crnnn the REPORTER I " T If ou sax You've beem TttYiNCr-ro ser a A f, professor. saA 1W5rtR(WE6o-meppeAu.g -me, caw goodV gisH VgvgwU "RAlE OUT OF N&Oft BOSS -FOR. AXEftBUT WVTtf TVMS ONEl- s- -JL- pgjij otH& WHo HOUOEO fggrzg Z- P KNOCK. ME. OUT WM lla-0f:- CAtHT "TALK H-LflQuEtSTLM ENOUCrH?-Vv&L.L. L50N X OVN AT I fH VN ilillP M A THOUSArAO YVORTS teg? PKi x'll teach Nbo HOW BY VSVCHouwcal-, j rwe, EXPt&- IEimin Vft M&mS Xn, W, OK Bwarrr SFr H f METHODS "TO CULTVATE.."TVte 'PERCEPTIVE EMOTION? OP THEu lir - mm UoNEWJpS vJSl 'rrVAl ' CWKWEHVtuifel ggp ss-, fl Xour. bo?5 crrx MORNING ENTERPRISE OREGON CITY, OREGON E. E. BRODIE, Editor and Publisher. "Entered as second-class matter Jan uary 9, lull, at the post office at Oregon City, Oregon, under the Act of March , 1879." TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. (".i Year hv mall MOO Six Months by mall , 150 j Four Months, by mail L.vv Per Veek, by carrier 10 CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Jan. 25 In . ArneriDr.n Hi ry. H-J7t (imrfc Kilward I'x-Uetl. I'onfeii erate soldier famous as the leader of the charge at Gettysburg. July :!. born at Norfolk. Vii : died is;.-! I'NMi Brigadier General .los'e;h Wheel er. I' S A retired, former lienten mil (.'eiieni! of the Confederate states, (lied horn 1NH7. I'M )7 Isabella Beerher Hooker, last of l He ehildreit of Iiev. Lyman Beech er.. died : horn IS'J'J. ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. (From noun today to noon tomorrow.) Sun sets 5:0!). rises 7:1G Evening stars: Venus, Saturn. Morning stars: Saturn, Jupiter. Mars. WIDOWS' PENSION The Enterprise BILL GOOD MEASURE is pleased that the bill, providing for widows' pension, In troduced by the Committee on Health and Public Morals of the House, at the request of Judge Webster was passed- We believe the ' measure will be of benefit to the counties and state, without an increase of taxes. The bill provides that every woman, who has one child or more under the age of six teen years and whose husband is either' dead or an inmate of some State institution, or by reason of physical or mental disease is wholly unable tc work, and whose support and the support of her child or child ren is dependent wholly or partly up on her labor, shall be entitled to the assistance as provided for in this act for the support of her child or child ren. Ten dollars a month is provided as a pension if the woman have one child and $7.50 for each said addi r tional children, the money to be paid by the county in which she lives un- r der the. supervision of, the Juvenile! uourt. ah jieuessa.iv saieguarus to iiJprveht fraudulent payment ,of the - - y - . ' ."the measure. , " . t-s;' .""""' " ' v ; we can conceive .of no higher mo- , .. , .tiye on the part of society-than that , , of cariig for indigent" widows and " their children so,.that the-, children '. may be kept with tneir mothers.- If a mother is totally unable to care for herself and children, support must come from some source and does un der present conditions. But it would be far better that the county provide : the money and have jurisdiction in its expenditure. The following sec tion of the act explans its object ad mirably: "It is the purpose and intention of this act to keep the children, to which it is applicable, together under the guidance and control of their mother, and that the mother shall make a home for the children; and if, in the judgment of the tribunal which is to administer this law as hereinafter provided, any mother of such child ren is improvident, careless or neg ligent in the expenditure of the mon ey received pursuant to this act, such tribunal may suggest that such Studious Foreigners Promise To Outstrip Our Schoolboys By N. C. SCHAEFFER, Superintendent of Education In Pennsylvania T the rate at which foreigners are coming to our shores that their children may have our country there is but , The American high school bov will continue to WAST?: HIS TIME upon FRATERNITY FUNCTIONS. SOCIAL PLEASURE and STUDENT ACTIVITIES, which merely aim at gratification of self, while foreign boys study with UNPRECE DENTED ZEAL at school and in the evenings at home. The out- s comejvill be that ten or twenty years hence the foreign born boy or boy born of foreign parentage will fill the places that might be oceu- ,pied hv hovs of American descent. cub Ideal small Poultry Farm fully equipped to care for 500 to 1000 chickens, Small dwell ing, house, laying house and scratching pen 16 x 45 with double floors. Brooding and incubator room 12 x 1G, concrete floor. Abutting on car line and only two minutes walk to station. Price $1500, $500 down, bal ance $10 per mo. Fine oppor tunity for person working in town and wanting rural home. DILLMAN & ROWLAND WEINHARD BUILDING. money shall be paid to some person, whom it shall designate, to be used for the support of such mother and children."- The death of' Mrs. Ann W. Jag gar, widow of the late Benjamin Jag gar, removes one of Clackamas Coun ty's mose prominent women Her's was a long and useful life and much of the success of her husband and j her sons was due to her help and ! guidance. She had lived in this coun- j ty since 1872, and it was here that I the foundation for the Jaggar fortune was made. Although past 82 years of age when she died, Mrs. Jaggar enjoyed good health until about two years ago and her mental faculties were retained until the last. A confederate $10 bill was passed I in a neighboring town last week. How ! long will it take some folks to learn that special stamps only will send a parcel through the mails. A farmer can go to his telephone and order a hot meal to be sent by rural delivery. The old dinner horn has done its part well, but is no longer indispensable. Most of the Great Lakes are more . than 1000 feet deep. The idea that i they can not spare the water needed ! for ship canals is fantastic. I Sidney Smith would never have de scribed his stopping place as twenty miles from a lemon if the parcel post had been known in his day. FORUM OFTHE PEOPLE1 K - - CORRECTION. -." .'' OREGWcrrY-anrlCEd- fiJW - .athe. Enterpnae.)-ln my com- mumcation lathis week's Enterprise - mentioned in Section 6, shall deter concernmg country schools, I find - mine that an aliowance under .this act iw-.ijiju5iciijun;ai eiruis wnicn con vey a different ifepression than I in tended. One error should read cor rected: "You will find more natural born intellect among country girls to nn tne positions required by women in the ity than you will find among ! an equal number of city girls." And f number Of City girls." And f another correction "The consolida tion of country schools, as it is call- ed, is the only plan etc. ROBERT GINTHER. Horse Drops Dead. A horse, which J. Perry, of Molalla, was driving, -dropped dead about three miles from this city Wednes day. BILL BECOMES LAW (Continued from page 1) today at 4 P. M., while a colored troop the benefit of the free schools of one possible outcome. MOKNINO ENTERPRISE SATURDAY, JAN. 25, 1913 The Boss' Emotions Were Expanded All Right came in and sang. They were cored three times by the Senate. The widows" Pension bill passed today is as follows: A bill for an act to provide for the assistance and support of women whose husbands are dead or are in mates of some Oregon State institu tion or who are physically or men- i tally unable to work and who have a child or children dependent for sup- ; port wholly or partially upon their labor. Be it enacted by the people of the ! state of Oregon: Section 1. Every woman, who has ' one or more children under the age ! of sixteen years and whose husband I is either dead or is an inmate of some Oregon State institution, or bj j reason of physical or mental disease is whollv unable to work, and whose I support and the support of whose I child or children is dependent wholly I or partly upon her labor, shall be en j titled to the assistance as provided ! for in this act for the support of her i self and of her child or children ' Section 2. Subject to subsequent j provisions of this act, every woman, i as provided by Section 1, who is her ! self, and all of whose children are wholly dependent upon her labor for support snali receive from the public moneys from the county in which she and her child or children reside the sum f ten dollars per month for one i child and if she have more than one residing with her, seven dollars and fifty cents per month for such addi tional children. Section 3. Subject to subsequent provisions of this act, every woman, as provided in Section 1, who is her self, and all of whose children are, partly dependent upon her labor for support shall receive from the pub lie moneys of the county in which she and her child or children shall reside, such a sum per mouin as, auueu to her other income (other than that derived from her labor), shall be equal to the amount which she would re ceive if she was subject to- the pro visions of Section two of this act. Sectin 4. The provision of this act shall not apply to any child which has property of its own sufficient for its support, nor to any child which , does not reside with its mother. I Section 5. It is the purpose and in , tention of this act to keep the child j ren, to which it is applicable, togeth er under the guidance and control of their mother, and . that the mother shall make a home for the children;, and if, in the judgment of the tribu: nal which is to administer this law as hereinafter provided, any mother of such children is improvident, care less or negligent in the expenditure of the money received pursuant to this act, such tribunal may diect that such money shall be paid to some person, whom it shall designate, to be used for the support of such moth er and children. " Section 6. The Juvenile Court in each county or whatever tribunal is charged by law with the disciiarge of i tue anues qigaca court, shall have fexclusive jurisdiction in carrying out : and administering the provisions of tt,)o nf " - ' - Sectl" 7. whenever the. trihnnal. shall be made, it. shall make an -order to that effect which order among other things, shall set out Jn" full the name of the "mother, her :place of res idence, .the names and ages of each of- the children, and thet amount al- lowed to each child, and upon presen (,k i, v, , tation of such order, the Cnnntv Court shall direct monthly warrants to be drawn therefor. Rod Oats! the brand I long have sought and mourned because I found it not." "Now John and the children . can have their favorite break fast dish again." SPECIAL NOTICE Alphabetical latter In every package of "Golden Rod" products. Save them till juu can spell "Golden Rod" and get a fine 2-plece Sinner Set. en- . t Eva Booth, Head Army in m 5 i ITT v ' ' I 1 - - & l 'i i, V H Xr "i: & .SUM X .-.I-.' .v if,- , 1 r i Photo by American Press Association. V.. , VA BOOTH, who is commander of the Salvatlou Army In America, daughter of the late General William Booth, was a pood angel ot the oor of New York city at Christmas time Under her supervision thousands of Christinas .dinner baskets were distributed to worthy families who otherwise would have gone without turkey and "all the tixin's." Many were the heart touching scenes as the poor people came forward for their gifts One aged womaD in particular begged the privilege of clasping Eva Booth's hands and muttered a prayer for her blessing. Section 8. For the purpose of car rying out the provisions of this act, '.lle-irioiiiiai, mentioned in Section -6. shall have the power to summon wit nesses and compel their attendance and p3y .them the sajpe as witnesses in- criminal" cases aire paidt : : - Section f 9.'- Whenever' any woman on whose account "any1" allowanca -shall' have been5 made, under-the pro vision's of this act, shall marry, suah allowance shall cease, and no allow ance" forany child shall continue af J ter such child shall have" reached taa age of sixteen years. " " - - ' Section 10. This act shall apply only to women who are residents of this state at the time this act ts pass ed or who were residents of the state at the' time of the occurance of the events which entitle them to the ben efits of this act as provided by Sec tion 1. Wants, For Sale, Etc Notices under these classified headings will be inserted at one cent a word, first insertion, half a cent additional inser tions. One inch card. (2 per month; half inch card, (4 lines). SI per month. Oash must accompany order unless one has ar. open account with the paper. No rlnancial responsibility for errors; where errors occur free corrected notice wlU be printed foi patron. Minimum charge 16c WANTED Female Help. GIRL WANTED Phone. Main 1501 GIRL wanted for general housework at Bridge Hotel, 110 Seventh Street. WANTED WANTED Light housework. Address Annie Bowers, Colton, Ore. FOR SALE COAL COAL The famous (King) coal from Utah, free delivery. Telephone your or der to A 56 or Main 14, Oregon City Ice Works, 12th and Main Streets. FOR SALE OR TRADE 3 organs ?20. $12.50, and $8.00, one farm wagoir-20, one single buggy $10.00, one Iowa Craem Separator, $30.00, good as new. Come and tell me what you have to exchange. J. H. ! Mattley, 1010 Seventh St., City. I : I Do you want a new cook stove or ; range? I have some good . ones to j sell cheap and 'will take your old , stoves as part payment. I , have some heaters that I am closing out i at reduced prices to make them a j bargain for you. J. H. Mattley, the ! Home Furnisher, 1010 Seventh St.,i of Salvation the United States . Sim NNr-" I 1- V. v ' V r j 5r 3 City. Party wishes to uu restaurant, room ing house or boarding house. In quire Enterprise Office. FOR SALE 30. tons -tf ' No. 1; clover hay . $8 00 per ton; fe o.-feS-ioat,laid-ihg. "Ctias." -Eilers, Route No--3,' Aurora, Ore. . " " WANTED--LIVESTOCK WANTED Cows fresh ; or coming ' fresh, soon, W. C. Berreth, 1480, Macadam Street. Portland, Oregon. ATTORNEYS PAUL C. FISCHER Attorney-at-law Deutscher Advokat Room 2 Beaver Bldg. MUSICAL VIOLIN - LESSONS Mr. Gustav Flechtner, from Liepzig,- Germany, is prepared to accept a limited num ber of pupils. Mr. Flechtner may also be engaged for solo work or ensemble work. Address for terms, etc., Gustave Flechtner, Oregon City EXCURSION RATES EXCURSION RATES Monogram, Guckenheimer, and Penn. Rye Whiskey, $1.00 per Full Quart Port Wine 25c per Qt. Buy your wines and liquors from us and Save Mon ey. Kentucky Liquor Co., Cor. 5th and Main Sts. MISCELLANEOUS. Rheumatism cured. I will gladly send any sufferer a Simple Herbal Re cipe that cures Rheumatism, also a Trial Treatment, all sent abso lutely free by one who was cured. Enclose a two cent stamp. W. H. Sutton, 2601 Orchard Ave., Los An geles, Calif. . It will pay you tc trade vith the Chi cago; Store, 505 Main Street, Ore gon City, for Clothing and Gent's Furnishings. We also do cleaning, pressing and repairing, at reason able prices. WOOD AND COAL. ORKGON CITY WOOD AND'FTjnEL CO.-F. M. Bluhm. Wood and coal deliverer to all parts of the cl'y 8AWTNG A SPECIALTY. Phonf Pacific 1371, Home --NOTJCES Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Ivy Henderson, Plaintiff, vs. D. W. Henderson, Defendant. In the name of the State of Ore gon you, D. W. Henderson, are here by commanded to appear and an swer the complaint filed against you herein on or before the 25 day of January, 1913, that being six weeks from the first publication of this summons and if you fail to ap pear and answer herein plaintiff will a'pply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint to which reference is hereby made, and which is a part hereof, towit, for a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between Plaintiff and Defendant, on the groijnds of de sertion and for such other relief as the Court may deem equitable. This summons is published by or der of the Honorable J. U. Campbell, Judge of the above entitled Court, dated December 13th. 1912,. which order directs that this Summons be published once a week for six weeks. Date of first publication, December 14, 3 912, and date of last publication is Januarv 25, 1913. T. B. McDEVITT. Attorney for Plaintiff, 267 Oak St., Portland, Oregon. Notice of Sale of Funding Bonds of Oregon City, Oregon. Sealed proposals will be received by the undersigned, Finance Commit tee of the City Council of Oregon City, Oregon, at the office of the Recorder of said City until Febru ary 12th, 1913, at 4 o'clock, P.-M., for the purchase of not less than par value and accrued interest of funding bonds of said .ity to the amount of Fifty Thousand, ($50, 000.) Dollars. Said Bonds will be issued in de nominations of Five Hundred ($500.) Dollars each and will bear date, Jan.l, 1913 and will mature in twen ty (20) years after said date and will bear interest at the rate of . five per cent per annum, payablc-semi-annually, said interest to be evidenced by coupons attached to said bonds, interest and prin ciple payable in United States .gold coin at the office of the Treas urer of Oregon City, at Oregon City, Oregon. . Each bid must be accompanied by a check epual to five per. cent (5 per cent) of the total amount of the bid, this check must be certi fied by some accredited.' bank en tirely separate from and indepen dent of the person or company sub mitting the proposal and must be payable to Oregon City or the Treasurer thereof without condi dit"iofii " !t shall be a guarantee of the fulfillment of the" bid submitted, should the bid b accepted by the undersigned " Finance Committee; and should the bidder ,Jail to com etErma-; of h isj "-bid, " if. accepted, the check-will be-forfeited to the said Oregon City, " and -payable to it absolutely. -'."T The. right to reject , any" and all bids is hereby reserved by the un dersigned committee and the Coun cil of Oregon City. By order of the Council of Oregon City, Oregon. F. J. MEYER, . R. L. HOLMAN, F. J. TOOZE, Finance Committee of the City Council of Oregon City, Oregon. Proposals for Improvement Bonds, Oregon City, Oregon. Sealed proposals will be received by the undersigned, Fininace Commit tee at the ofKce of the City Record er of said City, until February 12th, 1913, at 4 o'clock P. M.. for the sale of at not less than par value and accrued interest of improvement bonds of Oregon City, Oregon, as the same has been authorized to be issued, for the sum of $19,000.00. Said bonds will be issued in the following denominations: Thirty eight (38) for Five Hundred ($500. 00) dollars each. Said bonds are dated March 1st, 1913 and will ma ture in ten years after date and will bear-interest at the rate of six per centum per annum from date, your orders. H. l0 RESPONSIBILITY for-many of our misfortunes lies in our lack of forethought. We must look beyond tomorrow. It is a vital matter in these days of 'high cost' of living to save outof present earnings something lor the future. It is not the 3 per cent interest this bank pays on your deposit that is so im portant, but, to get into the habit of saving is of much greater importance. THE SANK OF OREGON CITY OLDSST BANK IN CLACKAMAS , COUNTY D. C. LATOURETTE, President. F. J. MEYER, Cashier,, THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OREGON CITY, OREGON CAPITAL $50,000.00 " Transacts a General Banking Business. Open from fi A. Ml. to 3 P. M By HO payable semi-annually, said interest to be evidenced by coupons attach ed to said bonds, interest and prin cipal payable in United States gold coin, at the office of the Treasurer - of Oregon City, at Oregon City, Ore gon. Oregon City reserves the right to take up and cancel said - bonds or any of them, upon pay ment of the face value thereof with accrued interest to "date at any semi-annual interest paying period, or after one year from the date .. thereof. Said bonds are to be issued in pursuance of an act of the Legisla ture of the State of Oregon known as "The Bonding Act"-as the same has been amended, and are issued for the improvement of streets and the construction of sewers in Ore gon City, Oregon, and snail not ex ceed 19,000.00, in the aggregate. Each bid must be accompanied by a check equal to five (5) per cent of the total amount of the bid,, this check must be certified by some accredited bank entirely sep arate from and independent of the person .or company submitting the proposal ad must be payable to Ore gon City or the Traesurer thereof without condition. It shall be a guarantee of the fulfillment of the bid submitted, should the bid be accepted by the undersigned Fi nance Committee; and should the bidder fail to comply with the terms of his bid if accepted, the check shall be forfeited to the said Ore gon City, and payable to it abso lutely. The right to reject and all bids is hereby reserved by the under signed committee and the Council of Oregon City. By order of the Council of Ore gon City, Oregon. F. J. MEYER, R. L. HOLMAN, F. J. TOOZE, Finance Committee of the City Coun cil of Oregon City, Oregon. Resolution and Notice for the Im provement of 13th Street, Ore gon City, Oregon.. WHEREAS, pursuant to an order of the City Council of Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, hereto fore made, the City Engineer of said city has submitted his report and filed in the office of the City Record er, plans and specifications for the improvement of Thirteenth Street, said city, from the east side of Monroe Street, to the west side of Jackson Street, and estimate of the work to be done thereon and the costs thereof, and WHEREAS such plans, specifica-' tions and estimates are satisfactory to the City Council of said Oregon City, Oregon, therefore, the said plans, specifications and estimatea are hereby approved, and BE IT RESOLVED that it is the purpose and intention of the City Council of "Oregon City, to make the -said improvement, being de scribed as follows, to-wit: The streets shall be brought to- a subgrade, 9 inches at the .crown. -and 6 inches "-at' the gotten below -RPduarsUe!.;ith,th.ei tpp$S the finfsneij pavement . ... ---"T--. On the roafc tcd; Macadam sliall be placed to the depth, of not less than 10- inches at the center Of the ' street nor less than 7 inches at thei curb. ' N . ;' - All curbing shall be concrete un less otherwise ordered by the En gineer and shall be 6 inches in width at the top and 8 inches in width at the base, and 18 inches in depth. ' Sidewalks shall be placed on each side of the streets, adjoining the property line and shall be construct ed of concrete, unless hereafter otherwise ordered, and shall be 6 feet wide with a raise of 1-2 inch to 1 foot from the curb. Plank walks shall be built in accordance . with the general standard, plans and specifications heretobefore, aaoptea ana approved nereDy. Said streets sholl be propertv provided with drains and catch ba sins, necessary to preserve the. grades and to provide for property drainage of the said street. All parking shall be filled with, earth to a depth of one foot. The City Recorder is hereby di rected to cause this resolution and notice to be published as by char-, er provided. L. STIPP, Recorder.