Masters is in Oregon City on
a business trip and will remain sev
eral days.
E. E. Brodie has returned from a
several days' trip to Salem, where he
visited friends as well as attending
the Legislature. j
B. H. Grant, of Portland, was in
Oregon City 'on Friday transacting
L. H. Kirchem, a prominent resi
dent of Logan, is passing a few days
at the Electric Hotel in this city.
Grant Mumpower, a prominent
farmer of Stone, is registered at the
Electric Hotel.
F. C. Perry, of Molalla, was in Ore
gon C y Thursday.
Mrs. Rudolph Koerner and her
daughter, Mrs. Myron Myers, former
ly Miss Clara Koerner, both of -whom
formerly lived in this city, but are
now living in Portland, were in Ore
gon City Friday visiting friends. Ac
compaying them was their cousin,
Charles Koerner, of Germany, who is
touring America and who will leave
for his native land by way of India
and Australia next week on the
Steamer "Cleveland1' from San Fran
cisco. Mrs. Ada Pearl, of Thornton, Wash.,
is a guest of her sister, Mrs. R. D.
Wilson. Mrs. Wilson, who has been
seriously ill, is convalescent. Mr.
Wilson also has recovered from a ser
ious attack of grip.
Good advice to women. If you want
a beautiful complexion, clear skin,
bright eyes, red lips, good health,
take Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea,
you will wonder at the results. 35c,
Tea or Tablets. Joes Drug Co.
Alice Downing, Joe Sheahan. and
Edward Busch will leave for The
Dalles -Saturday morning where they
will debate against The Dalles High
school in the evening.
E. L.White, of Centralia, Wash.,
was an Oregon City visitor Friday.
F. Mills, of Portland, is in town
on a business trip.
D. L. Wardon and wife are visitors
in this city during the end of the
week. .
Mrs. T. W. Sullivan is very ill with
the grip at her home on Tenth Street.
Tom Brown, the veteran fisherman,
has recovered from a serious illness.
""I)rT van Brakle, Osteopath, Mason
ic Building, Phone Main 399.
John Campbell and wife to Alma
Murdoch, land in section 4, township
3 south, range 1 west; $1,500.
Erik Jansson and wife to Hans P.
Anderson, land section 8, township 5
south, range 3 east; $825.
Harry A. La Bam and wife to Nor
man Elling, land section 2, township
4 south, range 5 east; $10.
E. G. Chaffer and wife to John R.
Newton, land sections 28, 29, 32 and
33, township 3 south, range 1 east;
TROVERSY Publication of Charge that Contract-
has . been Permitted to Use
Inferior Brick Creates "Sen
sation BREMERTON, Wash., January. 22,
1913. Bremerton, Wash, is the seat
of a bitter comiict over the question
of street improvements.
The courts may be asked to inves
tigate the claim that a faction of the
city council has permitted the con
tractor to use inferior material.
Speaking of the conflict, one Brem
erton paper comments editorially:
"Just how any body of men can im
agine that such tactics (imposing in
terior material) can be imposed upon
a free people is hard to determine."
The real solution would be it seems
that the use of some high class pav
ing, such as bitulithic, which is giv
ing uniform satisfaction elsewhere,
be specified and adhered to.
SALEM, Or., Jan. 24 Finding the
state without funds with which to
operate the penitentiary brickyard
because of the depletion of the re
volving fund by Governor West, the
House committee on public institu
tions last night decided on a bill to
appropriate $5000 for a fund to oper
ate it and to surround it with enough
safeguards so thattit impos
sible for any public official in the fu
ture to deplete the original fund, and
also to insure that all profits made
by the brickyard will be paid into the
f.H : U C4. 11..
swn .uiu, vvuvue ui me
taxpayers - The committee met last
mght with the members .of he---tate
board prunaniy. for , the purpose-of i
considering Sneaker McArliufs him
- - -- - ,, ' i
Vica consolidates all boad8. goverBN
ing state,' institutions, into, a -hoarA, ot
control. 'The -, bil' provides ' that:' the
merrtbers of the Board . shall be the
Governor, Secretary of State - and
State Treasurer, and places the state
penitentiary under the control of the
board. ,
The committee also discussed the
matter of operating the brickyard,
and then it developed that because of
the depletion of the revolving fund
by the Governor, there are no- avail
able funds to operate a brickyard.
The Govern or expended thousands of
dollars from this fund in erecting
buildings making Improvements about
the penitentiary. As a result it will
now ' be necessary for the state to
make an appropriation in order that
brick may be manufactured at the
penitentiary for the state institutions.
Representative Lewelling, chairman
of the committee, will introduce the
bill. , '
SHell Motor Spirit
A high grade gasoline at the standard price, makes your
engine start easy in cold weather, gives you high power and
more miles per gallon a shipment just received.
Owing to our contract with the Prestolite people we are
able to quote you the following prices on gas tanks:
Capacity Recharga
Size A, 70 hours $3 00
Size B, 40 hours 2 OO
Size E, 30 hours .... Sl-50
Size M, for motorcycle )0
A full stock of sizes always on hand.
We can furnish yau any size tire or tilbe that you require
from our stock on hand, also guarantee you Portland prices
on all accessories.
Pac. 390
There was a further lift of 15 cents
in hog values at the yards in Portland
Friday, three loads of best trade pork
ers being taken over by the packers
at $7.90, and the market at the ad
vance was reported firm in tone. For
the week to- date hog receipts have
been rather short for the average of
some time past, and this in the main
accounts for the improvement in the
market. v
In the sheep division as jwell the
drift of prices for the time is upward.
Well finished weathers sold Friday
afternoon ot $6.50, the best figure
paid for that kind of stock in the
Portland market in .months, and lambs
at the same time found buyers at
$7.75, the record for the season to
There were only a few loads of cat
tle in the market Friday and but lit
tle in the way of trade in that divis
ion was reported. A few fair to med
ium grade steers were disposed of
early in the day at $7 to $7.75, and 34
cows and heifers of various grades
were sold at prices running from
$4.50 $7. Fancy calves were in
good demand at $8.50 to $9.
Receipts for the day were 50 cattle
231 sheep and 589 hogs.
Shippers were W. H. Ross, Parma
and Nyssa, 2 cars of sheep and hogs;
T. H. Mcrelock, Joseph, 2 cars of
hogs; Beckstead Brothers, Downey,
Idaho, 1 car of cattle; Fred Matteer,
Condon, 1 car of cattle; C. King, Ar
co, Idaho, 1 car of hogs; G. W. Stev
enson, Arco, 1 car of hogs and W.
H. Rayer. Arco, 1 car of hogs.
Prevailing Oregon City prtees are aa
follows: .
HIDES (Buying) Green salted, 7c
to 8c: sheep pelts 75c to $1.50 each.
FEED (Selling) Shorts, $26; bran
$24; process barley $27 to $28 per ton.
FLOUR $4.50 to $5.
HAY (Buying), Clover at $9 and
$10; oat hay best $11 and $12; mix
ed $10 to $12; alfalfa $15 to $16.50;
Idaho timothy $21 and $22.
OATS $24.50 t0 $25.50; wheat 85;
oil meal selliing $42.00; Shay Brook
dairy feed $1.30 per hundred pounds.
Whple corn $30.
Livestock, Meats.
BEEF (Live weight) steers 7 and
8c; caws 6 and 7c bulls 4 to 12c.
MUTTON Sheep 4c to 5c; lambs
6 to 6 l-2c.
PORK 9 1-2 and 10c.
VEAL Calves 12c to 13c dressed,
according to grade.
WEINIES 15c lb; sausage, 15c lb.
POULTRY (buying) Hens 12c;
spring 13c and old roosters 8c.
APPLES 50c and $1.
DRIED FRUITS (Buying). Prunes
on basis 6 to 8 cents.
ONIONS $1.50 sack; tomatoes EOc;
corn 8c and 10c a doz.; cracked 40.
POTATOES About 35c to 45c f.
o. b. shipping points, per hundred.
Butter, Poultry, Eggs.
BUTTER (E lying), Ordinary coun
try butter 25c and 30c; fancy cream
ery 75c to 85c roll.
EGOS Oregon Ranch eggs 30c to
32c case count.
PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 24 A plea
that Confederate veterans be permit
ted to wear their old uniforms at the
50th anniversary celebration of the
battle of Gettysburg next July was
made last night by representatives
of the Southern States at a session
of the conference here with mem
bers of the state and congressional
commissions having the affair in
charge. It was stated that the var
ious camps of Confederate veterans
are overwhelmingly in favor of wear
ing their uniforms at the celebration.
No decision was reached on this point.
Representatives of 21 states are in
conference here with the members
" '
ot tae two commissions arranging
for the details of the celebration in
wMcn 4Oi0OO Union and confederate
veteian3 are expected, to- participate
General. Felix . RobertsonT Texas,
,- -- -.
said -.lest. night tnat "the Confederate
votoi-ati ".tai woc w.'wh itnifnrm
veteran stiil loves .-his 'old uniform
and ! often " wears nothing else and
would not-come to the-celebrati6ii If
uniforms are to be barred."
A New Discovery.
One of the sensations of the twen
tieth century is Meritol Rheumatism
Powders. A boon to every sufferer.
The best known remedy for rheuma
tism in all its forms. Ask those who
have tried it. Jones Drug Co.
A. S. Fuller, whose wife disappear
ed Wednesday morning, learned Fri
day that she is employed in the Ho
tel Zur Rhein Talz on Front and Mad
ison Streets, in Portland. She does
not wish to return home at the pres
ent time, but may do so in the future,
Mr. Fuller says. In the meantime
Mr. Fuller has arranged for the care
of his children.
Main Sts.
Home B 56
Important Bills Presented
In House and Senate
SALEM, Jan. 24., (Special.) The
following bill introduced by Repre
sentative Schuebel, has been passed:
A bill for an act to amend Section
2096 and repeal Sections 4671 and
4972 of Lord's Oregon Laws.
Be it enacted by the people of the
State of Oregon:
Be it enacted by the Legislative As
sembly of the State of Oregon:
Section 1. That Cec. 2096 of Lord's
Oregon Laws be amended to read as
Sec. 2506. Any person who shall be
guilty of an violent, riotous or disor
derly conduct, or who shall use any
profane, abusive, or obscene lan
gauge upon any grounds used or kept
as a watering place, or place of pub
lic resort outside of any incorporated
city or near or upon an public high
way, or who shall be guilty of such
violent, riotous or disorderly conduct
or use any profane, abusive or obsene
language in any house or building up
on sucn grounds, shall, upon convic
tion thereof before any justice of the
peace of the county, be punished by
fine not exceeding- fifty dollars ($50.)
Section 2. That Sections 4971 and
4972 of Lord's Oregon Laws are here
by repealed.
By Representative Schuebel
A bill for an act relating to li
censes for hunting and fishing in the
precinct where citizen resides, and re
pealig all acts and parts of acta in
conflict herewith.
Be it enacted by the people of the
State of Oregon: .
Be ie enacted by the Legislative As
sembly of the State of Oregon:
Section 1. No person in the State
of Oregon shall be required to have
any license to fish or hunt within the
bounds of the precinct wherein such
person resides. All licenses to hunt
or fish hereafter issued in the State
of Oregon shall state - the precinct
residence of such licenses.
Section 2. All acts in conflict with
this act only are hereby repealed.
By Representative Schuebel
A bill for an act to make every road
supervisor ex offlco a fire warden
within his district, and to provide the
conditions under which slashings and
timber cuttings may be burned, and
to repeal all acts and parts of acts in
conflct herewith:
Be enacted by the people of the
State of Oregon:
Section 1. That every road super
visor within the State of Oregon is
ex offlco a fire "warden and shall have
all the rights and powers and per
form all the duties of a regularly ap
pointed fire warden, within the bound
aries of his road district, as such
and defined by the general laws of
rights, powers and duties are provided
Oregon. Every such road, supervisor
is hereby authorized to issue and re
voke permits for burning slashings
choppings, wood lands and brush
lands between June lsj, and October
1st of each year, provided, that he
shall not issue any permits for any
such burning on any land on which
there is standing any dead tree or
snag more than twenty feet high.
Section 2. Every person to whom
such a permit is issued shall give at
least twenty-four hours notice to each
resident of adjoining lands, of the
time when he intends to set such fire
in accordance with his permit.
Section 3. All acts and parts of
acts in conflict herewith are hereby
'By Representative Gill
A bill for an act relating to per
mits to hunt or fish on premises of
another, providing penalities for vio
lations of this act and repealing all
acts or parts of acts in conflict here
with. Be it Enacted by the people of the
State of .Oregon:
Be it enacted by the Legislative As
sembly of the State of Oregon:
Section 1. It shall be unlawful for
any person in the State of Oregon to
hunt or fish upon the premises of an
other without the permission, in writ
ing, of the owner of said premises;
provided, permission shall not be re
quired to be granted by non-resident
whose premises are fenced.
Section 2. Any person violating
the provisions of this act shall, for
the first offense, be punished by a
fine of not less than twenty-five ($25)
nor more than one hundred ($100) or
by imprisonment in the county jail
not less xlian ten days (10 nor moje
than thirty "(30 ) days and for the sec
ond offense shall be fined not less
than fifty ($50) dollars nor more than
three. hundred ($300) or by imprison
ment in the county jail not' less than
twenty-five (25) days nor more than
one hundred (100) days.
Section 3. All acts of parts of acts
in conflict herewith are hereby re
pealed. By Senator Hoskins
A bill for an act to amend Section
2317 of Lord's Oregon Laws, and to
prohibit the hunting of said game
birds at any time with dog or dogs, or
for the owner of any dog or dogs to
suffer or permit the same to hunt
such game birds, and provide a penalty
Be it enacted by the people of the
State of Oregon:
Be it enacted by the Legislative As
sembly of the State of Oregon:
Section 1. That Section 2317 of
Lord's Oregon Laws be and the same
is hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 2317. It shall be unlawful
within the State of Oregon at any
time to trap, net or ensare, or attempt
to trap, net or ensare, any. of the wild
animals, wild fowls or game birds en
umerate in this act, or for any person
to at any time hunt, pursue, take, kill,
injure or destroy any Chinese (Tor
quatus) pheasants, grouse, native
pheasant, ruffed grouse, partridge or
quail with any dog or dogs, or for the
owner, or with or without knowledge
to sufler or permit the same to hunt,'
pursue, take, kill, injure or destroy
any such game birds, and any dog or
dogs found hunting, pursuing, taking,
killing, injuring or destroying any
such game birds is hereby declaredto
be and is public nuisance, and may
be seized, confiscated or killed. Any
person violating any of the provisions
of this act shall be punished as provid
ed in Section 2320 of Lord's Oregon
By Senator Wood
A bill for an act granting incorpor
ated cities and towns i the State of
Oregon exclusive control and jurisdic
tion over all county roads within their
declaring the same streets:
Be it enacted by the people of the
State of Oregon-
Section 1." The incorporated cities
and town sfotheSo etatfqnSfcCamrsh
and towns of the State of Oregon are
hereby granted exclusive control and
jurisdiction over over all county
roads within their respective corpor
ate limits, and the same are hereby
declared streets.
Are You Afficted With Piles?
This disease, whether acute or
chronic, is easily and rapidly over
come by using Meritol Pile Remedy.
Gives positive and permanent relief
when all others fail, and we heartily
' recommend it to any sufferer,
j Jones Drug Co- -
WASHINGTON, Jan. 24. Refuting
the contention that a group of 180
men in the world of finance, through
, interlocking directorates, control cor
i poration assets aggregating $25,000,
i 000,000, Henry P. Davison, partner of
J. Pierpont Morgan, today offered to
the House money trust investigating
committee a long'prepared statement,
calculated to controvert statistics
prepared by the committee's account-
i ants and put it into record, for the
I purpose of .showing such a condition,
i Davison offered his statement at the
I conclusion of his testimony and the
committee decided to deliberate wheth
j er to accept it. Davison thereupon
! gave out copies. The document re
view's the inferences drawn from the
committee's tables and says in part:
"No such control exists and no such'
deduction can be properly made from
these tables. Those who have made
such deductions have fallen into sev
eral obvious errors. They fail to ob
serve, first, that of he total number
of directorates in these particular
crporations this group represents
only about one-quarter; one second,
that, upon this assumption, those men
in order to exercise 'control' must
act and vote in every instance as a
unit, although they" come from differ
ent parts of the country and repre
sent diverse and frequently conflict-
! ing interests, that upon this assump
I tion, the directors outside of this
'group' must be mere dummies, with
no voice or opinion of their own, in
almst every instance, that this sum
of $25,000,000,000 is not actual cash or
i liquid assets, as susceptible of man
' ipulation or misuse by the directors,
i the fact, of course, being that the
I great bulk of this enormous sum is,
! and for many years has been, tied up
i in the form of rights of way, rails,
f ties, equipment, factories, plants,
j tools, manufactured goods and other
I forms of corporate property necessary
fr carrying on railroad and industrial
business in the country."
Meritol White Linament.
Should be in every home, as its
immediate aDDlication to cuts, bruises.
I sprains and wounds gives instant re
i lief- It has no equal as a pain killer
I and healer. Jones Drug Company
BOISE, Idaho, Jan. 24. Ex-Governor
James H. Brady was elected
United tSates Senator by the Idaho
Legislature today. The deadlock was
broken on the thirty-first ballot. Two
Northern Idaho Democrats, who had
opposed Brady from the start, switch
ed to him and they were followed by
others. Explanations, of votes were
made by a number of the members,
all declaring that the desire to end
the deadlock so that the Legislature
could get down to business caused
them to abandon the fight.
Only one bailot was taken today.
When the election was announced a
committee was named to escort Brady
to the Hall of Representatives, where
he made an address and declared him
self a Progressive Republican.
Bitterness- was apparent on the. part
of some of the anti-Brady men. Rep
resentative -Dickinson v:. of; ' Bingham
County: iast his -vote foi-th ecolorec!
jaaftor -of ;the "state' -1101136," stating
that did so to-show his contempt
tOr the. proceedings. ; , .tf. -.-
.- - -:---
f Meritol Hair. Tonic keeps the scalp
in, a healthy" condition, prevents the
hair, from falling out, restores it to
its natural color . and used regularly
keeps the hair soft and fluffy.
Jones Drug Co.
' Invitations have been sent to a
number of Portland residents to a
hop to be given by the "Fold de Rol"
Club, recently organized by a number
of young men in this city. The hop
will be held at Busch's Hall on the
evening of January 31. The patron
esses will be Mesdames L. L Pick
ens, J. W. Cole, and John Lewta-
waite, Jr. The committee on arrange
ments is composed of Irene Hanney,
Joseph Hedges, Ada Mass, Kent Wil
son, Lillian Tschirgi, Frederick v.
Legler, Laverne Fraken, Lorainne
Ostrom, Rose S. Justin, Thomas J.
Sinnott, Marion Pickens, Allie E.
Levitt, Arthur Farr, Gilbert Morris,
Charles Holmes, Lyle Gault- and A. -T.
Cook. Arrangements have been made
to have a car leave Oregon City for
Portland at 12:15 o'clock for the ben
efit of the Portland persons who at
Dr. J. W. Norris, health oflicer, said
Friday that a smallpox patient who
lived on the hill had been sent to
the Portland pesthouse- The afflict
ed man came to this city recently, and
Dr. Norris does not believe that there
will be any more cases of smallpox.
The annual stockholders' meeting
of the Clackamas County Fair Asso
ciation will be held in the Commer
cial Cl"b rooms 'at 1 o'clock on the
afternoon of February 1. Six direct
ors to serve lor the ensuing year will
be elected. Other important business
will be transacted.
Palmist and Clairvoyant
And Card Reader
The Goraians
Now Located at
524 Main St. Electric Annex Hotel
Where they may be consulted upon all affairs of life. Such
as business, love, marriages, changes, buying or selling prop
erty, investments, where and in what you will best succeed.
They will tell you who and when you will marry, what
your lucky days and months are.
Their Extraordinary Clairvoyant Power Combined with a su
perior knowledge of occult forces enables them to read your
life with unerring accuracy from infancy to old age.
All this and much more is told without asking a single
question, The have helped others, why not you?
Partake of these advantages freely and you will be spar
ed the saddest of all sad words, "It might have been."' Come
all you sick people.
Tells name, names of friends or enemies and exactly what
you called to know.
SPECIAL for one month only readings $1.00. Hrs. 9 A. M.
to 8 P. M. daily. . .
We want you to try one of these preparations on our recomen
dation upon our positive and absolute guarantee.
They are made for us; we know what each contains and we
know they have no superior. They are made by the
of which we are part owners, and we place the reputation of our
store-'behind them. If they were not right the very best to be
had we would not want you to try them.
Exclusive Agents In Oregon City
ft rite Ideas For Moving Picture Plays!
We Will Show You How
If you have ideas if you can THINK we will show you the
secrets of this fascinating new profession. Positively no experience
or literary excellence necessary. No "flowery language" is want
ed. The demand for photoplays is practically unlimited. The big
film manufacturers are "moving heaven and earth" in their at
tempts to get enough good plots to supply the ever increasing demand
They are offering ,?100 and more, for single scenarios, or written
Mdeas : -" ' V' ; -' ' .
. -JWe have received many letters 'from the- film manufacturers,.
urging us to send photoplays to them. We want, more-writer-! -and
we'll gladly teach you the' secrets of success. - ." . T
We are selling photoplays written by people who 'never "be-,, "; a
' fore wrote, a line for publication." -
Perhaps we can do the same for youIf you cir think of only
' ony1 good idea every week; and will write it as directed by us, and ;
it sells for only $25, & low figure, : " . t - . .
Don't hesitate. Don't argue. Write now and learn just what
this new profession may mean for you and your future.
1543 Broadway NEW YORK CITY
It you saw it in the Enterprise It's
WASHINGTON, Jan. 24. The in7
vinsible aeroplane is now a possibil
ity, owing to a new material discov
ered by Government aviation officials.
The material is like transparent cel
luloid and much like the backing now
used for photographic films. It is
non-inflammable, flexible and tough.
It can be made in sheets of any thick
ness and size, and the war department
has already ordered several -gallons
more of it for experimental purpos
es. It is one of the features of the
material that it comes by the gallon
rather than the square foot, and can
be molded into any form of plane-covering
without stretching the frame.
It has been tested for strength and
weight, and is both lighter and strong
er to the square foot than canvass.
It is as smooth as glass, so that the
element of friction, which is consid
erable in an aeroplane, is reduced to
a negligible factor.
Boost your city by boosting your
daily paper. The Enterprise should
be in every home.
Oregon City a Good Town.
Oregon City is a mighty good town,
worthy of the best of everything.
That's why we have joined the Amer
ican Drug and Press Association and
offer to our people the Meritol line
of preparations. - There is nothing
like these goods, guaranteed in every
way, without an equal, made by ex
perts. We want Oregon City people
to have the best there is, so we offer
you this line. Ask to see Meritol
goods. Jones Drug Co. .
White Ribbon Remedy
is an honest attempt, to aid
friends of drinking men to. rem
edy what is really a dreadful
evil. v"i ' " .-.
This remedy is
TASTELESS And may be given secretly.
Oregon City